Chapter 641 Promise (4K)

Lillie was no stranger to the group that lurked outside Su Yuan's villa, attacked Lillie, and snatched little Nebula.

Once on the "Island of Coconut Egg Trees", she had seen people wearing the same uniform.

As for Zaobo who hypnotized her later, Lillie had known him since she was very young.

"The "Skeleton Team" that illegally robs other people's Pokémon is related to the Aether Foundation? " Lillie came to this conclusion with difficulty.

The original purpose of the "Aether Foundation" co-founded by Father and Mother was to rescue and protect injured wild Pokémon.

Now he has a relationship with the "Skeleton Team" who illegally steals other people's Pokémon.

"Mother, you shouldn't know about this, right?" Lillie bit her lip lightly.

Since my father disappeared, my mother's temperament has become withdrawn, and her attitude towards herself and my brother has gradually become colder.

Lusamine, with her own wishful thinking, planned out the rest of her son and daughter's lives.

In my childhood memories, when I lived in the Ether House, the "Ether Foundation" jointly established by my father and my mother should not be like this!
"I won't agree!" Lillie put her left hand on her chest and said firmly, "If Mother, I really went on the wrong path, then I"

Mother's cold face flashed through my mind.

Liliide frowned slightly, struggle flashed in her eyes, and then she suddenly became determined.

It is also one of the responsibilities of children to pull parents who have gone astray from the abyss!

"Mother!" Lillie said in her heart: "Lilia now wants to be the child that you and your father said before, who can be independent."

When you encounter difficulties, don't cry. Take courage. Lillie's words will definitely make it happen.

This is the encouragement my father used to say.

Cell phones that had no signal before have now restored communication functions.

Lillie dialed the mobile phone number, and Guzma's heart was read through the super power of perception before.

"Zhaobo and Guzma want to use the small nebula to open a passage to the ultimate space on the Sun Altar!"

When I think of the little Nebula imprisoned by the device, I feel so scared and helpless at this moment.

Lillie felt a pain in her heart and still wanted to cry. She wanted to say sorry to little Nebula for not protecting it properly.

"But I can't bear it any longer. At least it's not the time to cry yet."

Tears should wait until after rescuing Little Nebula.

You can't cry yet.

The beep sounds when dialing.

Lillie looked at the connection between the sea and the sky. The clouds stacked up, vaguely resembling the Grand Canyon of Pawnee.

"Little Nebula, please wait for us."

Mom and Dad will definitely find a way to rescue you from the bad guys!

At 43:[-] p.m.

At the top of Mount Lanakila, after making an extra trip to the "Pokémon Center" and receiving the "Ultimate Ball" from the "Space Research Institute", the owner of Merdan Island finally reached the top of the mountain.

The Explosive Muscle Mosquito was still in a coma, and the other conscious Philomenia was humiliatingly tied up by the vines, with its cheeks stained with dust and its blue-purple eyes empty and lifeless.

Su Yuan sat boredly on the edge of the pit that had been dented by the previous battle. The broken tree was chopped into small pieces and piled up in the pit to burn.

Baby Longba blinked and looked at the roasted tree fruits on the shelf, and a small puddle of water formed on the ground.

Muke Ying didn't care so much, he directly picked up a pomelo fruit and swallowed it in one gulp.

The hair on the top of Flaming Ace's head fluttered with sparks, and his hands moved swiftly, turning over the bunches of fruit.

The flame ace of the fire element, has the talent to become a barbecue chef.

Glutton's craftsmanship is usually very good.

"." Su Yuan stared at the baby dragon for a while, shook his head and said, "There are always exceptions!"

Picking up a bunch of roasted tree fruits, Su Yuan was about to take a bite when the Philo Mantis lying on the ground next to him became increasingly miserable.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Yuan handed the fruit skewer to Philomena's mouth, "Want to eat?"

Philo Mei Mantis, who was lying on the ground, seemed to be provoked by Su Yuan, his eyes ignited with flames.

Even if I jump from here, I will not take a bite of your tree fruit!
Suddenly he twitched his nose, and an alluring aroma entered his nasal cavity, stirring up his tense nerves.

Philomeni's expression hesitated for a moment, and he flexibly adjusted his bottom line in his mind.

He, he probably means well, so just take a small bite.

Subconsciously, he ignored that the reason why he was like this was because of the man in front of him.

After roasting, the fruit may lose some of its crispness, but it will further bring out the original flavor.

Philomeni took a bite of the roasted fruit. The milky white skin was already a little red due to the flames. After entering the fruit, the movement stopped immediately.

The redness first spread to the cheeks, then the entire head, and finally the membrane on the back of the head turned red.

Philomei hissed and breathed in the air-conditioning: spicy, spicy, so spicy, so spicy, so spicy! !

Su Yuan had a clear look on his face, looked at the Flaming Ace who was roasting the fruit, and the greedy and drooling baby dragon, and thought to himself: "This fruit is indeed a silique!"

The commonly-spiced tree fruit "Flower Fruit" has an official spiciness level of only 15 points, which is already intolerable to most Pokémon.

"Stork Berry" doubles the value of "Flower Fruit" to an astonishing 30 points!
Not to mention that after grilling, the spiciness will be even higher!
Su Yuan recalled a peaceful face in his mind.

Fortunately, during this period of time, with the help of Bai Xin'er, he had gained a lot of knowledge about tree fruits and memorized the fruits that were not usually used in battles. Otherwise, he would have really fallen for the Flaming Ace!

BBQ green peppers and colored peppers are acceptable.

BBQ Chili, what a cult is that! ?

"I don't know how the baby dragon will react after eating the fruit?" Su Yuan thought with some evil humor.

Suddenly, the sign in his hand moved.

While enjoying the heat, Philomena devoured the roasted siliques.

Su Yuan had a question mark above his head: "Is this thing really so delicious??"

It happened that at this time, I saw the owner of Merdan Island who had climbed to the top.

Su Yuan struggled inwardly, but decided not to invite the owner of Modan Island, but to eat roasted siliques instead.

The atmosphere on the top of the mountain was different from what Modan expected.

Even this young trainer still has some spare time to invite the ultimate beast Cha to have a barbecue.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Modan looked stern and scratched the back of his head, "Today's young people are getting more and more scary."

He obviously came to provide support, but in the end he became a staff member in the aftermath.

Merdan picked up an "Ultimate Ball" donated by the "Space Research Institute" and supported by the "Aether Foundation", and first put the unconscious Explosive Muscle Mosquito into the ball.

The channel for repatriation to the "Ultimate Space" has been closed. How to deal with the ultimate beasts staying in Alola is also a difficult problem.

The ultimate ball produced by the "Ether Foundation" can gather the ultimate beasts, which solves a problem for them.

After all, few trainers can successfully establish bonds with these Pokémon from other worlds.

Merdan fastened the protective device of the ultimate ball to prevent the comatose Explosion Mosquito from releasing the ball on its own after waking up.

After dealing with the Explosive Mosquito, the owner of Modan Island wanted to hand over another ultimate ball to Su Yuan.

Based on what he had seen before, it would be more appropriate to hand over the Philo Mantis to Su Yuan.

"Dududu——" The owner of Modan Island was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by the ringtone of an incoming phone call.

Su Yuan picked up the phone, made an embarrassed expression at the owner of Modan Island, and answered the call.

Then, the leisurely look on Su Yuan's face one second turned into a look of astonishment, and then a serious look on his face.

Mo Dan saw unprecedented severity in Su Yuan's black and white eyes! ?
Su Yuan took a long breath like a deep breath, quickly cleared his mind, and repeated Lillie's words before: "You were ambushed by the Skeleton Team and Zaobo on your way back?"

Lillie: "Yes!"

Su Yuan: "Nebula was taken away by the opponent, and Zhaobo and the Skeleton Team were sent to prepare to go to the Sun Altar immediately to open the "Ultimate Cave"? "

Lillie: "Yes!"

Su Yuan was silent for a few seconds, moved his phone slightly, and whispered in a voice that he could only hear: "This joke is a little too big!"

This morning, the inexplicable premonition that emerged from the bottom of my heart turned into reality as quickly as possible.

Su Yuan's expression was complicated.

This can't be said to be a flash of inspiration, right?
This is clearly predicting the future!
"I would rather not predict the future like this!" Su Yuan's mouth twitched.

Using the energy of "Star Child" Cosmog as the key, a passage to the "Ultimate Space" was opened on the Sun Altar.

If Su Yuan dares to give a 90.00% guarantee, he will definitely attract the "God of Glory" who only knows how to swallow light and has completely lost his mind!
Or Necrozma in the form of "Wings of Dawn"! ! !

This morning, the sand model that Little Nebula built for herself and Lillie on the beach was still vivid in her mind.

His mood was all kinds of complicated. Even Su Yuan, who was usually a bit nervous, had a sore nose.

However, compared to the relatively emotional Lillie, Su Yuan still forced himself to be rational at this moment.

"You have to prepare for the worst!"

That is, preparations to fight and defeat Necrozma, the "Great God of Glory"!
The rampaging "God of Glory" affects not only Alola, but the whole world!
Su Yuan covered the voice input port of her phone, coughed twice, and tried her best to keep her voice from sounding bitter, and then continued: "Anyway, just leave the task of rescuing little Nebula to me, Lillie."

"I'm fine." Lillie said, "Su Yuan, you don't have to worry about me. The most important thing now is to think about how to rescue little Nebula."

Although Lillie's voice could still hear a little bit of crying, her tone was very strong.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, replied with a "hmm", and continued: "I always feel that you are a little different now."

Lillie pursed her lips: "I always have to grow up."

Su Yuan remained silent. After a few seconds, he said hesitantly: "Actually, if you want to cry, just cry. I have everything."

The twitching sound of the nose can be clearly heard.

"Tears can't be shed until it's over. You can't cry now."

Lillie shook her head and said: "However, after this is over, you, you must, let me cry properly."

"Then we have an agreement." Su Yuan said: "I will rescue little Nebula, and then let you cry well."

Another island, same sky.

Lillie hung up the phone and pursed her lips.

I had just promised not to cry, but after the agreement, I still couldn't help but shed tears.

Su Yuan is still the same as before.
"Obviously, this will only make me like you more." Lillie wiped her tears and suddenly gave up on herself: "Forget it, I guess it will be difficult for me to like other people anyway."

So, it doesn’t matter if I like you more, right?
The carefree servant who accidentally used his ability had a stiff expression and strange eyes.

"No, no." Lillie shook her head: "Now is not the time to think about this!"

The wooden box in the steward's hand contains a flute decorated with "sun".

This actually reminded Lillie that she had such a similar flute in her own home (Su Yuan's home).

However, the decoration on it is not a "sun", but a "moon", and the color of the flute is also different.

It is the tool "Moon Flute" that Lunala, the "Beast that Attracts the Moon", gave to the Su Mo couple.

A month or two ago, Su Yuan took Lillie to the "Island of Coconut Egg Trees" to search for the "Flute of the Sun and the Moon".

It is said that if the "Flute of the Sun" and the "Flute of the Moon" are played at the same time with a special melody at the Altar of the Sun, the "child of the star", also known as Little Nebula, will awaken to the true power.

Lillie held tightly the item that looked like the "Flute of the Sun" in her hand.

"We must deliver the "Flute of the Sun" and "Flute of the Moon" to Su Yuan! "

However - Poni Island, where the Sun Wheel Altar is located, is separated from Melemele Island by a vast sea.

Just when Lillie was worrying about how to reach Poni Island.

On the shore, little Laplace, who secretly left the group and ran from the waters of Poni Island to the waters of Melemele Island, recognized Lillie's appearance.

"Lalu~" Little Lapras raised his neck and spit out the water gun as if to say hello.

Behind him, Laplace, who was secretly following his child, sighed helplessly.

This child is still so unwary.

The handsome Laplace poked his head out from the shadows and saw the human woman standing on the shore. He could feel her kindness from those flawless eyes.

"If it's her, she should be able to relax."

This one in his family doesn't like to stay in the group and often sneaks out to play alone.

Compared to other members of the group, his own children seem to be more interested in humans.

For a moment, Laplace wanted to entrust his child to the human in front of him.

"Observe more." Laplace swam gracefully, came behind Little Laplace, and pushed the back of Little Laplace's neck reproachfully.

"Lalu~" Laplace moaned melodiously and nodded slightly to Lillie.

Lillie's eyes lit up.

She once served as a doctor's assistant and helped Sumo and Dr. Kukui record Laplace's information.

Before Laplace had an official name, it was often called "Chenglong" by people living by the sea.

They are kind-hearted and will rescue people in distress. They also like to carry humans on the sea. Even Alola now often rides Lapras to other islands.

"Laplace—" Lillie's heart was beating loudly. She remembered her father's encouragement and looked at Laplace: "Can you carry me to Poni Island?"

Crossing her hands in front of her, Lillie bowed deeply: "Please!!"

Lapras tilted his head in confusion. Even though he was born with high intelligence, he had never met a human being who would bow to a Pokémon after living for so long.

Maybe it was because he noticed Lillie's difficulties, or maybe it was because of Lillie's sincere attitude.

Little Laplace rubbed his mother's neck anxiously.

Laplace raised his head and sang, turned around, turned to look at Lillie, and shook his head as if to get in the car.

The escort put on his glasses again, stood behind Lillie, and climbed onto Laplace's back together.

It is true that Laplace is kind-hearted and close to humans.

However, no matter how close the wild Pokémon are to the human race, they will not agree to human requests so directly.

If Love Guanshi saw "courage", "responsibility" and "gentleness" in Su Yuan, then what it saw in Lillie was "kindness", "sincerity" and "strength".

these two people
The carefree waiter's face softened slightly, and he thought unconsciously in his mind.

They really are a perfect match!

(End of this chapter)

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