Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 449 The Death of a Habitual Thief

Chapter 449 The Death of a Habitual Thief (12)
Jiang Yiming stood in the middle of the driveway of the community and stopped his car. Wu Liang was very angry and wanted to scold him. Jiang Yiming quickly took out his police officer ID card and stood in front of his car to show it to him. After he saw it, he quickly got out of the car. With a smile on his face, he asked: "Captain Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't see Taishan. I apologize to you." After that, he bowed deeply to Jiang Yiming.

"Is this car yours?" Jiang Yiming asked, looking at the brand-new BMW.

"This... is mine. This is a second-hand car sold to me by a friend. It only costs 10,000+ yuan." He was afraid that Jiang Yiming would dig deeper, so he quickly explained. Jiang Yiming knew he was lying, because even a second-hand car would not cost less than 30 yuan. Ten thousand.

"Wu Liang, Director Wu, you'd better keep a low profile. Don't be so public. Aren't you afraid that the force of justice will take action on you?" Jiang Yiming said sarcastically.

"I have already atoned for the mistakes I made. The forces of justice will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, right?" Wu Liang said frankly that he did not believe that the forces of justice would come to his door.

"You are too confident and it will kill you. Find a place to talk. We have something important to do with you."

"Okay, go to my house. I live in Room 1704 of Chunfeng Building." After Wu Liang backed the car into the underground parking lot, he walked out quickly and led the way, opening the elevator for them. When they came to Room 1704, he paid He took out the key and opened the door. As he opened it, he said: "This is my parents' house. My wife and children live here. I have become an out-and-out old man. Fortunately, my wife has a job." He said "There is no 300 taels of silver here" disgusted Jiang Yiming.

Walking into the house, it was very gorgeously decorated, with three bedrooms and one living room, about 180 square meters. This house is worth at least 500 million, which is shocking. A person who has just been released from prison actually lives in a mansion and drives a luxury car. How come Won't it cause public outrage?
Wu Liang invited them to sit on a European-style sofa. The room was decorated in a European style, and the furniture was all European-style. Although it was impossible to tell how much the decoration and furniture cost, it was definitely expensive.

Wu Liang asked Jiang Yiming what he likes to drink?Jiang Yiming said: "Just boiled water is fine. Someone uploaded your life of debauchery outside to, which aroused the public outrage of netizens. There were photos of you and your friends having a big meal and visiting a luxury hotel. Is this true?" Jiang Yiming handed him the screenshot photos and the printout of the "Lingbo Fighter" article.

Wu Liang looked at it for a while and said: "This is simply slander! These photos are all photoshopped. How can I have the money to live such a life?"

"Director Wu, please don't deny it. We have investigated Classic FTV and the White Swan Hotel. They admitted that you and your friends often spend money there. Between saving your life and pretending, which one do you choose?"

"Of course I am saving my life, but I feel that I am very safe. I have heard about the force of justice. He will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Innocent? If you didn't have an affair with the leader of the Provincial No. 5 Prison, how could you be released from prison after serving only 4 years and [-] months? It is very difficult to reduce the sentence now, and it is almost impossible to reduce the sentence by half." Jiang Yiming is an expert, of course he knows what's going on. rules.

"Captain Jiang, you have wrongly blamed me. I used the five years in prison to study how to make bridge construction more scientific and save materials and labor. I was recognized by experts, so my sentence was commuted. , The prison leaders hope that I will be released from prison as soon as possible and contribute to society."

"We will verify what you said, but even if you really have an invention patent, you should not live such a luxurious life. It has attracted the hatred of netizens. Now, we have to secretly protect you from the forces of justice. Do you have any objection to murdering you?”

"Isn't this...a bit of a fuss? If there are a few policemen around me all day long, how can I have personal freedom? When I go out to high-end hotels, my friends treat me. I only show up with a mouth. I am not a heinous person."

"We are doing it for your own good. We will wear plain clothes and secretly follow you from a distance. You just need to cooperate with us. After we bring the righteous forces to justice, you can regain your freedom. Life is the most important thing. You Don't be stubborn." Jiang Yiming looked seriously.

"Okay, I can only follow your arrangements." He seemed helpless. Jiang Yiming thought that he valued freedom more than life, which was really irrational.

Jiang Yiming told him not to go to crowded places. It was best to stay at home and not go anywhere. However, Wu Liang disagreed. He said that he was talking about a development project with his friends. If he did not go out to socialize, this was an excellent opportunity. It will be given away and may never come back.

Obviously, he believed that he was not in danger. Why did he think that the forces of justice would not attack him?Did he reach some kind of contract with the force of justice?Otherwise, how could anyone be so unafraid of death?Yi Jiawei, on the other hand, was just the opposite, very afraid that the forces of justice would come to his door.Jiang Yiming felt more and more that Wu Liang might know the Force of Justice or be good friends. If so, the Force of Justice could be found from Wu Liang. However, Jiang Yiming thought for a while and thought that this possibility was relatively small.

Jiang Yiming transferred Xiao Ke back from Yi Jiawei. He believed that the probability of the righteous force killing Wu Liang was higher, and sending a death notice to Yi Jiawei should be the righteous force's attempt to distract the crime team's attention. There was no time or energy to find out that the murder target was Jiang's visit to China, allowing the forces of justice to succeed.

If the force of justice is smart enough and has hacking skills, he can find out the IP address used by Lu Yingying to surf the Internet. Once the murderer knows it, he may give up the murder of Wu Liang because he judges that the No. 1 crime team will protect Wu Liang. , so that the murderer falls into the trap they set.

Therefore, it is possible for the force of justice to abandon Wu Liang and run towards another target. This target may not necessarily be the evildoers on the Justice Network, but other people. The media in Yangtze City are very keen, and even a small car accident will be disclosed. According to the newspaper, if the force of justice considers itself to be outside the law, there will definitely be more than a few people on his assassination list.

Xiao Ke returned to the criminal police team from Yi Jiawei Company. Jiang Yiming transferred 2 criminal police officers from the No. 5 Serious Crime Team to cooperate with Xiao Ke and monitor Wu Liang 24 hours a day. Once a suspicious person is found, he will be searched immediately, because this It is a special period and can be handled specially.

Wu Liang has been under house arrest by Xiaoke for three days. He really can't sit still. He is an energetic and very active person, and he seems to have ADHD.Wu Liang said he would rather die than live such a life without freedom.

Xiao Ke had no choice but to let him go for a walk in the community downstairs and not allow him to leave the community. Wu Liang agreed to his request and said he would not leave the community.

Wu Liang was so happy that he put on a white Adidas sportswear and white sneakers. He opened the door and walked into the elevator. When he went downstairs, he smiled at the security guard, who also nodded and smiled at him. Because Wu Liang occasionally gave cigarettes to the security guard.

He came to the community basketball court and played basketball with the young people in the community. Xiao Ke and his colleague Su Lihou watched his every move from a distance. They did not dare to approach Wu Liang because they were afraid that the force of justice would see through their actions. identity, thereby alerting the enemy and allowing the murderer to deal with the next target.

However, they can't stay too far away from him. If the force of justice attacks Wu Liang, they will have no time to protect them. One thing is worth celebrating: Wu Liang is a good athlete and has learned Sanda. He once won the Bihailantian Community Sanda Competition. If The murderer's martial arts wasn't too strong, so Wu Liang could dodge it.

After Wu Liang played a game of basketball, he was covered in sweat. He left the basketball court and walked to the forest avenue. After walking 100 meters, he came to a pearl milk tea shop. He took out his wallet, bought a cup of Coke and milk tea, and brought it in Drinking in the semi-open seats.

At this time, Xiao Ke lost sight of Wu Liang and hurriedly walked towards the pearl milk tea shop. He looked in from the window of the milk tea shop and saw that it was full of customers, most of them children and a few adults.

Wu Liangzheng was sitting on the seat opposite the window, slowly sipping milk tea, with a relaxed and comfortable expression. Xiao Ke had to admire his calmness and calmness. Is he confident that his martial arts skills are better than the murderer?
Xiao Ke stood outside quietly observing Wu Liang's every move. After Wu Liang drank the milk tea and Coke, he took out a pack of Chinese cigarettes, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, took a deep breath, and put the cigarette out. spit it out of the throat.

After smoking his cigarette, Wu Liang walked out of the milk tea shop and walked into the distance. In front of him was a low-rise residential area with blue sea and blue sky. Before coming, Wu Liang had told Xiao Ke that he was going to the low-rise area to visit his aunt Luo Juan. , Xiao Ke has no reason to disagree, because the high-rise area is less than 500 meters away from the low-rise area.

However, there is an overpass between the low-rise area and the high-rise area. The overpass is nearly 10 meters high. Under the overpass is a straight road. It used to be a driveway exclusively for residents of Blue Sea and Blue Sky. However, last year, a member of the District CPPCC suggested changing this driveway. into a public driveway.

After the mayor of Jiangbei District visited the community and observed it, he felt that the suggestion of the CPPCC members was right, because in this case, citizens would not have to detour an extra kilometer when driving into the city center. The district chief immediately made the decision to locate the community at both ends of the road. The sentry post was dismantled and allowed to be used by citizens as they pleased.

Wu Liang walked forward slowly, Xiao Ke and Su Lihou followed behind him, about 80 meters apart. Xiao Ke and Su Lihou both carried pistols. Even if someone wanted to hurt Wu Liang, he could use his pistol to kill the murderer. Injury, 100 meters is within the shooting range of a pistol, and Xiao Ke ranks first in the criminal police team in shooting, he is confident enough.If it exceeds 100 meters, Xiao Ke will not be sure, because the range of the pistol is difficult to exceed 100 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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