This Pokémon Trainer is too strong

Chapter 352: Field assessment, 3 versus 6?

Chapter 352: Field assessment, three versus six?

Near the town of Lili.

As an assessment location for outdoor battles, the assessment venue chosen by Hara was naturally not casual.

The messy and lush grass is enough to reach the knees of an average adult. With the surrounding huge rocks as cover, it can immediately become the best hiding place for wild Pokémon.

Coupled with the dense forest connected to the grass, even Lillie, who had full confidence in Su Yuan before, couldn't help but worry now.

Grandpa Hala’s assessment shouldn’t be too difficult for Su Yuan, right?
Holding the shoulder strap of the bag slightly nervously, Lillie stood next to the Iron Palm warrior, looking at the two people walking into the grass, silently cheering for Su Yuan in her heart.

"The rule of battle in the wild is that there are no rules."

After choosing a location, Hala turned to Su Yuan and said in a deep voice: "Those wild Pokémon will not follow the rules we set and will only fight Pokémon."

"Bypassing the Pokémon and attacking the trainer directly is their common method."

Hala's left and right hands each held three Poke Balls. "The six Pokémon in my hands were all trained on the premise of fighting in the wild."

After all, in addition to the local trainers in Alola, the Alola region has always been a tourist resort. Every year, there are inevitably some trainers who want to participate in the special assessments in the Alola region and enjoy the fun of fighting wild Pokémon.

Su Yuan didn't find it too strange that Hala would train a group of Pokémon specifically for wild battle assessments.

"If you can successfully defeat them all, it means that you have the qualifications to enter the lush cave."

"If you're ready, let's get started!"

Su Yuan nodded solemnly, and the three elf balls originally hanging at his waist were thrown out instantly.

(Note: When heading to the assessment location, Su Yuan had already put the three Pokémon back into the ball.)
The elf ball was thrown so fast that even Hala, the king of the island, was a little surprised.

But what concerned him more was the number of Pokémon appearing at the same time.

"Want to command three Pokémon at the same time?"

Halla's thoughts were racing in his mind, "This kind of thing is not something that ordinary trainers can do."

Even young trainers from Alola usually only command two Pokémon to fight in the field.

Commanding three Pokémon at the same time is a bit too difficult.

Thinking about it in his mind, Hala's hand was not slow either.

Six red and white elf balls were thrown by him.

In the flash of red light, Su Yuan concentrated his attention and silently took note of the type of Pokémon thrown by Hala.

The black Lada in the form of the Alola region, the Arbor Snake who is good at lurking in the grass, the explosive Spearow and the Firestorm Monkey, and the last two, the Green Caterpillar and the Insecticon, which seem to have little fighting power.

Except for Radha and Firestorm Monkey, the lineup sent by Hala were all baby pets that had not yet evolved.

At first glance, the first impression is that it has little combat effectiveness.

In fact, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that they really have no fighting ability.

Not to mention Orchid Mantis and Gardevoir, Tengcui rubbed his nose and said that he could defeat them all with just one rabbit.

After releasing the Pokémon, Hala silently retreated to the edge of the field and watched the battle silently.

Because he wanted to simulate a battle with wild Pokémon, he would not be able to command these six Pokémon in this assessment.

Three against six.
On the surface, there seems to be a huge disparity in quantity, but after a period of battle, you will find that the actual disparity in quantity is even greater!
"It depends on how Su Yuan will deal with it."

As soon as Hala's six Pokémon landed, they immediately scattered and lurked quietly in the grass and rocks.

In addition to hovering in the air, it stared at Su Yuan eagerly and made an annoying chirping sound.

As for the more grumpy Fiery Monkey?

Cross veins bulged on its forehead due to anger. The four black iron rings on the limbs of the Firestorm Monkey were completely unable to suppress its terrifying speed and power. It crossed its hands and jumped up in front of it, showing a chopping and fighting stance from top to bottom!
Cross split! !

In the Firestorm Monkey's perception, there is no option to observe the enemy's actions!

Just by meeting its gaze, the Firestorm Monkey will frantically chase its target and knock it down.A faint trace of spiritual power, together with Gardevoir's spiritual power, covered this area.

Su Yuan had a panoramic view of the Pokémon hidden in the grass, which was difficult for ordinary trainers to observe.

The corners of Su Yuan's mouth suddenly curved.

Without Su Yuan's command, the fastest young general Teng Cui went straight to meet the Firestorm Monkey!

To deal with fighting-type moves, you must use fighting-type moves to fight back!

The two quick kicks collided with the Firestorm Monkey's cross chop, and the powerful wind lowered the height of the grass.

"Energy storage flame attack!"

While commanding, Su Yuan mobilized his mental power and perfectly predicted Tengcui's foothold in mid-air, condensing a small invisible wall there.

Young general Tengcui stepped on his feet and immediately launched a second fierce attack before the Firestorm Monkey's attack!

One hit and back!

The increase in speed brought about by the charged flame attack made it impossible for the Firestorm Monkey to touch General Tengcui's body.

The Firestorm Monkey's body slammed into the grass. Because of the attack, the anger in its heart further strengthened its attack ability!

This is the "angry" state of the Firestorm Monkey!
Every time a Pokémon in the "angry" state is attacked, the Pokémon's attack ability will be strengthened by one level!

The originally cloudless sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds. Drops of rain fell on the young leaves of the green grass, but the outside of the grass was still as bright as before.

Beside Su Yuan, Gardevoir looked like a saint praying devoutly, with her hands crossed and her eyes slightly closed.

The sudden heavy rain seemed to extinguish some of the anger in the Firestorm Monkey's heart, causing its original attack movements to stagnate.


Two pink-white spiritual blades left two traces on the grass, hitting the Firestorm Monkey at the same time, almost in no particular order! !
Hala's half-narrowed eyes looked at Orchid Mantis with surprise.

Because of the character of the Firestorm Monkey, it will inevitably break away from the group without the guidance of a trainer.

But it is precisely because of this that Hara is more attentive to the cultivation of Firestorm Monkeys.

But even he didn't expect that the Firestorm Monkey he bred would be defeated so quickly with the tacit cooperation of these three Pokémon.


"This is a prayer for rain." Hala looked at the sky.

Although Spearow is a flying Pokémon, it is not good at flying.

Although the feathers have a certain waterproof effect, once there is a rainfall of this magnitude, the flying height and speed of the Spearow will inevitably drop significantly.

The green caterpillars and insect electric treasures hidden in the grass were also somewhat disturbed by the rain.

The "power grid" trap that was being planned quietly had to be cancelled.

A well-programmed power grid does not have the ability to distinguish between "friend and foe". If a body soaked by rainwater has only a slight contact with the power grid, the person in contact will enter a state of "electric shock" paralysis in an instant.

It would be bad if a friendly force was accidentally injured.

Among the Pokémon present, perhaps the only ones unaffected by the heavy rain were Radha and Arbor.

"Use the weather factors to cleverly let yourself take the initiative."

Laha's eyes moved slightly, and then he sighed.

"Is he really a trainer from Yan Kingdom?"

 I'm liberated!
  I’m going to start updating more next time!

  I really want to update!
  Don't stop me!
  (Ahem, I mean 4K words a day is considered a success)
  Anyway, I've been having a crotchless night for a few days because of some things at home.
  Anyway, if necessary, you can join the group to urge for updates~
  (Although I might selectively ignore
(End of this chapter)

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