This Pokémon Trainer is too strong

Chapter 544 Ruby and Sofia, decisive battle with Necrozma’s puzzle piece!

Chapter 544 Ruby and Sofia, decisive battle with Necrozma’s puzzle piece!
March NO.14, Monday.

After a week, the urban area of ​​Hauale City has been almost rebuilt.

With the help of the Pokémon in the hands of the King of the Island and the people who spontaneously joined the team to rebuild their homes, except for the completely sunken port area, the residents of Hauale City have basically returned to normal life.

"Fortunately, the battlefield between Necrozma and Lunayala is in the port area." Inside the steel-armored crow taxi, Su Yuan looked down at the new city.

If it suddenly appears in a business district, or in the city center, with tall buildings and dense crowds of people at night, once a battle breaks out, there will probably be a lot of casualties.

Although there are many injured people now, there is no clear death record, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Lillie sat opposite Su Yuan, her eyes looking towards the former port area and the sparkling sea.

The little nebula in his arms was not as active as usual and looked a little wilted.

They had already learned from Su Yuan the true identity of Lunayara who was fighting Necrozma, including the fact that she was the real parent of Little Nebula.

Gently stroking little Nebula's head, Lillie couldn't tell what kind of emotions were lingering in her heart.

The pain of losing a loved one.
Lillie's beautiful green eyes dimmed. She remembered that her father used to put her on his shoulders, and she would hug her father's head tightly because of fear.

At that time, his father would always laugh and hold him in his arms, while his mother would sit quietly aside and look at him tenderly.

I miss my dad a little bit.

There was sadness in Lillie's eyes, and little Nebula's expression showed pain.

Little Nebula is born with a strong ability to sense bonds.

Before it was born, when it had its own consciousness, the first people it came into contact with were its father and mother, namely Su Yuan and Lillie.

As for what his father said, his real mother——Lunaiyala.
Should you feel sad after losing it?

Little Nebula was helpless, subconsciously sensing the sadness in Lillie's heart.

And then in the next second——

Xiao Xingyun suddenly felt his body light up and moved from Lillie's arms to Su Yuan's arms.

Lillie's long eyelashes trembled, her eyes subconsciously met Su Yuan's, and the sadness in her heart eased slightly.

"Su Yuan."


"Can Xiao Xingyun's mother come back?"

She didn't want little Nebula to experience the pain of losing a loved one.

The scenery outside the taxi kept passing by, the buildings on the ground gradually enlarged in the field of vision, and the feeling of weightlessness when falling came.

Su Yuan's voice was gentle with a bit of solemnity, and his eyes were serious as he said: "Don't underestimate the power of legendary Pokémon."

The reason why the legendary Pokémon can become a myth and be hailed as a god is not unrelated to the power it possesses that can be called a "natural disaster" and the level of life that surpasses ordinary Pokémon.

Even if it's a man-made legend, Mewtwo's life level is far from what ordinary Pokémon can match, with a few counterattacks from time to time.

Their power is innate, and they are born to stand at the top of all Pokémon!
"Even if Lunayala is not a match for Necrozma, the "Great God of Light", it is impossible for Necrozma to completely capture Lunayala's light in a short period of time. "

Although the special comic is not an official setting, it still has certain reference value.

In the Pokémon Special, Necrozma transformed into the "Twilight Mane" form after merging and absorbing Solgaleo, and returned to the top of the tower in Ultimate Metropolis to concentrate on absorbing the light from Solgaleo's body.

However, it took Necrozma about six months to barely absorb the light in Solgaleo's body, and took the initiative to remove the "Mane of Dusk" and return to his normal pitch-black armor posture.

Of course, Su Yuan would not let Necrozma drain Lunayala's light.

To completely resolve Alola's crisis, simply defeating Necrozma is not enough.

Unless Necrozma is completely sealed or restored to his original form, the true "God of Glory" who once gave his light to Alola in ancient times! !

Necrozma was kind to Alola, and whether it was emotional or rational, Su Yuan preferred the second method.

Originally, Su Yuan wasn't sure enough, but then he thought about Jigeld who had been living in his yard for some time.

No matter how uncertain things are, I feel a little more confident.

I will attack in Gundam form! !

Zygarde in 100% form can compete with Necrozma who has restored his true appearance.

Even if there is a high probability that he will lose to the complete glorious god in the end.

But if you are just facing an out-of-control prism beast, it is not difficult to suppress it.

In the conversation with Ruby yesterday, Su Yuan also got Ruby's promise as he wished. When the situation is urgent, it is willing to issue a group command to fight Necrozma together.

Ruby: But I alone won’t be able to restore it to its full glory.

As the ecological check and balancer, if Zygarde wants to exert its full power, at least two core cells must jointly issue the swarm command.

Su Yuan also knew this, so now he had the additional task of finding another core cell body.

Ruby did not forget to remind: But the other core cell is different from me. It is a guy who hates humans. It is not easy to gain its trust. "Arrogant Sophia." Su Yuan hammered his palm and said suddenly: "It's quite reasonable!"

Ruby: Sophia?
Su Yuan explained seriously: "Ruby is a ruby, and its counterpart is the sapphire 'Sofia' (Safia). "

Placed in Two-dimensional, it appears in the adorable appearance of Two-dimensional's tsundere blue-haired figure!
The scene in front of him changed, and Lillie in front of him was still a little uneasy.

"Just leave it to me and Xingyun."

Su Yuan smiled gently and said in a tone that did not allow for criticism, "Necrozma and I also have an account to settle."

Necrozma owes a debt of gratitude to the Alola region. It caused his parents to disappear for such a long time. This debt cannot be settled like this!
Cough cough! !
If he waited until Necrozma returned to his full glory and tried to settle accounts, Su Yuan would probably have no chance.

A gentleman "takes revenge" and seizes the day! !
Su Chao holds a grudge! !

However, in order to restore Necrozma to her glorious form, the power of Lunala and Solgaleo is necessary, which can be regarded as the final piece of the puzzle in the decisive battle against Necrozma!
The next time we face Necrozma, we not only need to find a way to remove Necrozma from the "Wings of Dawn" form, but we also need to successfully evolve Nebula into Solgaleo.

The evolution of Little Nebula is actually somewhat similar to that of most insect systems. It is a process of accumulating strength, transforming into a cocoon, and finally becoming a butterfly.

For example, the evolutionary process in the game plot and animation can undoubtedly be regarded as external interference, forcing the small Nebula, which has insufficient power accumulation, to become a cocoon, which is a typical example of destroying a child's potential.

Little Nebula's nebula eyes flashed with confused colors.

Ignorant children will eventually grow up.

Su Yuan gave it an encouraging look, "Join me and try to save your biological mother!"

Feeling Su Yuan's emotions, Cosmogu's eyes gradually turned serious and firm from being dodgy and not daring to look directly at him at the beginning.

"Dad is right!"

Little Nebula secretly made up her mind, although she still didn't know how to face her biological mother whom she had never met before.

However, Xiao Xingyun secretly simulated the scene in her mind of her father and mother being held hostage by bad guys.

His eyes were filled with flames.

"Wowowowowo should also learn to work hard to protect mother!"

When you go back, you must practice swinging your sword!

In the dark ball, the single sword scabbard, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly shivered.


Little Nebula clenched her fists cutely and swore, "Even if I have my biological mother, I will never abandon my parents~"

Little Nebula: Hehehe~
The taxi landed smoothly, and the worry in Lillie's eyes only increased.

Do you want Little Nebula to face Necrozma?

No matter how much Lillie believed in Su Yuan, she would inevitably have some random thoughts for a while.

It's like raising a child for many years and suddenly telling him that he wants to go on a long trip.

Belonging is human nature and understandable.

The way to stop Lillie from thinking wildly is actually very simple.

Su Yuan hesitated again and again, and said tentatively: "If you're still not at ease, then I'll let you hug me...?"

According to rumors on the Internet, the warmth when people hug each other can dispel all uneasiness and fear.

I don't know if it's true or not.

"Hmm?" Lillie replied subconsciously, then she paused and her cheeks turned crimson.

Su Yuan: "??"

I just said it casually, do you really agree?

"But, I can guarantee it."

Su Yuan coughed twice, his expression more serious than ever before, "After fighting Necrozma, I will definitely come back safely!"

After all, the stories he liked always ended with a happy ending.


Lillie hummed lightly, but still mustered up her courage and whispered: "Does what I just said still count?"


Su Yuan's face froze, and he got out of the car as if running away, leaving sounds in the air.

"Next time definitely!"

 A bit of a mess ()

(End of this chapter)

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