Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 393 Bone Cave

Chapter 393 Bone Cave (1)
Wugong Mountain is located in the northeast of Songyin County, echoing Dali Mountain. Dali Mountain is to the north and Wugong Mountain is to the south, forming a ram's horn shape. Over Wugong Mountain is Huangting County in Qingjiang Province. Therefore, Songyin County and The villagers in Huangting County often communicate with each other, stealing each other's wood, illegally collecting medicinal materials and mountain tea. Of course, they are more friendly and get married to each other.

The land in Wugong Mountain is fertile, with excellent soil quality, abundant rainfall, and year-round clouds and clouds, which are suitable for the growth of various plants. Therefore, there are many precious medicinal materials and high-quality wild teas growing wild on the mountain. Villagers in more than a dozen villages at the foot of the mountain rely on the mountain to eat. More than half of the income comes from Wugong Mountain.

Beiwang Village is located halfway up Wugong Mountain and has a population of just over 300. Because the mountains are rich in resources, there are relatively few people going out to work. As long as you are willing to be a farmer, you can live a peaceful and prosperous life. Of course, if you are more Grand ideals are another matter.

Wugong Mountain has been inhabited since the Spring and Autumn Period because of its outstanding land and outstanding people. It is said that rich men from all dynasties and officials who returned to their fields lived on the mountain. Therefore, from the early days of reform and opening up to the end of the last century, many tomb robbers secretly went to the mountain to rob the tombs until they could no longer dig. Until nothing comes out.Therefore, there are many hidden tomb robbery pits and tomb robbery pits on the mountain, posing safety risks to the villagers.

Xie Shiqing, a villager in Beiwang Village, is 35 years old. He is a hard-working man who has been collecting medicinal materials on Wugong Mountain for many years. He sells the medicines he collects online because they are authentic wild and native medicines and are very good. Selling, I just regret not being able to collect the medicine.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is the season to pick Magnolia officinalis. Magnolia officinalis is relatively precious because it is used in many Chinese medicine prescriptions. Its price online is 25 yuan per catty. Although the price is on the high side, it is often sold out.Since the Mid-Autumn Festival, he has collected an average of 120 kilograms of magnolia bark every day. After drying, the amount is about 80 kilograms.He can earn at least 2000 yuan a day, so he always gets up early and works late at night. Because other villagers collect Magnolia officinalis, he must go up the mountain earlier than others, and go where others dare not go, so that he has a better chance of encountering Magnolia officinalis trees. .

That day he came to Niujiaoao in Wugong Mountain. Standing on the cliff, he saw a tall Magnolia officinalis tree growing under the cliff. He was ecstatic because the peel of this Magnolia officinalis tree weighed at least 200 kilograms, so he looked like a monkey. Sliding down the cliff with the same agility, he was afraid that others would see the magnolia tree at the same time, so he was inevitably impatient, and it was easy to make mistakes if he was impatient.

Just when he was about to slip in front of the magnolia tree, his foot slipped on the cliff and he fell quickly. He tried his best to grab the weeds and shrubs around him with both hands, but because he was going too fast, the grass and trees were uprooted by him. A few seconds later, he fell into a tomb robbery hole and did not stop until he reached the bottom of the hole. This made him feel lucky because he was not seriously injured. He was only scratched when his hands rubbed against the ground and some blood flowed out.

He doesn't care about these minor injuries. He has been looking for them in the mountains for many years and there is no one who is not injured. The most important thing for him now is to find a way to climb out of the theft hole.He looked up and found that the cave was at least 7 meters deep and 1.5 meters wide. The cave walls were almost vertical. However, because the cave walls were made of soil instead of rocks, it was easy to climb out of the cave. He had The hatchet is the kind of hatchet with a curved hook. He can use the curved hook to dig the wall of the cave into more than a dozen steps, and then climb out of the hole.

When he was about to take out the hatchet from the knife holder, he was suddenly bitten by something on his foot. He squatted down and looked. It turned out that he had stepped on an ant nest. He was often bitten by ants and didn't care. He wanted to continue using the hatchet. However, he actually saw a skeleton with big eye sockets, as if it was looking at him and telling him his grievances.

He was stunned: Cremation has been practiced in Beiwang Village for 15 years, where did the skeletons come from?Even if this person died 15 years ago, he would not be buried in a tomb cave 4 kilometers away from the village.Because it takes a lot of effort for the Eight Immortals to carry the coffin, all villagers choose a place within one kilometer of the center of the village to be buried after they die.Therefore, this person died strangely, and Xie Shiqing felt that he should call the village director Xie Zengqiang.

He took out his mobile phone, called up Xie Zengqiang's mobile phone number, and was about to call, but found that there were only two bars of signal. He thought to himself: Didn't the mobile company's advertisement say that the signal covered the culvert?Why is the signal of Tongtian Cave, which is only 7 deep, so weak?He shook the phone and tried to dial again, and this time the call got through.

"Hey, I'm Xie Shiqing, Director Xie. I was picking magnolia bark in Niujiao'ao and fell into a tomb robbery hole..."

"Hey, hey, hey, what did you say? I can't hear you clearly. Can you say it again?" Xie Zeng's voice was loud.

"I fell into the tomb robbery hole in Niujiaoao. I found human bones in the hole. I hope someone can come to check and rescue me with a thick rope." Xie Shiqing said anxiously, raising his voice to maximum.

"Where in Niujiaoao?"

"Under the tiger cliff in Niujiaoao."

"Okay, okay, I know. I'll call the fire brigade and police right away. Just wait patiently and we will come to rescue you." Xie Zengqiang understood what he said.

"Don't call the fire brigade, as long as you just bring a rope, the hole is only 7 meters deep. Maybe you haven't arrived. I have climbed up, but you must call the police. The skeleton looked at me pitifully. There must be grievances.”

"Okay, I'll call 110 right away, they will be here soon."

"I feel relieved now." Xie Shiqing finally felt at ease. The only thing that scared him was that he would have to stay with a pile of bones for two or three hours. In order to leave the cave as soon as possible, he started digging steps with a hatchet.

Xie Zengqiang knew Zhu Gang and still had his phone number. He called Zhu Gang to clarify the matter. Zhu Gang also felt suspicious because cremation was implemented in the county in 2001, so it was impossible to have bones.

However, it cannot be ruled out that the bones are from before 2001, or even older bones, because the bones are not easy to rot and can be preserved in dry soil for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.Zhu Gang asked Xie Zengqiang to send him Xie Shiqing's mobile phone number. He called to ask about the situation, and Xie Zengqiang sent Xie Shiqing's number to Zhu Gang. Zhu Gang called Xie Shiqing and couldn't get through after calling him several times. Without giving up, he continued to call, and finally got through on the fifth redial: "I am Zhu Gang from the Criminal Police Team. Are you Xie Shiqing?"

"Yes, I am Xie Shiqing."

"Are the bones you found fresh or old?"

"I don't know what white bones are, new or old. Come and take a look. The skeleton keeps looking at me, as if it has a grievance to tell me."

"Use your mobile phone to take a photo of the skeleton and send it to my mobile phone so I can see it."

Xie Shiqing took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the skeleton and sent it to Zhu Gang. After Zhu Gang received it, he looked at it and couldn't confirm the year of the skeleton. Human life was at stake, so he decided to call the police. He asked Xie Shiqing: "You Do you have WeChat? I will send you a WeChat ID, you add me, and then send me your location, and we will rush to find you immediately."

"I have WeChat. I will add you right away and send you the location." Xie Shiqing is very proficient in operating computer networks and smartphones. He learned these things when he opened an online store.

Zhu Gang received Xie Shiqing's position. Zhu Gang thought: New farmers have entered the Internet and information age. If they do not learn new criminal investigation techniques, they will soon fall behind. Therefore, he always assigns Lu Yingying to his this group.

He called all the members of the crime team and asked them to pick up the investigation boxes and prepare to leave the scene. They promised him to meet at the garage in five minutes.

After everyone got into the police car, they asked Zhu Gang what was going on?Zhu Gang said he didn't know for sure, and he wouldn't know until he arrived at the scene whether the deceased was a homicide.

They knew they had to take the plowing mountain road, so they all drove off-road vehicles. Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin were very good at driving, and they drove two cars respectively. The road in Wugong Mountain has many twists and turns, and there are cliffs on the roadside. It made people panic, but they were like dragons swimming in the sea, driving the car very steadily, and soon arrived at the designated place.

The parking place is still 500 meters away from Xie Shiqing's location. It requires climbing a hillside and a cliff, so everyone can only go there on foot.They accurately found the entrance of the cave where Xie Shiqing fell.Zhu Gang shouted to Xie Shiqing at the entrance of the cave, and Xie Shiqing replied: "Captain Zhu, you are so fast. You arrived in less than two hours. That's great."

Zhu Gang took out a strong flashlight and shined it into the cave. He found Xie Shiqing digging steps and said to him: "Xie Shiqing, don't dig any more. This will destroy the evidence. Please wait a moment for the rope we brought, and we will remove you." Pull it up."

Xiao Ke took out the climbing rope, fastened the iron buckle of the rope to a tree, then threw the other end into the cave and asked him to tie the rope around him. They pulled him up, and Xie Shiqing did so. Five minutes later, Xie Shiqing Was pulled up.

After Zhu Gang asked Xie Shiqing some details, he asked Zheng Zuhua and Che Xiaolin to go down because the bottom of the cave was narrower than the entrance and could only accommodate two people at most.Che Xiaolin pulled the rope and slid down, followed by Zheng Zuhua.

Zhu Gang took out the survey lamp, hung it on the branch of Magnolia officinalis, pointed the lamp head at the bottom of the cave, and fixed it with a rope so that Zheng Zuhua could investigate.

This was a high-power exploration light that illuminated the bottom of the cave clearly. Zheng Zuhua picked up the skeleton with his latex-gloved hands and observed it for a while before saying, "This man has been dead for nearly 10 years."

"You can see it at a glance. What's the point?" Che Xiaolin asked puzzledly.

"We can only infer the death time of the deceased through the biological invasion, the disintegration of the body, the content of inorganic salts in the bone, and the amount of bone powder required for the precipitation reaction."

"But without systematic analysis of the skull, how do you know the disintegration of the corpse, the content of bone inorganic salts, and the amount of bone powder required for the precipitation reaction?"

(End of this chapter)

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