Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 687: Murderous Ghost Car

Chapter 687: Murderous Ghost Car (2)
A BMW X5 drove towards Zeng Chunhui quietly. There was no one in the car and there were no headlights. It was like a ghost. The speed was getting faster and faster, and it hit Zeng Chunhui from behind. He felt a sharp pain. , was instantly hit by the car and fell to the ground. The left front wheel and left rear wheel ran over him, and then continued to fly forward, hitting a willow tree with his head before stopping.

Zeng Chunhui's head was crushed by a wheel and he immediately passed out and was unable to call to save himself.There was not a car or a pedestrian on the road, so he was left to be beaten by wind and rain. The most fatal thing was that eight of his ribs were broken. The broken ribs pierced his heart and lungs. After a while, his heartbeat stopped. .

Half an hour later, a young man passed by on his bicycle after get off work and saw a person lying on the road. He thought he had made a mistake, so he stopped the bicycle and took a closer look, only to find that it was really a person.At this time, he heard the cell phone in Zeng Chunhui's pocket ringing continuously. He wanted to take out his cell phone to answer it, but he was afraid of being offended, so he held back.

He called 110, and after the police learned about the situation, they told him to stand still and the police arrived immediately.He agreed. Five minutes later, two patrol officers drove to the scene. One of the patrol officers touched Zeng Chunhui's carotid artery and found that Zeng Chunhui was dead.

He put his hand into Zeng Chunhui's chest to test it. Not only did he have no heartbeat, but he was also chilly and should have been dead for a while.He saw a car crash into a tree not far away, and wondered who might have been driving drunk, killing someone and then escaping.So, he called 122 and explained the situation to the responding police officer. The receiving officer said that they would send someone to arrive soon and asked them to guard the scene and prevent it from being destroyed.

Lei Ming, the deputy captain of the Jiangxi District Traffic Police Brigade, rushed to the scene with four traffic policemen, sealed the scene, and began to investigate.

There were clear tire tracks on the road. The BMW was parked on the side of the road. The road had a gradient of 7%. It may be because the owner forgot to pull the handbrake, and then the car was blown by the strong wind of level 10, so the car started to drive forward. He drove faster and faster, and finally hit Zeng Chunhui.People call it: slippery slope.

The car hit Zeng Chunhui 30 meters away from the start of the car. Due to the impact of the wind, Zeng Chunhui did not notice the car coming towards him, so he could not avoid it.Based on everyone's preliminary investigation, Lei Ming believed that this was an unexpected landslide.

Of course, the possibility of a hit-and-run by the car owner or driver cannot be ruled out. Fortunately, there are electronic eyes on this road. As long as the surveillance video is accessed, you can determine what happened.

At this time, the mobile phone in Zeng Chunhui's pocket rang. Lei Ming saw that it was his "wife" and answered the call: "Hello, are you Zeng Chunhui's wife?" Lei Ming had already seen it from Zeng Chunhui's wallet. His ID card, so he knew the name of the deceased.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Lei Ming from the Jiangxi District Traffic Police Brigade. Something happened to your husband. Come and have a look. The accident occurred on the middle section of Yixian Road..."

"Are you a liar? What happened to my husband?"

"If you don't come, we will first take Zeng Chunhui's body to the funeral home for storage. Don't blame us for not knowing about you then."

"...Really? My husband..." She couldn't continue and started crying. After hanging up the phone, she quickly ran out of the house. Five minutes later, she ran to the scene and saw Zeng Chunhui lying on the ground. She knelt on the ground, held his head tightly in her arms, and touched his cold face with her hands, because her eyes were covered by Covered by the surging tears, he couldn't see clearly.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Wake up, wake up, my daughter and I need you, don't abandon us..." She cried and said, and her heartbroken look was moving.

After crying for a while, she stood up, stretched out her bloody palm and asked Lei Ming: "Are you the leader?"

"Yes, I am Lei Ming from the traffic police brigade. I was the one who answered your call just now."

"How did my husband die?" she asked weakly.

"Based on our investigation, it is tentatively determined that he was run over by a car that slid down the slope."

"Why is it said to be a slide? Isn't it a man-made hit and run?"

"Probably not, because there were no skid marks on the road. After the car ran over Zeng Chunhui, it naturally drove forward 40 meters and hit a tree on the roadside. There were no skid marks before hitting the tree. Therefore, we judged that it was an accidental slide. event."

"Impossible, I can also drive. No matter where the car is parked, I will put on the handbrake every time. How could it be a slippery slope?" Her eyes flashed with anger, and her whole face was twisted, becoming scary and arrogant.

"If there was a hit-and-run accident, the perpetrator would have braked before the car was about to hit the tree, otherwise he would have been hit into the tree. If so, he would not have been killed, but would have been seriously injured." Lei Ming He patiently explained that he met many family members who were unwilling to accept the reality.

"I don't believe it!" Her anger seemed to have subsided a lot, but she still insisted on her opinion. "If you don't believe it, the entire Yixian Road is equipped with electronic eyes. If you need to check it, we will call up the video for you to watch at any time... Don't worry, even if it is an accidental slide, the car owner must bear the responsibility. Compensation is given to the family of the deceased.”

"Everyone dies, what's the use of compensation?" She closed her eyes and shook her head in pain.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the raindrops and strong wind whipped her face, instantly making her soaked to the skin. The sadness and cold rain made her shiver. Seeing this, Lei Ming ran to the car and brought a A raincoat, put the raincoat on her body.

"May I ask what your surname is?"

"My name is Feng Yu...Thank you, Captain Lei. I really suspect that this is all a conspiracy."

"Speak slowly from now on. You are already wet. Go back and change clothes. Don't get sick. You still have to hold funerals for Zeng Chunhui and comfort your daughter. You must not fall down. I suggest you call the funeral home first. People took Zeng Chunhui's body to preserve it, and called your relatives together to discuss the next move. We will support you, don't worry."

She nodded silently, took out her cell phone and called her brother Feng Jun, crying to tell him the bad news.Feng Jun is the deputy director of the Jiangxi District Science and Technology Bureau and the backbone of their family. Relatives of the Feng family come to him to discuss any major issues.

Lei Ming went to the traffic police monitoring room overnight and asked the attendant to access the surveillance video of the road where the incident occurred. The attendant quickly retrieved the video.The video shows: Zeng Chunhui walked past the BMW that caused the accident at 11:17:00 on November 20, walking very slowly, as if he was drunk.

At 00:21:05, the BMW started slowly and drove towards Zeng Chunhui. As the gradient became larger and larger, the speed of the car became faster and faster. At 00:21:15, it hit Zeng Chunhui and then jumped from him. It ran over and hit a willow tree on the side of the road at 00:21:25, then stopped.There was no one in the car, and no one got out of the car after it stopped.

Zeng Chunhui struggled on the ground for a few times and then stopped moving. It was not until 00:50:30 that the young man who called the police passed by on his bicycle. When he saw someone lying on the road, he stopped and observed. After watching for 50 seconds, he took out his mobile phone and called the police. , and then stood next to Zeng Chunhui until two patrol policemen arrived and cooperated with the traffic police to complete the transcript before leaving.

This is an out-and-out case of a vehicle slide and there is no possibility of foul play.Dozens of vehicle slide accidents occur across China every year. Some people are injured, some are run over to death, and some animals are run over to death.

After watching the surveillance video, Lei Ming asked the traffic policemen who were with him to go back to sleep and discuss the traffic accident at work tomorrow. He also had to go back to the duty room to rest because he was on duty that day.Walking on the road, he breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could clearly tell Feng Yu: Zeng Chunhui died in an accidental vehicle slide.

The next day, Lei Ming woke up, washed up, had some breakfast, and then went to the vehicle registration system to check the BMW's information.The owner of this license plate number: Long A19652 is named Wu Yixiong, male, born on September 1978, 9, and lives at No. 19, Taihai Lane, Yixian Road. There is also his mobile phone number on it.

Lei Ming used the office phone to call Wu Yixiong's mobile phone and got through immediately. However, no one answered. Maybe he was still sleeping.After half an hour, the thunder continued, and finally a voice came: "Who the hell are you, do you want to let people sleep?"

"Wu Yixiong, I am Lei Ming from the Jiangxi District Traffic Police Brigade. Wake up quickly. Your car ran over someone, how can you still sleep?"

"Oh, it's Team Lei. Sorry! Sorry! My car was parked on Yixian Road. How could it run over someone to death? Did you get the wrong person?" His sleepy voice was full of weariness.

"How could there be a mistake? Our police officers are very experienced. If we make such a low-level mistake, can we still stay in the unit?" Lei Ming has checked and found that the information about the car owner and the vehicle is relative, and there is no trap. card problem.

"This...what should I do?"

"You come to the traffic police first. Compensation is necessary. The sooner you apologize to the family of the deceased, the easier things will be. Otherwise, the family will be angry."

"Okay, I'll go to your office to find you right away." He seemed very reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.

After a while, Wu Yixiong came to the traffic police team to find Lei Ming. After he sat down, he offered Lei Ming a cigarette. Lei Ming did not smoke, so he refused.Wu Yixiong asked anxiously: "Team Lei, can you tell us the situation in detail?"

(End of this chapter)

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