Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 667 Corpses floating on the sea

Chapter 667 Corpses floating on the sea (8)
"When I was young and ignorant, I did complain about her and threatened to kill her. However, after eight years of education from the government, I have become a changed person and have let go. I can only blame myself for being greedy. If I don't accept bribes, , do some small business with friends, and at the same time, be a good village director. Now I am not only rich, but also respected by the villagers. Bai Lu made me understand how to be a human being. I have to thank her, so I can't murder anyone. She. Is she okay now?"

"She no longer has the ability to sense whether days are good or bad."

"What's wrong? Is she crazy?" Ji Shilong asked curiously.

"She died. She was pushed into the sea and drowned. We are here for her case."

"Oh - do you doubt that I killed her? I have had enough of prison. From the day I walked out of Urata Prison, I swore never to take another step in this life!" He said vowedly, with a solemn look on his face. sincere.

"No, you are currently our biggest suspect, so you must tell us where you were when the crime occurred?"

"When did she die?"

"Between 10 noon and 12 p.m. on October 12."

He lowered his head and thought for a while and said: "That day I should be... No, wait a minute, let me see the perpetual calendar... Oh, that day was August 8 of the lunar calendar. After having lunch that day, I drove to Yucang Island I went fishing and didn’t go home until the sun went down.”

The so-called "island" is an uninhabited island above the high tide level, with an area of ​​500 square meters to 10 square meters, and vegetation growing on the island. "Island" is the common name.Yucang Island is located about 5 kilometers north of Jindao. You have to row your own boat to get to Yucang Island.

Yucangyu is famous for being rich in all kinds of delicious seafood, especially sea bass. 20 years ago, many people who loved sea fishing liked to go fishing there. However, because there were so many people fishing, the fish seemed to know where it was. Foraging is very dangerous, and it may also be due to the pollution of the sea water. In recent years, there have been no fish to catch, and few people are willing to go fishing there.

"Why do you want to go fishing there? I heard that there is no fish to catch, and there is no one to help with the boating transition." Jiang Yiming felt that his whereabouts were suspicious, and Bai Lu might have been tricked by him into going there to be killed.Jiang Yiming checked the weather forecast for that day and said that the wind was blowing from the north that day, and coupled with the flow of the Hu River, Bai Lu's body might float from Yucang Island to Jindao.

"Actually, I don't care how many fish I catch. I just want to reflect on life while fishing on an uninhabited island. I prefer the singing of the wind, the call of the sea, and the whisper of the waves. I completely integrate myself into nature. At this moment, I will I feel a lot of things." His language suddenly became poetic, completely unlike an uneducated village director.

"Then what did you realize?"

"I feel that humans are so small when facing the sea, the sky, and the universe, and nature is so great. What is the meaning of life? Where do I come from? Where do I want to go? Do people have souls? In short, once I get there, my impetuous heart It will calm down, and your soul will be as pure as being baptized." His thoughts began to wander wildly, and his eyes wandered in the air without a focus.

"The coast is nearly one nautical mile away from Yucang Island, and there is no one on the shore to help with rowing. How did you make the transition?"

"I bought a kayak and asked retired kayaker Wu Yunuo to teach me how to row. My IQ is not low, and I quickly mastered the rowing technique. The paddling technique is a twisting motion, using The twisting of the upper body transfers power through the paddle through the water. The kayaker will use the kick on the side of the paddle to transfer the power to the torso to propel the kayak forward..."

"I'm sorry, we don't want to hear about your paddling skills...are you buying a kayak for several people?"

"It's a two-person kayak, but so far, I haven't carried anyone else. I like to fight the waves alone, just like Santiago in "The Old Man and the Sea". Bravery, strength, and optimism are my new attitude towards life, I admire the sentence the most: people are not born to be defeated, people can be destroyed, but they cannot be defeated."

"Are you a graduate of the Chinese Department? Your eloquence and memory are so good."

"No, I haven't graduated from junior high school yet. My family was poor when I was a child, and my father forced me to drop out of school. However, I like literature. I have read more than 1000 books of literary masterpieces from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. Maybe you don't believe it?"

"I admire you, I admire you. I haven't read half of your books... We said goodbye. Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for telling us so many principles of life." Jiang Yiming stood up and shook hands with him to say goodbye.He walked them to the door of the restaurant before turning back.

"Captain Jiang, there seems to be no flaw in his words." After starting the car, Xiao Ke said to Jiang Yiming who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Ji Shilong is very cunning and suspicious. There is a classic saying: Gangsters are not scary, but educated gangsters are scary. He is a cultured gangster with a very high IQ. Otherwise, he would not have been able to drive so fast just after he was released from prison. restaurant." "What should we do?"

"Assuming that he killed Bai Lu, it should be on Yucang Island. Then, Yucang Island will definitely leave traces of Bai Lu, such as her clothes, accessories, footprints, etc."

"What if there is no physical evidence on Yucang Island?"

"The only thing we can do is test Ji Shilong's DNA and compare it with the DNA remaining in Bai Lu's semen to see if there is a match."

"You can also access the surveillance video on Binhai Road."

"This method is too time-consuming, because there are many roads into Yucang Island, and checking the video is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it is still a method. I'm afraid that after finding Ji Shilong's car, there is no white dew on the car. As I said just now, his IQ Very high, if he wanted to murder Bai Lu, he would definitely not let Bai Lu sit in the car and be filmed by the surveillance camera."

"So, maybe he hid Bailu in the trunk and took it to Yucang Island?"

"It's impossible, because Bai Lu voluntarily had sex with the suspect, which means Ji Shilong and Bai Lu may be lovers. If your lover wants to hide you in the trunk and transport you to the beach for fun, you won't be suspicious. ? And Bai Lu once told Shen Yi that Ji Shilong hated her so much that even if Ji Shilong tried his best to catch Bai Lu, Bai Lu would still be wary of him. "

"Well, you're right. I think Ji Shilong is a bigger suspect than Lu Qi, because Ji Shilong was closest to the corpse scene at the time of the crime."

Jiang Yiming nodded and did not answer Xiao Ke. He had already entered thinking mode.

Jiang Yiming asked Xiao Bing to bring Hu Mei and Hu Brother, and they were going to Yucang Island to search for physical evidence.Xiao Bing said that they were performing a mission outside and would not return until the afternoon.After Jiang Yiming asked them to return to the team, he immediately called him.

We drove two survey vehicles and drove north along Binhai Road, then entered the provincial highway, then turned onto County Road 188, heading towards Yucang Island in the northeast.

Before arriving, Jiang Yiming had already ordered the local police station to hire a motorized boat that could accommodate 6 to 10 people. They wanted to take the boat to Yucang Island.When they drove to the shore opposite Yucang Island, a boat was already waiting for them at the dock.

Zhang Fangfang, director of the Yanming Township Police Station, accompanied them to Yucang Island for exploration. He wanted to learn some exploration techniques from them. Jiang Yiming told him to just follow Wu Jiang, because Wu Jiang has the best trace technology among them, with more than 20 years of experience. Trace inspection experience.

Yucang Island is very small, about 2000 square meters, with an altitude of 80 meters. It is gentle on the west and steep on the east. It looks like a puppy lying down and looking up at the East China Sea. Most of the place is covered with reeds, weeds, and shrubs. There are few A few pine trees stood alone and swayed in the wind.

They boarded the motor boat. The boatman was a middle-aged man whom Zhang Fang called Boss Wang.He makes a living by fishing, and the fishing ground is offshore. Because his boat is too small, he cannot go fishing in the open sea.Jiang Yiming asked him if he found anyone suspicious on the afternoon of October 10th.He thought for a moment and said: He did not go to sea that day and went to Urata City for a wedding banquet because his nephew was getting married.

Jiang Yiming always misses every opportunity. Diligence, asking questions, and patience are the prerequisites for handling cases. Many times, the answer to the case is revealed just because of the casual words of the inquirer.Jiang Yiming puts case handling first at all times.

After landing on Yucang Island, Boss Wang wanted to turn the boat back. Jiang Yiming asked him to wait and asked him where anglers usually fish. He pointed forward and said: They usually fish on the north side of Yucang Island.After finishing speaking, he drove the boat back.

After they landed on the island, they began to explore.There is a line of footprints extending from the small pier to the north. There are no footprints elsewhere. Because it has not rained since the incident, the road is covered with sand except where there is grass, leaving relatively clear footprints.

Wu Jiang extracted the shoe prints on the road. After observing for a while, he judged that they were a pair of size 40 sneakers. The specific brand must be compared with a computer before he can draw a conclusion.Wu Jiang analyzed the focus and depth of the shoe print and believed that it was a man's shoe print. The shoe owner was between 170 cm and 172 cm tall and weighed about 80 kg, which was consistent with Ji Shilong's height and weight.After Jiang Yiming and Xiao Ke saw the shoe prints, they also thought it was most likely Ji Shilong's shoe prints.

Apart from this, there are no other fresh shoe prints, which means that only Ji Shilong has been to Yucang Island recently, and no one else came with him.They surveyed all the way to the north, and the results were the same.

(End of this chapter)

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