Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 406 Bone Cave

Chapter 406 Bone Cave (14)
"Do you remember this silver bracelet?" Lu Yingying took out an evidence bag from her bag and handed it to her. When she saw it, her face instantly turned pale, she lowered her head and covered her mouth tightly with both hands, as if she was trying to hold back the desire to vomit. , the shoulders are trembling slightly, like a dog's tail shivering in the cold wind.

Lu Yingying stood up and patted her back gently to help her relieve her nausea. She did not expect that Ji Xianyan would react so strongly, causing her both psychological and physical discomfort. This showed that she was extremely afraid of seeing this silver bracelet. It must be a terrifying thing, otherwise there would be no such violent reaction.

Ji Xianyan slowly raised her head, gently brushed Lu Yingying's hand away, looked at Lu Yingying with tearful eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you, I don't recognize this silver bracelet..." After that, she stood up and said to Lu Yingying. He ran upstairs and closed the door. Village Director Ren couldn't come out no matter how he called...

They had no choice but to leave her home and go to the village committee meeting room to discuss what to do next.
"Director Xiang, who has the deepest relationship with Ji Xianyan?" Wu Jiang asked Xiang Dinglin, director of Shangduan Village.

"As far as we know, she loves her husband more than her parents. Her husband works as the vice president of Huandi Entertainment Company in Nanping City, with an annual salary of 20. When they got married, the whole village was envious. He is recognized for his typical talent and beauty. The golden boy and girl made for each other, they are as good as one."

"I hope you can do Tong Ji Xianyan's ideological work through her husband and tell the truth so that we can close the case as soon as possible. Otherwise, the country will waste a lot of manpower and material resources." Wu Jiang said to Xiang Dinglin with a smile.

"No problem, her husband Xiang Yusheng is my cousin and respects me very much. I believe that the power of love can influence Ji Xianyan. I will call Xiang Yusheng now and ask him to go home and do her ideological work."

"No, you explain the matter on the phone first. It's best not to let him go home. This will delay his work."

"Okay, let me call and try." Xiang Dinglin seemed confident.

"Yingying, why do you think Ji Xianyan had such a strong reaction when she saw the silver bracelet?"

"There must have been something unbearable to look back on, otherwise she would not have had both psychological and physical reactions. I observed her eyes carefully and felt that there was a faint gloom in her eyes. Also, the orchids in her yard The flower pots are arranged very neatly, and the floor is as clean as if it had been washed. This kind of person has obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia, and is very mentally fragile. I suspect that she has depression, but it is very mild, and even she did not notice it." Lu Yingying Analyze it psychologically.

"She has a happy love and marriage, a healthy and lovely child and a young and loving mother-in-law. Logically speaking, her life is already ideal. Why does she suffer from depression?"

"The formation of depression has a long process. The most common ones are misfortunes encountered in childhood, such as being bullied for a long time, family financial difficulties, premature death of relatives, introversion and inability to communicate with others, etc. She has lacked a father since she was a child. Love and motherly love, which is more likely to cause her depression.”

Just as he was talking, Xiang Dinglin walked into the conference room and said to Zhu Gang: "Team Zhu, Xiang Yusheng has done some ideological work on Ji Xianyan, but she is only willing to talk to Officer Lu alone, otherwise, she will not If you say something, what do you think we should do?"

According to regulations, the police must have more than two people present when interviewing suspects or taking notes. This is a bit difficult for them. Zhu Gang and Wu Jiang discussed it and believed that special matters can be handled specially. They decided that Lu Yingying should go alone to handle it, but she must Recorded throughout.

Xiao Ke was worried that Lu Yingying would be hurt, because patients with depression would do unexpected things. Once, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying went to visit a patient with depression. As they talked, they were so excited that they stabbed Lu Yingying with a fruit knife. Fortunately, Xiao Ke was very skilled and took the knife from her hand, otherwise Lu Yingying would definitely be injured.

Lu Yingying said gratefully to Xiao Ke: Husband, don't worry, Ji Xianyan is petite and exquisite, I can definitely deal with her in a few blows, and Ji Xianyan is only mildly depressed, very clear and rational, and there is no way she can hurt me.

Lu Yingying came to Ji Xianyan's door and saw that the door was locked. She wanted to call her, but before she could call out, Ji Xianyan opened the small door on the door, asked Lu Yingying to go in, then closed the door and locked it.

Ji Xianyan politely boiled water and made tea to entertain Lu Yingying. Her motivation was gentle, slow, and elegant. She was just making a pot of tea, but she treated it as completing a work of art. She had typical obsessive-compulsive disorder.Lu Yingying thought: Her rigorous attitude will definitely have a place in online novels, because people like her will spend their whole life completing one thing as long as they don't starve to death, which is similar to her brother.Lu Yingying seemed to see her bright future and was happy for her.

"Sister Yingying, please allow me to call you this. I am very touched that you want to bring us closer through chatting. Now I have calmed down. If you have anything to say, please ask me and I will tell you the truth!" Her expression was calm and calm.

"Thank you for your cooperation. We are here to defend the dignity of the law. Some questions may bring back memories that are unbearable to look back on. Please forgive me." Lu Yingying said to her with a smile.

"How much hate, in my dream last night... the past is only in my dream, you don't have to worry."

"Okay. Do you recognize this silver bracelet?"

"Understood, this is a full moon gift from my mother to my brother."

"But your brother lost it. Do you know where he lost it?" Lu Yingying looked at her and found that there was a haze in her eyes. She was afraid that she would have the same disgusting feeling as yesterday, and quickly said, "If If you feel embarrassed, you can think carefully before answering."

"No, this has been in my heart for 10 years. It has been bothering me, making me restless and having trouble sleeping and eating. I decided to tell it. If I didn't tell it, only my brother and I would know about it. But, After my husband’s guidance, I have the courage to face it.”

"Doesn't your husband know that too?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that my husband will dislike me when he finds out. Have you read "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" written by Hardy? The heroine was seduced by the farmer's young master Alley when she was a girl. She later fell in love with Ankai... Clay, Tess thought that the seemingly open-minded Ankai Clay would forgive her for the past. As a result, on their wedding night, Tess told her husband about losing her virginity, but Ankai was very upset and abandoned Tess. Go to Brazil...

"I was afraid that my husband would abandon me like An Kai, so I didn't dare to tell him. However, my husband said that no matter what happened to me, he would still love me as before. If I didn't stand on the side of the law, he might You look down on me, so I am determined to tell you the truth.”

"I read this novel when I was in college. Later, Alei came to pester Tess again, and was stabbed to death by Tess in the hotel. Finally, Tess was sent to the gallows, and An Kai returned home to see Tess for the last time. It made An Kai regret it for the rest of his life. I shed at least 500 ml of tears for this book."

"As expected, we are of the same mind. Let's get down to business. On August 2006, 8, my brother Ji Xianwei and I went to Niujiaoao in Wugong Mountain to collect magnolia bark. When my brother saw the magnolia bark tree, he was very happy because that tree When you take the magnolia seeds home, you can sell them for at least 29 yuan. My brother quickly climbed up the branches to pick them, and I picked up the magnolia seeds he threw down under the tree.

"Because Magnolia officinalis grows inside Magnolia officinalis flowers, and most Magnolia officinalis flowers grow on branches, so one has to move to the middle of the branches and then reach for the Magnolia officinalis flowers to pick them. My brother thinks he is lighter. , try to move your feet to the branches.

"Perhaps because he was so happy, he forgot about the endurance of the branches. When he reached out to pick the magnolia flowers, he suddenly heard a loud 'pop' sound. The branches broke. My brother fell from the tree to the ground. Because of that It was a slope, and his body rolled down and fell into a tomb robbery hole.

(End of this chapter)

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