Chapter 679
Jiang Yiming suddenly realized that he had made a small mistake: when watching the surveillance video, he should start from the moment Ye Yayi checked in, and then push the time forward until the second guest checked into room 21 on the 1704st. If Ye Yayi came to relieve loneliness or If you are looking for someone to soothe your soul, then this person may enter the room in advance and spend a long night with her...

Thinking of this, he called the waiter on duty to inquire. The waiter said: Around 20 o'clock in the evening on the 8th, a young man entered room 1704 with the key card, and then put the key card on her bar. After 9 o'clock, Zhong Ye Yayi just went to her place to get the key card and then entered room 1704.The man didn't leave until two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, when it was time to check out.

As expected!Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting went to the hotel's monitoring room again and retrieved the surveillance video. The video showed: At 20:20:11 on the 12th, a man opened room 1704 with the door card, then placed the door card with the waiter at the bar, and After giving the waiter a few words, he walked into the room.

"Strange, why did the man put the key card with the waiter? Why didn't Ye Yayi just knock on the door and get in?" Zhou Ting asked.

"They may be trying to avoid our investigation."

"But how could such a little trick escape our eyes?"

"Don't tell me. If I didn't think of asking the waiter, they would have concealed it."

"I think I've seen this man somewhere?" Zhou Ting froze the video and stared at the screen.

"Really? Could it be that you met him when you were working at the police station?" Jiang Yiming was a little excited.

"No, absolutely not... Oh, I remembered. He is a bit similar to Ding Hui, but he is a little taller, thinner, and much younger. He is at least 10 years younger than Ding Hui."

"Zhou Ting, after what you said, I found out that he is really similar to Ding Hui. You have great eyesight."

"Is it true that the tragedy of Xiao Buzi stealing his sister-in-law will happen? To what extent has modern people's moral decay reached?" Zhou Ting found it unbelievable.

"Just check Ding Hui's family members and you will know." Jiang Yiming called the household registration police of Jiangxi District Branch and asked her to help check Ding Hui's parents, siblings.After a while, the household registration police called and said: Ding Hui’s father’s name is Ding Jian, and his mother’s name is Li Fanhua. They have two sons: Ding Hui and Ding Ming.

Ding Ming lives in Room 11, Building 201, Shuinan Community. He was born in Jiangxi District, this city on December 1981, 12. He has a separate household registration and is not married or has children.He works as a store manager at Haolai's Jiangxi branch. He is 12 centimeters tall and weighs 178 kilograms. He graduated from the Provincial Institute of Finance.

The household registration police also sent Ding Ming's bareheaded photo to Jiang Yiming. At a glance, he concluded that it was Ding Ming who spent the night with Ye Yayi in Room 1704.He handed the photo to Zhou Ting to see. After Zhou Ting saw it, he also determined that the mysterious man was Ding Ming.Ding Ming is 36 years old, Ye Yayi is 35 years old, and she is 11 years younger than Ding Hui. No wonder they are so disharmonious.

Ye Yayi's suspicion of murder suddenly increased. She might have conspired with Ding Ming to kill Ding Hui. However, they were both in room 1704 and had alibi. Did they hire a murderer to kill him?With the financial capabilities of Ye Yayi and Ding Ming, they could hire a killer to murder Ding Hui.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to Ding Hui's house again. Ye Yayi saw them stunned for a moment, then calmed down instantly, and invited them to sit down and drink tea. Her attitude was a little better than before, and she was not so sad.Jiang Yiming didn't know why she fainted when identifying the body. Did she take some medicine?Although Luo Jin is a forensic doctor, he is also a good doctor. He said that Ye Yayi's heartbeat was half slower than usual at that time, so he sent her to the hospital for treatment.

It seems that Ye Yayi is really not an ordinary woman. Jiang Yiming underestimated her. She is definitely not a woman like Lin Daiyu, but a cruel femme fatale like Wang Xifeng.

"Ye Yayi, we checked the surveillance video of Huayu Hotel and found that you and Ding Ming spent the night in room 1704. Why did you do this? Ding Ming is Ding Hui's biological brother. Don't you feel disgusted?" Jiang Yiming He didn't even want to call Ms. Ye anymore and called her by her name directly. He was very disgusted with such an incestuous woman.

"You don't know what I've been through, so what right do you have to criticize my moral standards?" Ye Yayi frowned and showed an angry look, like a wounded tigress, which was really scary. "Then please explain: Why do you want to spend the night with Ding Ming in the Huayu Hotel? And this night is when your husband enters the Palace of Hell."

Ye Yayi couldn't stand Jiang Yiming's knife-like gaze, so she lowered her head and took away the panda pillow. Tears welled up in her eyes and her whole body was trembling... Was she thinking about how to explain to Jiang Yiming, or was she so sad that she couldn't help herself?

Ye Yayi cried for a long time, then slowly raised her head and said: "You have never experienced our pain, which is hellish pain. Of course you can't understand why I have a tryst with Ding Ming. Ding Ming and I met when we were in junior high school. We know each other. I am a freshman in high school and he is a sophomore in high school. He is the small forward of the school basketball team. My classmates and I love to watch him play.

"One day, the basketball rolled to my feet, and he ran over to pick it up. I bent down and picked it up and handed it to him. He looked at me and stared at me tightly. I was so embarrassed that he looked at me. My whole body was feeling hot, how could I stare at people like this? When I looked up, I found that they had already left.

"I don't know why, but from that day on, his vigorous figure, agile movements, and flying hair often appeared in my mind, and my academic performance began to decline. The class teacher often talked to me, criticized me for being distracted in class, and asked me why I was like this? How could I know why then?

"I looked forward to meeting him every day, so I ran to the playground every day to watch people playing basketball, but for some reason, I never saw him again. As the days passed, I slowly became uneasy until After graduation, I still didn't see him. Because of my poor grades, I had no choice but to apply for medical school.

"It wasn't until I graduated from health school and worked as a nurse in Jiangxi District Hospital that I met him. It turned out that he was transferred to the city's No. [-] Middle School because he played basketball very well. That day he came to the hospital with a bad cold. When I saw him at first sight, I was so excited that I was trembling all over, and I told him the reason why I missed him and couldn't get into college.

"He repeatedly apologized to me, saying that he had delayed my future, and he was willing to find ways to compensate me. I think he is very humorous, honest, and a trustworthy person. Before he was discharged from the hospital, he took the initiative to ask me to give him his phone number. He would really compensate me, but I didn't take it seriously and wrote him my mobile phone number.

"I thought it was my business and had nothing to do with him, so why should I ask him to compensate me? I thought he was just perfunctory with me. Unexpectedly, he called me and asked me if I would like to work in his company and double my salary. Of course I don't want to, because Haolai is a private enterprise and may go bankrupt at any time. The district hospital is run by the state and there is no risk of bankruptcy.

"He didn't care that I rejected him, but he often called me and asked me to go out to play. Through frequent contact, I found that he was sunny, strong, handsome, and humorous. The most important thing was that he played basketball very well. Well, he was often the object of applause from the audience on the basketball court, which made my first love that had been buried for many years sprout again, and I couldn't help but fall into his arms.

"Our love is sincere and pure, as crystal clear as Arctic ice. You have never loved as deeply as we do. I would die for each other. Maybe you will laugh at my self-importance, but I believe that one day, you will be able to see Until we die for love like Romeo and Juliet. From then on, we swear not to marry him but me, and we will never change our hearts.

"However, something unexpected happened, and our rock-solid love suddenly encountered a heavy blow. In the autumn of 2015, Ding Ming took me to his home for the first time to meet his brother Ding Hui and father Ding Qiang, and he didn't know where I would go. Unfortunately, Ding Qiang didn't like me when he first saw me, saying that I was too evil and that I was the reincarnation of a vixen, so the meeting naturally ended on bad terms.

"I said I don't blame Ding Qiang. After all, he is 68 years old. People of that generation believe in superstition and physiognomy, because he likes to learn fortune telling in his spare time. I have enough patience and confidence to let Ding Qiang change his prejudice against me. , but unfortunately before I had time to take action, Ding Qiang got terminal bowel cancer and passed away two months later. Before his death, he asked Ding Ming to break up with me, otherwise he would not leave Ding Ming a penny of inheritance.

"Ding Ming chose to be with me without hesitation. Therefore, Ding Qiang left all his inheritance to Ding Hui. I was both moved and guilty. Ding Hui actually gave up the inheritance rights of 5000 million yuan for me. He said that we have a pair of Hard-working hands don't have to worry about food and clothing. Most people in the world have no inheritance, so don't they live well?

"However, this is not the worst thing, but the next blow is more fatal. At that time, Ding Ming came to the Jiangxi branch as the deputy store manager. Ding Hui often sent Ding Ming to study abroad for excuses, promising him to wait until he could When he is qualified for an important task, he will be given an important position. Neither Ding Ming nor I know that this is Ding Hui's trick.

"After the Spring Festival in 2009, Ding Hui sent Ding Ming to study in Guangzhou for half a month. Although Ding Ming and I were not married yet, we already rented a house and lived together. On February 2, Ding Hui said he would buy us a house. He couldn't bear to see us living in a dark and damp rental house, so he asked me to go to his company to talk. I had a good impression of Ding Hui, so I wasn't wary at all.

(End of this chapter)

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