Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 545: Beauty’s Poisonous Trick

Chapter 545: Beauty’s Poisonous Trick (18)
The funds for their activities mainly come from funding from al-Qaeda, as well as funds raised through organized crime such as smuggling and trafficking of drugs, weapons and ammunition, poison kidnapping, extortion, blackmail, and robbery.They swore to die for the ETIM and believed that dying for the ETIM was the highest honor in heaven. Their brains were completely blackwashed by the leader of the organization.

However, Tian Shanchan was not included in the list of terrorists that Cao Guodong handed over to Jiang Yiming. If Tian Shanchan was a terrorist, then he must have been disguised and his true identity would be hidden by him.Jiang Yiming checked Tian Shengchan's information in the household registration system and found that there were 137 people with the same name across the country, but there was no Tian Shengchan who was born in Xinjiang on July 1982, 7 and lived at No. 5 Shengli Road, Urumqi.

There is no No. 454 on Shengli Road in Urumqi, which can prove that Tian Shengchan's ID card is forged.His suspicion suddenly increased.He must be found and then find evidence to prove his crime, otherwise, if his terrorist attack is successful, countless people will die at his hands.

Wu Jiang gave a copy of Tian Shengchan's ID card to Lu Yingying and asked her to make Tian Shengchan's photo clearer and then enlarge it.After processing, print out the photo and give it to him.Lu Yingying was very good at this kind of thing and quickly printed out the enlarged photo of Tian Shengchan and gave it to Wu Jiang.

Wu Jiang and Xiaoke came to Fangdong's home again, handed the photo to Fangdong for identification, and asked him if the photo looked like Tian Shengsheng himself.He said with certainty: There are at least nine images.

"Lao Fang, please call Tian Shengchan again and ask him when he will come home?"

"Okay." Fangdong called up the phone number dialed to Tian Shengchan yesterday and redialed it, but the other party turned off his phone. "It's only ten o'clock in the morning. He may still be sleeping, so he turned off his phone."

"Is it shut down, or can't be connected?" Wu Jiang wanted to confirm that the two results were completely different.Because his location can be tracked when he is turned off, but his location cannot be located if he cannot be connected.

"The phone is turned off." He redialed Tian Shengchan's number, then turned on the speakerphone button for Wu Jiang to listen. "The number you dialed cannot be connected at the moment. Please call again later."

Wu Jiang nodded and said, "We want to take a look in his room. Do you have the key?"

"There is a key, but he repeatedly told me that I could not enter his room without his permission."

"We are criminal police and have the right to enter the suspect's residence..." Wu Jiang thought of applying for a search warrant, but it was slower. "Lao Fang, we were in a hurry, so we didn't apply for a search warrant. We quietly entered his room. Don’t touch anything that belongs to him, he won’t know because he is in Guangzhou.”

"Well, I don't think he will blame me... What crime did he commit?"

"We don't know yet, so I'm going to his room to see if there's anything fishy about it."

Fangdong didn't say anything else. He walked into the bedroom and took out a large bunch of keys. There were more than 20 keys on them, all taped with medical tape, and the room number was written on them.They arrived at the third floor, and the iron door and the wooden door were opened, allowing Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke to walk in.

This is a house with two bedrooms and one living room. The curtains in the living room are drawn and are very thick blackout curtains, so the inside is almost invisible.The owner pressed the switch next to the door, and the lights turned on. The snow-white incandescent lights made the living room look like daylight.

The things in the living room are very ordinary, such as TV, coffee table, sofa, chairs, etc. There are only a pair of leather shoes and a pair of sneakers on the shoe rack, both of the same size, indicating that there is really only one person living in the room.Under normal circumstances, people who come to work in this city from other provinces will not rent a house with two bedrooms and one living room by themselves, but more often they will rent it with friends or colleagues.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke walked into the bedroom, where the quilts and clothes were messily thrown on the bed.On the bedside table to the right is a Lenovo laptop.Wu Jiang walked to the computer, put on his gloves, opened the closed computer, and pressed the power button. The computer started quickly. However, a password was required to enter the desktop. Wu Jiang did not want to try to enter the password. He was afraid that after entering the wrong password several times, , the computer starts the self-destruct program.

The two of them carefully checked the bedroom and found nothing suspicious, so they went to another room. After opening the door, they saw a small bookcase inside. There were hundreds of books on the bookcase, all about military training and making explosives. , terrorist incidents, how to break through security checks, etc. These are very professional books.

This made Wu Jiang feel worried. He felt that Tian Shengchan was very likely to be a terrorist. The curtains in the room were still closed.The room was a full 10 square meters larger than the bedroom, about 35 square meters. There were various sports equipment on the floor, including a treadmill that took up a lot of space.Hanging on the wall was a sword, a saber, and a tiger scalp.

They checked all the items carefully and found no problems.The only problem is the books.After the inspection, they exited the room. Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke wiped the shoe prints on the floor with a rag to prevent Tian Shengsan from seeing them and then absconding.However, Wu Jiang believes that the possibility of him absconding is very small, because terrorists are not afraid of death, not to mention that they have no evidence to prove that he is related to a terrorist organization.

Wu Jiang called Jiang Yiming and reported the situation to him. Jiang Yiming asked him to return to the team first to discuss what to do next.

After returning to the team, they went to Jiang Yiming's office. Jiang Yiming called Zhou Ting, Lu Yingying, and Luo Jin to the office for a small meeting.

Lu Yingying and Luo Jin were in the office. They arrived soon. Zhou Ting and deputy captain Liu Xiaowei were still outside visiting. He promised to return to the team in a quarter of an hour.

After Zhou Ting returned to the team, the meeting began.

"Tian Shengchan's home contains many books that terrorist organizations must study. I'm worried that he will create a huge terrorist attack. Let's analyze how we can catch him out and find evidence of his crime." Jiang Yiming said worriedly.

"Perhaps the National Security Bureau can provide us with more accurate information. It is better to call Bureau Cao to understand the situation clearly before taking the next step." "I just called Bureau Cao and he said there is no evidence to prove that Tian Rich has ties to terrorists.”

"Terrorists are all cunning and ruthless guys. They have received professional military training, have good physical fitness and various skills, and have extremely high criminal IQ. They are selected from a hundred, otherwise, it is impossible to become terrorists."

"It would be great if the password to his computer could be unlocked. There must be a lot of criminal evidence on his computer."

"I am confident that I can unlock the password of his computer. The question is how do we get his computer?" Lu Yingying answered Xiao Ke's question.

"Yes, there is no evidence to prove that Tian Shengchan is a terrorist, and the prosecutor's office will not give us a search warrant."

"Why don't you ask Wang Xiaoming to help us again? With his unlocking skills, he can open Tian Shengchang's door and get the computer effortlessly." Zhou Ting said.

"I think it's okay. His computer was stolen by a thief. There's no way he could be suspicious of us, right?"

"Okay, I can only make this bet once. Yingying, if you locate Tian Shengchan's mobile phone, it's best not to let him bump into Wang Xiaoming, otherwise, Wang Xiaoming's life will be in danger." Jiang Yiming said to Lu Yingying.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." After saying that, Lu Yingying stood up and walked to her office.

Jiang Yiming told Wu Jiang to talk to Wang Xiaoming and ask him to do it at night, because Fangdong said that Tian Shengchan worked the night shift.

Lu Yingying quickly located Tian Shengchan's location. His mobile phone signal appeared in Tower A of the World Trade Center. However, the signal was very unstable and intermittent.

"Why is his mobile phone signal unstable?" Jiang Yiming sat next to her and watched.

"Maybe on the first floor below, or in the elevator."

"What is Tian Shengchan doing in the World Trade Center Building?"

"Probably he went shopping there. He is a rich man, so it is normal for him to go shopping in high-end shopping malls."

"Will you go to the spot? Are you planning to carry out a terrorist attack there?"

"No way? The World Trade Center is crowded with people. What can he do in front of everyone? Besides, the surveillance facilities there are very complete and there are hundreds of professional security personnel. He should not choose to launch a terrorist attack there."

Jiang Yiming felt that what Lu Yingying said might not make sense, but it would be even more difficult for him to escape the numerous electronic eyes and launch a terrorist attack.Jiang Yiming felt that he should check the surveillance video of the World Trade Center to see what Tian Shengchan was doing there.

He called Zhou Ting and drove to the World Trade Center Building.Zhou Ting drove the car into the underground parking lot of Building A, and then took the elevator to Room 1408 of the building with Jiang Yiming, which is the building's control room.As soon as they walked into the control room, someone immediately came up to shake hands with Jiang Yiming: "Captain Jiang, long time no see!"

"Who are you?" Jiang Yiming didn't recognize him, and the two parties were a little embarrassed.

"I'm Zhu Yubin, the security manager here. Three years ago, I heard you give a lecture to us, and I even asked you to sign an autograph for me." He is a young man, tall and strong, with twinkling eyes. He is naked, his face is glowing red, he is very energetic, and he is a good candidate for security work.

"I'm sorry, I can't remember." Jiang Yiming rarely gives lectures to companies that train security guards.He remembered only giving two lectures, one to the students of the police academy in the auditorium of the Provincial Police Academy, and one to the Huihuang Security Company.Brilliant Security Company was founded by Fang Lihua's younger brother, Fang Liguo, so Jiang Yiming was invited to give lectures passively.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Now we can get to know each other better. Come on, please take a seat." His smile was bright and his personality was cheerful and generous.

(End of this chapter)

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