Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 443 The Death of a Habitual Thief

Chapter 443 The Death of a Habitual Thief (6)
"Okay. He is 25 years old. On May 2013, 5, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison for stealing confidential documents from South China Network Company and selling them to Malaysian Lion Online Game Company for 30, causing huge losses to South China Network Company. Half a year, but because of his good behavior in prison, his sentence was reduced by half a year and he was released from prison on May 3 this year."

"After he is released from prison, will you follow up on him?" In order to manage people who have been released from prison in a more humane manner, the local police station will arrange for police officers to follow up on him to see if he has any difficulties, whether he has changed his past, and whether he can find a job. .

"Yes, I followed him for three months, and I didn't find that he had committed another crime, and he had no difficulty in living. Because his parents sold their homestead and had hundreds of thousands of savings, his parents only gave him 3000 yuan for living expenses every month. The money will be given to him after he marries his wife.”

"That means you haven't been to his house for three months to understand the situation?"

"Yes, because I am in charge of more than 1 people and am very busy, so I cannot focus on him alone." He seemed a little apologetic.

"Is he very clever at stealing?"

"Yes, he worked as a pickpocket with his elder brother at the train station since he was a child. He was caught several times, but because of his young age, he was fined and let go after education. When he became an adult, he learned spending skills from his master. He can open general insurance Safes, especially old-style safes. The confidential documents of South China Network Company were placed in the safe and stolen by him."

"Has he committed any theft in the past three months?"

"I haven't heard of it. Most companies now use fingerprint unlocking and iris recognition safes. It's impossible for him to learn such advanced theft techniques in half a year. Therefore, he probably won't be a thief again because he has a very high vision." , he doesn’t care if he doesn’t have property worth tens of thousands of dollars.”

"Come with us to visit his home." Jiang Yiming stood up, and Shen Xiaogang quickly got up and walked out. He got into the car driven by Zhou Ting and drove towards Jiang Fanghua's home.

Jiangcun has completely changed in the past two years. They are all neat rows of new residences, divided into high-rise areas and low-rise areas. They don't look like a village at all, but more like a third-tier city.

Jiang Fanghua's parents live in Room 21, Building 504, in the low-rise area. The developer gave them compensation during the land acquisition, plus 86 yuan in cash. If Jiang Fanghua can live up to his reputation, their life will be very good. However, they did not expect that their son would die tragically at the hands of righteous forces.

Shen Xiaogang knocked on the door of Room 504. The person who opened the door was a young woman. When she saw a policeman standing outside the door, she quickly invited them in.

She introduced herself: "I am Jiang's sister who visited China, and my name is Jiang Caiping." Her voice was hoarse and her eyes were red, probably from crying for too long.

Last night, Wu Jiang called Jiang Fanghua's parents and told them the news of Jiang Fanghua's death. Jiang Fanghua's parents rushed to the criminal police team to identify the body. Although they were very sad, they were not desperate enough to die. With their persuasion, they slowly came to their senses and seemed to have expected their son's fate today.

Jiang Guijian, Jiang Guijian's father, comforted his crying wife and said that this was destined. Now God has taken back his son and asked God to teach him a lesson. Don't be too sad and don't break your body. They still have a daughter. rely on.

Jiang Guijian's wife Wu Lifen slowly stopped crying because it was almost 12 o'clock last night. Wu Jiang drove them back to Jiangcun without asking them about the current status of Jiang's visit to China.

Jiang Guijian's wife was resting in bed. She had a heart disease and could not be overly sad. Jiang Guijian came out of the bedroom to receive them.

After both parties sat down, Jiang Yiming began to ask: "Uncle Jiang, has your son ever offended anyone?"

"Alas - my son seems to be sent by God to punish me. He has never given us any peace of mind since he was a child. After he dropped out of junior high school, he hung out with gangsters on the street. To this day, he still refuses to repent and offends us. There must be a lot of people, but I can’t tell exactly who they offended.”

"Did he fall into his old habits again after he was released from prison?"

"I don't know, but it's possible that he has become addicted to stealing. We can't help him. When we were young, we worked day and night to make a living and didn't discipline him strictly, which led to the current results..." He I shed muddy tears and felt sad.

"Your son drives a Hyundai car. We checked and found that the car was transferred to him from Huang Jiuwei on October 2016, 10. Huang Jiuwei said that he sold the car to your son for 2. , where did his money come from? Did you give him any money?"

"I didn't know he had a car, and I didn't give him any money. If it wasn't money borrowed from friends, it should be illegal income." He didn't protect his son at all. Not every father has this kind of mind, not to mention that his son is dead. Not to mention speaking ill of his son.

"You really can't remember who your son has offended?"

"I can't remember. After all, he is just a thief. No matter how angry the owner is, he won't kill him, right?" He asked angrily.

"Probably not, but we want to investigate everyone who has had a problem with your son, so we specially came to visit him."

"I really can't remember, I'm letting you down." He looked at Jiang Yiming guiltily. "Okay, if you want to come, please give us a call." Jiang Yiming took out a business card and handed it to him. After collecting it, he sent them to the door and wanted to send them downstairs, but Jiang Yiming gave him a call. blocked.

Jiang Yiming suspected that after Jiang Fanghua was released from prison, he returned to his old business and committed major crimes, which earned him the hatred of the righteous forces. Otherwise, he would not have been included in the assassination list.

Jiang Yiming believed that he must go to the prison where Jiang Fanghua was serving his sentence to understand the situation. He asked Shen Xiaogang which prison Jiang Fanghua was serving his sentence in. Shen Xiaogang said that he was serving his sentence in Putian Prison.Jiang Yiming asked Zhou Ting to drive to Putian Prison.

Putian Prison is 101 kilometers away from Yangtze City and is located in the southeast of the provincial capital. There is a first-class expressway between Yangtze City and Putian, making driving fast and convenient.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting had both been to Putian Prison, so they were familiar with the road. They arrived at their destination more than an hour later.The warden and Jiang Yiming were old acquaintances. Hearing that they came to learn about Jiang's visit to China, he gave Jiang Yiming a record of Jiang's visit to China.

Jiang Yiming handed the record book to Zhou Ting to read, and he asked the prison warden: "Does Jiang have any friends in prison when visiting China?"

"I have a friend named Huang Ye, who is also a thief. They knew each other before. They were very good friends in prison. The inmate revealed that they were gay, but neither of them admitted it and said that the inmate had framed them. We I don’t really care about these messy things, as long as he serves his sentence well.”

"Is Huang Ye still serving his sentence?"

"No, Huang Ye was released from prison one month after Jiang visited China. He only served a year and a half."

"Where is Huang Ye from? How old is he this year? Where is he now?"

"He is from Lijia Town, Jiangnan District, Jiangnan District, Changjiang City. He was born in 1995. He should be at home now. We have his mother's mobile phone number. I asked Secretary Luo to show it to you." After he finished speaking, he walked out and brought it after a while. After getting Huang Ye's mother's number, Jiang Yiming saved the number in his mobile phone.

Jiang Yiming believes that after Huang Ye is released from prison, he will definitely visit Jiang to visit China. Through Huang Ye, he should be able to learn a lot about Jiang's visit to China.Because time was tight, Jiang Yiming said goodbye to the warden.

On the way home, Jiang Yiming called Huang Ye's mother and explained the situation. She reported Huang Ye's mobile phone number to Jiang Yiming and promised to persuade Huang Ye to go to Jiang Yiming's office to explain the situation clearly. Jiang Yiming praised her Actively cooperate.

When he was approaching the criminal police team, Huang Ye called Jiang Yiming and asked where he was.He is already at the door of the Public Security Bureau.Jiang Yiming said that they would arrive in a quarter of an hour and asked him to wait patiently and not to walk away.Huang Ye agreed.

As soon as the car drove into the gate of the Municipal Bureau, he saw a thin young man standing on the steps of the administrative building looking around. Jiang Yiming guessed that he must be Huang Ye, because people who are thieves are relatively thin, and thin people are agile and not like fat people. So clumsy.

After Jiang Yiming got off the car, he stepped forward and asked, "Are you Huang Ye? I am Jiang Yiming."

"Oh, Captain Jiang, I am Huang Ye, my mother asked me to confess to you..."

"It's not a confession. You didn't break the law. You've gotten better and listened to your mother. This is very good. Come on, come and sit in my office." Jiang Yiming led him forward, and he followed behind. Zhou Ting walked at the end. .

After they sat down, Jiang Yiming handed Huang Ye a cigarette. Huang Ye said, "I have quit smoking. I don't want to smoke anymore. I'll wait until I find a job and can support myself."

Jiang Yiming saw a completely reborn newcomer and couldn't help but admire him: "Well done! We invite you here to understand the situation of Jiang's visit to China. You must cooperate with our work."

"What's wrong with him?" It seems that he still doesn't know that Jiang Fanghua was killed.

"I'll tell you this later. Have you contacted Jiang during his visit to China after you were released from prison?"

"There is contact. He took the initiative to come to me. I ignored him. I was afraid that he would drag me back to the previous path. From the day I was released from prison, I made up my mind to start a new life and never make mistakes again." His expression He looks a little pale and looks a little tired, probably because he stayed up late.

"Did you know that he had committed theft after he was released from prison?"

"I...I don't know...he..." he said hesitantly. It was obvious that he knew the inside story, but he didn't want to offend his friends, so he didn't want to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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