This Pokémon Trainer is too strong

Chapter 482 Hello, are you there?

Chapter 482 "Hey, are you there?"

After continuing to chat with the group for a while, Su Yuan threw aside the somewhat inappropriate "defeat CG" in his mind.

He has serious business to do today, and he can't waste time on this thing.

Putting the mobile phone on the table, Su Yuan looked through the glass door of the hall to the battlefield in the courtyard.

The early morning sunshine passed through the flowing clouds, and its faint light fell on the orchid mantis.

The wings of the leaves behind the orchid mantis vibrate, wearing miracle seeds.

Under photosynthesis, the state of the orchid mantis gradually reaches perfection.

In the center of the field, Gardevoir's body was covered with blue-white spiritual power, his eyes tightly closed.

A long period of "meditation" is enough for Gardevoir to accumulate enough strength.

Whether it is "Magic Space" or "Sunny Day", it can last for a long time.

The curled aqua blue hair, the clay of light floating quietly on Gardevoir's forehead.

Orange-red flames flew around the courtyard. The Flame Ace suddenly stopped sideways, rubbing the soles of his feet against the ground, then suddenly exerted force and leaped high into the sky.

The hair on the body swayed, and occasionally a flash of purple light flashed, and the power of life rippled.

After evolving into the Flame Ace, his jumping power increased explosively, allowing him to fully acquire the "bounce" that he was already on the verge of acquiring.

While he has rich attack methods, he is also very good at changing his moves.

Today's Flaming Ace has no other shortcomings except that it can't fly like Groudon.

It is a well-deserved "Flash Ace"! !

The orchid mantises are all in excellent condition at the moment.

Su Yuan nodded slightly and looked down at the master ball hanging on his chest.

It’s almost time to have a good chat with Zhi Yujian!

Su Yuan's eyes flashed, he stood up, called the scabbard of his single sword, and walked towards the courtyard outside.

Nowadays, the single scabbard is quite rare and does not show any sign of a lazy dog, quietly burning with fighting spirit.

It's definitely not because it just woke up.

It can sleep for at least 48 hours straight if it wants to!
In this regard, the Single Sword Scabbard is quite confident.

The reason why it is full of fighting spirit is actually very simple.

The blue eye with the single scabbard stared at Su Yuan's back, gradually becoming serious.

Because he said that he needs his own strength!

What? In this case, I simply can’t refuse.

Du Sword Sheath caught up with Su Yuan and stood side by side with him.

After thinking about it, it has been a while since I was subdued by him.

I usually have less time to be a lazy dog ​​than before, but I still live a pretty happy life.

Moreover, during this period of time, this human trainer did not force himself to train every day.

Even though he was what they called a "wild Pokémon" before, he still knew some basic common sense.

Compared with the amount of Pokémon in the hands of other trainers, his current training volume is almost the same as none.

Even if it is training, the content of the training is also defensive moves that it is quite willing to practice.

The test of Pawnee Grand Canyon, which seems to be a bit rough to throw yourself out, resisting damage.

In fact, it is also communicated with myself, and only after my consent.

He chose to respect my own wishes instead of treating me as a tool for glory.

After spending this time together, Du Jian Sheath understood this.

That being the case—

The sharp sword blade trembled slightly in its sheath.

A blue strip of cloth like a sword wrapped around Su Yuan's arm.

Since now you need my strength.
Then I will do as you wish!
Trainer! !

The aura of Du Sword Scabbard surged, and the heavy sword intention made Su Yuan look slightly sideways.

After a pause in walking forward, Su Yuan once again confirmed the characteristics of the single sword scabbard.

“It’s true that it’s ‘no defense’. "

Su Yuan murmured: "But I always feel that the current appearance of the single sword scabbard is almost the same as the paper sword that triggered the "Alien Beast Enhancement"? "

Is it an illusion?

Dig Gala Naiyi (I don’t quite understand).

Since you can't figure it out, then simply don't think about it.

The stronger the ability shown by the single scabbard, the greater the logic on my side will be when facing the paper sword later!
Walking to the center of the battle field, Su Yuan manually activated the protective shield around the battle field.

A light green protective barrier enveloped Su Yuan, Orchid Mantis, Gardevoir and other Pokémon.

The strength of the barrier is not inferior to the barriers used in ordinary games, but it is even stronger.Regardless of whether there is any suspicion of deception.

But Su Yuan felt a little relieved when he looked at the translucent barrier that lit up around him.

If a battle really breaks out with Zhi Yujian later, he can more or less avoid turning his villa into ruins.

Su Yuan took off the master ball and pressed the button in the middle to restore it to normal size.

The paper sword was not released immediately.

Su Yuan's characteristic switched to "telepathy", and the slightest trace of spiritual power penetrated into the inside of the master ball and tried to communicate with Zhi Yujian's consciousness again.

This time I finally got a response.

The master ball in his hand trembled slightly, and Su Yuan's consciousness finally entered Zhi Yujian's spiritual space.

"Paper Yujian."

Lilac space.

Paper Royal Sword Youyou woke up from a coma, and her dagger-like lower limbs touched the "ground", but there was no real feeling as when cutting an object.

Wonderful space, wonderful touch, Zhi Yujian felt that the power in his body was restricted to the greatest extent.

His right hand was like a knife, cutting through the air in front of him.

However nothing happened.

Zhi Yujian's four-pointed star-like face showed a hint of shock.

As the ultimate alien beast, the paper sword clan is born with the special ability to "cut through space".

Its previous sword should be able to split the space!

But this time, its ability failed inexplicably.

Zhi Yujian raised his head and looked around, carefully observing this strange space with only two colors, purple and white.

Memory was as chaotic as paste, with scattered fragments flashing through it.

"Click." Zhi Yujian gradually fell into memories.

Originally, it was continuously honing its sword skills in the ultimate space that had long lost its light. Suddenly, it felt the smell of long-lost light from another space.

In order to explore that light, Zhi Yujian resolutely relied on his innate ability to cut open the space!

A completely strange world.

That cluster of light was not far away from him.

But beside that light, it also felt the aura of a strong man.

The desire to challenge the strong temporarily suppressed the search for light.

The paper sword is aimed at Kapu·Fin and unsheathed!

The specific process of the battle was all recalled as time passed.

Zhi Yujian looked at the scorched marks on his body that had not completely faded away, and was slightly absent-minded.

That's it
Did you lose when you challenged a strong person?
While he was unconscious, he vaguely felt something touching his body and drawing him in.

This must be the inside of that object.

Zhi Yujian is well aware of his own strength.

But even as powerful as it is, there is nothing it can do about the object that has absorbed it.

The blade that I was so proud of, capable of cutting everything, could not even cause the slightest harm to this object.

Even so, it understands.

A loser should act like a loser.

But Zhi Yujian is unwilling to accept it!

It is unwilling to be imprisoned here like this.

It can also feel the forced restraint effect of this space on it.

If the person who puts itself into this space wants to forcefully order itself, it may not be able to resist.

It is unwilling to be controlled by others.


Blue-white energy rushes through Zhi Yujian's body.

The paper sword looked sharp, regrouped its momentum, and sheathed its double blades.

This great swordsman, who can cut everything, tried to cut off the space that suppressed it with a super-speed sword! !

The four-pointed star's face glowed coldly.

The moment the double blades were about to be unsheathed, a voice suddenly sounded in Zhi Yujian's heart.

"Hello, are you there?"

(End of this chapter)

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