Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 478 Who Is the Oriole

Chapter 478 Who Is the Oriole (12)
"The photos of me when I was young are completely different from the photos now. When I was in the army, I was only 60 kilograms. Now I am 75 kilograms. I have gained a full 15 kilograms and my face is a quarter bigger. How can you be sure that I am the masked man? Could it be that the computer made a mistake?"

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Yiming, as if he was very surprised. Jiang Yiming knew that he was hiding his racing heart. From his micro-expression, he never thought that the crime team had such superb skills, let alone that they would The photos were taken to the archives of the Armed Police Force for comparison.


"It's been more than a month now, I can't remember." He knew this was the best answer, because he used to interrogate drug dealers and knew how to deal with the police.

"That day was Saturday, how did you spend the weekend? If you don't tell us, we can also find out from the surveillance video in the community whether you are at home or in other public places."

"I usually stay at home and read on weekends. I'm reading "Understanding Management" recently. I read very slowly. I should read this book in the study that night."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"My children are boarding at school, and my wife is the only one at home, so my wife can prove it."

"This is not the best proof, because you are husband and wife."

"You can check the surveillance video of the industrial and commercial community. It is the best witness."

"Okay, we will investigate. Now that you are a criminal suspect, you cannot leave the city for the time being in order to cooperate with our investigation."

"Well, I'm not leaving."

The two of them walked out of Chen Wangchong's home and went downstairs. Jiang Yiming called Xiaoke and asked him to bring Huang Hua, the leader of the surveillance team, to monitor Chen Wangchong 24 hours a day. He must not be allowed to abscond. He also asked Lu Yingying to track Chen Wangchong's mobile phone.

Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang came to Hedong Detention Center to interrogate Lin Zhongshi. They played him the surveillance video of him being followed, explained the situation, and told him not to leave this world with secrets.

After eight hours of patient persuasion, Lin Zhongshi finally admitted that a master coerced him to kill You Zhi because the other party had recorded the entire process of killing Jiang during his visit to China. He once wanted to snatch the video back, but he couldn't. The opponent's opponent can only succumb in the end.

"You are a just man, how could you be his puppet? Is there any other reason?" Jiang Yiming said he did not believe this reason.

"Captain Jiang is Captain Jiang, he is extremely smart! In fact, I really don't want to kill Youzhi. He and I are on the same side. Therefore, the only thing I feel guilty about in my life is him. I can only wait until I go under Jiuquan to express my gratitude to you." He confessed, and the other party threatened me: If I don't listen to him, he will kill my father first, then send you the video, and then kill Youzhi..."

"Aren't you an orphan? How did you find your father?"

"It was my mentor and Dean Gu who helped me find my father after many twists and turns. My father and my mother fell in love, but my mother's parents did not agree. My mother and my father eloped to the provincial capital. After giving birth to me, I My mother endured the hardship and fled back to her parents' home. My father could not raise me, so he placed me at the door of Lin Fang Orphanage and stood watching from a distance.

"My father didn't leave until Dean Gu took me back to the orphanage. Later, my father had been working to make a living. However, he often went to the orphanage to peek at me and knew that I was living a good life. Dean Gu loved me very much. , I feel relieved.

"Later, my father was tricked into working as a worker in the black coal mine. Once, he and several co-workers were hit by a collapsing coal mine. My father's thigh was broken and he was buried in the mine for 18 hours before he was rescued. , he was sent to the hospital for treatment. The doctor said that his thigh was necrotic and could only be amputated.

"Later, the Datong Municipal Government of Shanxi Province funded the return of my father to the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze Municipal Government sent him to a nursing home. He was a disabled person with no relatives, no friends, and no money. His original stubborn character was completely worn away by life. He has no edges and corners, and he can only be bullied by others in the nursing home. When I saw him for the first time, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Later, with the support of my mentor and me, he was sent to the Red Star Nursing Home with better conditions, and his condition improved. He often told me how he was bullied by various people, which made me extremely heartbroken and filled with hatred. A seed was quietly planted in my heart. I feel that this world is very unfair. No matter which dynasty or society, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle.

"Therefore, I had to make myself stronger. I determined to be a knight, fight against injustice, and do justice for heaven. Even if I was sent to the guillotine one day, I would never regret it. So, I began to look for all kinds of sinners who had bad behavior, and brought them to justice. Kill him and let the world have one less evil person, and at least dozens of people will benefit, because evil people cannot only do one bad thing in their life.

"I don't know why the other party knew that my father lived in the Red Star Nursing Home, which shocked me very much. I don't want to get married and have children, because I may leave this world at any time, and I don't want to bring pain to my wife and children. The only thing I can't let go of is my Father, with the other party's ability and power, he can torture my father to death, so I can only compromise with him... Sigh..."

He sighed deeply, as if all the weight had been lifted off him. "Don't you know who he is?"

"I don't know at all, but I can feel his powerful aura, and his martial arts skills are so strong that I am no match for him. I only hate that I am not good at martial arts, otherwise, he would have become my target!"

"Don't worry, we will protect your father well. What is his name?"

"My name is Lin Tongtian. He is a very kind-hearted old man with a heart as soft as cotton. This may be exactly what the saying goes: A good heart can be deceived by others."

"No, there is another sentence: Good people are rewarded... Do you still remember his voice?" Jiang Yiming thought that if he remembered Huang Que's voice, this would be another piece of ironclad evidence.

"Remember, remember it forever!"

"Okay, we have recorded the voices of 10 people and will play them for you now. If you can hear them, we will be able to arrest him soon and your father will be safe forever."

Lin Zhongshi nodded. Jiang Yiming had secretly recorded Chen Wangchong's voice and mixed it among the 9 people. The eighth voice was Chen Wangchong's.

Jiang Yiming took out the recorder and started playing. Wu Jiang used another recorder to record. Each recording lasted 2 minutes, making a total of 20 minutes. The recordings were edited and then connected together. When the 8th sound was played, Lin Zhongshi He blurted out: "This is this person, even if I turn into ashes, I will still remember him!"

Jiang Yiming smiled. With Lin Zhongshi's identification, Chen Wangchong was doomed.

Jiang Yiming reported the situation to Fang Lihua. Fang Lihua admired his work performance very much and asked Jiang Yiming what he needed from him.Jiang Yiming said that he must apply for a search warrant from the procuratorate and conduct a thorough search of Chen Wangchong's office and residence.

While applying for a search warrant, Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang went to the monitoring room of the industrial and commercial community and found a video of the evening of December 2016, 12. The video proved that Chen Wangchong entered the gate of Building 17 at 6:15:10 and did not come out until I didn't come out until work time the next morning.

Jiang Yiming knew that Chen Wangchong had created an alibi because he lived on the third floor. With his skills, it was easy to go down or up from the third floor.

In the afternoon, Fang Lihua handed the search warrant to Jiang Yiming. After he obtained the search warrant, he led the No. 1 crime team to Chen Wangchong's home. In the car, he called Huang Hua and asked him if Chen Wangchong had a home.Huang Hua said he had just returned home from get off work.

After Jiang Yiming knocked on Chen Wangchong's door, he handed the search warrant to Chen Wangchong. He was slightly shocked, as if in disbelief: How could the procuratorate issue a search warrant to them?Jiang Yiming saw his surprise.

Xiao Ke stood guard at the door to prevent Chen Wangchong from escaping. Xiao Ke was very confident that his martial arts skills were superior to Chen Wangchong's because he had learned about Chen Wangchong's martial arts level from the armed police force's information, not to mention that he was much older than Xiao Ke.

After a search, a high-end micro camera was found in Chen Wangchong's wardrobe. Lu Yingying opened the camera and checked, but there was no image on the memory card. She removed the memory card and looked at it, and found that it was an old memory card. However, all The videos have been deleted.

This made Lu Yingying slightly happy, because the memory card is like the human brain. Whatever you do will be recorded, and the data can be restored to its original state.He deliberately deleted all the images, showing a guilty conscience.

Lu Yingying suggested taking Chen Wangchong's laptop back to the Crime Unit, because the computer may contain the video of Lin Zhongshi killing Jiang during his visit to China. Once it is stored, it can be found from it, even if he encrypted it with a complex password, it will be useless. .

Jiang Yiming showed Chen Wangchong the detention certificate again, and he agreed to go with them to the Interpol Team.Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting handcuffed his hands, and he followed them calmly, as if he would go home soon. This made Jiang Yiming wonder, did he regard death as home?

Wujiang extracted Chen Wangchong's footprints and compared them with the footprints extracted by the Qinghe River. The results were completely consistent, which added an important link to the evidence chain.

In order to make the evidence more solid, Jiang Yiming took Lin Zhongshi out of the detention center and arranged for 11 people from the logistics department to be with Chen Wangchong. When Lin Zhongshi and Chen Wangchong could not see each other, they spoke through the microphone, letting Lin Zhongshi identification.

Jiang Yiming arranged for Chen Wangchong to speak seventh. As a result, when Chen Wangchong spoke, Lin Zhongshi immediately recognized his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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