Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 463 Death of the Escaper

Chapter 463 Death of the Escaper (11)
"do you know him?"

"I don't know him. I happened to be riding through the Blue Bay Villa area at that time, and I was stopped by him with a wave of his hand."

"Have you ever waited for guests in the Blue Bay Villa area before?"

"No, business is not good in the Blue Bay Villa area. Not many people will ride motorcycles there."

"Oh, what did he say to you after he stopped your car?"

"He asked me how much it would cost to go to Kaoshan Town. I said 20 yuan, and he said yes and got in my car. After arriving in Kaoshan Town, he said he wanted to go to the entrance of Provincial Highway 103, so I gave him two more rides. Kilometers, I originally wanted to charge him another two yuan, but I saw that it would be difficult for him as an old man to pick up garbage, so I didn’t say anything.”

"Can you tell he has an accent?"

"He is from this city. I have been to many places and heard many accents. I am confident about this."

"Does he look like an old man picking up trash?"

"It looks like...but..."

"But what?"

"I used to drive an old man who picked up garbage. He would emit a special smell, but this old man has no smell. Although his clothes are a bit old, there is no smell of sweat. It was only after you asked me that I remembered."

"There was something in the trash bag when he got in the car, do you think it was trash in there?"

"Let me think about it... Oh, I remembered it. There seemed to be a sound of metal colliding in his bag. He might have picked up scrap copper and scrap iron. It is relatively heavy and long."

"Did he act like an old man when he got in the car?"

"It's not like that. He moved quickly and got into my car as soon as he crossed his legs. I didn't think much about it at the time. You can't blame me."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, but because you met a murderer who kills without blinking an eye, for your safety, we must protect you. If the murderer finds that he has made a mistake, we may find him from you. Sometimes, people will be killed and silenced.”

"But I still rent hasn't been paid yet."

"Is life more important or making money? Keep the green hills alive, even if there is no firewood? We will give you 200 yuan in lost work allowance every day, and you can stay quietly at the place we arranged." Jiang Yiming was afraid that Ruan Yuanyuan would lie. , in case he is an accomplice, inform the murderer when he returns; secondly, he is afraid that he is not an accomplice and will be silenced by the murderer, because there is no perfect murder in the world, and the murderer may turn around and kill him when he thinks of his mistake.

Jiang Yiming and Xiao Ke visited the Lanwan Villa Area. It is located in the northeast of Jiangbei District, 12 kilometers away from the city center. It is a building from the early 90s. Although it is dilapidated and vicissitudes of life, it has good greening and reasonable spatial layout. It's a good place to get some peace and quiet.

They didn't want to alert the enemy, so they called Huo Shandong, the security manager of the Blue Bay Villa area, and quietly asked him out alone. Xiao Ke had known Huo Shandong ten years ago.After Huo Shandong came to the criminal police team, Jiang Yiming showed him the reconstructed photo of the suspect and asked him if he knew the suspect?

"I know this person, but I have never had any direct contact with him. He lives in Villa 82."

"Tell me about his family."

"This man is very mysterious. I rarely see him in the public areas of the villa. He doesn't seem to have a wife or children, and he doesn't like to talk to others. Once, when I handed him a cigarette, he pretended not to notice and walked away. . We must have a good relationship with the residents in the villa, otherwise they will complain to us over a trivial matter and embarrass us."

"About how old is he? How tall is he?"

"He looks very energetic. He cannot be more than 40 years old. He is about 175 centimeters tall and has a strong body. I don't know whether he is low-key or arrogant. There is almost no smile on his face."

"What's his job?"

"I don't know. He probably works the night shift. He probably does security work. He may be the internal security guard at the nightclub, but he can't be the younger brother. He should be the big brother who takes the lead."

"You mean he stays up day and night all year round?"

"Yes, I rarely see him during the day. I have never seen him buy groceries. I don't know how he lives. Maybe he orders takeout all year round? Or eats out."

"When you go back, fax us a copy of the structural diagram of the villa. Remember: you are not allowed to mention this matter to anyone, because it may threaten you." Xiao Ke said to him seriously. "Brother Ke, we've known each other for ten years, don't you still believe me? I work in security, so I'm absolutely secretive!" In fact, he is three years older than Xiao Ke, and calling Xiao Ke brother is a customary honorific in the world.

"That's good. Thank you for your cooperation. After the case is solved, I will treat you to a drink." Xiao Ke said, patting his chest.

"Brother Ke, give me a chance and I'll treat you to a drink."

Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting came to the Blue Bay Villa area in plain clothes. Under Huo Shandong's secret arrangement, they came to the opposite side of the 82nd villa and used binoculars to observe the situation inside the villa.However, all the curtains in Building 82 were closed. The curtains were very thick and it was impossible to see what was going on inside. It had been raining continuously for almost half a month. Today, it just happened to be sunny after the rain. Most residents opened the curtains to let the long-awaited Sunlight shines into the humid room.

The people in Building 82 closed the curtains, which is even more suspicious.They learned from Huo Shandong that the owner of the villa was named Du Fei. He was 58 years old and had immigrated to Australia. However, the villa was not sold or rented. Instead, a middle-aged man lived in the villa.

Xiao Ke called Jiang Yiming, explained the situation to him, and asked him what should be done?Jiang Yiming said to use the infrared thermal imaging camera of the criminal police team to detect whether there is anyone in the house. If there is someone, then make an arrest plan. They cannot wait any longer, otherwise the sixth deceased may appear.

Zhou Ting went back to the team to get the infrared thermal imaging camera. Half an hour later, he came to Xiaoke's side and used the thermal imaging camera to detect 82 villas.

Infrared thermal imaging cameras use infrared detectors and optical imaging objectives to receive the infrared radiation energy distribution pattern of the detected target and reflect it on the photosensitive element of the infrared detector to obtain an infrared thermal image. This thermal image is closely related to the surface of the object. corresponding to the thermal distribution field.

In layman's terms, a thermal imager converts the invisible infrared energy emitted by an object into a visible thermal image. The different colors on the thermal image represent different temperatures of the object being measured.Their thermal imaging camera has a detection range of more than 50 meters and more than 800 million pixels. It is a very good thermal imaging camera.

Xiao Ke aimed the focal length of the thermal imager at Building 82. This is an auto-focus thermal imager. He first aimed it at the living room on the first floor, but found no heat-dissipating objects. Xiao Ke then changed the angle and aimed it at the master bedroom. A heat-dissipating object was found. The object was human-shaped and lying motionless on the bed. It might be Lin Zhongshi sleeping.Because Huo Shandong said his name was Lin Zhongshi.

Xiao Ke pointed the thermal imaging camera at the living room on the second floor and detected it. The result was that there was no radiator. He then detected the radiator in each room and still found no radiator. This meant that there was only one person in the villa, but he could not be sure that he was Lin Zhongshi.

Xiaoke reported the situation to Jiang Yiming. After Jiang Yiming received the intelligence, he made up his mind to arrest the people in the villa. However, in order not to arrest the wrong person, he had to see the person clearly before taking action. Of course, if the other party takes action first , they have to react instantly.

Jiang Yiming asked Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting to stand by while he, Wu Jiang, Lu Yingying, and Luo Jin planned a rigorous arrest plan.

Jiang Yiming felt that if he rushed in to arrest people rashly, if the other party fired back with a gun, someone might be injured or even killed.It would be best to wait for Lin Zhongshi to walk out of the house and arrest him downstairs, so as not to arrest the wrong person and give him a chance to fight back.

Wu Jiang said that he could disguise himself as a property manager or a food delivery person, trick him into opening the door, and then arrest him.

Jiang Yiming and Lin Zhongshi were very alert and alert, and he was not easily fooled. According to Huo Shandong, he was going out to work at night, or to track the sixth target.

Lin Zhongshi obviously felt the pressure from the crime team. He wanted to kill more people, so he had to work faster, otherwise, he would not be able to complete his "great cause."The criminal psychological analyst analyzed Lin Zhongshi's character. He will never wash his hands out of fear!
Wu Jiang agreed with Jiang Yiming's arrest plan and arrested Lin Zhongshi downstairs. Only this method would not give him a chance to fight back or commit suicide.This plan was reported to Fang Lihua and Xi Qiandu at the same time, and they thought it was the best plan.

So, all the members of the crime team were waiting downstairs in Villa 82 in plain clothes. Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying naturally turned into a couple and walked around the villa area. Zhou Ting kept staring at the thermal imaging camera to see Lin Zhongshi's changes in body position. Report the situation to Jiang Yiming promptly.

Jiang Yiming invited five special police officers with high martial arts skills and two snipers. If Lin Zhongshi counterattacked, he would be killed immediately. Of course, it would be best to capture him alive.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the beast to fall into the trap...

Night falls quietly and the city lights gradually light up. After many days of rain, the world seems to be clean and the lights are particularly bright.After the weather cleared up and the temperature warmed up, residents came out for a walk in groups after dinner. Everything was peaceful and harmonious.

A young man wearing "" overalls rang the doorbell of Building 82, and a voice came from inside: "Who?"

"I'm Ma Xiaodong, the delivery boy from ''. Can you please open the door?"

"Okay, I'll come." Lin Zhongshi saw a familiar food delivery person outside the door through the peephole, and opened the door with confidence. Ma Xiaodong handed the lunch box to Lin Zhongshi, and then left Villa 82.

After Ma Xiaodong walked out of the villa gate, he was stopped by Jiang Yiming: "Is he the person you just delivered food to Building 82?" Jiang Yiming handed him Lin Zhongshi's photo.

"Yes, that's him, he's our regular customer."

"How many people are in his house?"

"Just him."

(End of this chapter)

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