Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 699 The Disaster of Malfeasance

Chapter 699 The Disaster of Malfeasance (6)
Walking into Wang Hai's house, Qian Xiaoxing saw them and politely invited them to sit down and drink tea.She is 48 years old and helps Wang Hai take care of his son at home. Wang Hai's wife also works at Jiangnan Shipyard. The child is left with her grandmother. After get off work, she leaves the child with her parents.

Qian Xiaoxing looks older than her actual age. The sea breeze is like a knife, carving clear wrinkles on her face, and like sandpaper, roughening her skin. But she is very optimistic, and her smile is like the one in the yard. The flowers are just as gorgeous.

Jiang Yiming asked her about the situation back then. She didn't say she didn't know like Huo Xiang did. She answered whatever he asked. She said that although her husband and brother-in-law died in the shipwreck, she believed it was God's will.She said: "Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth is in the sky. They did not rush back to Hong Kong before the typhoon came. This is fate!"

"The weather forecast said that Modisha would pass through this city, and fishing boats were advised not to leave the port. Why did Wang Liquan take your husband and others out to sea for fishing?" Jiang Yiming didn't understand.

"Wang Liquan is our leader and the president of the village fishery cooperative. They signed a contract with the municipal aquatic products company to deliver tons of fish and shrimp within a specified time. Wang Liquan believes that their ship is big and can withstand a Category 9 typhoon, so he took the risk Go to sea.”

"It seems that Wang Liquan must bear a lot of responsibility."

"No, this was agreed upon by everyone. If the fishing boat did not hit the rocks and leak, they would be able to return home safely."

"I heard that Wang Liquan dialed the maritime phone number and asked for help from the Maritime Safety Administration, but no one came to rescue him. In the end, all six of them died. Don't the families of the victims hate the Maritime Safety Administration?" Jiang Yiming slowly led the topic to that aspect.

"What's the use of hating? People are already dead. No matter how much you hate, you can't come back to life. I heard that the Maritime Safety Administration didn't receive a distress call... I also heard that the Maritime Safety Administration's phone was hit by lightning and couldn't get through. In short, this can't be blamed on the Maritime Safety Administration. I can only blame them for being too bold... Fate, it's all fate, it has been planned somewhere." She closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and murmured something in her mouth, and a drop of clear tears fell from her eyes. The corners of his eyes slipped.

Jiang Yiming listened carefully to what sutra she was reciting, but in the end he only heard the word "Mazu", so he should be reciting the sutra of Mazu.The Mazu Sutra, also known as the Mazu Peace Sutra, is the sacred sutra of the Holy Mother of Heaven. In the Southeast China Sea area, almost people of a certain age will recite the Mazu Sutra.

Mazu is a symbol of beauty, the embodiment of goodness, and the embodiment of virtue.Her various legends are beautiful and moving, full of magical colors, and express all kinds of great love spirits.Its core value lies in its universality, which reflects a humanized noble concept of harmony and deep humanistic care.Reciting Mazu's Sutra of Peace is an ancient and solemn form of chanting and praising, which silently conveys the power of wishes and Mazu's spirit.

Jiang Yiming listened patiently to her reading, and when she opened her eyes, he started asking again. He asked many things, and she answered them one by one, but no clues were found.She may not know, the only insider should be Huo Xiang, but Huo Xiang refuses to say anything. This road is not so easy to open, so he can only give up.

Wang Rende took them to find the families of Wang Xiaohuan, Luo Dacheng and Luo Shuming, and most importantly their sons and daughters. However, after five days of continuous visits, there were no clues.In the past few days, we have found a total of 19 family members of the victims. They are all relatively indifferent. They are either unwilling to speak, or they are pretending to cooperate. In fact, they are acting in disguise. They seem to be an underground organization, and everyone has reached a tacit understanding.

Not only the families and relatives of the victims, but also the local villagers tried to remain silent when they heard that they came to investigate the shipwreck that year.This made Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting believe that the murderer was a villager from Luowan Village, or a villager who walked out of Luowan Village.

Jiang Yiming even suspected that Wang Rende was also an insider, but he was very deep and would not reveal it easily. However, it was unreasonable to doubt or criticize him without any basis. However, they did not believe that Wang Rende would stand as the mastermind. Because if the mastermind is caught and brought to justice, Wang Rende will not end well.

How can we find the murderer among the villagers in Luowan Village?
Jiang Yiming no longer asked Wang Rende to accompany them on their visits, but asked Liu Zhen to cooperate.Liu Zhen is 32 years old. He has worked at the Yanming Township Police Station for 10 years and as a film policeman for 5 years. He knows most of the villagers in Luowan Village, so it is much easier to work.

Jiang Yiming told Liu Zhen that the villagers were somewhat resistant to their investigation and asked him if there was any other way.Liu Zhen thought for a while and said: "Captain Jiang, I think of a person. He turned out to be an old policeman from our police station and retired the year before last. He is known as the encyclopedia of Yanming Township. He is a good old man and has a very good mass base. Therefore, many People like to invite people to eat and drink. He has also been a police officer in Luowan Village, so he should know the situation in the village."

"Xiao Liu, the information you provided is very important. Let's go visit him now. What is his name? Where does he live?"

"His name is Xie Guitian. After retirement, he lived with his daughter. Five years ago, his wife died of lung cancer, so he went to his daughter's house. His daughter's name is Xie Tingyue, and she lives in Chenxi Garden, but I We have never been to his house and don’t know the specific address. We will know if we go back to the police station and ask Director Cheng. Director Cheng takes people to express condolences to him before New Year’s Eve every year.” “Okay, let’s go back to the police station.”

After they returned to Yanming Township Police Station, they asked Director Cheng for Xie Guitian's mobile phone number and home address. He lived in Room 18, Building 402, Chenxi Garden.Jiang Yiming called Xie Guitian and said that he needed his help because of the investigation and asked him if he could come to the Yanming Township Police Station.

Xie Guitian said that he was helping his daughter take care of his son at home. His daughter and son-in-law both went to work, and he had no way to leave his nephew to others. He had to wait until his daughter got off work in the evening before he could go to the police station.Jiang Yiming thought for a while and said: You wait for us at home, we will go to you right away.Xie Guitian agreed.

Time waits for no one. It is now 10 o'clock in the morning, and it will take 8 hours to wait until evening. If the murderer is caught 8 hours late, another target may be killed. Time is life, and they cannot afford to wait.Jiang Yiming always handles cases as fast as a shooting star chasing the moon.

Morningside Garden is located in the northwest of Jiangxi District. It is a community with a population of tens of thousands. It was built in 2002.People who live here are generally white-collar workers or civil servants. Although the residences are not gorgeous, they are very clean, with a greening rate of 70%, and they are far away from the hustle and bustle. In 2010, it was rated as one of the city's top ten livable communities.

Zhou Ting drove from the Yanming Township Police Station and arrived at the east gate of Chenxi Garden in an hour and 1 minutes. He parked the car outside the gate of the community. When he got off the car, he saw that he was going to return to his field. He stood at the door and looked around, holding a five-year-old boy in his hand. A little boy of about 10 years old.

After he saw Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting, he picked up the little boy and walked forward quickly. He asked with a smile: "Are you Captain Jiang and Officer Zhou?"

"Are you Officer Xie? Yes, we are from the Municipal Criminal Police Team." Jiang Yiming shook hands with him enthusiastically.

"Let's go home and talk over tea." Xie Guitian is 62 years old and has worked at the grassroots police station for 38 years. He is a very responsible policeman, but he has a problem, that is, he likes to go to villagers' houses to drink and get drunk. He always complained and found fault with his leaders, so he stayed at the grassroots level with no chance of being transferred back to the city until he retired.This is determined by his character, he can't change it, and he doesn't want to change it.

Xie Guitian is tall and thin, with good facial features and a straight body, but his face is sallow and his eyes are dim, probably because he likes to drink.

After entering Xie Guitian's home, he put his little nephew in the small paradise in the living room and let him entertain himself. Then he sat down on his own. When he saw Jiang Yiming standing but not sitting down, he stood up again and pulled his hand. hand, asking him to sit down.Jiang Yiming was observing the decoration and structure of his home. This was his habit. No matter where he went, he would subconsciously observe the situation he was in.

After everyone sat down, Xie Guitian began to boil water to make tea, then went to get a cup, and skillfully operated a set of tea-making procedures. It can be seen that he learned to make tea after retiring, or he liked making tea when he was working. Otherwise, he would not be able to make tea. Maybe that professional.

"Officer Xie, we are investigating a serial murder case and have identified the mastermind as a villager in Luowan Village. Do you still remember the death of six villagers when Typhoon Modisa passed through on September 1999, 9?" Jiang Yiming Looking at Xie Guitian sitting opposite, he asked.

"Of course I remember that I also came forward to persuade the families of the victims and told them not to make things difficult for the leaders of the Maritime Safety Bureau, because it was not the fault of the Maritime Safety Bureau, but the shipwreck caused by six fishermen who did not listen to the advice and insisted on going out to sea to fish. Two of them The family members were convinced by me. Of course, that is not my credit alone, but the credit of our director and Yan Ming Township Party Committee Secretary."

"From the end of August this year to now, five homicides have occurred. The five deceased were all personnel on duty at the Maritime Safety Administration. At that time, Wang Liquan called the Maritime Safety Administration and asked the attendants for help. As a result, the five attendants refused because they were afraid of death. We went to sea for rescue, and this year they were killed one after another, so I analyzed that the descendants of the victims killed them in revenge for the duty officers, but we visited the families of all the victims, and we excluded them all."

"How did you eliminate the suspicion of all the family members?"

(End of this chapter)

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