Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 549: Beauty’s Poisonous Trick

Chapter 549: Beauty’s Poisonous Trick (22)
Jiang Yiming signaled Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting to come forward at the same time and prepare to capture Tian Shengchan alive. As soon as Tian Shengchan saw Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting trying to get closer to him, he shouted: "If you take one more step forward, I will press the dial button. Tower B will still be there." There are hundreds of people who did not retreat, do you want them to be buried with them?"

"Your move has failed. Come down and accept your surrender. If you can reveal your accomplices or your leader, we will consider giving you a lighter sentence." Jiang Yiming advised.

"Go to hell, I will never surrender! God, please give me the courage, please clean up these scum -" He looked up at the sky, raised his hand high, and pressed the dial button hard, but The phone didn't respond. He was shocked. He put the phone in front of his eyes and saw that there was no signal——

"No, no, no! It's impossible!!!" He howled heart-breakingly and used all his strength to press the dial button several times. Suddenly, the phone exploded with a puff of smoke - Tian Shengyang, a tall man His body was torn into dozens of pieces by the bomb, and the splashing flesh and blood spread out, blooming into a huge flower in the air.Blood droplets splashed on Jiang Yiming, Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting...

They were could this happen?
They didn't have time to wipe the flesh and blood on their faces and ran to the guardrail. Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting climbed up the guardrail. The guardrail was about 80 centimeters wide and covered with flesh and blood grown in the fields, which looked particularly dazzling in the noon sun.Tian Shengcheng's skeletons were scattered on the rooftop, but there was no skull on the rooftop, only hand bones, leg bones and ribs... Two pieces of marble on the guardrail were also blown to pieces.

Jiang Yiming thought that someone might have set up a self-destruct program on his mobile phone. For example, Tian Shengchan pressed the dial button five times to activate the program, so this was the result.The specific situation will not be concluded until after the investigation.

Jiang Yiming wanted to find out the SIM card in Tian Shanchan's phone. He was sure that Tian Shanchan had not set up a self-destruct program. If he wanted to die, he would not ask them to send a helicopter or come to Tower A. He He will press the dial button without hesitation, blow up the World Trade Center, and live and die with Tower B.

There is a mastermind behind him. This mastermind should be hiding not far away to watch Tian Shengchan detonate the bomb. However, Tian Shengchan is afraid of death and has no determination to detonate the bomb. Instead, he asks them to send a helicopter to let him escape.

The mastermind also thought that the police would cut off the signal of the base station. If there was no signal on the mobile phone, there would be no way to detonate the bomb. Tian Shanchan did not want to commit suicide, so he or she could only become the prey of the police. Therefore, he or she handed the detonator to Tian Shanchan. Previously, a self-destruction program had been set up to completely evaporate Tian Shensheng, otherwise, he would definitely betray the organization.

This move is too cruel!Jiang Yiming admired the mastermind's IQ, but it was a pity that he used it in the wrong place.

They searched carefully on the rooftop, not missing every inch of the floor. It took the three of them half an hour, but they couldn't find Tian Shengchan's SIM card. If they couldn't find it, there would be one less clue.It stands to reason that the SIM card cannot be blown up by a bomb, because Tian Shengchan uses an iPhone 5 mobile phone with a small SIM card. The smaller the card, the less likely it is to be blown up. So, the SIM card must have been blown up, no. Do you know where it landed?Because the outside of the guardrail is empty, there is only half a chance of falling to the rooftop.

The only clues now are Tian Shengchan's laptop and the SIM card tied to the bomb. This card must have been used by Tian Shengchan, because he had to try it before installing it to see if he could get through, so it would definitely leave traces .

If call records are left, you can find Tian Shengchan’s card number from the call records. After finding the card number, you can then read the call records of the blown SIM card, from which you should be able to find the mastermind.As long as you commit a crime, it cannot be perfect, unless you are a god.

They took the elevator from the rooftop to the first floor, and then rushed to Tower B.They wanted to see if Wei Zhihai had defused the bomb.As soon as they entered the utility room in the parking lot, Wei Zhihai stood up and nodded to them, indicating that the bomb had been defused and there was no danger.Because Wei Zhihai was wearing a heavy helmet, he could not speak or hear what he said.

Jiang Yiming walked up to Wei Zhihai and gave him a bear hug. The two of them were filled with tears and excited. The feeling of escaping from death and the joy of success were indescribable and could only be expressed with a warm hug.

Jiang Yiming signaled Wei Zhihai to take off his helmet. He nodded and took off his helmet.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely, Jiang Yiming took out a tissue to wipe his sweat: "Thank you, Brother Wei, for eliminating a huge hidden danger for everyone. Well done, you saved hundreds of lives!" He raised his big smile to Wei Zhihaiyun. thumb.

"I should be grateful for your calm and wise command. If the mobile phone signal had not been cut off, I might have gone to see Marx." He laughed loudly, as bright as a summer rainbow.When he was dismantling the bomb, he saw that the mobile phone signal inside the bomb disappeared, and he knew that it was Jiang Yiming's wisdom that saved everyone.

"I admire you for being humorous just after escaping death!"

"Everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

"Brother Wei, is there a SIM card on the bomb?"

"So you didn't come to congratulate me, but had another purpose? I knew that the weasel was not well-intentioned when it came to wish the chicken New Year greetings." He laughed heartily again.

"No, no, no, I came to see you sincerely. However, it is our duty to collect evidence of terrorists. After Tian Shengchan pressed the detonator several times, his phone exploded and he was killed on the spot. His bones were scattered everywhere. We It is suspected that he was killed by his superiors. The mastermind must be found, otherwise, more people may die in the next terrorist attack." "Don't worry, I know. Don't think that I only know how to dismantle bombs. I'm a policeman and I know how to preserve evidence." As he spoke, he squatted down, took the plastic explosive placed on the ground in his hand, broke the explosive apart, revealing a small mobile phone, and then handed the mobile phone to Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming took a look and saw that it was a wrist phone with a small SIM card (cut card). However, he did not have a needle at this time and could not take out the SIM card, so he put the phone in his pocket.Xiao Ke found a plastic bag in the utility room and put the explosive that could no longer explode into the bag.

This thrilling battle of wits and courage ended with their victory. The only regret was that Tian Shengchan died. Otherwise, even the most stubborn criminals would not be able to withstand their interrogation, and the mastermind behind Tian Shengchan would fall into law.

Lu Yingying unlocked the password of Tian Shengchan's laptop and carefully checked the computer, but found nothing suspicious.However, she discovered that Tian Shengchan had deleted 7 files the night before yesterday (the night of his escape), and he pulled the files into the computer housekeeper's shredder for complete destruction.

However, this was not a problem for Lu Yingying. As long as it was not physically destroyed, she could recover the files.Because everything used will leave traces on the hard drive, and anyone who knows computer knowledge knows this.

Tian Shengchan should also know this, but he didn't have time to burn down the computer; or he was afraid that the surveillance team would find out, so he slipped away in a hurry.Because he had more important things to do - welding plastic bombs to the iron pipes in the utility room of the World Trade Center.

Lu Yingying used the software to restore all 7 files, 6 of which were videos teaching people how to make and install bombs; one video teaching people how to evade security checks; one teaching people how to make poison gas; and one video teaching people how to make poison gas. Video of masked terrorist taking oath...

One of them is a video of the entire process of Xie Liunian's murder of Wu Yijun. The video recorder has a night vision function. Although it was very dark at the time, one and a half hours of Xie Liunian's murder process could still be clearly seen.

Lu Yingying walked into Jiang Yiming's office, handed the laptop to Jiang Yiming, and asked him to watch the video she had restored.

Jiang Yiming chose to watch the video of Xie Liunian's murder. After watching it, he said: "Yingying, I think Tian Shenchan might have used Xie Liunian's murder video to blackmail him. In order to survive, Xie Liunian decided to listen to Tian Shenchan's words, so he Use Zhang Jinfa to bring VX poison into the subway and kill Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei."

"I thought so too. After Xie Liunian poisoned the three of them, he regretted it very much. When Tian Shengchan asked him to install a bomb at the World Trade Center again, he refused to do it, so he threw the mobile phone that Tian Shenchan had contacted into the sea. He had a complete break with Tian Shenzhen, and he wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the sea because of self-blame. It seems that he still has some humanity."

"Yes, he subconsciously felt that he was not qualified to live in the world, so he chose to take risks and commit suicide. One thing we still don't understand is why Xie Liunian killed Wu Yijun? Also, how did Tian Shengchan know that Xie Liunian would kill Wu Yijun?"

"Both Xie Liunian and Li Zishi have very high incomes. Together they have more than 200 million yuan in savings, a car, a house, and a high-paying job. It is obviously not a murder for wealth, but only love and vendetta."

"A vendetta is unlikely. We have already investigated and found that Xie Liunian and Wu Yijun have no interaction at all. They don't know each other at all."

"Then only love killing is left?"

"It's also unlikely. Judging from their call records and social backgrounds, Li Zishi and Wu Yijun have nothing to do with each other. Li Zishi and Wu Yijun are both workaholics. All they love is work. They don't like eating, drinking, having fun, gambling or whoring."

"Perhaps our investigation into them is not in-depth enough. Because of the short time, we cannot be very detailed. Therefore, after the mastermind behind Tian Shengchan is captured, we will have to conduct a detailed investigation into Xie Liunian's murder motive." Jiang Yi Say it clearly.

While they were talking, Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke walked into the office.Wu Jiang said: "Team Jiang, let's go to the mobile company to investigate. Tian Shengchan's mobile phone once made calls to the mobile phone on the bomb, and Tian Shengchan's SIM card that was blown away had frequent calls with Li Zishi. Xiao Ke and I Putting Xie Liunian, Tian Shengchan, and Li Zishi together, I think Li Zishi is suspicious."

"Oh, how could this happen?" Jiang Yiming perked up, "No wonder every time I see Li Zishi, I always feel something is wrong. There is a cold murderous look in her eyes. Is she really behind the scenes? The mastermind?"

(End of this chapter)

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