Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 730 Drowning

Chapter 730 Drowning (10)
"Of course the police didn't believe what he said. As a result, they asked Fan Chengxiong, director of Jiangnan Branch, to send 15 more anti-narcotics police officers to conduct a thorough search of Tianyin Guose. They also brought two drug-sniffing dogs to search all night. Nothing came of it.

"The anti-narcotics team brought three rich second-generation people and Fang Dengtai back to the Jiangnan branch for questioning. However, they all said that they had never bought drugs from Fang Dengtai before, and had never smoked them. They asked Fang Dengtai to help buy them just out of curiosity. Let's give it a try. Later, the parents of the rich second generation came to plead for mercy, and Cao Zongma had no choice but to fine them and let them go home.

"Qin Shihan was originally on a business trip in Bei City. Later, he received a call saying that Tianyin Guose was searched by the anti-narcotics team and Fang Dengtai was arrested, so he rushed back the next morning. Qin Shihan and Cao Zongma were Friends also came to plead for mercy. Since there was no evidence to prove that Fang Dengtai was hiding more drugs, and he took the initiative to confess the source of the drugs, he was given a leniency, fined 3000 yuan, and detained for half a month.

"The anti-narcotics team went to arrest Li Junya again and found 8.5 grams of heroin No. 4 in his home. On September 9 last year, the procuratorate prosecuted him at the Jiangnan District Court. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined 3 yuan. He is still detained in Putian. In the city’s No. 8000 jail.”

"Old Wu, you mean that Fang Dengtai's death may be related to drug smuggling?" Jiang Yiming sat on the sofa and made tea. He handed two steaming cups of tea to Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke.

"Yes, after Li Junya was arrested, Fang Dengtai may have come into contact with other drug dealers, because Tianyin Country is a mixed bag and the best place to consume drugs. In order to make money, Fang Dengtai is very likely to relapse and look for the source of drugs. , as a result, he might be targeted by the anti-narcotics team, so he was silenced by his supervisor."

"Is there any evidence that Qin Shihan was also involved?" Jiang Yiming felt that Qin Shihan should know that Fang Dengtai was selling drugs, and Qin Shihan might be involved in drug trafficking, because without Qin Shihan's support or acquiescence, Fang Dengtai would not dare to do so. If someone takes drugs in Tianyin Guose, especially if they are hiding drugs, then Tianyin Guose may be blocked by the police. This will outweigh the gains and losses. The renovation cost of Tianyin Guose will be at least tens of millions of yuan.

"Colleagues from the anti-narcotics team said Qin Shihan was not involved. This is a conclusion reached after careful investigation." After Wu Jiang finished speaking, he raised a small tea cup to drink tea.

"Does Li Junya have any accomplices? Will Fang Dengtai buy drugs from Li Junya's accomplices?"

"Colleagues from this anti-narcotics team are investigating, but because they have other drug trafficking cases to investigate, they have not caught up in time. Everyone knows that our city is a developed coastal city, and drug smuggling has penetrated into our city through various channels. , Big drug dealers all want a piece of the cake, so the tasks of each anti-drug team in our city are very heavy and arduous, so they can only choose big cases and abandon small ones. A case like Li Junya's, which only has a few grams of drugs, is considered a small case."

"I agree with your point of view. Maybe Li Junya's associates or his superiors contacted Fang Dengtai and completed the transaction, but something went wrong. In order to cut off Fang Dengtai's line, he was silenced. You Xiaoke and I asked my colleagues from the Anti-Narcotics Team of the Jiangnan Branch to cooperate in investigating this line. There is still no progress in the 1 case investigated by Zhou Ting and I. We cannot find the suspect riding a motorcycle. It is better to extend the 2 case first. Cha, if you don’t have enough manpower here, Zhou Ting and I can cooperate with you.”

"Okay, let's put it this way." Wu Jiang stood up and prepared to leave.

Xiao Ke didn't want to leave. He seemed to have something to say, but it was hard to say it in front of Wu Jiang. Wu Jiang understood and walked out of Jiang Yiming's office alone.

"Xiao Ke, do you have any different opinions from Lao Wu?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"How dare I have an opinion against Angkor? He is my master. If I have an opinion, I will tell him in front of you. Yingying... she is pregnant. I want you to take care of her..."

"I'm afraid I knew about this earlier than you did. That day she came to my office and discussed the case with me. I saw that she often frowned subconsciously, and I realized something was wrong because she rarely does this, so I asked her to go to the hospital for a check-up. , don’t come to work if there are no results. She went to the hospital for a check-up that day. After getting the results, she immediately called me to report. Don’t worry, I have told her to try not to surf the Internet, not to do hard work, and not to work overtime. There are many Let Wen Xiaorou do everything."

"Captain Jiang, I didn't expect you to care about her more than me. I really don't know how to thank you." Xiaoke felt hot and almost shed tears.

"She is our treasure. The one who wins the talent wins the world. I still have this strategic vision. Also, your children are the descendants of heroes and must be taken care of from now on, just in case..." Jiang Yiming just thought After saying the last sentence, I suddenly realized that I shouldn't say unlucky words, so I quickly stopped.

"Captain Jiang, don't worry, I won't let the child be without a father, let alone a mother!" Xiao Kelu smiled as brightly as the sun. His confidence and bravery are his greatest strengths.Jiang Yiming nodded and motioned for him to go to work.Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke went to Jiangnan Branch to find Cao Zongma. He was interrogating drug dealers in the interrogation room. His assistant went in to tell him that Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke were looking for him.After Cao Zongma found out, he asked the deputy captain to be the chief interrogator. He walked out of the interrogation room and came to the office to see them.

It can be seen that Cao Zongma respects Wu Jiang and Xiaoke very much. This can be seen from the speed at which he came out to meet them. Although Wu Jiang and Cao Zongma both have two bars and two stars on their shoulders, in terms of power, Cao Zongma is It is big and has many people in charge, but Wu Jiang is a technical criminal policeman who is leading and outstanding in his professional field. Therefore, Cao Zongma respects Wu Jiang so much.

"Captain Cao, when you interrogated Li Junya, did you investigate whether there were any accomplices or people on the line?"

"After investigation, he did not admit that he had any accomplices, only that he had an online agent. His online agent's name was Xu Shuibi. We have conducted a preliminary investigation on him. However, he often went abroad to play and disappeared. We only saw him once. It was us They arrested him after they stayed at his house for 51 days, but he refused to admit that he shipped the goods to Li Junya, and we did not find drugs in his residence, so we had to let him go in the end." Cao said. Zong Ma is less than 40 years old this year, but has lost a quarter of his hair. He looks very old, but he is tall, has bright eyes, and is very energetic.

"Didn't you follow Xu Shuibi later?"

"No, our police force is too small. Hundreds of people are arrested for drugs of various sizes every year. If it is not a major case, it is impossible to investigate hundreds of clues... We all know that investigating cases is easier said than done... I have been dealing with drug dealers and drugs all day long, which has cast a shadow on my psychology, and I have even begun to doubt life: How can there be so many self-destructive scum in the world?" He said with a heavy heart.

"We are similar to you. Why are there so many homicides in the world? In 2017, there were 112 homicides in our city, excluding missing persons. Although most murderers have been brought to justice, there are always fish that slip through the cracks. And the real culprit who seems to be an accidental death but is actually a murder may always be at large, and there are always corners that the sun cannot shine on." Wu Jiang rarely lamented like this, it was Cao Zongma who triggered him to let it out.

"So, we must put these scum in jail without stopping. For this, my heart is broken. You see, I look like a little old man. Oh, if you don't talk about this, you come to me today. What do you mean? Feel free to make your request and I will absolutely obey." He waved his hand as if to drive away the sin.

"I'm not your leader, so what's the point of obeying? We suspect that Fang Dengtai was killed by Li Junya's associates or superiors. Therefore, I would like to ask you or someone under you to cooperate with me in investigating Xu Shuibi, because after Li Junya was imprisoned, Fang Dengtai may buy drugs from Xu Shuibi."

"I'm not free. We are cooperating with the Anti-Narcotics Corps of the Public Security Department to investigate a transnational drug trafficking case. My name is Peng Shangyu to cooperate with you. He was also involved in investigating Xu Shuibi's case at the time and is very familiar with this case. He is a careful and capable anti-drug policeman. You guys Don't worry, I won't find a bad person to deal with you." Cao Zongma looked at Wu Jiang, as if seeking his opinion.

"no problem."

Cao Zongma walked to the desk, took away the landline on the desk, and made a call. After talking for 2 minutes, he put down the phone and returned to the two of them. He said that Peng Shangyu would return to the team in 15 minutes, and then continued to chat. Li Junya’s case.Wu Jiang wanted to see Li Junya's case file, and Cao Zongma agreed to help him find it.

After a while, a young man of medium height walked in. He was Peng Shangyu. Cao Zong immediately explained the situation to him.After hearing this, Peng Shangyu shook hands with Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke enthusiastically: "Officer Wu, Officer Ke, our anti-narcotics police also need to learn trace inspection. It is really an honor for Team Cao to give me a chance to learn from you this time."

"No, this time we are here to learn from you. You once participated in the investigation of Li Junya and Xu Shuibi's drug trafficking case. Do you have a good way to find Xu Shuibi?" Wu Jiang asked with a smile. He felt that Peng Shangyu was a capable person. people.

"We spent a lot of time looking for Xu Shuibi, but he seemed to have disappeared from the world. There is still no news about him. My informant has not sent any news about his return to China. His house in the Yanjiang Community has also been occupied by his wife. It was sold. I heard that his wife went to Malaysia, opened a casino with him, and developed an online gambling APP. Xu Shuibi may have washed up his hands. Because we did not find any information about his return to the country from the Immigration Administration."

"Then does Li Junya have any accomplices?"

(End of this chapter)

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