Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 517 Subway Poisoning Incident

Chapter 517 Subway Poisoning Incident (12)
"Absolutely, but intermittent psychosis is a legal concept, not a psychiatric concept. Medical mental illness can have varying degrees of remission periods. Only when it is completely relieved and the mental symptoms have completely disappeared can it be considered normal. Although Those who are in the remission period, but still have residual symptoms or personality changes, whose mental state is completely abnormal, and whose ability to identify or control harmful behaviors may be significantly weakened, should be assessed as having limited liability capacity." Luo Jin wanted to continue, but , I felt that Tajiang Yiming couldn't listen, so I stopped.

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about. I just want to know if the middle-aged deceased was in a psychotic state when he poisoned Wu Yunrong and Feng Erwei?"

"Although I have no way of knowing the situation at the time, he must have been in a semi-crazy state at the time. Otherwise, how could he have committed a suicide attack on others? He would not have realized that the liquid in the tin can was fatal. Waiting for him to react , it’s too late. If you want to know the true situation, you must find his attending doctor.”

"Can we find out from his blood whether he took any medication and what kind of medication he took? In this way, we can quickly find the source of the body."

"I have checked this, and he has not taken any drugs recently. However, if we want to trace it back further, we must do deeper testing. If the deceased is a woman, her hair can be used as a test substance to analyze at which stage he took the drug. What kind of medicine, but he is a male, his hair is only two centimeters, and he has just had his hair cut..."

"Have you just had your hair cut?" Jiang Yiming's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Captain Jiang, you seem to have an idea?"

"Well, if he has had his hair cut, then he should have had it done at a low-end barber shop in Liangcun. If we take his photo and visit the barber shop, we might know his condition."

"Captain Jiang, you are so smart... Human hair grows from hair follicles. One hair follicle grows one hair, one pore grows two to five hairs, and hair grows 1 cm to 1 mm a day. I His hair was observed with a microscope and his new hair has not grown 1 mm, so it is certain that he had his hair cut within two days before the incident."

"You are worthy of being a miracle doctor. You can do such meticulous work in such a short period of time." Jiang Yiming asked Luo Jin to go back to work first. He and Zhou Ting were going to Liangcun to visit barber shops.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to Liangcun, and he called Liu Xiaoqing. He was a police officer here and was familiar with this area.Liu Xiaoqing was originally investigating a jewelry theft case. When he heard that Jiang Yiming asked him to cooperate, he quickly called his director and explained the situation. The director agreed that he would hand over the theft case to his colleagues.

Liu Xiaoqing has cooperated with Jiang Yiming's work more than once. After he and Jiang Yiming met at the entrance of Wuxia Alley, he shook hands with them and exchanged greetings: "Captain Jiang, long time no see, what do you need me to do?" Liu Xiaoqing knew Jiang Yiming's resolute character and did not need to foreshadow. , it’s best to get into the topic instantly.

"We have confirmed that the suspect had a haircut and shaved his beard within two days before the crime. Therefore, we want to find out which barber shop in Liangcun the suspect had a haircut at. You put the barber shop in Liangcun Let’s talk about the situation.”

"Liangcun covers an area of ​​5.2 square kilometers. It is a large suburban village with extremely poor security. It has more than 8000 local residents and more than 2 outsiders. It is a concentrated place for robbery, prostitution, and drug trafficking. It is the biggest headache for the Municipal Bureau's Public Security Department. Place. There are at least 200 hair salons selling dog meat like sheep..."

"No, what we are looking for is a hair salon that can really provide haircuts for customers, and it is a hair salon with low fees. Because the suspect comes from the bottom of society, he does not have the ability to go to high-end hair salons. Even if he can, he will not spend dozens or hundreds. Yuan went to get a haircut. Judging from the hair of the deceased, the level of haircut was not high, which also shows that it was done by a master from a low-end barber shop."

"Liangcun has two main roads and 21 alleys, totaling nearly 30 kilometers. There are at least 40 barber shops hidden in the streets and alleys. We can only visit them one by one." Liu Xiaoqing pointed his hand at the barber shop in front of him. Draw a circle around the village.

"Yes, that's all. If you're lucky, you can find it soon." Zhou Ting said to Liu Xiaoqing.

They walked along the damp and dark alley. There was a hair salon almost 30 steps down the alley. Although it was daytime, the door of the hair salon was still hung with pink lights, shining with an ambiguous light. There were flowers sitting at the door wearing heavy makeup. The girls seemed to tell every passer-by that there was a happy little world inside, with some bold young ladies, and they even waved to passers-by.

Jiang Yiming turned a blind eye to them. There were such girls in almost every corner of China's cities, large and small. Because there were so many of them and they moved around frequently, they were dozens or even hundreds of times more numerous than the police, making them unable to control them at all.What's more, the ratio of police to civilians in China is seriously imbalanced, so they can only be allowed to grow like poisonous mushrooms.

The three of them visited 21 official hair salons and walked through half of the good village, but found nothing.It was already noon and everyone was hungry. Jiang Yiming suggested that we go have lunch together and continue the visit after eating.Handling cases is actually very boring, not as thrilling as in movies and TV shows, or being an undercover agent sunbathing with beautiful women on the beach.Patient and persistent investigation is the only way to solve the case. There is no other way out.

They had lunch at a fast food restaurant called Hao Lai Lai. During the meal, Jiang Yiming still didn't forget his work. A waiter walked past him. He stopped her, took out the suspect's photo and handed it to her, asking her what she would do. Don’t know?

She looked at him for a while and said she didn't recognize him. She had just arrived and was not familiar with the guests.Jiang Yiming said that the suspect would not often come to fast food restaurants to eat, because the minimum purchase in this restaurant is 15 yuan.She suggested Jiang Yiming ask the cashier because she had a particularly good memory.

After finishing lunch, Jiang Yiming went to pay the bill and handed the suspect's photo to the cashier. She looked at it and said, "I seem to have seen this guy somewhere... Oh, by the way, I saw him coming from the convenience hair salon across the way. When he came out, he may have just finished cutting his hair, and he was combing his hair with his hands, as if he was trying to pull out the remaining hair on his head."

"Oh, what day was that day? What time?" "It should have been around 2 pm on February 27th. He stood on the steps of the barber shop and waited for a while, and then left." She said to Jiang Yiming with a smile, her face There are two shallow dimples on her face. Although they are not very beautiful, they are innocent and cute.

"Did you see which direction he went?"

"No, I was waiting to get off work and saw him accidentally. Later, I went to check out. When I came back to see him after paying, he was no longer in front of the barber shop."

"Thank you, you helped us a lot!" Jiang Yiming gave her a business card and told her to call him if she remembered anything about this man, because they would reward those who provided clues.

They walked out of the fast food restaurant and came to the convenience barber shop opposite.The boss was a young woman. She saw three handsome and tall men walking in. She smiled and said to them: "This is a formal barber shop. We don't have special services. You are in the wrong place." She decided that they were not here for haircuts. Because she only charges 10 yuan for a haircut, their temperament does not look like migrant workers.

"I'm sorry, we are the police and we are here to investigate the case." Jiang Yiming took out his ID and handed it to her.

She took the certificate, glanced at it, and asked a little uneasily: "We have not done anything illegal. We are small businessmen who work hard and rely entirely on our craftsmanship to make a living."

"Don't worry, we didn't say you broke the law. We came here to ask for your help." Jiang Yiming took out the suspect's photo and handed it to her, "Do you know this person?"

She took the photo, glanced at it and said, "This person once had his hair cut in my shop."

"Do you remember what day he came for a haircut?" Jiang Yiming looked at the messy hair on the floor and smelled an unpleasant smell. If it was a high-end hair salon, the cut hair would have been cleaned up long ago. .

"Dozens of people come to my shop to get haircuts every day. I can't remember them anymore," she said awkwardly.

"You can help us think about it again, as long as you can give us an approximate date."

She frowned, thought for a moment and said, "It should be the end of February, right?" She didn't seem sure.

"Well, thank you! What did he look like before he had a haircut?" Jiang Yiming remembered that Luo Jin had said that the suspect might have shaved his beard, so he asked this question.

"Oh, forget it. When this man came in, his hair stunk terribly, his beard was long and thick, and he probably hadn't had a haircut in a year. I didn't want to give him a haircut at the time, but he said he would double the money for me, so there was nothing I could do. , I had to wash his hair twice with shampoo, then cut off his hair and beard with scissors, and then repair it. To be honest, I didn’t pay attention to cutting his hair at the time because he kept staring at the mirror. In my chest, it looks so disgusting."

"Did he talk to you during the haircut?"

"I only said two words, but I ignored him."

"What two sentences did he say?"

"The first sentence is: Sister, you are so beautiful; the second sentence is: It would be great if I could marry a wife as capable as you. In fact, I think he is much older than me, but he calls me Sister, what? It's about vision." She said with great disdain.

Jiang Yiming thought she was at least 35 years old, about the same age as the suspect. However, the suspect was tortured by a hard life and had many more wrinkles on her face than her. He looked ten years older than her.

(End of this chapter)

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