Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 567 The Death of the Treasure Hunter

Chapter 567 The Death of the Treasure Hunter (13)
"We are from the police station, here to check your ID card."

"I have an ID card." She seemed reluctant to open the door.

"You have to check it somewhere, who knows if it's a forgery."

There was a soft "pop" and the door opened.They walked in and reached the third floor. A disheveled girl stood inside in pajamas and opened the wooden door on the first floor. The iron door outside was not opened. When she saw them, she immediately ran in and said as she ran, "I'll change it." clothing."

After 30 seconds, she ran out again, opened the iron door outside, and said to them respectfully: "Welcome to the two police officers. You are not from the police station. There are no such handsome guys in the police station." She showed a charming smile and said cheerfully. A customary compliment on the field.

"Are you Li Xiaofei?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Yes, you are here. Do you have any advice?" Her eyes were rolling, as if she wanted to use her electric eye charm in front of them.

"Do you know Liu Yang?"

"Of course I do, he is our leader."

"Isn't your head Mommy?"

"So does Mommy, but he and our chairman are good brothers, so of course he should be placed in front of Mommy." She said in a cooing voice, and her pretentious look made people laugh. In fact, she had already At 32 years old, she has long passed the age of coquettishness and coquettishness.

"Liu Yang said that on the night of May 5, you and he went to Nanhu for a supper. After the supper, he came to your house to spend the night. Is this true?"

"Liu Yang is so annoying. He dares to say such things in front of others. Isn't this intentional to show off him and belittle me? I'm not a very casual's not what you think..."

"Please tell me, did he spend the night at your house?" Jiang Yiming raised his voice to express his seriousness. He hated women with this style.

"Yes, I am single, and I also have emotions." She saw Jiang Yiming's face change. Her flowery smile instantly withered and dimmed. There was a hint of timidity in her eyes, but it was not the kind of timidity that was afraid of the police. , but afraid of Liu Yang, who hasn’t seen the lady sitting on the stage?
"Please take out your ID card and let me see it."

She had no choice but to go to the bedroom to get her ID card. She quickly took it out and handed it to Jiang Yiming.Jiang Yiming took it and took a look. It turned out that she was from Qiqiao Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi. Her name was Li Xiaonan, not Li Xiaofei.Most of the ladies sitting at the table will not tell their real names to the guests, for fear that if the news spreads to their hometown, they will lose face.

When Jiang Yiming looked at her ID card, he glanced at her face and saw that she was even more worried: "If you give false testimony on behalf of Liu Yang, we will send you back to Yuncheng Qiqiao Police Station and let the local police supervise you. .”

"I...I didn't was true."

"Please show me your phone." Jiang Yiming judged that Liu Yang called her on their way here and asked her to give false testimony.

"Brother, please don't be like this, okay? There are a lot of private pictures and videos on my phone. If you make it public, how will I behave in the future?" She begged Jiang Yiming, tears overflowing from her eyes.

"I don't look at your pictures and videos, I only look at your call history."

Forced by Jiang Yiming, she had no choice but to wipe away her tears and go to the bedroom to get her phone. After returning to the living room, she unlocked it with her fingerprint, opened the phone and handed it to Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming checked her call records. The last call was made by Liu Yang 35 minutes ago, and the call lasted 9 minutes and 36 seconds. There was no doubt that Liu Yang must have told her how to lie in front of them.

"Li Xiaonan, you are committing a crime, do you know? Liu Yang called you just now. What did he say?" Jiang Yiming stared at her sternly.

"Brother, please spare me. I don't want to go back to Yuncheng. I was raped by gangsters in Qiqiao Town when I was 13 years old. I have a bad reputation, so I came out to sit on the stage. I dare not offend Liu Yang. He forced me to Those who perjured him..." She burst into tears.

Jiang Yiming looked at her sadly, thinking about how to deal with Li Xiaonan. Of course, more importantly, he wanted to consider how to investigate Liu Yang in depth. Liu Yang forced Li Xiaonan to give false testimony, which suddenly increased his suspicion.

Because Liu Yang forced Li Xiaonan to give false testimony, his suspicion of murder increased sharply.Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting directly summoned him to the criminal police team for questioning.Liu Yang was taken to the interrogation room by Zhou Ting. He did not speak to him, but left him alone and let him stay there for a few hours before interrogating him again to put some pressure on him.

"Liu Yang, why did you force Li Xiaonan to give false testimony for you?" After 3 p.m., Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting interrogated him.

"I..." After thinking for several hours, Liu Yang still couldn't figure out how to answer.

"If you don't tell the truth, we will treat you as a major suspect and put you in a detention center until evidence of your murder is found."

"I'm sorry, I remembered. I drove to Xiyan City at 5pm on May 29th." Liu Yang seemed to suddenly realize that the fake was so clumsy that even a child could see it. "What are you doing in Xiyan City?"

"A good friend who just returned to China asked me to go to Xiyan City for a drink."

"You're lying! Xiyan City is 180 kilometers away from our city. It takes at least two hours to drive. Would you go that far just to drink?"

"Yes, it was not me who was driving at the time, but my younger brother Jin Dagang. I knew that I couldn't drive after drinking, so I asked Jin Dagang to help me drive."

"What are the names of your friends in West Rock City? Where do you drink?"

"His name is Wang Shanshi. We were drinking at Happy Di KTV."

"What's the private room number?" Jiang Yiming knew that Happy Di KTV was on Huarong Road and was a very gorgeous local entertainment venue. He could find out by searching on Baidu map.

"Room 205."

"Who else was singing with you at that time?"

"It's just me, Jin Dagang, Wang Shanshi and one of his younger brothers."

"Is there no one else?" Jiang Yiming felt strange. If there was no lady to accompany them, they would not go to such a high-end KTV. Moreover, they were accustomed to asking girls to accompany them, and eating, drinking and having fun were their mainstream values.

"Later, three ladies sat on our stage, but by that time, I was already drunk and couldn't remember the names of those ladies."

"You four men, why do you only ask three ladies to accompany you for drinks?"

"Wang Shanshi's younger brother went home soon after he dropped him off at Happy Di. When we were about to finish, he drove over to pick up Wang Shanshi. So, there were only three men and three women singing in room 205."

"You went to Xiyan City to drink. Why did you ask Li Xiaonan to perjury?" Jiang Yiming still didn't believe Liu Yang.

"Because Jin Dagang and I are both security guards hired by Huansheng Nightclub, we cannot leave the city unless there is something special. Otherwise, if something happens, we won't be able to come back immediately. Once our chairman is informed, at least half a month's salary will be deducted. Even fired, so I don’t want our chairman to know.”

"It's impossible for your transcript to reach Zhang Jianning's ears. This is no reason."

"Of course, it's not the main reason, because Wang Shanshi said that Happy Di had just arrived with a dozen Russian models who were very beautiful, so in order to see their beauty, I rushed over. You know I'm very lustful. "

Xiyan City is a tourist city with higher per capita GDP and income than the provincial capital. Many cultural companies invite Russian girls to work as models in China. In fact, they serve as stage girls. Girls with exotic styles are very popular with customers. They The Taiwanese fee is 100 yuan more than that of Miss China.

Jiang Yiming felt that Liu Yang's reasons were not sufficient and he had to go to Xiyan City to investigate. Maybe this was another lie by Liu Yang, because there were also foreign girls working as stage ladies in the provincial capital.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting drove to Xiyan City to investigate. If what Liu Yang said was true, then he must be released 24 hours after being summoned. If he is a murderer, releasing him would be like letting a fish into the sea. Gone and never returned.Therefore, it is best to have results within 24 hours.

Zhou Ting drove the car into the Xiyan City Criminal Police Team, and Lin Xiaohu, a classmate of Jiang Yiming's police academy, came to pick them up. He is the criminal police captain of Xiyan City and Jiang Yiming's subordinate. He is a bold man and is known for his fiery, tough and perseverance.After the classmates shook hands, they entered the main topic.

Jiang Yiming explained the situation to Lin Xiaohu. Lin Xiaohu thought for a while and said, "The name Wang Shanshi is so familiar, but I can't remember it for the moment. But it doesn't matter. Happy Di's monitoring equipment is very complete. We will check the video and we will Know the truth.”

Because Lin Xiaohu was familiar with the route, he drove the car.Half an hour later, the three of them arrived downstairs at Happy Di KTV. It was 5:[-] in the evening. Because it was a mountain city, the days were relatively short. The setting sun was kissing the top of the mountain affectionately, and the golden and soft afterglow gently spread on the high-rise buildings. , reflecting warm light.

Happy Di's headquarters is on the second floor, and the control room is also on the second floor. Lin Xiaohu asked General Manager Wen Chenglin to learn about the situation.Wen Chenglin said that the security guard in the surveillance room had not gone to work yet and would not go to work until 6 o'clock. He did not have the key to the surveillance room and did not know how to access the surveillance video.

Lin Xiaohu asked Wen Chenglin to call the security manager and ask him to call two people over.Lin Xiaohu's tone was very tough and he couldn't let Wen Chenglin refuse. He knew that the criminal police captain couldn't afford to offend him, so he just made trouble and left them in trouble.

After receiving Wen Chenglin's call, security manager Ma Xiaojun promised to come immediately.A quarter of an hour later, Ma Xiaojun came. After meeting and greeting everyone, he took them to the monitoring room.The monitor in the control room is turned off during the day, and only starts working after 6 o'clock in the evening, and continues to work until 5 o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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