Chapter 682
When driving from Yangtze City to Xiyan City, most people take the Changxi Expressway. Therefore, they reviewed the surveillance videos of the Changxi Expressway on the morning of October 10 and the afternoon of October 14, because these two days were weekends.Sure enough, they discovered in the video: Ding Ming entered the expressway at 15:14:09 on the 30th.

Ding Ming got off the Changxi Expressway at 14:11:21 on the 12th, and then entered No. 156 Guangming Street, Huaming Town, which is Zhu Jiawang's home. At 15:15:30 on the afternoon of the 12th, Ding Ming's car entered the Changxi Expressway from Xiyan City and headed towards the provincial capital. With these videos, Zhu Jiawang cannot deny it.

Wu Jiang and Xiaoke came to the Huaming Town Police Station in Xiyan City and asked the director to understand the situation. The director was on a business trip, and the instructor Miao Lijie received them.Miao Lijie said that Zhu Jiawang was the vice president of Hualong Financial Management Company in Huaming Town. He was a smooth and sophisticated person who might be difficult to deal with.

Zhu Jiawang's parents were honest farmers who made a living by growing vegetables. They were uneducated and legally illiterate.They are proud to have such an outstanding son as Zhu Jiawang.However, Zhu Jiawang felt helpless and sad that he had such parents, so his parents did not live with him. The house on Guangming Street was built by Zhu Jiawang, and he lived with his wife and children.

Miao Lijie took them to Zhu Jiawang's home to look for him. Zhu Jiawang was not at home. His wife said he was working in the company.Miao Lijie asked her to tell him Zhu Jiawang's mobile phone number, and she gave him the number casually.Miao Lijie called Zhu Jiawang, who said he was waiting for them at the company.

Huaming Town has a population of more than 8, has four-star hotels, and has a very prosperous economy. It is mainly famous for tea and hot springs.Zhu Jiawang works in Huaming Building, which is the most luxurious office building in town. It shows that Zhu Jiawang is doing well.

Zhu Jiawang received them in the office. He was tall and thin, with clear and bright eyes, a straight nose, and a carefully trimmed beard. He was wearing a snow-white shirt, trousers, tie, and off-white leather shoes. He looked like a gold-collared man.

"Mr. Zhu, these two are criminal policemen from the Provincial and Urban Bureaus and the main members of the No. 1 Serious Crime Team. They are here to ask you about the situation. You must cooperate well." Miao Lijie was very polite to Zhu Jiawang.

"That's for sure. Cooperating with police investigations is the obligation and responsibility of every citizen. I like to make police friends. This is a rare opportunity." He smiled and looked very sincere.

"In that case, let's get straight to the point. Do you know Ding Ming?" Wu Jiang asked.

"Of course we know each other. He is my college classmate and roommate. We have a good relationship. However, because we are in different industries, we have gradually become estranged." He sat on the sofa and subconsciously pulled his tie, as if listening to Ding Ming felt pressured.

"Alienation? Why don't you tell the truth?"

"It's true, I am a trustworthy and sincere person..."

"Since you are already estranged, why did he come to Huaming Town to eat, drink and have fun with you from October 10th to 7th and from October 8th to 14th? Why did he stay at your house during these two weekends? Is this considered alienation?" Wu Jiang stared at him closely.

"Oh, it's like this. He said that the air in the provincial capital was bad and he wanted to come to the countryside to relax. I was his classmate, so of course it was hard to refuse. So, I invited him to come to my house for two weekends and took him to Huaming Temple. I prayed to Buddha, went to Lishui Hotel to soak in the hot springs, in short, as a landlord, this is how he treated me when I went to the provincial capital."

"You are inconsistent in your words. We don't care about your relationship with him. We are here to find evidence. Have you helped him purchase drones and tetraethyl lead? Please think carefully before answering, because this is related to human life. If you don't tell the truth, we can arrest you as an accomplice, and you will miss your daughter's childhood, and your wife will have to stay alone in the empty house." Wu Jiang's tone became harsh.

"This..." He lowered his head, struggling in his heart, not knowing how to answer, and his originally rosy face instantly turned white.

"Your crime of helping Ding Ming buy these two things is not serious, but if you deny it, the result will be completely different. You know we have many ways to find out whether you have bought it. Your future is up to you. Take good care of it. Think about it, you are a smart man, and I believe you will make the best choice in the face of loyalty and freedom."

"Sorry, I did buy a drone and tetraethyl lead for Ding Ming. The drone was purchased from a domestic shopping website, and the tetraethyl lead was purchased from a foreign pornographic website. However, there was no delivery person. The address is for door-to-door delivery.”

"Show us the transaction content of purchasing drones and tetraethyl lead." Zhu Jiawang shook his head helplessly, stood up and walked to his desk, took a laptop, sat down again, and opened Taobao. Let Wu Jiang check his transaction records. This drone cost a total of 29000 yuan, has a noise of less than 20 decibels, has a maximum load capacity of 7.5 kilograms, and can last for three hours with one refueling.It has the characteristics of high stability, long endurance, long range, high wind resistance and strong site adaptability.

Wu Jiang took a screenshot of the transaction record, saved it in his USB flash drive, and then asked Zhu Jiawang to open the website for purchasing tetraethyl lead.

Zhu Jiawang clicked on a website that was all in English. Wu Jiang couldn't understand English, so he asked Xiao Ke to read it.When Xiao Ke was studying in the police academy, English was also a compulsory course. Under the guidance of Lu Yingying, who had a level [-] English proficiency, he could basically understand English.

This is a website called "Pink Resource Network". The server is in the United States. It is full of pornographic pictures, novels, pornographic films, third-level films, etc.Zhu Jiawang taught Xiao Ke to open a website, which sells all illegal things: pistols, bullets, poisons, explosives, drugs, etc., it covers everything.If this website were in China, it would have been blocked long ago, and the person in charge would be held legally responsible. However, in the United States, black websites like this are everywhere and are difficult to prevent and impossible to eradicate.

Zhu Jiawang bought a total of 250 ml of purified tetraethyl lead for a total of 31000 yuan. The money was paid from his Alipay. After receiving the confirmation of the goods, he paid to the seller. The transaction method was similar to that of Taobao. The seller's account number turned out to be It is the Changjiang Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. The household owner cannot check it. He has to go back and go through the formalities before he can go to the bank to check the detailed information.

Zhu Jiawang said that the delivery person rode a motorcycle and delivered it to his downstairs. After he checked and accepted it, the delivery person went back. Because the other party did not take off his helmet, he could not tell the delivery person's face clearly.After Zhu Jiawang received the goods, he handed the drone and tetraethyl lead to Ding Ming on the morning of October 10. Ding Ming did not say what they were used for. It was not until Ding Hui was killed that he realized what he had done. A stupid thing.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke returned to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Police Team with Zhu Jiawang's transcript and screenshots of the purchase records, and reported the situation to Jiang Yiming. However, Jiang Yiming was not very happy because Ding Ming could deny that he had received Zhu Jiawang's drone. and tetraethyl lead.

As expected, when Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke went to Ding Ming with these evidences, he denied it flatly, saying that Zhu Jiawang had framed him, and he wanted to sue Zhu Jiawang in court.Although everyone understood Ding Ming's denial, there was nothing they could do against him.Therefore, Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke could only return to the criminal police team in despair and continue to search for evidence.

Everyone sat together in a meeting to discuss how to collect evidence. After a long discussion, no good solution came up.Because Ding Ming handed over 10 yuan in cash to Zhu Jiawang at Zhu Jiawang’s home on the afternoon of October 8. It was also at Zhu Jiawang’s home that he handed over the drone and tetraethyl lead to Ding Ming. There was no circumstantial evidence or surveillance video, and the cash was not available. Deposited in the bank by Zhu Jiawang, Ding Ming's fingerprints could not be extracted.

Jiang Yiming suddenly remembered that the Yangtze River International Airport was near the Huayu Hotel. There was a radar in the airport, and the radar might scan the place where the drone took off.

The radar at the airport is called air traffic control radar. The radar used by air traffic control is divided into two systems. One is the reflective primary radar used to detect air objects, which is called primary radar; the other is called secondary radar, which is secondary radar. Radar is actually not a single radar, but a system including radar beacons and data processing. Its official name is the air control radar beacon system.

The air traffic control radar has a scanning range of 100 miles. It will definitely detect the drone of Ding Ming or Ye Yayi taking off from Room 1704, and it will be accurate enough to spot a small bird. Otherwise, a bird collision may occur when the aircraft takes off.Not only that, after the radar data is processed, it will also be saved in the computer.

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly realized and thought this was the best clue. They really admired Jiang Yiming's brain for being as easy to use as a god. He often had flashes of inspiration when the case reached a deadlock.Although you all have your flashes of lightning, no one is as dense as Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to the airport's air traffic control command center and called up the data at that time. The data was processed radar images. Sure enough, they found that at 10:21:01 on October 05, a drone flew from the Huayu Hotel. He took off from the window of Room 10, flew west, and then flew to the highest row of Wangshan Villa. He landed slowly and disappeared.

Five minutes later, the drone was spotted again, flying from the villa to Laishan, and then slowly landed again. The drone was never seen taking off again.Jiang Yiming asked the database administrator, where will the drone fly?She said: Judging from the landing situation of the drone, it should have crashed somewhere in the south of Laishan.

This made Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting very excited, because Ding Ming or Ye Yayi may have crashed the drone, thinking that the evidence could be eliminated from then on. In fact, they never thought that the crime team could find the drone from the airport radar. Flight route and final destination.

(End of this chapter)

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