Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 596 The treasure hunter dies again

Chapter 596 The treasure hunter dies again (8)
After arriving at the village committee meeting room, Xiao Ke found a nylon rope and tied Li Daoqing's hands to prevent him from escaping.

"Li Daoqing, why are you running away?" Wu Jiang asked.

"Leader, I was wrong. I was afraid that you were here to investigate my catching fireflies and ask me to pay a fine. I don't have the money to pay the fine, so the best option is to get away with the 36 strategies." His face was pale and blue, like an anemic person. Similarly, although she looks pretty, there is no masculinity at all.

"We are criminal police, not forestry police. Criminal police deal with homicide cases. Please be honest. If you don't tell the truth, you may be sentenced to death!"

"What? Sentenced to death? What crime did I commit?" he asked doubtfully and timidly.

"Because we suspect you of murder!"

"How can I have the guts to kill someone? Do you have any evidence?"

"In the early morning of June 6, a man named He Wendong was killed in Minghuang Valley. After our investigation, there were shoe prints of 25-yard Yichuan brand sandals left at the scene. This shoe print is the same as what we found under your bed. The shoes are exactly the same, look-" Wu Jiang took out a pair of sandals from a plastic bag and placed them on the table in front of Li Daoqing.

"Can you please explain why your shoe prints are left next to the deceased?"

"I often go to Minghuang Valley to catch fireflies. It's normal for the shoe prints to be left there." He lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Wu Jiang.

"No, your footprints were left in the early morning of June 6th. This is the result of scientific and technical analysis and comparison. There is no doubt. Stop being clever. It is useless not to admit it." Wu Jiang raised his voice.

"..." He fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

"It's understandable that you killed someone on impulse or under instructions. Young people will make mistakes. However, if you make a mistake, you must be responsible for your own actions. Now your only way out is to tell the story of the murder!" Wu Jiang patiently said to persuade.

"No, I didn't kill anyone, you can't accuse me unjustly!" He suddenly shouted loudly, then raised his head and looked at Wu Jiang, his eyes blazing with burning anger, as if he was not afraid of anyone.

Wu Jiang saw the anger in his eyes filled with grievance and dissatisfaction. It was impossible for a murder suspect to be so confident, especially a young man.Wu Jiang has been a police officer for more than 20 years and has interrogated thousands of suspects. He can see that Li Daoqing is not pretending, just like an old director who can instantly tell the quality of an actor's acting skills.

"If there was no murder, why would your shoe prints be left at the scene? If you don't explain clearly, we will put you in a detention center, because the shoe prints you left at the scene are enough."

Li Daoqing saw that Wu Jiang was not aggressive towards him, and he had no intention of confronting them head-on. After all, it would do him no good, so he softened and said, "I'm sorry, this is what happened: On the evening of June 6th, after I had dinner, it got dark. At about 24:7, I took a flashlight and a fishing net to catch fireflies as usual. It wasn't until 5 a.m. the next day, when it started to get dark, that I stopped working and went home.

"I had to go through Minghuang Valley when I went home. When I came down from Shenxian Mountain and arrived at Minghuang Valley, it was already 5:300. It was already bright and I could see bigger things clearly. I walked about 25 meters. I borrowed I was holding a strong flashlight when I suddenly saw something lying on the right side of the road, about [-] meters away from the road. I thought it might be a wild boar because someone was electrocuting wild boar in Minghuang Valley.

"If it was a wild boar, I would have carried it home, but when I got closer, I saw it was a man with an arrow stuck in his back and blood still on it. I approached him to test him. Was he breathing? When I touched the tip of his nose with my finger, I found that his nose was cold and he was no longer breathing.

"I originally wanted to call 110 to call the police, but when I saw his bulging pockets, I thought he might have a wallet and a mobile phone, so I braved it and went to fumble around in his bag. I found something in both pockets of his jacket, so I untied it. I opened the two buttons on his left pocket, reached in, and took out a wallet filled with hundred-dollar bills. I took it out and counted it, and there was 6400 yuan. I was very surprised.

"His wallet contains five bank cards, three hotel and KTV VIP cards, and an ID card. I think he must be very rich. It would be great if I could crack the password of his bank card. If I crack If I don't open it, I can find an expert to cooperate, so I put his wallet in my pocket.

"Later I found an iPhone 7 Plus in another pocket. I usually like to read criminal investigation novels and knew that if I didn't take out the SIM card and throw it away, the police would not be able to find me through the positioning system. So after I took the phone home, , found a paper clip, took out the SIM card and threw it into the river.

"Then I took the phone to the flea market and sold it to the owner of Guangcheng Mobile Phone Store for a total of 2600 yuan. I also took off a watch from his wrist and took it to the pawn shop to sell it, but the boss I didn't believe him when he said he wouldn't accept my watch without an invoice. However, I asked several stores in succession and no one dared to accept it.

"I asked them to help me estimate the price. They wanted to charge me 100 yuan. I paid him without hesitation. One boss said that my watch was worth at least 10 yuan. If it was invoiced, it would be worth more. I was pleasantly surprised. Gotta jump up.

"I was going to spend money to forge an invoice that could be authentic. However, I wanted to share my results with my friends. I was not in a hurry, so I called three friends from the village and went to Yinhe Township to eat, drink and have fun all night. No one arrived. , you captured me today." He said dejectedly. "Is there anything else on him?"

"There should be none. I didn't search very carefully. After all, you need to be brave to snatch things from a dead person. If I hadn't often gone up the mountain at night to practice my courage, I would have run away as soon as I saw the dead person. How would I dare to search him? "

"Where is the watch now?"

"Buried under the flowerpot on my rooftop."

"You have to hand over the watch because it's stolen property."

"Well, as long as you don't detain me, I'm willing to give you the watch."

"No, you have violated the criminal law. First, you refused to save yourself. Second, you stole property. Third, you interfered with the police in solving the case. Fourth, you ran away in fear of crime. This is enough for detention. If the judge does not sentence you, You can just thank God.”

"I know I was wrong. Now I am no longer cooperating with your investigation. I have confessed everything."

"You'd better talk to the judge later." Wu Jiang stood up and motioned to Xiao Ke to take Li Daoqing away. Li Daoqing had no choice but to stand up and follow Wu Jiang. Xiao Ke followed Li Daoqing and went to his house to get the watch.

Li Daoqing took them to the rooftop of his house, pointed at a pot of orchids with his hands tied by ropes, and said, "Put the watch down there."

Wu Jiang pulled out the orchid, put it on the ground, and then poured the soil on the rooftop. It turned out that it was a Rolex-Yacht-Master series 116688-78218 mechanical watch. The market price was about 26, which was far more than what the pawn shop owner said. The price is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Wu Jiang didn't understand why He Wendong could give up the villa on the Diamond Waterfront but was unwilling to pawn the watch?Was the watch given to him by a special person?

Although Li Daoqing does not look like the murderer on the surface, his suspicion cannot be ruled out. After all, he has been to the scene. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth investigation on him to see if he has any interaction with He Wendong, or whether he has any indirect contact with He Wendong. intersection.

They detained Li Daoqing in the Hedong Detention Center.

"Captain Jiang, I went to the company to check the surveillance video of Jiangnan Building. I found that my husband drove away in his white Guangben car after get off work. You should start an investigation based on this clue." Judy came to Jiang Yiming's office, sitting opposite him.It seems that she has broken away from the sadness and become stronger, so she wants to help investigate the case.This made Jiang Yiming dumbfounded.

Jiang Yiming remembers a Champions League football match. Suddenly a fan ran into the football field and instructed the coach how to instruct the players to play, which made the coach angry and dumbfounded.

"Ms. Ding, we understand your feelings, but your behavior is not worthy of praise. We are criminal investigation experts and have repeatedly solved major and important cases, so I have done everything you think of..."

"Ah? Have you already checked the surveillance video of Jiangnan Building?"

"Yes, from the day you confirmed that the deceased was He Wendong, we sent people to check the video. At 6 o'clock in the evening on June 24, He Wendong drove a white Cantonese sedan out of the underground parking lot and walked along Jiangxi Avenue Driving south to north, we drove into a food stall called 'Zeng Remembers' and ordered three dishes and one soup to eat by ourselves. After dinner, we continued driving north.

"Then he turned the car west and drove toward Yinhe Township. He parked the car at the gate of Yinhe Township Government. After getting off the car, he drank coffee for two hours at the 'Mingxing' Cafe, which is 120 meters away from the township government. After coming out, he returned to his car, took out a backpack from the trunk, walked up, then turned onto Alliance Road and walked toward Devil's Mountain.

"It was already 10:15. Since then, no video has been installed along the way, and we no longer know who he came into contact with. Because Yinhe Township is nearly [-] kilometers away from Minghuang Valley, we judged that someone picked him up on the way. , usually he is driving a motorcycle, and it is most likely that the driver of the motorcycle picked him up.

(End of this chapter)

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