Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 610 The treasure hunter dies again

Chapter 610 The treasure hunter dies again (22)
"No, that is a place of nightmares. I swear I will never step into the Cuckoo Valley again, lest I cause trouble." He shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of the sad scene.

"Please take off your shoes and let me see them."

"Why do you want me to take off my shoes? I'm not breaking the law?"

"Take it off if I ask you to. Don't tell me to take off your shoes. Even if I ask you to take off your pants, you have to take them off!" Zhou Ting gave him a hard look.Zhou Ting felt that he did not love Lin Sisi, but wanted to make money from her. After all, he was idle by nature.

"Okay..." He leaned down and untied the straps of his leather shoes. After untying his right shoe, he went to untie his left shoe. He moved slowly, as if it was very laborious.Then he took off a pair of leather shoes, then bent his feet and stepped on the edge of the chair to avoid getting his white socks dirty.

Zhou Ting handed Jiang Yiming his right shoe to look at. He looked at his left shoe. The size, shape, and length of the shoes were similar to the shoe prints left outside the cabin. However, because the suspect wore shoe covers to commit the crime, It was difficult to tell for a moment whether they were his shoes.

"Have you ever gone to Cuckoo Valley to spy on Lin Sisi and Luo Qian sleeping?" The suspect's footprints wearing shoe covers were imprinted on the outer wall of Luo Qian's bedside, so this question must be asked.

"No, I've only been there once. I won't peep. I'm mentally healthy and don't have any obscene habits."

"From 7:1 to 0:30 in the morning on July 2st, where were you? What were you doing?" Jiang Yiming didn't want to ask any more, because there was no flaw in Liu Dafang's words. Only by checking whether he was at the scene of the crime could he hit his mark. .

"At that time, I was supposed to be... singing at, yes, Dinghong KTV. My friends Liang Dazhu, Mao Mingming, and Yang Qing and I sang in Dinghong until two o'clock in the morning. We didn't want to leave at that time, but Dinghong only It was open until two o'clock in the morning, so we had to go home. We made an appointment to go to an all-night club to sing again on the weekend."

"Okay, you can go back. I'm warning you, please don't have bad ideas about Lin Sisi. She is a good woman." Jiang Yiming handed him the shoes, asked him to put them on, and asked for his mobile phone number. He said to obey their summons at all times.

After Liu Dafang put on his shoes, he bowed deeply to Jiang Yiming: "I will impress Lin Sisi with my true feelings, and I hope you can say a few kind words in front of her." After speaking, he turned and left. Obviously, he turned a deaf ear to Jiang Yiming's words. .

Jiang Yiming suddenly realized that his advice was feeble. Maybe he shouldn't have said that at all. As long as he and Lin Sisi were in love, he was just a bystander, so why should he meddle?

"Captain Jiang, do you think Liu Dafang's words are reliable?"

"The gold content is very high, but it cannot be ruled out that it is mixed with sand."

"I think what he said is probably false. When I saw him this time, I felt that he was still the same as he was eight years ago, and he hadn't changed at all. Otherwise, why didn't he find a job after being released from prison for so long? "

"If you're not good enough, you're not good. No matter how big or many our prisons are, it's hard to change a person's habits and thoughts." Jiang Yiming frowned and fell into thinking.Prison is not a panacea. Only the joint efforts of family and society can rehabilitate a person.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to the Electronics Building located on the south bank of Qianjiang River. This building has 18 floors and is a standard office building. The No. 1 Crime Team is already very familiar with this building.At that time, someone threw money from the rooftop of the building, causing chaos and trampling two people to death. Later, the No. 1 Crime Team intervened in the investigation and it turned out that the murderer was a deliberate act of murder.

Although the electronic building has a low floor, it covers an area of ​​5000 square meters. Many famous IT companies in the city are gathered here. Therefore, the building hides very powerful hackers, and various advanced technologies are born here.

The IT industry, also known as the information technology industry, is an industry that uses information means and technology to collect, organize, store, and transmit information and intelligence, provide information services, and provide corresponding information means, information technology and other services.The information technology industry includes: industrial sectors engaged in the production, circulation and sale of information and the use of information to provide services.

Bian Simu said it was that gave Luo Qian 20 yuan in funding. is a travel platform, engaged in leisure travel booking platform, recording interesting things, strange things, dangers, customs and customs during the journey, especially the encounters during the journey. An affair.There are picture area, video area, curiosity area, thrill area and erotic area, etc. Among them, the erotic area has the most readers of romance novels. The website has professional writers and even works by nationally famous lower body literature writers.

There are many representatives of beautiful writers, such as Wei Hui, Chi Li, Mian Mian, Chun Shu, etc.There is an ambiguity in the title of the book: various versions of "Jin Ping Mei", "Scream when you feel pleasure", "The Days We Walked Together", "Toward the Flowers"...most of them express the concern for the "lower body" Some scholars call it "the highest and most thorough expression of desire" because "any consumption, as an expression and satisfaction of desire, is undoubtedly not as direct and thorough as the expression of the body itself." Some writers and works also bring However, in order to please readers, some writers directly write erotic novels as pornographic novels. The naked sexual descriptions make people's hearts surging and their blood boiling. They are simply inciting young people with unhealthy views to commit crimes.

Such a website should not exist in the first place, but because the server is abroad, it can only be eradicated but not eradicated. Various pornographic websites have been shut down dozens of times and reopened within a few days. Because the cost of crime is very similar, so ,Wild fire, in spring.

The person in charge of Niu is named Nian Li. He takes care of the website, such as reviewing the content of pictures, texts and videos, copyright contracts with writers, deleting bad words and pictures, etc. In fact, he is only responsible for finance, employment and control of the website. The development direction and other matters are handled by the nine editors under me.

Nian Li is a young man who once studied in the United States, majoring in e-commerce. After graduation, he was sent to Yangtze City to be the person in charge.He is only 29 years old this year. He has hair that is half a foot long. He is about 166 centimeters tall. He is on the thin side. His skin is as white as a patient who has not seen the sun for decades. At first glance, he is scary. is located in Room A on the 7th floor of the Electronics Building. Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting walked through the office area and came to the door of the general manager's office.Jiang Yiming looked back at the employees who were working. They were all immersed in the online world, and no one noticed them walking in.

Zhou Ting raised his hand and knocked on the door, but no one responded, so he knocked harder, and then a hoarse voice said: "Please come in."

There was a soft "click", the door lock opened, and the door slowly opened to them. Nian Li was sitting at the desk, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and pressing his fingers on the screen of the mobile phone. Obviously, he was using the mobile phone to control the remote control. Jiang Yiming walked in at the front door. Just when he was about to speak, Nian Li made a silent gesture——

"Mr. Jiang Yiming, captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Changjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau and Changjiang No. 1 Major Crime Team, was born in 1981. He graduated from Beijing Police College in 2003, specializing in criminal investigation. In 2008, he was transferred from Binhe City to Changjiang City as the criminal police captain. He is very thoughtful and considerate. , is good at thinking, and often has flashes of inspiration when a case reaches a deadlock. He is 180 cm tall.

"Mr. Zhou Ting graduated from the Provincial Police Academy in 2012. He is good at fighting, introverted, perseverant, just, and kind. He comes from a wealthy family. He was born in 1990. He is 180 centimeters tall. He was originally a police officer at the Liujiao Street Police Station in Jiangnan District. Transferred to Serious Crime Team No. 1..."

"Okay, since you know us in such detail, you should know our work style. Let's get straight to the point - do you know Luo Qian?" Jiang Yiming didn't like his smart-aleck appearance.

"Luo Qian? Of course I know him. He is the main supporter of our website. He is an ambitious traveler. I admire him very much. His lifelong dream is to climb Mount Everest from the north. This is a very difficult task. So, I admire him very much, but I haven’t been able to contact him for several days. However, I believe it is impossible for him to take our money and run away..."

"I'm sorry, how much did he take from you?"

"I funded him with RMB 10 with the approval of our American chairman. I like people with dreams, and I also dream of climbing Mount Everest. However, I tried twice and failed, so I I tried my best to persuade the chairman to support Luo Qian so that he could realize my dream."

"Is there an agreement between you? Otherwise, how could you easily hand over 10 yuan to a person with severe altitude sickness?"

“Altitude sickness can be overcome, for example, by strengthening physical exercise, running, swimming, mountain climbing, cycling, etc. to improve physical fitness. In fact, people themselves have the ability to overcome altitude sickness, but this requires a process, experiencing altitude sickness. After the process, people will naturally adapt to it and overcome it. In this process, some people are more relaxed and some people are more hard-working. Of course, if we don’t want to work hard, we can take Omo Oxygen. This health product can help us easily overcome the plateau. reaction……"

"Okay, we're not here to listen to the lecture. Agreement? Agreement!" Jiang Yiming once again interrupted Nian Li, who liked to talk loudly.

"We only have a verbal agreement, because the agreement is still being drafted and negotiated, so there is no written agreement. The main reason is that he asked us to give him 20 yuan before he would risk his life to climb Mount Everest, because climbing Mount Everest is a big deal for him. A near-death experience and adventure, but our chairman only promised to give him 10, so the agreement was never signed, but I gave him 10 in cash."

"You have to take responsibility for what you say." Jiang Yiming didn't quite believe him.

(End of this chapter)

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