Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 531: Beauty’s Poisonous Trick

Chapter 531: Beauty’s Poisonous Trick (4)
"I'm tired. I only need your comfort when I'm tired, idiot!" She squeezed his thigh coquettishly.It turns out that women need a man’s comfort most when they are drunk.

At work on Monday, Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting visited the Provincial No. [-] Mental Hospital. They first went to see the director.Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang are very familiar with Director Luo Yue. They often send criminals who say they are mentally ill to the hospital for psychiatric evaluation.Luo Yue was the chief appraiser and the attending physician at the time. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for two years, he would become the dean.

"Captain Jiang, hello, long time no see." Luo Yue's eyes are very good, and he recognized them as soon as they walked to the door of the office, because Jiang Yiming was backlit, and he saw Jiang Yiming as backlit.Today is a rare sunny day, the sun is shining brightly outside, and various birds are chirping in the trees, creating a scene full of spring.

"Hello, Dean Luo, I didn't expect you to become the dean, congratulations!" Jiang Yiming shook hands with Luo Yue who came to greet them.

The dean's office is spacious and bright, with large bookcases standing on both sides of the wall. The bookcases are all filled with classic medical books, at least 5000, like a small library.Someone once calculated that if a person lives to the age of 80 and reads a book carefully, he will not have more than 3000 books in his life. Most of the books are used for decoration to show that he has read so many books. of course there are exceptions.

"Dean Luo, we have a suspect who once suffered from mental illness. His name is Zhang Jinfa. Do you remember him?" Jiang Yiming saw that half of Luo Yue's hair had fallen out. Although he is only 45 years old, it can be seen that his work How hard it is.

He thought for a while and said: "I have no impression of this person. We have too many patients. At least 1800 patients visit our hospital a year, and 18000 in ten years. Even if I have met him, I don't remember him."

"Your hospital now records patients into the computer, right?"

"Of course, we did this more than ten years ago." He handed the brewed tea to them.

"Thank you! If that's the case, it would be much easier. In a hospital as big as yours, there should be someone responsible for managing patient files, right?"

"Yes, we have two young nurses in the archives to help manage it. How about I call them?"

"No need, where is the archives? Let's go find it."

"It's on the 18th floor of the inpatient department in Building A. You can see it when you go up. I'll say hello to them first so they can assist you."

"Okay, thank you!" Jiang Yiming said and Zhou Ting walked out of Luo Yue's office. Luo Yue took them to the elevator and watched them get on the elevator before going back.

They came to the corridor of the archives room and saw a beautiful girl standing at the door of the archives room from a distance. After she saw them, she ran up and asked, "Are you from the criminal police team of the city bureau?"

"Yes, I am Jiang Yiming from the Criminal Police Team, and this is Zhou Ting."

"Wow, you are two great heroes that I have admired for a long time. You are my male idols. I am extremely honored to meet you today. My name is Qin Hong. Please give me your advice in the future!" She excitedly stretched out her hands and held one in each hand. Jiang Yiming's hand; the other hand was holding Zhou Ting's hand, and she couldn't bear to let go. It wasn't until Jiang Yiming let go first that she felt a little embarrassed and then let go.

"I was specially transferred from the nursing team by Dean Luo to manage files. I used my spare time in the health school to learn how to use computers to manage files. This is a very technical job. It couldn't be done without me. I also learned how to decrypt. You can crack other people’s QQ passwords at will..."

"Do you want to be a hacker?" Jiang Yiming interrupted her self-righteous thoughts.

"How could I be a hacker? I want to be the nemesis of hackers - Hongke!" Her small eyes blinked very fast, as if to tell them that she was particularly good at expressing emotions.

Jiang Yiming originally wanted to say: It seems that mental illness is contagious.He used this to mock her, but he thought about asking her to assist in the investigation, so he held back.Jiang Yiming does not believe that she can easily unlock other people's QQ passwords. Many QQ users and even bank customers like to use simple passwords. For example, 666666, 888888, and 123456 are the most popular passwords, and many people use them for birthdays. It is possible to guess correctly occasionally. of.The archives room is very large, and the shelves are filled with countless files, some of which may be 30 years old.There was also a girl working on a computer. She might have just graduated from school and was still a little green. She smiled lightly at them and turned her eyes to the monitor. Her profile was beautiful and she was in a special state while working. grace.

Jiang Yiming asked Qin Hong to turn on the computer and help search for Zhang Jinfa's information in the system. Qin Hong originally wanted to make tea and chat with the two of them for a while to deepen their understanding. It would be convenient to go to the Criminal Police Team to find them for work in the future, but Jiang Yiming didn't Given the chance, she had no choice but to sit on the computer with a touch of disappointment and start searching for Zhang Jinfa.

The computer's automatic retrieval service is very efficient. In less than 5 minutes, Qin Hong retrieved Zhang Jinfa's name. Although the information did not have a photo of Zhang Jinfa, his age, height, and condition were all consistent with those of the suspect in the subway poisoning case. The deceased are similar.

Zhang Jinfa is a native of Pingye Village, Luojiang County, this province. He was born in 1983 and is unmarried. His father died young, his sister married far away, and there is only one old mother in the family. On September 2014, 9, his brother sent him to the Provincial No. 9 Mental Hospital for treatment.After five months of treatment in the hospital, his condition improved, but he took the opportunity to escape and ended up unknown.

After his brother Zhang Chuchu learned that his brother had escaped, he sat at the door of the dean's office and cried bitterly, refusing to leave. He even slept at the door at night. The dean at the time was Ning Shili, and he only agreed to pay Zhang Chuchu 2 yuan in compensation. go home.When he returned home, he repeatedly told the dean that if he found Zhang Jinfa, he must call him.The dean agreed.

His attending physician is named Jin Dazhong. Jin Dazhong has been transferred to Beishi Mental Hospital as the director. However, his family members live in the provincial capital. Every weekend and holiday, he will return to the provincial capital to reunite with his wife.Zhang Jinfa listened very much to Jin Dazhong and told him to go east. He did not dare to go west. However, for some reason, he ran away from the hospital.

Hospital management is very strict. The wards are locked with password locks. No matter whether you go in or out, you must enter the password. The surveillance video at the time showed that Zhang Jinfa quietly avoided the attendant, entered the password on the access control, and escaped.

The hospital's access code has a total of 8 digits. If Zhang Jinfa hadn't been taught the code, it would have been impossible for him to know the code.This matter is still a mystery. For fear of negative repercussions, the dean did not allow the security guards to report the case, so the matter was left unresolved.

Jiang Yiming believes that Jin Dazhong is suspected and must contact him to see what he says. When was the crime?They analyzed that the mastermind must be monitoring Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei around Huanggang Metro Station, and then directed Zhang Jinfa to follow them.Otherwise, Zhang Jinfa would not have been able to find the pair of fateful mandarin ducks so accurately.

The mastermind most likely stood on a high-rise building near Huanggang Station, observed with a telescope, and then called to direct Zhang Jinfa's actions, because standing at a high place can avoid the electronic eyes all over the street.The mastermind would not have entered the subway car because he would be worried that the police would find him from the surveillance video.

If Jin Daezhong is the mastermind, Zhang Jinfa will definitely listen to him, because you have to be very confident to do this kind of thing, otherwise you will fail in your success, and you may be sent to prison or even guillotine.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting drove to Beishi. Beishi was their territory. Unless there were special circumstances, they generally did not seek cooperation from local colleagues.Of course, if you want to arrest criminals, you must cooperate with the criminal police in Beijing City, because the local criminal police are familiar with the terrain and have a deep mass base, so they can better formulate arrest plans.

Jin Dazhong is the director of a private psychiatric hospital called "Beijing Jianmin Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center". It was officially established on June 2016, 6. Although it is a private enterprise, it enjoys many preferential national policies.

Because in recent years, the prevalence of mental illness in our country has continued to increase, the demand for psychiatric treatment services has continued to increase, and the gap between supply and demand has further widened.However, affected by issues such as social cognition and historical legacy, the development path of my country's psychiatric hospitals has become narrower and narrower. If you want to make a breakthrough, you must go back to the source and start by improving the core competitiveness of the hospital. Therefore, private enterprises are allowed to join the competition. .

Before Jin Dazhong opened, he was invited by his boss to Jianmin Psychiatric Hospital to do preparatory work, and was entrusted with the important task of dean, with his boss as chairman.In fact, Jin Dazhong is not good at managing hospitals because he is a psychiatrist and has never studied management. He only manages it according to the model of the Provincial No. [-] Psychiatric Hospital. Therefore, Jianmin Psychiatric Hospital is not very successful, but it has a small surplus. With policy support, life is pretty good.Jin Dazhong's income doubled compared with that in the Provincial No. [-] Psychiatric Hospital.

Zhou Ting used the navigation system to drive directly to the entrance of Jianmin Psychiatric Hospital.Jianmin Mental Hospital is far away from the bustling city and located at the foot of a green mountain.At this time, when spring is in bloom, the miscellaneous trees on the mountain are lush and green, and thousands of trees are in full bloom. The leaves and flowers exude a refreshing fragrance, which permeates the entire hospital.

Jianmin Hospital is newly built, with five buildings in a five-star shape, surrounding a large courtyard, a bit like the Pentagon in the United States.There are many miscellaneous trees planted in the yard. No, it should be said that they were transplanted from the mountains. Otherwise, they would not have reached five or six meters in height in more than a year.

There are many flowers and plants planted among the miscellaneous trees. The entire hospital is filled with plants. Birds are chirping from the trees. A small stream flows around the five walls in the yard. The environment is quiet and elegant.If people didn't see the sign on the door, they would think it was a nursing home.

(End of this chapter)

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