Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 695 The Disaster of Malfeasance

Chapter 695 The Disaster of Malfeasance (2)
"What?" Jiang Yiming was shocked when he heard this. He felt that suddenly a big mountain was pressing on his shoulders, almost making him breathless. He had never been so shocked. This meant that the No. 1 crime team he led committed a crime. Huge mistake! ! !

"Bureau Lu, who are the five dead people you mentioned?" Jiang Yiming didn't quite believe his ears.

"Yang Min, Zhang Yang, Bai Lu, Ding Hui and Zeng Chunhui."

After listening to this, Jiang Yiming finally believed that he had heard correctly and that Lu Haiming had also said correctly: "Bureau Lu, can you tell me about their situation?"

"Eighteen years ago, that is, in 18, all five of them worked under me. However, because they all made mistakes, we removed them from their posts. This was decided after a meeting of the bureau party committee, and then reported to Deputy Liu who was in charge of us. The mayor, he agreed with the decision we made.”

"What mistake did they make that would lead them to be collectively dismissed from their posts?"

"That's it. On the evening of September 1999, 9, Typhoon Modisha passed through our city. The maximum wind force reached level 19. However, the passage of Modisha through our city exceeded the weather forecast because it arrived early, and there were many people. Before the fishing boat even entered the port, it was blocked offshore by the typhoon and could not return to the port.

"At 19 o'clock in the evening on the 12th, the captain of a fishing boat with the ship number: Changyu 1908 called our duty officer and asked her to send people to rescue them quickly because their boat was blown to the rocks by the typhoon. On the ship, the ship started leaking after hitting the rocks. The crew members were trying to plug the leaks and could not hold on for long. There were 6 crew members on the ship and it was located 15 nautical miles away from the coastline.

"This watchkeeper is Bai Lu, who just graduated from the maritime school. After receiving the distress signal from the captain Wang Liquan on the maritime phone, she went to call Yang Min, Zhang Yang, Ding Hui and Zeng Chunhui who were on duty. However, they had just left After drinking outside, they started playing mahjong to spend the long night.

"Bai Lu explained the situation to them. Yang Min was the squad leader. He thought for a while and said: We have all drunk a lot. It is very dangerous to drive a maritime ship to rescue people. The maritime ships at that time were very small and had poor wind resistance, so it was very difficult. Withstanding the test of a Category 9 typhoon, everyone decided not to sail.

"Our maritime search and rescue ship has a displacement of only 500 tons, a hull length of 40 meters and a width of 9 meters. It is indeed difficult to withstand a Category 9 typhoon. However, we have regulations that within a Category 9 typhoon, we must sail to search and rescue fishermen in distress. They will not sail The reason is that everyone drinks.

"Bai Lu didn't want to offend Yang Min and the others, so she didn't dare to report it to someone else, so she unplugged the phone line and sat next to them to watch mahjong. She waited until it was time for work the next morning before plugging in the phone line and talking to them. Come home from get off work together.

"On the evening of September 9, the news came that all the crew members of the Changyu 20 were killed, and it was reported by reporters on the second page of the "Changjiang Daily", which aroused the sympathy of the citizens. At the same time, there was negative news from the Maritime Safety Administration . As the main person in charge of the Maritime Safety Administration, I understand that this will seriously damage our image and will never allow this to happen.

"What's even worse is Wang Mingming, the village director of Luowan Village. He brought the family members of the two deceased people to our bureau to cause trouble and asked us to open a case to investigate and hold them accountable. Because Wang Liquan wrote on a waterproof PVC sticker that they had I made multiple calls to the Maritime Safety Bureau for help, but was hung up on after the first call.

"I took the piece of waterproof paper that Wang Mingming gave me to read. It explained in detail the process of their calling for help. The captain nailed this last note to the deck of the ship. After the ship was salvaged, it was visible at a glance. . Therefore, Wang Mingming has a reason for asking us to investigate.

"I realized the seriousness of the situation, temporarily suspended all five of them, and started an internal investigation. Through phone record inquiry, Wang Liquan indeed made a distress call at 9:19:23 on September 44. We called Bai Lu and interrogated him individually. , she admitted that she had received the distress call and reported it to Yang Min. However, at Yang Min's suggestion, the four of them refused to go out for search and rescue.

"In the face of the hard facts, Yang Min, Zhang Yang, Ding Hui and Zeng Chunhui all admitted their mistakes. They all blamed themselves for being greedy for life and fearing death for not going to the sea area to rescue the six victims. They were willing to accept the punishment of the organization. We A meeting of party group members was convened, and the meeting unanimously passed the decision to remove five of them from office.

"Originally, this matter was to be announced to the public. However, for the sake of stability and unity, Vice Mayor Liu who was in charge of us did not agree to announce it to the public and only handled it internally. We agreed with Vice Mayor Liu's opinion. At that time, stability was paramount. , so this is the best choice. Because we are afraid that more than 7000 villagers in Luowan Village will come to make trouble, and the consequences will be difficult to deal with. As the head of the government, I will most likely be held accountable.

"After we removed them from office, we wrote an agreement, which stipulated that they were not allowed to have any contact with each other in the future, otherwise, they would be prosecuted for malfeasance in their duties. They knew that their sins were serious, and they swore to sign the agreement. From then on, they went their separate ways. "Wang Mingming often brought people to inquire about our investigation results, but we used the excuse that Wang Liquan did not call for help to deal with them.They want me to hand over the five derelicts, but Yang Min and the others have been sent away by me. Where can I find them?
"We were afraid that Wang Mingming would continue to bring people to cause trouble, so we called Luo Chengshun, the party secretary of Yanming Township, to communicate and asked them to find ways to calm the anger of the families of the victims. At the same time, we also greeted Wu Weifu, the head of Jiangdong District, and informed the seriousness of the situation. He explained.

"Wu Weifu ordered Luo Chengshun to get through the ideological work of Wang Mingming and his family members. This will be used as a mark to evaluate his work ability. Under heavy pressure, Luo Chengshun finally got through the ideological work of Wang Mingming and the family members of the deceased after three months of work. Since then, no one has come to make trouble at our Maritime Safety Bureau.

"That's what happened. I'm worried that the murderer's next target will be me. After all, I have a big responsibility. Alas... this matter... to be honest, if this happens now, I will definitely have to bear a heavy responsibility. Responsible." He sighed deeply, looking extremely guilty and regretful, and a muddy tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

"Bureau Lu, it's been so long. Don't be sad. The climate was different at that time, and the perspectives and thoughts were different. Social progress is gradual and cannot be done in one step. Just like when we solve a case, we must have enough Time and patience.”

"It's all because I'm too obsessed with that director's position. If something like this happens now, I will definitely take the blame and resign. Only in this way can I live up to my conscience."

"Let it pass. No matter how guilty you are, you can't undo what has happened. The information you provided is very important. It seems that Zhang Yang's death was not a traffic accident, but a murder! Fortunately, you came to remind us, otherwise, Zhang Yang The real murderer will be at large." Jiang Yiming's heart was hurt, he didn't expect that he would make such a mistake.

Jiang Yiming felt that the murderer might murder Lu Haiming next, so he must send someone to protect him around the clock, and he must not let the murderer succeed again and again.He was wondering if he could use Lu Haiming as bait, and then send experts to secretly protect Lu Haiming... In the end, Jiang Yiming shook his head, thinking that this was a risky move with no absolute certainty, so he rejected it.

I remember when Zhang Caibao was locked up in a single room in the detention center and protected by prison guards, but was still killed by Chen Gang with a shirt soaked in potassium cyanide; Tang Ming, who was in the detention center, was also killed by a sniper; What's even more shocking is that Wu Liang actually took hallucinogens and was guided by the murderer to commit suicide by jumping off an overpass... A powerful murderer is impossible to guard against.

Jiang Yiming sent the witness protection team to send Lu Haiming to a hotel within the municipal bureau. Because all the staff in the hotel were policemen and their family members who were disabled or sick during the execution of their duties, and the witness protection team was on duty 24 hours a day. , it's very safe here.

Lu Haiming felt that his life was seriously threatened and agreed to accept the witness protection team.The city bureau's hotel does not accept outsiders, only police officers from the same system. Therefore, identity checks are required when entering the hotel, and no suspects can enter.

After sending Lu Haiming away, Jiang Yiming called everyone back. Although this would cost them their weekend, he didn't care about it.They made major mistakes. First, they eliminated Ding Qun and Lin Lihua as suspects; second, the serial killer is still on the loose and may murder the next target. Therefore, everyone must be recalled to discuss how to deal with it. .

After all the team members returned to the team one by one, Jiang Yiming asked everyone to go to the small conference room for a meeting. He solemnly explained to everyone the situation reported to him by Lu Haiming. After listening, everyone was extremely shocked because they had never made such a big mistake. .

"It is certain that there is one person behind these five cases. The real mastermind behind Yang Si, Ding Qun, Gu Shitong, Ding Ming, Ye Yayi or Wang Wen has not yet been arrested. We must be very alert now. Re-investigate the five cases that have already occurred. I hope everyone can express their opinions and come up with a constructive clue." Jiang Yiming's tone was slow and serious.

"Wang Wen, Ding Ming and Ye Yayi have all committed suicide. These clues are completely broken. We only need to start with Yang Si and Gu Shitong, interrogate them again and let them tell the truth. This is the most ready clue." Xiao Ke said.

"I'm just afraid that Yang Si and Gu Shitong won't admit that they were instigated by others."

"There are also ready-made clues such as Lin Lihua and Ding Qun." Wu Jiang said.

(End of this chapter)

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