Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 585 The shocking discovery of bones

Chapter 585 The shocking discovery of bones (9)
"That day, I was in so much pain that I couldn't do anything about it, so I ended work early and went with him to the creek in Minghuang Valley to take painkillers with the water. Of course, he didn't see me taking the medicine. I tried to force a smile in front of him, but he had nothing to do with it. He knows. So, his and I’s shoe prints will be on the ground by the creek. Officer Wu, do you think a person who is about to die will still murder Chi Ye? "

Wu Jiang was silent, his eyes were a little moist. Although Fang Hongli lived a humble, miserable, pitiful, and even dirty life, she also knew how to repay kindness. Her relationship with Ning Yishu was definitely not a pure money relationship, but a true love, even greater than love. ——Chivalry!Shine the light of humanity.He seemed to see the chivalrous woman in the Chinese fairy tale traveling to the present time.

"Officer Wu, I'm going to get you the medical records and diagnosis certificate." She saw Wu Jiang deep in thought, and was afraid that he would think she was fabricating a bleak story to deceive him, so she stood up and walked into the bedroom.They heard her open a drawer.

After a while, she came out, did not sit back on the recliner, pulled up a low stool and sat across from them, and handed the diagnosis and medical records to Wu Jiang. Wu Jiang couldn't understand the doctor's cursive characters, so he read them and handed them to Xiao Ke. Look, Xiao Ke can’t understand it either.

"Can we take these things away? After we read them, we will return them to you. It will not take more than two days." Wu Jiang knew that Luo Jin could understand them, so he planned to take them back to Luo Jin.

"Take it away, it doesn't matter if you don't return it, it's of no use to me anyway." She said calmly, as if she had seen through life. The cycle of life and death is a natural law that no one can resist.

They returned to the team and handed Fang Hongli's medical records, diagnosis certificates, and various examination items to Luo Jin.Luo Jin looked at it for a while and said that what Fang Hongli said was right. She only had three months left to live.Luo Jin was afraid that Fang Hongli was cheating, so he called the doctor at the Oncology Department of the Second People's Hospital to ask. Doctor Liu Wanhong said it was true, and Luo Jin felt relieved.

However, Fang Hongli's suspicion cannot be completely ruled out, because she wants to kill Chi Ye, otherwise she will die in peace. What if Fang Hongli encourages Ning Yishu to kill Chi Ye, and then forms an offensive and defensive alliance?But how can we find the evidence?
Wu Jiang felt that Fang Hongli and Ning Yishu should be called for polygraph testing, but he couldn't bear to torture a miserable woman with terminal cancer...

"Captain Jiang, we have found the suspect who reported Liu Yang and are rushing to his home. Do you want to come with us?" Liu Xiaowei called Jiang Yiming.

"How did you find him?"

"His mobile phone was turned on, and we found him through the positioning system. It took a lot of effort on our part. This guy is so cunning."

"You summon him to the criminal police team and we will question him together."

"Okay." Liu Xiaowei hung up the phone, and Jiang Yiming silently praised his efficiency. He was worthy of being the vice captain.

An hour later, Liu Xiaowei and two criminal policemen brought a man about 40 years old to the interrogation room. Liu Xiaowei called Jiang Yiming and asked him to inquire.

Jiang Yiming walked into the inquiry room and saw a calm-looking man sitting across from him. He was wearing a white Donna Karan T-shirt on his upper body, a pair of blue and white Levi's jeans on his lower body, and a pair of black LV leather shoes. An international famous brand, with a gold necklace as thick as a snake hanging around her neck, and her outfit costs at least 10,000+ yuan.

He is of medium build, relatively stocky, with fair skin, regular facial features, and slender fingers. He looks like a pampered rich second generation.He saw Jiang Yiming walking in and asked, "Are you Captain Jiang? I didn't break the law, why did you call me here?"

"Cooperating with police investigations is the obligation of every citizen, unless you are not a Chinese citizen."

"Of course I am Chinese...can I smoke?"

"Okay, this is a normal inquiry, there are no restrictions."

"You guys can have one too." He took out a pack of Nanjing 180 Supreme cigarettes from his handbag, took out four cigarettes from the cigarette case, and wanted to pass them to them to smoke, but they were all declined.What is this guy's background? He actually smokes [-] yuan a pack of cigarettes.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Zhanlong, and everyone calls me Brother Long."

"You once called me to report Liu Yang as a murder suspect, right?"

He hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to admit it or not, and finally replied: "Yes, I called you to report Liu Yang." He knew that the calls from the Criminal Police Team were recorded. If he didn't admit it, he would record it. Play it back for him to listen to, and he still has to admit it.

"Do you know Liu Yang?"

"I don't know him, but I have seen him in the distance."

"Since you don't know him, why did you report him as a suspect in Chi Ye's murder?"

"It was a good friend of mine and Liu Yang's friend. He told me that I reported him to you." He lit the cigarette and took a deep drag, as if he had never smoked.Is he relieving stress, or thinking about how to deal with them?
"What is your best friend's name? Where does he live? What is his occupation?"

"He is from Henan, his name is A'Zhu, he lives in a rental house at No. 124 Shiban Street, Huacun, and attends the Dynasty Nightclub."

"The nickname is useless. What is his specific name?"

"Zhu Xiaoling." He hesitated, as if he was afraid of betraying Zhu Xiaoling.

"How did Zhu Xiaoling know that Liu Yang was a murder suspect?" "Liu Yang told Zhu Xiaoling."

"Why can't your phone call go through? And the mobile phone number was purchased with a fake ID."

"Well, I was afraid of Liu Yang's revenge, so I made a fake ID card and went to a store to buy a SIM card to report Liu Yang."

"May I ask what your occupation is?"

"I set up a company in partnership with my friends, called Shanhai Jade Trading Company, which deals in jade from various countries in Southeast Asia."

When Jiang Yiming heard about jade, he thought of drug trafficking, because some X-ray machines cannot transmit high-density stones, and some drug dealers hollow out the stones, fill them with drugs, and then seal them to avoid border inspections.Now that the jade industry continues to be in a downturn and many companies have gone bankrupt, how can he afford Nanjing cigarettes?

He might have used the crime squad to put Liu Yang in jail to run his market, so he called to report Liu Yang, and he got what he wanted.After Liu Yang was imprisoned in the detention center, Jiang Yiming couldn't get through Zhanlong's cell phone.

"Zhanlong, we called you here today mainly because we want to know what kind of person you are. After all, the information you provided allowed us to find evidence of Liu Yang's drug trafficking. After Liu Yang's case is concluded, we will pay you a bonus. Yes. You can go now, thank you for your cooperation." Jiang Yiming stood up and shook hands with him, Zhanlong smiled and waved goodbye to Jiang Yiming.

"Captain Jiang, why did you just let him go like this?" Liu Xiaowei was confused by letting Zhan Long go.

"First of all, Zhanlong is not the murderer because his height does not meet the requirements; secondly, he may also be a drug dealer. In order to bring down Liu Yang and run the drug market in Xiyan City, he deliberately reported Liu Yang and used our hands to successfully Liu Yang and Wang Shanshi need to be eliminated, so we can’t alert him in the first place. You can send someone to monitor him 24 hours a day and we should be able to find his flaws.”

Liu Xiaowei thought for a moment: "Do you want us to continue investigating the May 5 case?"

"Of course. The May 5 case is a serious case and the murder must be solved. Therefore, you first ask someone to monitor Zhanlong. Our monitoring team has no tasks at the moment. You go ask them to do it. Zhou Ting and I went to the detention center to interrogate Liu Yang. There may be results soon, Zhanlong wants to take advantage of us, he is still a little green."

Liu Xiaowei felt that Jiang Yiming's arrangement was good, nodded, turned and left.

Jiang Yiming went to the office to call Zhou Ting. Zhou Ting and Lu Yingying were watching the surveillance. Jiang Yiming asked Lu Yingying if she had found the source of the female skeleton?She shook her head and said none of the women who disappeared that summer fit the bill.However, he felt relieved when he saw that Lu Yingying was still in high spirits.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to Jiangdong Detention Center to interrogate Liu Yang.

Liu Yang was handcuffed and taken to the interrogation room by two prison guards. In just a few days, Liu Yang completely changed. He used to be high-spirited and high-spirited, but suddenly he became haggard, his eyes were dull, and his hair turned white. Young, like a little old man.

"Captain Jiang, I have said everything that needs to be said. There is no way you can squeeze any more oil out of me." He said weakly.

"We are not here to extract oil today, we are here to rescue you. We found 2 kilograms of heroin from your home, which is enough to sentence you to death."

"Save me? You are not so kind, otherwise, you wouldn't have taken me to the detention center." He raised his hands to pick up a small bump on his right face. It might have been bitten by a mosquito while sleeping at night. Due to too much force, Cheeks are bleeding.

"No matter who it is, as long as they break the law, they must be responsible for their actions. Otherwise, wouldn't the world be in chaos? Who will defend justice? We follow the rules of atonement for crimes. Now is the opportunity for you. You must cherish it." Jiang Yiming looked at him sincerely.

"I know this is my only lifeline and I will tell the truth."

"Do you know Zhanlong?"

"We know each other, and we are relatively good friends. What happened to him?"

“Do you know Zhu Xiaoling?”

"Of course I know him. He used to help me with work, but then he went to watch shows elsewhere. We have a good relationship."

"But Zhanlong said he doesn't know you."

"That bastard has this kind of virtue, so it's hard for him and I to get together. I can't blame him for that. There are few people who help when times are right, and there are many people who add insult to injury. Now that I'm a prisoner, of course he says he doesn't know me." He closed his eyes, shook his head, and sighed deeply.

"You can't run out anyway, let me tell you straight. It was he who called the criminal police team to report you for killing Chi Ye." Jiang Yiming said this because he wanted to tell Liu Yang: Don't cover up Zhanlong, he is not yours. friend.

(End of this chapter)

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