Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 613 The treasure hunter dies again

Chapter 613 The treasure hunter dies again (25)
"I think the king cobra is a good clue. The suspect may be a snake bought from a snake farm. Judging from the depth of the wound before the snake's teeth bit into Luo and the amount of poison it excretes, it is about 3 years old. After 12 months of cultivation, the king cobra can weigh about 4 pounds. Under normal circumstances, the finished snake sold on the market will not be more than one year old. Therefore, this snake must be raised as a treasure by the owner of the snake farm. ." When everyone was sitting in the large conference room for a meeting, Luo Jin put forward this clue.

The meeting was attended by all criminal police officers from the No. 1, 2, and 3 Crime Teams, a total of 58 people.They rarely hold such a large meeting, and even Xi Qiandu attended this time.No one wants to hold such a meeting, because holding such a meeting means that the case has reached a deadlock.

"How do you know that the King Cobra comes from a snake farm and is not a wild snake?" Liu Xiaowei asked.

"Because snakes in snake farms eat beef, toads, feed snakes, etc., they grow very fast, several times faster than wild snakes. The length and size of snake teeth are directly proportional to the snake's weight, and 3 years old The teeth of the wild snakes on the left and right cannot grow that long. Also, the venom of captive-bred snakes is not as strong as wild snakes, so the suspect should choose a snake that is about 3 years old to commit the crime."

"Even if the snakes are artificially raised, it will be difficult for us to find the suspect, right? There are dozens of snake farms in our city, and we cannot rule out that the suspect bought snakes from other places. Isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack?" Xiao Ke I don't think this clue is a good clue.

"When all the clues have been broken, this clue is still useful. We first assume that the suspect bought the snake at a snake farm in the city. We concentrate our police forces and visit the snake farms one by one, even if there are We can investigate five or sixty snake farms within three or four days." Jiang Yiming and Xiao Ke had different ideas.

"When snake farms sell finished snakes, they are usually purchased by vegetable vendors and then sold in the market. At least thousands of snakes are sold in the city every day, and tens of thousands in ten days. Moreover, we don't know the specific identity of the suspect. I bought it someday, and if it was sold by a vegetable vendor, it would be easy to find the suspect."

"As long as there are clues, we can't let them go. We will start visiting large snake farms first. If the suspect bought the King Cobra in the snake farm, it will be easy to find the suspect. General snake farms will not A 3-year-old cobra is for sale and the owner raises it as the king of snakes. Maybe because the suspect's price is high, the owner will bear the pain and part with it." Luo Jin is very confident.

"Yes, Luo Jin is right. Snakes around 3 years old weigh at least six or seven kilograms and are usually purchased by high-end restaurants. So, I think this is a good clue." Wu Jiang supported Luo Jin.

"From now on, our No. 1, 2, and 3 Crime Teams will all invest in visiting snake farms, zoning and zoning, and we must not miss any snake farm, even those who keep snakes as pets. Each important The police officers on the case team are divided into three groups, each group has two people, a total of nine groups. They are divided into separate groups and communicate at any time and at any time. Once there are clues, call me to report. Come on, everyone, let’s break up the meeting!” Jiang Yiming arranged the work.

Everyone stood up one after another, and there was a sound of chairs scraping the floor in the conference room.Jiang Yiming left Liu Xiaowei and Shi Wei behind, and the three discussed how to divide the investigation into different areas. Finally, it was decided that the No. 1 Crime Team would visit Jiangbei District and Jiangxi District; the No. 2 Crime Team would visit Jiangdong District; and the No. 3 Crime Team would visit Jiangdong District. Visited Gangnam District.

Xi Qiandu also participated in the visit. He and Lu Yingying were in a group. Because Luo Jin wanted to participate in the autopsy of a senior provincial official who fell into the sea, he could not visit with everyone.Yesterday, Sha Tingguo, the captain of the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps, called Fang Lihua and asked Luo Jin to go to the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps to participate in the autopsy before noon today. Fang Lihua immediately agreed.

On the third day, Wu Jiang and Xiaoke came to the Meike Snake Farm in the western suburbs of the city. It is located at the foot of Laishan Mountain and 15 kilometers away from Jiangxi Avenue. It is a medium-sized snake farm with an annual shipment volume of about 5000 snakes. The price is 100 yuan per catty, and the total business is about 50 yuan.

The owner's name is Kang Lewei, a man in his late sixties, tall and thin, with dark skin.When he was young, he made a living by catching snakes. The fingers of his right hand were bitten by venomous snakes dozens of times. Because he could not be treated in time, his middle finger, ring finger and little finger were severely deformed.Later, I was afraid that my physical strength would be too much and I didn't dare to go up the mountain to catch snakes anymore. In the spring of 2007, I started to set up a Meiko snake farm, which means delicious.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke came to Kang Lewei's office. After Wu Jiang introduced himself, Kang Lewei asked them to sit down and slowly said that although he was a boss, he dressed as plainly as a migrant worker and his ability to treat people was relatively poor. Know how to pour water for them.

"Boss Kang, who will handle and sell your finished snakes?" Seeing him like that, Wu Jiang went straight to the point.

"I personally handle snake catching, weighing, counting money, settling accounts, and urging accounts, and I am assisted by the worker Zhou Ming. What's wrong, are we breaking the law?" He asked uneasily.

"No, don't worry. We are looking for a suspect who bit a man to death with a king cobra. We must arrest the murderer, otherwise we will be derelict in our duties."

"What do you need my help with?"

"The snake that bit someone to death was a king cobra. It was at least 6 pounds and about 3 years old. It should have been sold within the past month. I would like to know if you have ever produced such a big king cobra?"

"Yes, I'm going to check it on the computer. King Cobras weighing more than 6 pounds are very rare. We only have 10 of them, and we only sold one recently. I need to check the specific time." After that, he walked to the desk and picked up the A Huawei laptop is back on the sofa.He started the computer, entered the desktop, clicked on the transaction records for June and July 2017, looked at it for a while, and said: "At 6:7 pm on June 6, a man named Dong Li came to my market to buy I bought a king cobra, which weighed 27 kilograms, and cost 2 yuan per kilogram, totaling 7.5 yuan."

"Do you know Dong Lili?" Wu Jiang felt that the name was forged, so he asked.

"I don't know him. This is the first time I met him. Because his price was 30 yuan per catty higher than the market price, I agreed to sell it to him."

"Have you seen his ID?"

"No, you don't need to check the other party's ID card when selling snakes, right?"

"Yeah, I'm not blaming you. How old is he? How tall is he?"

"About 30 years old, about 165 centimeters tall, or a little taller, with a thin body and deep eye sockets. He doesn't look like a Chinese, but like a Vietnamese."

"Where does your accent come from?"

"It should be from this city."

"Please hand me your computer." Wu Jiang was afraid that he would forge transaction records, so he asked to see his computer.He picked up the laptop with both hands and handed it to Wu Jiang.

There are 811 pages of transaction records in total, with 50 transaction records recorded on each page. The reason why the director bought the snake is recorded on page 715.The recording time is: 2017:6:27 on June 14, 31.On the surface, it seems difficult to forge so many transaction records. Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke are not very good at computers and networks. They can only confirm it by asking Lu Yingying or Wen Xiaorou.

"You should have installed a monitor, right?" In fact, when Wu Jiang entered the snake farm gate, he saw a monitor installed on the upper right side of the gate. However, he was not sure whether the monitor was working. Although many small factories have installed The monitor, however, often doesn't work and is useless.

"Yes, our police station required it to be installed because on June 2009, 6, more than 25 kilograms of our snakes were stolen, causing huge economic losses. Therefore, we attach great importance to safety and we installed high-definition surveillance. The machine is working day and night.”

When Wu Jiang heard this, he was secretly happy: "Please bring up the video at that time for us to check."

"Okay, follow me." Kang Lewei stood up, walked to his desk, sat down, and retrieved the video from the computer with a storage capacity of 2TB.Kang Lewei said that Dong Li came to see him around two o'clock in the afternoon, so Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke started checking at 13:40.

They saw a thin young man enter the scene at 13:55:31. He rode a motorcycle to the snake farm gate, parked the car on the left side outside the gate, about 10 meters away from the monitor, and parked the motorcycle. After getting out of the car, I walked into the guard's room and stayed there for 45 seconds, maybe talking to the guard for a few words.

Then the suspect walked out of the guard room and walked to Kang Lewei's office 50 meters away. Because there was no monitor installed in the office, the conversation between him and Kang Lewei was not captured. He only stayed in the office for 15 minutes, and then talked to Kang Lewei. Kang Lewei walked out of the office and walked to the snake room.

The transaction was completed quickly. Although Dong Li was wearing sunglasses, because it was a sunny day and the high-definition monitor was used, his facial features could be seen at a glance. He was wearing a black T-shirt, gray jeans, and beige leather shoes.

He is about 167 centimeters tall, walks with a straight figure, and weighs no more than 50 kilograms. He is very similar to the suspect, and he bought a King Cobra. He is suspected of murder!Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke seemed to suddenly have a flat road full of flowers in front of their eyes. They walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, turning thousands of times, and at this time, another village was covered with flowers, so they were very happy!
Especially the motorcycle parked outside the gate surprised them both. The license plate number of this motorcycle is: Chang A14256. If the motorcycle license plate is not forged, then they will soon find out who Dong Yuan is?where do you live?
(End of this chapter)

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