Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 499 Unknown Male Corpse

Chapter 499 Unknown Male Corpse (17)
The main clinical phase of mania is elevated emotion or irritability, accompanied by increased energy, increased speech, and increased activity.In severe cases, it is accompanied by mental symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and tension. The episode of mania lasts for more than a week. It generally has an episodic course. After each episode, it enters an intermittent remission period in which the mental state is normal. Most patients have a tendency to have recurring episodes. .

Jiang Yiming sends suspects to the provincial mental hospital every year for psychiatric evaluation, so he has some understanding of mania. Once the patient's disease attacks, he cannot control himself. If Wu Yishuai really has this disease, he should not be held legally responsible.

After reading Wu Yishuai's medical records and diagnosis certificate, Jiang Yiming believed that the medical records and the doctor's signature were not forged.However, to be cautious, he called Wu Yishuai's doctor and asked him if Wu Yishuai was manic.If yes, to what extent has it been treated?

The doctor told him: Wu Yishuai was diagnosed with mania as early as the end of 2005. It was caused by the loss of his fiancée and father. He was receiving treatment intermittently. However, the knot in his heart may not be opened and he will occasionally have an attack. If he does not insist on taking medicine, Or alcoholism, which can break out at any time.

With the doctor, Jiang Yiming felt relieved.It turns out that there was a mentally ill person who committed crimes after being cured. In the end, he said that he was mentally ill and should not be held legally responsible. Therefore, all criminals who say that they are mentally ill must be sent to a mental hospital for evaluation. Otherwise, the criminal will be allowed to go free.

Jiang Yiming had no choice but to put Wu Yishuai back because he was incapacitated.Wu Yishuai might be taking advantage of someone when he went gambling. For example, if he was provoked by someone with ulterior motives, he might walk into the casino and bet heavily. At this time, he could no longer control himself, and Hu Mingqing took advantage of this to make him gamble. He was charged with loan sharking, and Hu Mingqing might have set a trap for Wu Yishuai.

Jiang Yiming was grateful that Wu Jiang dodges quickly. If Wu Yishuai stabbed him in the heart, he might have died. He wanted to give Wu Jiang a week off. However, Wu Jiang refused to die. He insisted on working even though he was injured, which moved Jiang Yiming very much.

Jiang Yiming's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar phone number. He pressed the answer button: "Hello, I am Jiang Yiming. Who are you?"

"Captain Jiang, I am Wang Lanjing, the nanny of Mr. Wu's family. Do you still remember me?"

"Oh, hello. Jing, what can I do for you?" He followed Huo Qingqing and called her Jing.

"I think of something suspicious... Do you remember that there is a small water dispenser in Mr. Wu's room?"

"I remember that it was placed next to Wu Yijun's bedside. I was a little confused at the time, why should the water dispenser be placed next to the bedside? But, I didn't ask, because everyone has their own habits and hobbies."

"You have a very good memory. I want to tell you something suspicious. You must not betray me, otherwise I will die."

"It is our responsibility to keep the people who provide clues confidential. Please rest assured. I promise that except for the people of the No. 1 Major Crime Team, no one will know."

"It's like this. One time, I went home from shopping for groceries. It happened to be windy and it was about to rain. So I went to the balcony to collect clothes. I accidentally saw Huo Qingqing pouring something into Mr. Wu's water dispenser. . Because Mr. Wu does not allow others to enter his study, it caught my attention. Of course, Huo Qingqing did not see me. "

"What could it be? Have you seen what it is?"

"I don't know. I guess it might be drugs. She wanted Mr. Wu to get addicted to drugs and then take the position of general manager of the company. However, I still kept it in reserve and waited for Mr. Wu to finish drinking the water in the water dispenser. Mr. Wu asked me to call the water delivery man to deliver water. The water delivery man was very familiar with me. After he replaced the original bucket, I asked him to wait while I put the remaining water in the bucket into a sealed bottle and hid it. Get up. I called you today just to give you the remaining bottle of water."

"Oh, that's great! Where are you?"

"I'm at Tianyu Pavilion in the suburban park. If you come, I'll wait for you here. If you don't have time to come, I'll send it to you by express."

"Okay, I'll go, don't go away." Jiang Yiming called Zhou Ting, and Zhou Ting drove straight to the suburban park.Suburban Park is located in the north of the city.It is 25 kilometers away from the city. It was transformed from a rugged forest. The scenery is not beautiful, so it is inaccessible.

Crime Squad No. 1 has a special affinity with this park, as many crimes occurred and were plotted here.In order to save Lu Yingying, Xiao Ke was shot in the left chest by Zhao Yi here. Fortunately, Xiao Ke's heart was on the right side and he was able to save his life.It became a legend in the city bureau.

After they arrived at the park, they got off the car and walked towards Tianyu Pavilion. There were few pedestrians in the park and it was very quiet. Various flowers were blooming in loneliness, exuding bursts of fragrance.They had no intention of admiring the flowers and just kept walking forward.

Tianyu Pavilion is located on the left side of the park in a remote location. After walking through a long path shaded by flowers and trees, I finally saw it.Sitting in the pavilion was a woman wearing a cap and sunglasses, dressed very coquettishly. Zhou Ting didn't know who she was, but when he got closer, he saw that it was Wang Lanjing. "Ajing, why are you dressed like this? You look like a chicken head." Zhou Ting wanted to laugh when he saw her look.

"Oh, I'm betraying my master. Of course I have to disguise myself." She said as she took out a 250 ml mineral water bottle from her bag and handed it to Jiang Yiming.

"Thank you, Ah Jing." Jiang Yiming took the bottle and looked at it. There was only about 20 ml of water in it. Although it was not much, it was enough for testing. "If the case is solved, we will reward you."

"I don't want rewards. I just want to work as a nanny at Mr. Wu's house. After all, it's not easy to find a job with a monthly salary of 6500 yuan." She waved her hand and said.

"Okay, thank you again for providing us with clues. Do you want us to take you back to the Gold Coast?"

"No, I can just go back and massage myself. You can go first."

Jiang Yiming waved goodbye to her. After getting in the car, Zhou Ting asked: "Captain Jiang, what do you think is in the water?"

"I don't know, but this water is filled with Wang Lanjing's loyalty to Wu Yijun!" Jiang Yiming said with a smile.

"People's hearts are nostalgic these days, and there are very few people who are so nostalgic for the past."

"Wang Lanjing is such a good nanny. She may have a secret crush on Wu Yijun, or she may have great admiration for her. Otherwise, after the country changes hands, who would think of redressing the injustice of the old owner? If it becomes a matter of national importance, she will be very dangerous."

Jiang Yiming handed the water bottle to Luo Jin and asked him to take it to the laboratory for testing.Although Luo Jin is a forensic scientist, he is in charge of the municipal bureau's laboratory and is familiar with the laboratory's machines and testing techniques. He knows how to operate simple things.

Luo Jin used a mass spectrometer to analyze the components in the water and found that it contained a large amount of 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)cyclohexanone, which is chloramine.Chloramine is a drug, and the state strictly prohibits private use, production, and sales.Selling more than 50 grams of chloramine carcasses is punishable by death.

Long-term ingestion of large amounts of chloramine can cause cardiac fibrosis and eventually death.If this was really what Huo Qingqing did, then her purpose was to murder Wu Yijun.Luo Jin handed the report to Jiang Yiming. After reading it, he was surprised: Huo Qingqing had a major murder motive!
Chloramine is a state-controlled drug. It is used for local anesthesia or general anesthesia for patients undergoing surgery. It is available in most hospitals and is managed by dedicated personnel. It is impossible to buy it unless you have a close relationship with the doctor or administrator.

Although it is sold on the black market, it is usually in the form of drugs, and the chloramine drug used by Huo Qingqing is an injection, so it should come from a doctor in the hospital.Huo Qingqing is a rich lady. As long as she pays a high price, she can still buy it from a profit-seeking doctor.

Jiang Yiming felt that Huo Qingqing should be investigated.If she doesn't admit that she injected chloramine in Wu Yijun's drinking bucket, there is nothing they can do to her. After all, a woman who knows how to use chloramine to kill people has a superb mind and will never admit it after they ask a few questions.

If she bites back and says that someone else framed her, or that the person who framed her is calling for a thief, it will not only be meaningless, but may also implicate Wang Lanjing, which will violate her promise to Wang Lanjing.Because firstly, she wanted to avenge Wu Yijun; secondly, she wanted to continue working at Huo Qingqing's house, so she had to provide evidence to convince Huo Qingqing.

Jiang Yiming believed that Wu Yijun would die sooner or later. Maybe because of an unknown incident, the use of chloramine carcass to make him sick took too long. Huo Qingqing changed her mind and had to kill Wu Yijun quickly so that she could get what she wanted.

Luo Jin performed a pathological examination on Wu Yijun's heart. Pathological examination is a pathological morphological method used to examine pathological changes in organs, tissues or cells of the body.In order to explore the disease process occurring in organs, tissues or cells, certain pathological morphological examination methods can be used.Examine the lesions that occur, explore the causes, pathogenesis, and development of the lesions, and finally make a pathological diagnosis.

Wu Yijun's heart did not have fibrosis, but the hair from his blood contained trace amounts of chloramine carcass. In other words, although Huo Qingqing had used chloramine carboxyl to premeditate murder, the purpose was not achieved and it was considered an attempted crime.

If Huo Qingqing is suspected, then she is just the manipulator behind the scenes. The person who went to the scene to kill was a man. This man should have obeyed Huo Qingqing's orders, or Huo Qingqing paid for the murder, because only Wu Yijun's relatives and friends could call him to the scene.For example, Huo Qingqing wrote a letter to Wu Yijun, saying that she had been kidnapped to Blue Home and asked him to rescue her.Wu Yijun will definitely go to negotiate with the kidnappers. The kidnappers just want money.

(End of this chapter)

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