Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 453 Death of the Escaper

Chapter 453 Death of the Escaper (1)
"Can we find clues from the silicone manufacturer?" Xiao Ke asked.

"There are estimated to be thousands of silicone product companies in our city. The workload is too heavy and a lot of police force needs to be invested. This is not a shortcut, because the murderer is eyeing the next target and he must be arrested and brought to justice in a very short time. We There is no time." Jiang Yiming said.

"Yingying, is there any result on the suspected mobile phone number called Wu Liang?"

"There is no result. The operator said they are Myanmar MPT mobile phone cards. These mobile phone cards support WCDMA and GSM networks. Buyers can directly insert the cards and use them in China without going to the operator's business hall for real-name authentication. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, The crackdown on black cards by the three major operators cannot completely curb the false identity industry chain on the Internet. Such mobile phone cards are sold online and on QQ," Lu Yingying said.

"The murderer has set up many obstacles. It is impossible to find him so quickly."

"It's not impossible, it's just a matter of time. There is no perfect crime in the world. One day, he will fall into our hands! Yingying. If you continue to investigate the source of the mobile phone card, you can consider going to Myanmar and ask the Myanmar police for support. .”

"Okay!" Lu Yingying said and walked out. In addition to tracing the source of the mobile phone card, she also had to continue to keep an eye on the movements of If someone published an article criticizing the perpetrators on again, she must quickly report to Jiang Yiming. Report and do a good job in protecting the criticized objects.

The phone in Jiang Yiming's office rang. He went to answer the call. It was a call from the 110 command center: "Team Jiang, this is Miao Jun. I just received an alarm call saying that a murder occurred in Jingshui Farm. Please send someone to the scene immediately. Go investigate.”

When Jiang Yiming heard this, his head was spinning: "Is it definitely a homicide?"

"Yes, the deceased was shot with a crossbow by the reservoir. The arrow was shot from the back of the deceased. It could not have been suicide." Miao Jun is the commander of the 110 command center. He is 45 years old and used to be a member of the criminal police team. , has rich criminal investigation experience and sharp thinking.

Jiang Yiming immediately summoned members of the No. 1 Major Crime Team to rush to the scene.

Jingshui Villa is located in the southeastern suburbs of the city, 20 kilometers away from the city. It is next to Provincial Highway 106. After getting off the provincial highway, there is a one-kilometer long small road connected to Jingshui Villa. There is a small reservoir next to Jingshui Villa, which is the former It is formed by the water from the river pouring back into the reservoir.

There is a hill behind Jingshui Villa called Hengyuan Mountain. The villa is located at the foot of Hengyuan Mountain. It consists of five five-story buildings and covers about 200 acres of land. It belongs to the Municipal Water and Electricity Bureau. It pays 300 million yuan a year. Before the profits are contracted to Fengshi, the lease term is 10 years.

In front of the villa is a rippling blue reservoir. The water in the reservoir used to be very turbid. After a lot of investment by Feng Shiqian, the water in the reservoir was purified to be clear and translucent. There are many kinds of fish growing in the reservoir, as well as various types of shrimps and Crabs, many people who like fishing come here to fish. However, because it is winter, there are not many anglers, and the business of the villa is relatively deserted.

Jiang Yiming sat in the police car driving to Jingshui Villa and thought: This was most likely done by the force of justice. Why didn't he find the target on the Justice Network this time?Because no one has published articles on the Justice Network these days to criticize the evildoers.

Did he know that Lu Yingying was targeting Justice Network and changed her tune?If he doesn't look for targets on the network of justice, he will be even more vulnerable. Alas, how many people will the force of justice have to kill before he is willing to give up?

The scene was located next to the reservoir opposite Jingshui Villa, about 500 meters apart. After cordoning off the scene, they put on shoe covers, gloves and hats and walked into the scene.

The deceased was lying face down on the ground overgrown with weeds, half of his head was soaked in water, and an arrow shot from a crossbow was stuck behind his back. The arrow accurately shot into the left lung of the deceased. This method was similar to that of the previous three deceased people. They all died by stabbing the deceased in the lungs with a sharp instrument.

The deceased was wearing a black Nike sports suit and a pair of white sneakers.Luo Jin put his hand into the pocket of the deceased's pants and took out a wallet, which contained 3000 yuan in cash; five bank cards; a social security card; and an ID card.

The ID card shows: You Zhi, a native of Huali Town, Jiangbei District, Changjiang City, was born on January 1977, 1, male.Today is Sunday, January 18, 2017. He only lived in this world for 1 years.

After Jiang Yiming looked at the body for a while, he asked Luo Jin to investigate the time and cause of death. Because there was drizzle in the sky and the weather was cold, there were only as few fishermen by the reservoir as morning stars. Why did You Zhi come here to fish?

Jiang Yiming walked out of the cordon and saw a dozen people standing in the distance with their necks stretched out to watch. He stepped forward and asked, "Who made the call to the police?"

"Captain Jiang, it's me. My name is Liu Li, and I was a fishing friend with the deceased You Zhi." Liu Li is a retired worker and has been friends with You Zhi for many years. He actually knew Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming called him to the lobby of Jingshui Villa, asked him to sit on the sofa, and asked, "Hello, please tell me about the situation."

"Okay, Youzhi and I have only known each other for two months. He likes fishing, and I also like fishing. We often meet in Jingshui Villa. After saying hello many times, we got to know each other. Yesterday was Saturday, and he invited me to come to Jingshui Villa fishing, I agreed.

"So, he drove to the downstairs of my house to pick me up. Yesterday evening we stayed in rooms 501 and 502 of Yingshan Building in Jingshui Villa. After dinner, we went to Hengyuan Reservoir for night fishing for half an hour. It rained, so we went back to the room early to sleep.

"Early the next morning, after we drank two glasses of milk and ate two pieces of bread, we went fishing in the reservoir. We were about 100 meters apart. Because a faint white mist rose from the water, we could sometimes see each other, and sometimes we could not see each other. Invisible. "At about 8 o'clock in the morning, after I unexpectedly caught a mandarin fish weighing more than two pounds, I wanted to call Youzhi to come over and take a look. I yelled at him a few times, but he didn't seem to hear me. Answer me. After a while, the white fog dissipated. I subconsciously looked at him, only to find that he seemed to be lying motionless on the ground.

"I felt strange. What was he doing lying on the ground in such a cold weather? I thought something might have happened, so I quickly put down the fishing rod in my hand and ran over to see him. What surprised me was that there was an arrow stuck in his back, and there was blood. stained his clothes red.

"I stepped forward to feel his pulse and heart. He had no pulse or heartbeat. His face was extremely pale, his hands and feet were cold, and the fishing rod was abandoned aside. I wanted to help him up, but I immediately thought that I could not move the body because This would destroy the scene, so I immediately called 110. This is what happened." Liu Li, 61, had a solemn tone, a sad and regretful expression, and tears in his eyes.

"Did you notice anything unusual, such as someone walking behind Youzhi or coming into contact with him?"

"I didn't see it because the fog was heavy and I couldn't see what was going on around him."

"Do you know which unit Youzhi works in?"

"He said he was the office director of the Bureau of Land and Resources, but I have never been to his office."

"Does he have a wife and children?"

"Having a wife and a 15-year-old daughter, he showed me pictures on his phone."

"Does he often come to Jingshui Villa to fish?"

"Yes, I come almost every weekend."

"What do you think of him as a man?"

"He is a very good person, generous, polite, and respectful. Therefore, he and I became close friends in a short period of time."

"Did you ever hear him say who he had a grudge against?"

"No, even if he had, he would not tell me. After all, we have only known each other for two months. Although he is sincere and polite, he is a thoughtful person and will not reveal his true feelings to me easily."

"Okay, let's stop talking today. You can take me to see where you were fishing."

Jiang Yiming and Liu Li walked out of the lobby and came to the reservoir nearly 400 meters away from the reception center. At this time, the fog in the reservoir had cleared and the entire reservoir could be seen clearly.Liu Li stopped, pointed to the ground and said, "I was fishing here. Look, my fishing rod and bucket are still here."

Jiang Yiming walked to a red plastic bucket and saw nine crucian carps weighing about one kilogram in the bucket. The largest one was mandarin fish, weighing about two kilograms, which matched Liu Li's description.

Jiang Yiming stood there and looked forward, and saw his subordinates surveying the site a hundred meters away. Behind them was Hengyuan Mountain. There was a winding mountain road winding up. The road was paved with cobblestones and was not accessible to traffic, but it was passable. Motorcycles and bicycles.

He asked Liu Li to report his mobile phone number to him, as they might need his help in the future.Liu Li gave him his mobile phone number and his home address.

He came to the mountain where Youzhi died. There were many banyan trees planted on the mountain. The big banyan trees could barely be hugged by one person. Therefore, the mountain road was covered by the shade of the banyan trees, and it was a rainy day, making it even more gloomy and even a bit scary.

Jiang Yiming had confiscated a crossbow and played with it. He knew that its effective range was within 50 meters. So, the murderer must have stood within 50 meters behind Youzhi and fired the bow and arrow at him.In order to be more sure to kill Youzhi, the murderer will shorten the distance, because the closer to Youzhi, the more lethal he will be.

Arrow paths, like ballistics, can be measured using computers. Both Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke are good at measuring arrow paths. Jiang Yiming came to the scene and asked how Wu Jiang's trace investigation was going.

(End of this chapter)

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