Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 693: Murderous Ghost Car

Chapter 693: Murderous Ghost Car (8)
They found Wang Wen's information in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. He is the legal representative of Qingyuan Landscape Architecture Company. The company's registered capital is 1000 million yuan. The company is located in Room 1602 of Qianjiang Building and mainly undertakes the design and construction of landscape belts for expressways.

They came to Wang Wen's company to find him, and his assistant Qu Xiangxin received them.She invited them to sit down and drink tea, and they could just ask her for anything. She was now Wang Wen's plenipotentiary representative.

"I'm sorry, we're not here to discuss business, we're here to investigate a murder case. You can't make the decision."

"Murder case? How could our Director Wang be related to the murder case?" She was very surprised and frowned, as if she couldn't imagine it.

"May I ask where he went?"

"Oh, don't mention it, our Director Wang is hospitalized."

"Hospitalized? What disease? Which hospital do you live in?"

"This is our company's secret. I refuse to answer." She put on a sacrosanct look, and her beautiful face suddenly turned into a hideous one. I don't know where she got the courage to confront the detective.

"If you don't answer, we will have to take you to the criminal police team for questioning on the grounds that you obstruct official duties." Jiang Yiming was a little angry. He had never seen such a powerful assistant.

"This..." She was stunned for a moment, hesitating, never expecting Jiang Yiming to do this.

"No matter what you say, we will keep it secret for you. This is our discipline. You should cooperate with us. Otherwise, we can only take you away and keep you for 24 hours first. It's cold now, and I'm afraid of you. Such a thin body cannot withstand the cold wind."

"Okay, let me tell you, Director Wang got liver cancer and intestinal cancer and was admitted to the Provincial Cancer Hospital."

"What ward is it?"

"Room 1917, inpatient department, Building A."

"This is what a good citizen is." Jiang Yiming showed a rare smile. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on the person he was visiting, but sometimes he had to put pressure on the other person. Otherwise, she wouldn't buy it at all and the investigation would be difficult to start quickly. Because he is an efficient person.

They came to the 19th floor of Building A of the Provincial Cancer Hospital.Neither of them had ever been to a cancer hospital and were unfamiliar with the environment and personnel here.The two of them went to the nurse station to find out who was Wang Wen's attending physician. The head nurse said that the attending physician's name was Du Zisong, and led them to Du Zisong's office, then turned and left.

Du Zisong said that Wang Wen had advanced liver cancer and mid-stage rectal cancer and was living in VIP Ward No. 17.The condition is irreversible and he is estimated to have only half a year to live.If Wang Wen does not cooperate with treatment and becomes pessimistic and world-weary, he may only have two months.In addition, Juniper is older, already 57 years old this year.

"Doctor Du, is Wang Wen in good condition?"

"I'm doing fine so far. My mind is clear and my thinking is clear. I just don't have the strength to eat anything except liquid food like porridge."

"Can he accept our questioning? This is related to a homicide case and is very important to us."

"Yes, but don't do it for too long and don't stimulate him, otherwise your life will be in danger."

"Okay, I'll try to control the time. On what day did he come to the hospital?"

"November 11th, it's been a week since I arrived."

Wang Wen's hospitalization time is very important. If he was hospitalized before the 17th, his suspicion would be reduced, but if he was hospitalized on the 20th, Wang Wen would still be suspected.

Du Zisong took them to ward 1907. It was a single room with only one bed and no one in it. Jiang Yiming felt strange, where had his wife and children gone?Are you busy making calculations over the inheritance?No wonder Qu Xiangxin kept secret about Wang Wen's whereabouts.

Wang Wen was lying on the snow-white hospital bed with his eyes closed. Today was a rainy day and relatively dark, so the lights in the room were turned on, illuminating the surroundings as if it were a sunny day.Du Zisong stepped forward and patted Wang Wen's hand gently. After he woke up, he looked at Du Zisong, then at Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting and asked, "Doctor Du, who are they?"

"They are from the criminal police team of the city bureau. They came to see you. If you feel uncomfortable, just ring the bell and call us." His tone was soft and gentle, like a placebo, and he walked out of the room.

Jiang Yiming sat down next to him. Seeing that his face was as yellow as the sycamore leaves outside the window, the whites of his eyes were also orange, he had no energy at all, and he was skinny and skinny. His sympathy arose spontaneously.

"Director Wang, we are here to investigate the case. There are some things we need to know from you. Do you know Zeng Chunhui?"

When Wang Wen heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds of silence he replied: "I know him, he is... my friend, oh, no, he is my sworn brother." "You are a whole round older than him, how could you get along with him?" What if he becomes a sworn brother? There must be a story between you, right?" Jiang Yiming didn't believe what he said, because from the moment Wang Wen was stunned for a few seconds, he felt that his relationship with Zeng Chunhui was extraordinary.

"Not every sworn brother can have a story like the one in Taoyuan." His voice was soft and slow, with a long tail.

"When did you become sworn brothers?"

"Why are you so interested?" He seemed to want to vomit, but he swallowed hard to prevent it from spitting out.

"I don't have time to be interested in civilian life, but because it is related to a murder case, I must be interested."

"Murder case?"

"Yes, Zeng Chunhui was murdered. We are responsible for investigating the case, so we have no choice but to make things difficult for you. You don't want your sworn brother to be wronged, right?"

"Of course, otherwise what are brothers?"

"Thank you for your cooperation. Excuse me, do you have any business dealings with Zeng Chunhui?"

"No, no, we are purely drinking buddies and brothers."

"Then why did you transfer three amounts of money to his account, totaling 45 yuan."

"He borrowed it from me." He spoke very slowly, as if he had to use all his strength to get the words out.

"Why did you still lend him money when you knew he couldn't afford it?"

"Brothers, we all help each other. I have tens of millions of assets, so 45 yuan is not a lot for me, nor is it generous."

"But I understand that your son works in your company, and he once borrowed 20 yuan from you, but you didn't agree. Why were you so generous to Zeng Chunhui?"

"I, I...cough..." He suddenly coughed and trembled all over. He touched the call bell on the bedside. The bell rang. Du Zisong and the nurse ran in. They quickly checked Wang Wen's pupils and then touched his He checked his pulse and found that there was nothing serious, so he asked the nurse to get a cough injection.

Du Zisong turned around and said, "Captain Jiang, why don't you wait until he gets better before we come back. He may have been irritated, which caused him to cough violently."

"Okay, you go ahead and get busy. We'll come back in two days." After Jiang Yiming said that, he and Zhou Ting walked out of the ward and went to the parking lot on the first floor to pick up the car. After getting in the car, Jiang Yiming said, "Wang Wen has a problem. He coughed on purpose because he didn’t want us to continue questioning him.”

"Yes, that's how I see it too. When we mentioned Zeng Chunhui, he froze for a moment. He was obviously startled by us."

"If he is the murderer, then even if the case is solved, he cannot be brought to court. Why do you think he killed Zeng Chunhui?"

"I infer that Zeng Chunhui may have caught his handle and used it to blackmail him, so he would send 45 yuan to Zeng Chunhui. Through understanding, we know that he is a miser who loves money as much as his life, and the company The operating condition of the company is not good, so why would you give Zeng Chunhui so much money?"

"But would a terminally ill person still rack his brains to murder his enemy?"

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be the case, but Wang Wen's illness was diagnosed on November 11. He didn't know he had cancer before."

"There are signs of cancer."

"It's good to have signs, but many people don't listen to doctors' advice, such as Wang Junyao, Chen Xiaoxu, and Steve Jobs... They ignore their health for the sake of their careers, and end up reporting to heaven first, leaving behind countless assets and no blessings to enjoy." Zheng said Now, they have arrived at the criminal police team.

On the third day, Du Zisong called Jiang Yiming. He thought Du Zisong wanted to ask them to continue questioning Wang Wen, but very unfortunate news came: Wang Wen committed suicide by jumping off the building and left a suicide note, saying that he could not bear the torture of the disease. I feel so painful that I don't want to live, so I die early and get relief...

Jiang Yiming suddenly realized that he had made a fatal mistake: he did not send someone to guard Wang Wen 24 hours a day.At the same time, he realized that the truth about Zeng Chunhui's murder might not be revealed one day. Thinking about his sworn promise to Feng Yu, he felt extremely guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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