Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 525 Subway Poisoning Incident

Chapter 525 Subway Poisoning Incident (20)
"It is precisely because you are the injured party that you are worthy of our suspicion. Of course, if you can tell us clearly where you were at the time, you may be able to clear your suspicions."

"Let me think about it... that day was March 3st. Oh, I remembered it. I took leave that day and watched TV with my mother at home. After dinner, I went to bed early and stayed there until the next day. At 1 o'clock that morning, my mother told me that Wu Yunrong had been poisoned. After hearing this, I was shocked. The huge sadness was like a basin of ice water, soaking me from head to toe." She spoke with a tinge. He has a literary tone and a sad expression.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Yiming found that her words were ambiguous, because she might have forgotten where she was at that time. No, that day was the day her ex-boyfriend was killed, and she could not forget it.Her hesitation and uncertainty may have other reasons.

"Yes, I'm sure I was watching TV at home. After dinner, I surfed the Internet for a while and then went to bed. During those days, because I was abandoned by him, I felt physically and mentally exhausted." Her mouth was so small that maybe 1 women could have it. Find a cherry bite like this.

"Okay, we will investigate. I hope you won't lie. You know that you will be legally responsible for perjury." Jiang Yiming's tone increased.

"I am willing to accept all the consequences." She answered calmly. Maybe she knew that even if she lied, she might be detained. However, if she had a good lawyer or the consequences were not serious, she would not be detained.Although she is not a law major, she knows legal knowledge.

"Do you know Zhang Jinfa? He is the deceased who attacked Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei."

"Who is he? How could I possibly know him?"

"He lives in the Renwang Temple near Liangcun. He is a homeless man." Jiang Yiming didn't want to make his words more clear. He said this just to test her reaction.

"It's a joke. How could I, a department manager of a big company, be in a relationship with such a low-class person?" Her expression changed from calm to angry, which was uncharacteristic of a white-collar beauty.

"No matter how high or low people are, as long as we are destined, there is no one we can't associate with."

"Will you date him?"

"I will. During the visit, I got to know countless people from the bottom of society. Their moral character is no worse than that of people from the upper class... In the past six months, have you often gone to Liangcun?" Because no one saw Zhang Jinfa and The mastermind kept coming and going, so the suspect could not be identified, but the suspect would definitely go to Liangcun to find Zhang Jinfa.As long as you go to Nio Temple, you must pass through Liangcun, so this is easy to do.

"No, I have no relatives or friends in Liangcun. I never go to Liangcun. I heard that it is a cancer in our city. I can't afford to offend or hide." She returned to a calm state, indicating that her IQ and EQ are both good. Quite high, worthy of being the sales manager of a large company.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting left Beishi and returned to the Yangtze River.They went directly to the mobile company and asked the salesperson to print out Shen Tingting's call records in the past six months.He suddenly remembered that the mobile company could find the location of Shen Tingting's call from the base station.

If Shen Tingting had been to Renwang Temple, then her mobile phone signal would appear within the base station range of Liangcun.He asked the salesman if he could find out the location where Shen Tingting made the call?The salesman said that a higher-level engineer can do it.

Jiang Yiming wanted to find the engineer, but it was already getting late and the engineer had already gotten off work, so he had to wait until tomorrow.After Jiang Yiming got Shen Tingting's call records, he looked carefully. Suddenly, he saw Chi Kuan's mobile phone number, which surprised him slightly: How come Shen Tingting had an intersection with Chi Kuan?Could it be that they conspired to poison Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei?

He then looked at the call records and found that between December 2016 and February 12, Shen Tingting and the two had frequent phone calls, and each call lasted very long.He continued to look back and found that Shen Tingting and Chi Kuan had not made a single phone call before December 2017, which heightened the suspicion of Chi Kuan and Shen Tingting.

Jiang Yiming thought this was a good clue. He was a little excited. After having some dinner with Zhou Ting near the mobile company, he drove to Hedong Detention Center. Because Chi Kuan was still detained there, they wanted to interrogate Chi Kuan overnight. .

There is only a small river between Hedong Detention Center and the Detention Center, and they face each other across the bank.Detention centers hold people detained by public security and people who have been judicially detained by the court; detention centers hold criminal suspects and defendants who have been detained and arrested in accordance with the law, as well as sentenced prisoners with a remaining sentence of less than one year.There is a world of difference between the two.

Jiang Yiming is familiar with every policeman here. Deputy Director Guan Shanhe is on duty tonight. After they exchanged greetings, Jiang Yiming asked Guan Shanhe to bring Chi Huan to the interrogation room. They wanted to interrogate him.

After a while, Chi Kuan was brought in, and two policemen stood beside him.Jiang Yiming asked the police to leave first, as long as he and Zhou Ting were there.Chi Kuan still looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. His beard is longer, his hair is messy, and his face is gloomy, as if he is the most innocent person in the world.

"Chi Kuan, you still have many things that you haven't explained clearly to us. This is the third chance we've given you. If you don't cherish it, you may really have to spend your whole life in prison." "I'm not afraid. I didn't break the law. I I believe that the party and the country will restore my innocence and freedom." He answered calmly and confidently.

"Okay, do you know Shen Tingting?"

"We know each other. I've known Shen Tingting since I found out that Feng Erwei and Wu Yunrong were dating."

"How did you meet? Where did you meet?"

"One day, I followed Wu Yunrong and wanted to know where he lived. I saw him and Shen Tingting arguing downstairs at Jinguo Company. They were arguing, and she slapped Wu Yunrong in the face, and then ran towards me with her face covered. , bumped into my arms. When she saw me, she was so surprised that she was speechless.

"I saw her face was full of tears, so I took out a tissue and handed it to her to wipe her tears, and asked her who Wu Yunrong was. She said she was his ex-girlfriend, and I said I was Feng Erwei's ex-boyfriend. We both sympathized with each other and resonated. So, I invited her to have coffee, and we’ve known her ever since.

"Later, we often called each other and comforted each other. I thought the east would be bright and the west would be bright. I wanted to pursue her, but as soon as she heard me talking about feelings, she changed her mind. I knew she couldn't accept it. Since I had nothing, I stopped caring about her and stopped calling her."

"When did you stop communicating with her?"

"I don't know the exact time. It was probably the end of February this year. It's not like I haven't seen women before. When I was rich, many women threw themselves into my arms. Why should I care about a woman who was abandoned by Wu Yunrong?"

"Have you discussed how to punish Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei together?"

"Yes, at first she agreed with me to stab Feng Erwei and Wu Yunrong, but she was timid and fearful, but later regretted it. She was afraid that if I stabbed them to death, she and I were accomplices, and she would also be sentenced to death, so, I don’t agree. ‘If you don’t agree, you won’t agree’, I despise her from the bottom of my heart.”

Jiang Yiming felt that Shen Tingting was not as timid as Chi Kuan said. He might think that Chi Kuan's killing method was too unintelligent, so he refused to conspire with him.Based on Shen Tingting's wisdom, she would never go with someone as reckless as Chi Kuan. She might have another plan. In the end, she succeeded, and she also played around with the No. 1 crime team, and she still can't find the answer.

Guan Yidao, an engineer from the mobile company, followed Jiang Yiming's instructions and inquired about the location of Shen Tingting's call.Guan Yidao didn't waste much time to find out the location of all her calls. Among them, 19 calls were made from the base station in Liangcun, which could prove that Shen Tingting was lying.

These 19 calls were all made to the same mobile phone, and they were all between 11 pm and 3 am. This person may be Zhang Jinfa, because he would not be seen until late at night and early in the morning.In order to confirm whether the other party was Zhang Jinfa, Jiang Yiming asked Guan Yidao to help find out the other party's true identity.

Guan Yidao entered the other party's mobile phone number into the system for search, and soon found the other party's real information. His name was Cheng Jin, a native of this city, male, born in 1937, and lived at No. 289 Jiangdong Avenue.This result was unexpected.

Cheng Jin is 80 years old. If she were not Shen Tingting's grandfather, she would not be able to talk to him frequently. However, each call lasted not long. The longest one was 15 minutes, and most of the calls lasted 3 minutes. Within.

Shen Tingting may have used Cheng Jin's ID card to buy a SIM card at the mobile business hall and gave it to Zhang Jinfa to use. She contacted him frequently and invited him to a certain place to conspire. No, it should be instigation.On the day of the incident, Zhang Jinfa received instructions from Shen Tingting to enter the subway to follow Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei. After that, Zhang Jinfa threw away his mobile phone.

If you want to find out who is using this SIM card, just make a phone call and find out.Jiang Yiming entered Cheng Jin's number into the dial pad of his mobile phone and dialed: "Hello, I am from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau..."

"You evil liar, fuck your eighteen generations of ancestors, this trick is of no use to me!"

Before Jiang Yiming could finish speaking, the other party yelled at him and hung up the phone. When Jiang Yiming redialed, the other party was still on the phone.Obviously, Jiang Yiming's mobile phone was blacklisted by Cheng Jin. There are so many scammers pretending to be police officers and courts, and it is common for people to be blacklisted.Jiang Yiming could only smile bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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