Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 427 The Death of a Scammer

Chapter 427 The Death of a Scammer (2)
"I compared it in the computer's tool library. The murder weapon was a fruit knife, 21 cm long and 3 cm wide. This kind of knife is not special or exclusive. I can't even figure out what brand it is. Xiao Ke and I passed by The murderer simulated the movements of killing the deceased. The murderer used the knife in his right hand, was between 173 and 175 centimeters tall, and entered the knife quickly, accurately and ruthlessly. These are all similar to the murderer of Wang Xianwang."

"Do you think it was the same murderer?"

"Yes, based on my many years of criminal investigation experience: both deceased persons were killed by the same murderer." Wu Jiang wanted to say that his intuition told him so, but he felt that it was not in line with scientific principles, so he gave up the idea.

"Xiao Ke, what do you think?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Brother Angkor and I have similar views. The most important thing now is to find that mysterious woman. I have already gone to the Jiangbei branch to investigate. Xiao Shishun is not married. He is idle all day long. He is not a rich second generation. I don't know where he came from. The money was used for him to squander, and I suspect he was engaged in illegal activities, such as drug trafficking and smuggling, and as a result, he was killed."

"You said they are mostly the same, but what are the small differences?"

"Xiao Yi, why did the murderer take Wang Xianwang's wallet instead of Xiao Shishun's wallet and belongings? The murder weapons were not the same?"

"The purpose of taking Wang Xianwang's wallet was to prevent us from quickly finding the source of the body, because he wanted to kill Xiao Shishun, and he didn't want to be arrested by us before killing Xiao Shishun. This time, because Xiao Shishun was driving with a suspicious woman, the murderer could not drive the car. Go, because there are surveillance cameras at every entrance to Dome Mountain and it is risky to drive away," Jiang Yiming said.

"Could the murderer be that woman?" Lu Yingying asked.

"Probably not, because most women don't have that much strength, and there are very few women who are 175 centimeters tall."

"No, if it is a professional killer, even a woman can develop good strength, because strength and martial arts are her weapons to make money." Lu Yingying felt that it might be a woman who did it. If it was a woman, then the killing As a man, Wang Xianwang's murderer has gone in the wrong direction.

"Where should we start the investigation?" Jiang Yiming asked everyone.

"There are more than a dozen villages at the foot of Dome Mountain. There are a total of five lanes to reach the top of the mountain. There are electronic eyes at each entrance. We should first review all the surveillance videos to see if we can find the suspect vehicles and people." Lu Yingying said.

"However, there are countless mountain roads into Dome Mountain. If the murderer enters Dome Mountain on a motorcycle or on foot, he can avoid the electronic eyes. Because our opponents have super strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, I don't think the murderer will act according to common sense. Cards will definitely take an unusual path."

"Yes, I agree with Angkor. Dome Mountain is not high. The walk from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain will not exceed 5 kilometers. A strong and agile murderer can easily walk this distance before killing."

"Yingying is right. You can not only find the suspect by reviewing the surveillance video, but you can also see where Xiao Shishun came from? Is there anyone following him? I think the murderer must be following Xiao Shishun, otherwise, he is not sure that Xiao Shishun will be involved. Dome Mountain, because it was already late at night," Zhou Ting said.

"Let's do this. Xiao Ke, Zhou Ting, I and I will investigate Xiao Shishun's social background. Lao Wu and Yingying will check the surveillance videos of the five entrances of Dome Mountain. When suspicious people are found, they will return to the team and hold a meeting again. If the situation is more urgent, Just call directly. If there are not enough manpower, I will transfer people from the No. 2 Serious Case Team. We are competing with the murderer for time now. I am worried that the murderer will continue to commit crimes!" Jiang Yiming said worriedly. Everyone felt like they felt a lump in their hearts when they heard this. Stone.

Lu Yingying called up the surveillance video at the entrance to the south gate of Dome Mountain to check, because most tourists entered through the south gate.As expected, she found that Xiao Shishun drove into Dome Mountain at 11:27:11 pm on November 15, with a young woman sitting in his passenger seat.

Because of the poor lighting, it was impossible to see the faces of the two people clearly. However, the driver could be seen wearing a beige suit, and Xiao Shishun had a large number of fingerprints on the steering wheel. It was certain that the driver was Xiao Shishun.

The woman was wearing a black windbreaker. She was smiling and talking to Xiao Shishun. Her long hair covered half of her face, whether accidentally or intentionally.The car passed the screen for only 2.5 seconds, and the speed was close to 100 yards, as if it was in a hurry to do something.

In order to see the woman's appearance clearly, Lu Yingying read the surveillance video backwards, and finally saw a clearer image at the intersection of Jiangbei 1 Road, where the two of them were waiting for a red light.Lu Yingying took a screenshot of the video and used a laser printer to print out the woman's photo.

She continued to follow Xiao Shishun's route and checked the surveillance video, and found that Xiao Shishun and the woman got on the bus at the entrance of Tianhou Nightclub. The woman may be the receptionist at Tianhou Nightclub. Of course, it may also be the murderer pretending to be the receptionist. And seduced Xiao Shishun into the trap.Do we need to find her to understand the situation?what happened?If she is not the murderer, then she may have seen the murderer commit the crime. If she saw the murderer, she can draw the murderer's face. He is wanted across the country, and it is only a matter of time before he is caught.

Lu Yingying explained the situation to Wu Jiang, who was checking the surveillance video at the east gate entrance of Dome Mountain. After listening to it, he and Lu Yingying drove to Tianhou Nightclub.

Wu Jiang and Lu Yingying approached Manager Xie of Tianhou Nightclub to understand the situation and showed him the woman's photo. He looked at it for a while and said, "Although this photo is not very clear, judging from the outline, she may be our young lady Tian Xiaorui." , However, I don’t have her phone number, our mother Huo Hengjing should have her phone number.”

"Please find a way to find Tian Xiaorui. We need to learn about the situation from her."

"Okay, I'll call Huo Hengjing and ask her to bring Tian Xiaorui." Manager Xie took out his mobile phone and dialed Huo Hengjing's number. The phone turned off and the call was transferred to the incoming call reminder.Manager Xie knew where Huo Hengjing lived, and he suggested that Wu Jiang and Lu Yingying go find her.Wu Jiang agreed.

Manager Xie drove to the Gold Coast Villa, which surprised Wu Jiang. The Gold Coast Villa was built near the sea and on a mountain. The mountain was called Palm Mountain, with an altitude of less than 100 meters. The mountain was named after it was covered with tall palm trees. The villa was in the shape of a mountain. It is built in a stepped shape without a gentle slope, and there are large gaps between villas. Standing on the balcony of each villa, you can overlook the endless blue waves and countless singing seagulls. Each villa is worth tens of millions, and the best location is close to 2000 million, is a wealthy area in Yangtze City. It is like a bright pearl inlaid on the coast of the East China Sea.

"Why is Huo Hengjing so rich?" Wu Jiang asked, since she is so rich, why does she still need to be a mother in a nightclub?As we all know, being a mother is like a madam in the old society. Her social status is not as good as that of a civil servant. How can she live in a wealthy area?
"It's a long story. She turned out to be the niece of Mayor Huo Qinghua, and her true identity was his biological daughter. Due to family planning, Huo Qinghua couldn't have a second child, but he fell in love with a university professor, and the two secretly gave birth to a child outside. The daughter, Huo Hengjing, later came to light, and Huo Qinghua was dismissed from his post. At the same time, he was sentenced to five years in prison for taking another 52 bribes.

"Misfortune never comes singly. Huo Qinghua's son died in a car accident. The female professor couldn't bear the blow and immigrated to the United States because she treated his son as her own son. In order to prevent Huo Qinghua from despair, she did not take Huo Hengjing away. After Huo Qinghua was released from prison, she and Huo Hengjing lived together. The female professor earned a lot of money in the United States and bought a villa for Huo Hengjing, which is the Gold Coast villa in front of us. Our boss once benefited from Huo Qinghua, so he gave Huo Hengjing the lucrative position of Royal Mother. "Manager Xie is full of sympathy for Huo Qinghua and his daughter.

"Official career is risky." Huo Qinghua was the mayor at the end of the last century. He had a good impression on Wujiang. At least he was not like some corrupt officials who easily accepted tens or even hundreds of millions in bribes.

While they were talking, they arrived at the door of Villa No. 108, Shui'an. Manager Xie rang the doorbell for a long time before a lazy female voice asked: "Manager Xie, why are you coming to me so early? Is there something urgent?" Apparently, Huo Hengjing was already there. See them on the video doorbell's screen.

"Get up, the sun is slanting past the zenith. Two police officers from the city bureau have something to do with you."

"Okay, I'll get up right away, Manager Xie. You guys wait on the first floor, I'll come down right away." The door opened silently, and Manager Xie walked in familiarly and invited them to sit on the large sofa.

At this time, an old man came forward and poured water for Wu Jiang. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be Huo Qinghua. Wu Jiang had heard him speak before in the audience. Huo Qinghua was the mayor at the time, and he was full of energy and witty words on the stage. Young, handsome and energetic, at this moment, he has become an old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face, with a touch of melancholy in his eyes.

"Mayor Huo..." Wu Jiang couldn't help but stood up and greeted him.

Huo Qinghua was stunned for a moment, looked at Wu Jiang and said, "Young man, you called me wrong. I am not the mayor, I am a prisoner, a sinner of the people."

"No, that's all in the past. If you are not a saint, how can you have no faults? What's more, you have been reborn and become a new person."

"Young man, let's not talk about the past. Did our Hengjing make a mistake?" He looked at Wu Jiang eagerly, his eyes full of worry.

"No, it's not. Don't worry. Huo Hengjing did not commit any crime. We asked her to help find the suspect. It was a meritorious act. You don't have to worry." Wu Jiang told him gently.

(End of this chapter)

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