Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 576 The Death of the Treasure Hunter

Chapter 576 The Death of the Treasure Hunter (22)
Jiang Yiming went to the Procuratorate to apply for a search warrant, and the Procuratorate quickly handed the search warrant to Jiang Yiming.Jiang Yiming took Zhou Ting, Xiao Ke, and Wu Jiang to search Lu Jun's home.

After Lu Jun saw the search warrant, he was stunned for a moment, but he recovered in an instant. This did not escape Jiang Yiming's eyes, which showed that Lu Jun was guilty or did not expect that they would come to search.

They searched separately and searched the master bedroom, auxiliary bedroom, guest room, living room, toilet, balcony and storage room. They searched for more than two hours and found nothing.

There was an old safe mixed in with the sundries in Lu Jun's storage room. Jiang Yiming asked him to open the safe.Lu Jun said that the safe was not his, but that it was used by his parents, and said who could use such a rotating safe these days.

Jiang Yiming didn't believe it, so he called Lu Jun's father, Lu Tianlai, and asked him to go home and open the safe.Lu Tianlai said the safe was bought by his son from a flea market. He and his wife never used safes. His daughter Lu Jing was still in high school and never used safes.

Jiang Yiming said sternly: "Lu Jun, don't go further down the wrong path. It's still too late for you to cooperate with us now. Everyone will make mistakes. As long as they are willing to repent, we will deal with it as appropriate."

"I'm sorry, Captain Jiang, I bought this safe for 180 yuan at a flea market before I joined the army. After I left the army and retired, I forgot the password when I got home and lost the key. I really can't open it. It." He replied apologetically.

"Since you don't cooperate, we can only take it back to the criminal police team and ask the locksmith to find a way to open it." Jiang Yiming found a hemp rope in the storage room and asked Zhou Ting to use the hemp rope to tie the safe tightly, and Xiao Ke carried the safe to the police car together.

Jiang Yiming was afraid that Lu Jun would abscond, so he called Lu Yingying to get a summons and summon Lu Jun to the criminal police team.Lu Yingying drove a police car to Xiejiazhuang and delivered the summons to Jiang Yiming.Jiang Yiming handed the summons to Lu Jun for signature. Lu Jun had no choice but to sign it.

Jiang Yiming arranged Lu Jun in the back seat of the car, with Zhou Ting and Xiao Ke sandwiching him on the left and right to prevent him from resisting and escaping.Maybe Lu Jun thought that his martial arts skills were not as good as those of Zhou Ting and Xiao Ke, so he sat there like a deflated rubber ball, not wanting to move.Sweat rained down from his forehead.Seeing him like that, Jiang Yiming thought it was funny and was secretly happy.

After arriving at the criminal police team, Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting sent Lu Jun to the interrogation room. They guarded him, preventing him from escaping, and did not ask him anything. They only waited for Jiang Yiming to ask someone to open the safe, and then Jiang Yiming Decide.

Jiang Yiming called Wang Xiaoming and asked if he was free?If you have time, please call the criminal police team to help open the safe.He said he would arrive immediately when he was free.Wang Xiaoming has been hired by the Municipal Bureau as a security consultant, and he receives a monthly salary of 4500 yuan. Jiang Yiming asked him to help open the safe, and he was duty-bound.

Half an hour later, Wang Xiaoming came to the criminal police team's evidence room, took out a complex set of tools, and opened the safe in only a quarter of an hour.

The bottom drawer of the safe was filled with cash. Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang took it out and counted it. It was a total of 39 yuan, which was 40 yuan different from 1 yuan. It may have been spent by Lu Jun.Jiang Yiming came to the interrogation room with 39 in cash, put it on the table, and asked sharply: "Lu Jun, what is this?"

"It's... it's money..." He felt a huge pressure on his heart, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Here is exactly 39 yuan. Where did this money come from?"

"This... I... I deserve to die, I confess..." He took a deep breath and continued, "I did go to Wanghai Mountain that night. By chance, I met a Japanese friend named My name is Yamamoto Gohiro. He often travels to and from China. Every time he comes to China, he always comes to the Yangtze River to meet me and invite me to eat, drink and have fun.

"He asked me what my occupation was? I said I was a soldier in Unit 2312, and after I retired, I lived with my boss. He asked how much it cost per month, and I said more than 7000. He said why I earned so little? Why don't I help him do it? Do something and give me a huge reward.

"I asked him what he was doing? He said: It's very simple. Collect information about Unit 2312 and Ma Tau Shipyard. If I can do it according to his requirements, he will give me a huge reward. I hesitated. I knew this was Selling state secrets. He did not ask me to agree to him immediately, but asked me to think about it for a while.

"I'm used to spending money lavishly, so I never save money. It just so happened that Mr. Chi didn't pay me my salary for three months. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. At this time, Goto Yamamoto came to me again. , asked me if I had thought about it? Because I was in a hurry for money, I agreed to him, and he gave me a deposit of 2 yuan on the spot.

"He gave me a camera with a long focal length lens and asked me to help take pictures of the warships being built at Ma Tou Shipyard and the ammunition depot and command center building of Unit 2312. For money, I sneaked into Wanghai Mountain and took pictures of the warships being built from multiple angles. Construction of warships.

"Moreover, I took pictures of the locations of all the buildings in Unit 2312, marked their uses, and gave them to Goto Yamamoto. After he saw it, he was very satisfied and gave me 40 yuan on the spot. I was so excited that I couldn't describe.

"He asked me to be patient and wait for his next instruction. I solemnly promised him: I will never live up to his expectations! I think the money came too easily, but I know it is illegal and cannot deposit the money in the bank. , Otherwise, it will be easy to be found out. Of course, I didn't expect to be found out by you so quickly..." He cried sadly, lowering his head and not daring to look at them.

"You traitor!" Xiao Ke suddenly stood up and rushed forward, wanting to hit Lu Jun, but was caught by Jiang Yiming.

(End of this chapter)

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