Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 624 Reappearance of Skeletons

Chapter 624 Reappearance of Skeletons (8)
"Zhou Guohua, the assistant of the agency, said that the agreement was signed on May 5 this year. My husband and He Wendong bought it together. It was a cash transaction. How come there are still people buying houses with cash these days? Don't you think it's strange?"

"Is the house still there?" Jiang Yiming felt that this was against common sense, and anything that went against common sense was questionable.How could He Wendong and Chi Ye spare 60 to buy an old bungalow in the countryside when their finances were both very difficult?

"The house has been razed to the ground, leaving only a few photos saved in Zhou Guohua's mobile phone."

“Whose house originally belonged to it?”

"It belongs to an old woman, her name is Wu Mingxia."

"Wu Mingxia?" Jiang Yiming was surprised when he heard this, because Wu Mingxia is Yang Wanjun's grandmother!This person is not simple. She is the recipient of the May [-]st Labor Medal. This award is awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions to the country and enjoys special national allowances.

In the process of selecting the May Day Labor Certificate, principles must be adhered to and strict controls must be adhered to. Recommended enterprises and institutions and persons in charge of enterprises and institutions must be reviewed by industry and commerce, taxation, discipline inspection, auditing, safety and other departments.Individuals and collectives recommended by various localities and industrial unions have been publicized in local news media and accepted public supervision.Therefore, it is not easy.

But how could she be related to Chi Ye and He Wendong?It stands to reason that she and they are from two different worlds. Chiye is a mixed person, He Wendong is engaged in real estate, and Wu Mingxia is engaged in electrical research.Before retiring, she was the deputy director of the Provincial Electrical Machinery Research Institute. An engine she developed was installed on a certain aircraft in China.

"How do you know Zhou Guohua?"

"He said that the house my husband bought had not yet been transferred. Later, when he heard that my husband passed away unexpectedly, he asked for my contact information and urged me to transfer the transfer. At first, I thought he was a liar. Later, he took me He sent me photos of my husband when he was alive and the house he bought. So, with the intention of giving it a try, I went to his company to understand the situation. As a result, he told me the whole process. Captain Jiang, my husband’s death Is it related to this house?”

"I can't give you a clear answer yet. I think there is a certain connection, but we haven't found this place yet. Where is Zhou Guohua's agency? What is his mobile phone number?"

"At No. 172 Hualin Road, Jiangxi District, the mobile phone number is 18020951011."

"Thank you for your cooperation. We will investigate immediately. The information you provided is very important." Jiang Yiming thanked her sincerely and applauded her persistence and astuteness.

After Ding Yan left, Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting drove to find Zhou Guohua. In the car, Zhou Ting asked: "Captain Jiang, it is very likely that Yang Wanjun killed Chi Ye and He Wendong."

"Oh, he has an alibi, why do you still think so?"

"Maybe he used some kind of trick to escape the surveillance cameras; maybe he hired a murderer to kill."

"Could it be that Wu Mingxia killed Chi Ye and He Wendong to avenge her son and daughter-in-law?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible. Wu Mingxia is 72 years old and frail. How could she go to Minghuang Valley in the middle of the night to kill people? We have proven that the murderer of Chi Ye was a tall man in the prime of life, and the murderer of He Wendong was also similar. Therefore, her suspicion can be completely ruled out." Zhou Ting answered confidently.

"It seems that only Yang Wanjun's method of hiring murderers can work."

"In short, Chi Ye, He Wendong, Yuanyang Thief, Diamond and Wu Mingxia, Yang Wanjun are closely related, as well as the ridiculously expensive house."

"You're right!" As they spoke, they had already driven the car to the door of Zhou Guohua's company.This is a 12-story office building called Jade Building. Zhou Guohua's company is called Wanyou Real Estate Agency, and he is the assistant to the general manager of the company.

Before coming, Jiang Yiming had already spoken to him on the phone, and he said he would wait for him at the company.Wanyou Real Estate Agency works on the 8th floor. They took the elevator to the 8th floor. Zhou Guohua was already waiting at the door. When he saw them, he smiled and said, "Are you from the Municipal Criminal Police Team?"

"Yes, I am Jiang Yiming, and his name is Zhou Ting. Maybe I was in the same family as you 100 years ago."

"Captain Jiang, 100 years ago, there was no me... Please come and sit in my office." Zhou Guohua bent slightly and made an inviting gesture, leading the two of them through the office area to his office.The office is about 10 square meters, and there are only folding chairs in it. Three chairs are placed there in a triangle shape, waiting for guests to sit.

"Welcome these two heroes to my humble home. I have admired both of you for a long time. It's a great surprise to see you today. I hope to take care of you in the future!" He said while pouring tea.

"You're flattered. We are not heroes, we are ordinary people." Jiang Yiming liked his eloquence. Although it was polite, it was enough to please the customer. "We heard from Ding Yan that Chi Ye once bought Wu Mingxia's house through you. ,is this real?"

"Yes, at the end of April this year, Chi Ye came to my company and asked me if Wu Mingxia's house had been listed for sale. I said that she had been listed for sale in our company for 4 years. However, when the customer heard the price, everyone was silent and felt incredible. Said Wu Mingxia might be crazy."

"Why did Chi Ye ask about Wu Mingxia's house as soon as he arrived?"

"He didn't know who he heard from, saying that the feng shui of her house was very good. If people lived in it, it would be prosperous and prosperous. He wanted to buy it for retirement. Wu Mingxia also said that the feng shui of her house was very good, so it was five times more expensive than other people's houses. She He also showed Chi Ye the instructions handwritten by Feng Shui master Li Yang."

"I heard that they used cash for transactions. Why did Wu Mingxia do this? It's so dangerous for an old man to collect cash." "I don't know why, but her grandson Yang Wanjun helped collect the cash. She was sitting in the living room making tea, Chi Ye And He Wendong... No, Chiye said at that time that his surname was Mei, Mei Linhai, and He Wendong's name was Du Ming. After I met Ding Yan, I learned that they bought Shanshui House under pseudonyms - Wu Mingxia called her house Shanshui. Residence.”

"Does Wu Mingxia live there alone?"

"Yes, she feels very comfortable living alone. Raising fish, feeding chickens, reading, and growing flowers are a great enjoyment for her."

"Where has she moved to now?"

"She lives at No. 17 Huanglong Street, Yinhe Township. She rents the house. She lives alone on the third floor. It's really a waste. However, the monthly rent is only 800 yuan, which is quite easy for her, because her monthly salary is nearly 4 Ten thousand yuan.”

"Please take us to see Shanshui Residence."

"There's nothing to see, it's in ruins now."

"No, it may be ruins in the eyes of ordinary people, but in our eyes it may be hiding a huge secret." Jiang Yiming hoped that he could lead the way.

"Okay, I'll take you to see it."

Zhou Guohua took them to Shanshui Residence, pointed to the top piece of Mingcun and said: "This is Wu Mingxia's Shanshui Residence. It turned out to be a bungalow with a brick and wood structure, with two bedrooms, a study room, a living room, and A kitchen, surrounded by vegetables and flowers, was taken care of by Wu Mingxia and looked like a fairyland. I don’t understand why Chi Ye and He Wendong wanted to raze it to the ground?"

“How much is this land worth now?”

"This land is worth at most 5 yuan. Alas, I originally thought that Chi Ye and He Wendong wanted to live in it after carefully renovating it. Unexpectedly, they demolished the house. What a waste of money. Wu Mingxia is also a celebrity. Well, it’s commemorative.”

"Xiao Zhou, thank you. You can go. We have to stay here for a long time and are afraid of delaying your work. How about asking Zhou Ting to take you back?"

"No, you guys go ahead and get busy. I'll just call a motorcycle to pick you up. It's quick and saves money." He smiled and waved goodbye to them both.

"Captain Jiang, why did Chi Ye and He Wendong spend 60 yuan to buy this remote homestead?"

"They may have discovered that the treasure map was hidden in this house, so they just bought it and didn't even have time to go through the transfer procedures, so they started looking for the treasure map."

"It turned out to be nothing, right?"

"No, you are wrong. They found the treasure map, so they could accurately dig out the twelve zodiac diamonds. 60 yuan is insignificant in front of tens of millions of diamonds. Therefore, they were not fools fooled by Wu Mingxia, but They are extremely smart. Of course, they didn’t know that they would die after digging for diamonds, otherwise, they would definitely not do such a stupid thing.”

"How did they know the treasure map was hidden here?"

"There should be guidance from an expert, but all the truth may be buried with the death of Chi Ye and He Wendong. However, the expert should still be alive. As long as we can find him, the truth will be revealed."

"Who could this expert be? Where to find him? Since he doesn't come forward, it must be difficult to find him, right?"

"It should be the thieves A and B who killed the Yuanyang thieves, or one of them, or the traitor who cooperated with the four thieves."

"This case is really too complicated and completely beyond my IQ."

"Don't worry, every case we solve will improve our IQ. When we reach middle age, we will be the best detectives. After retirement, we can write detective novels. We might accidentally become famous overnight." Jiang Yiming smiled humorously. With.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting walked around the homestead and found nothing special, so they picked up a wooden stick and searched the homestead from east to west, poking at any suspicious places with the wooden stick. Or lift up the area covered with bricks to see.

They searched back and forth like this. When they walked to the middle of the original study room, they found a wide wooden board pressed by bricks. Jiang Yiming felt a little strange, so he moved the bricks away, and a hole was exposed underneath. After opening it, I saw a cellar.

(End of this chapter)

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