Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 397 Bone Cave

Chapter 397 Bone Cave (5)
Lin Jizhong is 76 years old, of medium height, with white hair. One of his eyes has been red for many years, and he couldn’t cure it after using many medicines. Of course, he only takes some commonly used Western medicine and herbal medicine, because his left eye is red and looks a bit scary. , Village director Lin Fazhi said that he cried so hard the year Lin Yifeng disappeared.

Lin Jizhong's family is very poor. The hall is not paved with cement. Apart from an old TV, there are almost no other electrical appliances. There is also very little furniture. There are no chairs, only three small stools and four high stools, which are just enough for the seven of them to sit. He moved a low wooden pillar to sit on as a stool.

Zhu Gang asked Lin Fazhi if he was receiving subsistence allowance?Lin Fazhi said that he has a son and a daughter and cannot receive subsistence allowance.Zhu Gang felt this was unfair, but this was the government affairs of Shuikou Village and he had no right to interfere.

"Uncle Lin, do you have a son named Lin Yifeng?" Wu Jiang asked. Although Lin Yishan said that he had such a son, it would be better to confirm.

"My son? Have you found him?" Lin Jizhong was very excited. He immediately stood up, walked to Wu Jiang, held Wu Jiang's hand tightly and asked, as if Wu Jiang was hiding his son.

"Don't be excited, we still found him. Sit down and say slowly, please sit down." Seeing that he didn't want to sit down, Wu Jiang repeated it again. After hearing this, he sat back on the wooden pier dejectedly.

"How did your son disappear? Can you tell us? This will help us find your son."

He lowered his head and pondered, as if he wanted to retrieve the memories of ten years ago. After thinking for a while, he said: "My eldest son's name is Lin Yifeng. He is an honest man and has nothing but hard work like an ox." Actually, on August 2006, 8, dark clouds covered the sky, and the south wind blew, as if it was going to rain.

"After my son had breakfast, he wanted to go up to Wugong Mountain to pick magnolia bark. I told him not to go because it might rain. He said no, because the day before he saw a tree of magnolia bark growing a lot, but , because the sun was going down the day before and there was no time to pick it. I must pick it home today, otherwise it will be picked away by others after being seen..."

"Uncle Lin, wait a minute, has your son ever said where the magnolia tree grows?"

"No, he only said that it is on Wugong Mountain. Wugong Mountain has a radius of 40 kilometers and is very large. However, every ridge, every col, and every valley has a name. If I knew something would happen to him, I would definitely ask him In which valley were you picking Magnolia officinalis? How could you have thought about this at that time?" Lin Jizhong's tears overflowed his eyes, and he stopped to wipe them with his sleeves.

"Uncle Lin, you have an eye disease. You can't wipe your eyes with your sleeves because there are a lot of bacteria on them. It's best to use absorbent cotton or napkins." Wu Jiang took out a pack of paper towels, tore open the package, took out one and handed it to Lin Jizhong.

He took the tissue and nodded to express his gratitude: "How can farmers like us in the countryside afford such expensive things?"

"Go on."

"That day, my wife and I prepared dinner for him to come home for dinner. My husband specially cooked a plate of pig ears, which my son loves to eat. But it was dark and my son hadn't come home yet. I thought he might go to the village health center. Sell ​​Magnolia officinalis.

"So, I went to Dr. Zuo's house to look for him. Dr. Zuo said that my son had not come to his house. I went home and continued to wait, but by 9 p.m., he still hadn't come back. I asked my daughter-in-law and my youngest son to look for him. However, after searching the whole village, no one knew his whereabouts. We could only go home and continue waiting. My wife and I waited until dawn, but he had not returned home yet.

"The next day, I had a premonition that my son was in danger, so I asked 15 of my relatives to go up the mountain to look for him. After two days of searching, we still couldn't find him. We also hired all the villagers in the village to go up the mountain to look for him. A total of 48 villagers helped to find ten people. God, I spent 5000 yuan, but there was still no trace of my son. I gave up. Suppose he fell into a hole and starved to death without eating for ten days and nights...

"It went by like this day by day. My wife and I cried our eyes out. My granddaughter was eight years old at the time. She was already sensible. She asked us for her father every day. The life was more painful than hell. As a result, my husband's body was getting worse day by day. Weak, and eventually died of liver cancer.

"I know she got sick because her son disappeared. Now I am the only one left. Oh, why did God torture me like this? I lost two of my closest relatives in half a year..." Lin Jizhong began to cry again.

"Uncle Lin, does your son have any enemies?"

"Enemy? Was my son killed by an enemy?"

"No, this is a routine investigation. However, if your son has offended anyone, please tell us. This is very important to us."

"No, my son can't have an enemy. He is someone who can't beat a fart with eight sticks. How can he offend anyone?" Lin Jizhong looked desperate. He realized that his son was probably dead, otherwise the police would not question his son. Are there any enemies?

"Okay, that's all we're talking about today. We want to borrow your saliva. Please open your mouth." Wu Jiang took out a cotton swab and extracted a saliva sample from Lin Jizhong's mouth for DNA comparison. If the comparison Success, the deceased must be Lin Yifeng, but there is no need to launch an investigation until the identity of the deceased is determined.

Wu Jiang told Lin Jizhong not to travel far. They might come to visit him in the next few days.Lin Jizhong said that he had not left the village for five years and would never travel far.

After they returned to the county bureau, Zheng Zuhua took Lin Jizhong's sample to the city bureau for DNA analysis, and then compared it with the DNA of the deceased. If successful, the deceased must be Lin Yifeng.Although everyone believes that 99% of the deceased is Lin Yifeng, DNA comparison is very necessary.Three days later, Zheng Zuhua came back from the city bureau. The DNA comparison between Lin Jizhong and the deceased showed that the probability that the genotype was a father-son relationship was 99.99999%.It can be concluded that the deceased is Lin Yifeng. Who would kill such an honest farmer?

The next step is to find a way to find the murderer.

Che Xiaolin drove Wu Jiang and Zhu Gang to Shuikou Village again to find Lin Jizhong. When Lin Jizhong saw them coming again, he had a premonition that there might be unfortunate news to tell him, so his face became gloomy, and an inexplicable sadness came over his heart. .

Wu Jiang saw Lin Jizhong's worries, but he had to tell him the news about Lin Yifeng's death sooner or later, so he adjusted his thinking and how to say it more tactfully: "Uncle Lin, I have bad news to tell you. I hope you’re going to hold on.”

"Well, I have lost two close relatives in my life, and they have survived. I will accept it and hold on." Lin Jizhong nodded.

"Your eldest son Lin Yifeng has passed away. Please don't be too sad."

"How did you know that?"

"We used scientific technology to prove that the deceased was Lin Yifeng." Wu Jiang felt that there was no need to explain how to confirm Lin Yifeng's death through DNA comparison, because Lin Jizhong certainly did not know what DNA was.

"Where did he die?"

"Died in a tomb-robbing cave in Niujiaoao in Wugong Mountain."

"How could he go to the mountains of Songyin County? No wonder we couldn't find him after searching for so long. We never thought that he would go to the mountains of neighboring counties. He has never crossed the mountain boundary of Huangting County. Could it be Are you possessed by evil spirits?" He felt incredible and frightened at the same time. This was a sign of awe for the mysterious power.

"We used Baidu Map to determine that it is only 4 kilometers from Shuikou Village to Niujiaoao. After climbing over the top of Wugong Mountain, we walked down to Niujiaoao in less than half a mile. If he saw Magnolia officinalis in Niujiaoao, he would most likely go. There are no ghosts or gods, and there is no such thing as being possessed by evil spirits. He should have walked there by himself."

"No, I don't believe that someone will beat my son to death on the mountain, carry him to Niujiaoao and bury him, so that we can't find the body." Lin Jizhong thought clearly and actually came up with something different from Wujiang and others. He wanted to go, but his argument was untenable, because the stone that killed Lin Yifeng was in the tomb robbery cave. Who would kill Lin Yifeng, then throw the body and the stone into the cave together?Doesn't this increase your burden?
"It's possible. We need to find the murderer and give your son justice so that he can rest in peace under the pain. Who do you think is likely to kill your son?" Wu Jiang did not offer a rebuttal. As long as the murderer is found, no matter what the guess is. .

He frowned and fell into deep thought, and the wrinkles on his forehead deepened. After thinking for a while, he said, "Ding Dongliang is the only one who has a problem with my son. I don't know if he will do anything evil."

"Who is Ding Dongliang? Which village is he from? Why do you have a problem with your son?"

"He is from this village. Alas, it is embarrassing to talk about it. My daughter-in-law Yu Haihua was raped by him. My son and daughter-in-law refused to accept it and reported him to the village committee. With the mediation of the village director and village secretary, They offered us 2 yuan in compensation, but he was very unconvinced and said in front of my family that he would kill my son one day."

"Where is he now?"

"There is a hotel opened in the town, it should be in the town, right?"

"Does anyone else have a grudge against your son?"

"No, I can't remember at the moment. My brain is getting harder and harder to use. Alas, people really don't dare to grow old. When they get old, they become confused." He patted his forehead.

"Uncle Lin, that's all for today. If you think of any useful clues, please give us a call. This is my business card." After Wu Jiang handed him the business card, he was about to get up and leave.

"Officer Wu, please don't leave. I want to discuss something with you. Can you return my son's bones to me? We will bury him in the Lin family cemetery so that he can be reunited with his mother." He looked eagerly. He looked at Wujiang with a pitiful look.

"I'm sorry, it's not possible right now. I won't let you take it back until the case is solved."

(End of this chapter)

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