Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 591 The treasure hunter dies again

Chapter 591 The treasure hunter dies again (3)
If it were not a serial murder case, Jiang Yiming would hand over the unrelated homicide cases to the No. 2 Serious Crime Team or the No. 3 Serious Crime Team for investigation, or to the criminal police team of the district branch for investigation. But for serial murder cases, they will be responsible to the end.

"Team Jiang, the deceased's stride at the scene was very large, with a stride length of 1.1 meters. This is not a normal stride. Calculated based on the deceased's height of 178cm, his normal stride should be about 70 centimeters. I think the deceased's stride length was [-] meters. He should have been killed while running." Wu Jiang pointed to the shoe prints of the deceased on the ground.

"Did he know that someone was following him? Did he run away desperately after discovering that he was in danger?"

"Yes, the situation at that time should be like this. The depth of the crossbow arrow into the back of the deceased was 8 centimeters. He should have been shot by the murderer at a relatively close distance. We have to go back and do experiments to get specific data. How many meters exactly? .”

"If that's the case, wouldn't the size 41 Yichuan brand sandals we extracted at the scene be meaningless? Because the murderer could stand at a distance and shoot the deceased. Could the Yichuan brand shoe prints be left by the deceased before his death? From below?"

"It should be impossible. When the deceased died, he struggled on the ground for a minute or two. Because he was in great pain, his hands dug deeply into the soil, leaving fingerprints. However, the Yichuan brand shoe prints covered these fingerprints. , Therefore, it is certain that the owner of Yichuan brand shoes is highly suspected of murder."

"What if the murderer is not the owner of the Yichuan brand shoe print? For example, the murderer's purpose is to kill the deceased. After seeing him fall, the murderer stood in the distance and watched the deceased motionless before leaving. In this way, he would not be there. Shoe prints were left at the scene.”

"Captain Jiang, your inference makes sense. We must expand the search, at least to all places with a radius of 50 meters centered on the scene, because the effective range of the crossbow will not exceed 50 meters. Last time at Jingshui Villa, You Zhi was killed by a crossbow arrow used by Lin Zhongshi, who was standing 30 meters away from him and fired the crossbow arrow."

"Yes, the scope of the investigation must be expanded. Because the deceased was running from west to east, which can be judged from the several shoe prints he left, and the deceased was lying on the ground with his head facing east and feet facing west, so as long as the east-west direction is surveyed Do not survey the land within 10 meters of the land in the north and south directions, as this will save a lot of time."

Just like the last time they investigated the May 5 case, Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting searched from the west, Xiao Ke and Wu Jiang searched from the east, and Luo Jin and Lu Yingying continued to conduct on-site investigation at the center.

Jiang Yiming found a suspicious shoe print 25 meters away from the center. Because it was a piece of bare soil, the shoe print was very clear.This is a pair of sneakers of size 41, walking from west to east.Zhou Ting took photos of the shoe prints.

Jiang Yiming took out the plaster, which was packaged in a plaster shell like toothpaste. It was a professional cast plaster. He poured it on the shoe prints, and then used a battery-powered hair dryer to dry the plaster and extract the shoe prints.At this time, Zhou Ting discovered that not far from this shoe print, there was another shoe print of size 41 Yichuan brand sandals, and it also went from west to east.The shoe pattern is exactly the same as the center scene.

They have investigated all the places within a radius of 50 meters, but no fresh footprints have been found. Although there are old footprints, they are of no significance to solving the case, because there are more people walking in Minghuang Valley, and the footprints are numerous and messy. One mold extraction.

"After autopsy, the deceased was poisoned by potassium cyanide. Everyone knows that potassium cyanide is highly poisonous. Once it enters the blood, it will cause death within 1 minute. If it enters through breathing, it will be faster. It has the title of Lightning Death. . Judging based on rigor mortis, corpse spots, and the degree of digestion of stomach contents: the deceased died between 2017 and 6 a.m. on June 25, 1." Luo Jin sat in a small conference room, facing Jiang Yiming and said .

"The time of death is exactly the same as Chiye's. Is it a coincidence? Or was it deliberately arranged?"

"I think it's a coincidence. No murderer can dictate the time of death unless he is God."

"Do you think the June 6 case and the May 25 case are related?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"There is definitely a connection. First, the two deceased were also killed between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m.; second, the deceased's hands were covered with mud, and there were scratches on the thumb, index finger, middle finger and the palm of his left hand. This shows that They were killed after getting the treasure; third, both of the deceased died in Minghuang Valley, and they were less than 100 meters apart. In short, various signs indicate that they are very closely related." Xiaoke said.

"I think so too. Do you have any objections?" Jiang Yiming looked at everyone and asked.


"I do not have either."

"Okay, then we will treat these two cases as serial murders and handle them together... Yingying, who is that female skeleton? Do you have any clues?"

"No, I searched for several days in the National Missing Person Information Database, and there was no case of a 1997-year-old woman with a height of 162 centimeters missing in the summer of 25."

"Will Luo Jin's judgment be biased?"

"Deviations are unavoidable, because this is a conclusion reached through the computer and our comprehensive analysis, but it will not deviate beyond half a year. How about you expand the time of death to search?" Luo Jin said to Lu Yingying. "Okay, that's all." Lu Yingying nodded to Luo Jin.

"Let's analyze, is the female skeleton case related to the June 6 case and the May 25 case?"

"Judging from the current investigation situation, there is no evidence that the three are related. However, based on my many years of criminal investigation experience, I think they are related." Wu Jiang turned his attention to Jiang Yiming.

"My sixth sense tells me they must be related."

"Xiao Ke, you can't rely on your sixth sense when handling cases, right?" Lu Yingying glanced at Xiao Ke and felt that what he said had no scientific reason.

"No, I believe in the sixth sense." Jiang Yiming looked at Lu Yingying, "I think Chi Ye and the unknown deceased are closely related to the female skeleton case. They may have died for the female deceased. Let's combine these three cases. Investigate.”

"It stands to reason that there are shoe prints at the scene. Knowing the murderer's height, weight and gender would make it easier to identify the murderer. But why are there no clues so far?"

"Handling a case requires a bit of luck. The murderer of the Baiyin serial rape and murder case left shoe prints, semen, fingerprints, and even hair at the scene. Moreover, it was a major case supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, but it was only discovered 28 years later. Everyone is very disappointed. It is clear that in our country there are still countless innocent souls who are still waiting to die, and countless major and important cases have become unresolved or dead cases. However, I believe that the legal network is open and there will be no omissions," Wu Jiang said.

"Oh, Lao Wu, have you extracted the fingerprints left on the button of the deceased's pocket?"

"It was extracted, but only half of the fingerprints were extracted. I tried to compare them in the fingerprint database, but there was no result. In other words, this half of the fingerprints has no comparison meaning. Only if the murderer is caught can we know whether it was left by the murderer. "

"What type of crossbow arrows are they? What are the results of the arrow path test?"

"Alas, the murderer is too cunning. This crossbow arrow is homemade and does not have any model. The arrow path test results are puzzling and even make people's scalp numb. The crossbow arrow was shot from a height of 220 centimeters. So, the murderer's height is at least 240 centimeters, there are very few people in the world who are so tall, unless they are devils." Wu Jiang frowned deeply.

"Where did the devil come from in the world? The murderer must have deliberately increased his height to interfere with us, such as standing on stilts or a tall man wearing special height-increasing shoes to shoot the deceased. In short, the murderer has ways that we can't think of to interfere with our solving the case. "

"I extracted two kinds of sweat at the scene and did DNA testing. One of them belonged to the deceased, and the other one is unknown to who it is because the comparison in the DNA library was unsuccessful. However, I think it is probably the murderer. Left behind." Luo Jin said.

"This is great. When the murderer is caught, he won't be able to deny it."

"The first thing we need to do now is to find the source of the body; the second thing is to start investigating from the footprints extracted from the scene, first to identify the owner of the Yichuan brand sandals, and then to investigate the Anta sneakers extracted 25 meters away from the central site. Zhou Ting and I continue Following the May 5 case, Lao Wu and Xiao Ke went to investigate Yichuan brand sandals and Anta sneakers. Yingying went to find the source of the female skeleton, and by the way, checked the missing persons information database to see if there was any male who met the conditions of the deceased. " Jiang Yiming arranged the tasks.

Jiang Yiming rarely assigned Luo Jin tasks. He was the only chief forensic physician in the municipal bureau. He managed people in several laboratories and had little time to participate in handling cases.

Jiang Yiming believes that the relationship between He Wendong and Chi Ye must be clarified, because this is the only clue to the 5 case and cannot be left alone. Through this clue, it is possible to find the direction to solve the case.If Chi Ye followed He Wendong's instructions and took money to trade drugs or cultural relics in Minghuang Valley, then after the other party got the things, he would kill Chi Ye to achieve the goal of getting both money and material.

Ho Wendong's Tuoye Real Estate Development Company is located in Room 2104 of Jiangnan Building. Jiangnan Building is the property of the Provincial People's Congress. Many famous real estate companies have offices there. Although it was built in the early 90s, because it is in front of the rippling blue waves. Jiang has a broad vision, so he is particularly popular.

Zhou Ting parked the car in the underground parking lot, and Jiang Yiming was waiting for him at the elevator entrance of the building. After a while, Zhou Ting came, and they took the elevator together to the 21st floor.

They had been to Jiangnan Building before, and their memory was rather shabby. However, this time, the interior of the building has been renovated and is very gorgeous, not inferior to a three-star hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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