Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 387 The end of the illness

Chapter 387 The end of the illness (6)
"First, the gas in the body's belly bulged, and the body was soaked in water, which increased its buoyancy. The nylon rope could not withstand the pressure and was torn off; second, it was possible that there were floating objects in the river, and the nylon rope was cut under the impact of the flowing water. Wait for the reason.”

"Can you tell the time of death?"

"No, we can only tell an approximate time, with an error of about two days. A drowned corpse has been soaked in water for several days or more. The skin of the hands and feet, especially the skin on the palms and soles, is shriveled, pale, and soaked. This happens after entering the water. It starts to appear within a few hours, and shrinkage becomes obvious after 24 to 48 hours.

"But it has a lot to do with the temperature, water temperature, water quality, water depth, etc. This phenomenon usually takes about 2 days in summer and more than 1 week in winter, so I can only judge that the deceased died from October 10 to 7 Day, about a week from now."

Zheng Zuhua wanted to be more detailed, but he was afraid that Zhu Gang wouldn't understand, so he just said a few words.

"Can you tell where the body fell into the water?"

"Captain Zhu, I'm not a god. I can't solve the mystery of this century. However, foreign colleagues may be able to figure it out because they have advanced precision instruments. For example, the deceased will drink water when he drowns. After drinking the water, he will not be able to solve it." The solution was spit out and only accumulated in the stomach.

"Because the water quality is different in special geographical and hydrological environments, instruments may be able to analyze it. Because when the deceased was sunk to the bottom of the river, he drank the most water from the river bottom. The deeper the river, the slower the water flow at the bottom. , or even not moving, so that the environment will precipitate different substances than elsewhere, or grow aquatic plants of different quality. If the deceased happened to inhale the aquatic plants, it would be possible to analyze it, but it is impossible for us."

"Is there no other way?"

"Of course there is. We assume that the deceased was tied up and pushed into the water by the murderer and drowned. Then, the deceased's feet must have been tied with heavy objects, and they must be heavy objects that will never fall off, such as large stones at the two ends and a small stone in the middle.

"Then, when the nylon rope connecting the deceased and the stone breaks, the body floats forward, but the stone will not flow forward unless there is a flood. From this, we can know that the nylon rope is still tied to the stone. As long as we hire frogmen to salvage it, If the stone is retrieved, we will know where the deceased fell into the water.”

Zhu Gang nodded and asked, "Who fished out the body?"

"Then, that's the fisherman -" Zheng Zuhua pointed to a man sitting on the river embankment a hundred meters away.

Zhu Gang walked towards the fisherman. When he reached him, Zhu Gang saw a man in his sixties smoking a cigarette with a nervous expression. Zhu Gang asked, "Uncle, what is your name?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, the common people's surname is Hu, Shuisheng."

"What a good name, no wonder you know how to fish." Zhu Gang said with a smile.

"My mother said that the Songyin River was flooded the day she gave birth to me, so she named me Shuisheng."

"How many years have you been fishing in the Songyin River?" In fact, there is a clear regulation that citizens are not allowed to fish in the Songyin River, and if caught by the police, they will be fined, but Zhu Gang did not blame him in order to provide clues.

"It has been more than 40 years. When I was young, I used fish baskets to catch fish. When I was young, I used pesticides to poison fish. Now I have small fishing boats and use fishing nets to catch fish..."

"Then you should know the Songyin River very well. Where do you think the dead man floated down from?"

"I dare not say that. Judging from the color of his body and the bulging body, he must have been dead for a week. He may have drifted down a long way upstream."

Zhu Gang felt that his words were unreliable, because rafting down from the far upstream had to pass through four bridges and five kilometers of rivers. In recent years, the county government has invested heavily in building an ecological county and established riverside walking paths on both sides of the Songyin River. The two sides of the bank are greened with grass and flowers.

Therefore, many citizens fish, walk, and fall in love by the river every day. Moreover, the Songyin River is only a hundred meters wide, so it is impossible not to see the people on the bank, unless of course the deceased drifted down late last night.

However, this is not correct. The river flow is very slow, less than 0.5 meters per second. When Hu Shuisheng discovered it, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, it was impossible to drift down late last night.

Zhu Gang asked Hu Shuisheng some more questions, and he answered them one by one. Zhu Gang did not leave until he could say nothing more.

Zhu Gang came back to the deceased. Everyone had completed the scene investigation. This was not the first scene. There was no important physical evidence. The only important thing was the things on the deceased, such as clothes, ID cards, nylon ropes, etc. However, , Zheng Zuhua had already looked through the deceased's pockets, and there was no document to prove his identity.The deceased was wearing a camouflage uniform suit. Thousands of pieces of this kind of clothing are sent out by the Armed Forces every year. They have no special value. However, this camouflage uniform has been badly worn, especially the shoulders. It is almost worn out. He should be a farmer, or It's a porter.Because the deceased's face was swollen and green, his face was almost invisible.

24 to 48 hours after death, hydrogen sulfide from putrefactive gases combines with hemoglobin to form hemoglobin sulfide, which combines with free iron in the blood to form iron sulfide, which appears green through the skin, called corpse green. It usually first appears in the lower abdomen of the corpse. After 3 to 5 days, it gradually spread to the whole body, turning the corpse's skin into different shades of dirty green.

"Captain Zhu, Guo Zhikuan said that his father was 165cm tall and 68 years old this year. The deceased's figure and age were somewhat similar to Guo Linsong. Could it be Guo Linsong?" Wu Jiang asked.

"I have seen Guo Linsong's photos, but they don't match the deceased at all."

"The deceased's face was so swollen and rotten to the point of turning corpse-green. How could you tell? Even if you were very familiar with him, you wouldn't be able to recognize him, let alone your photos of him," Wu Jiang said.

"That's right. If the deceased is Guo Linsong, then his death must be related to Guo Aiqin's death, so that the case can be investigated together." Zhu Gang replied, he felt that the people of the No. 1 Crime Team must be very important. Seeing the deceased It can be linked to the 10 case.

Zhu Gang thought he should call Guo Zhikuan and ask him to come to the funeral home to identify the body, because he might recognize whether the deceased was Guo Linsong. After all, he was his father. There must be some marks on his body, right?

So Zhu Gang called Guo Zhikuan and asked him to come to the criminal police team and said that there was an old man who drowned who looked a bit like his father.

Guo Zhikuan said yes very calmly.This made Zhu Gang feel unhappy again. He had handled hundreds of death cases in the county criminal police team. When he called the families of the deceased, they were either confused or extremely sad. There had never been anyone so indifferent as Guo Zhikuan.

After Guo Zhikuan came to the funeral home and saw the unclothed body of the deceased, he expressed that he did not recognize it because there were no marks on the deceased, and he could not remember what marks Guo Linsong had on him.

Zhu Gang asked Guo Zhikuan if his father had ever had dentures installed or had any fractures.He said no, which is a bit strange. Normally, when you reach the age of 68, you will have dentures installed.

Zhu Gang extracted Guo Zhikuan's DNA sample and took it to the city bureau together with the deceased's sample for DNA testing. Zheng Zuhua usually did this.

Zhu Gang took out the deceased's camouflage uniform and handed it to Guo Zhikuan for identification. Guo Zhikuan said that his father did have such a suit, but he was not sure whether it belonged to Guo Linsong.What he said was ambiguous, as if he was avoiding something. If he didn't identify the body, wouldn't he have to pay for the funeral expenses?
Two days later, Zheng Zuhua came back from the city bureau. The DNA comparison between Guo Zhikuan and the deceased showed that the probability that the genotype was a father-son relationship was 99.99999%.It can be concluded that the deceased is Guo Linsong. Who killed him?Why did the murderer want to kill all their grandparents?

"Forensic Doctor Zheng, what was the cause of Guo Linsong's death? Was he beaten to death and thrown into the river?" Xiao Ke asked.

"The autopsy results show that Guo Linsong died of typical drowning. His stomach was almost empty. He should have drowned before dinner or after 12 o'clock in the night."

"Are you sure it was his death?"

"Guo Linsong did not have any coercion or resistance injuries, only restraint injuries, but this doesn't mean anything."

"Generally, there are no coercion injuries or resistance injuries, but there are restraint injuries, which is likely to be suicide." Wu Jiang said.

"No, I don't think it was suicide. If he wanted to commit suicide, why would he come to the Songyin River 60 kilometers away to commit suicide? Just drink a few sips of pesticide at home, or find a cliff to jump off, or hang yourself. These are very simple ways to commit suicide. , and also, his limbs were tied tightly with nylon ropes, and it was completely unnecessary to hang a heavy object to jump into the river. I called Guo Zhikuan and he said that Guo Linsong couldn't swim, and he could jump into the river in two meters of water. Drowning, not to mention it is almost impossible for him to tie himself up," Zhu Gang said.

"Because Guo Linsong's hands were tied in front, he could tie himself up and then jump into the river to commit suicide. It would be more difficult to do it if his hands were tied behind his back," Che Xiaolin said.

"I think Guo Linsong is a simple and straightforward person. He will not go far to commit suicide in the lower reaches of Songyin River. Although he has no coercion or resistance injuries, if he owes money to others and the creditor goes to his house to ask for the debt, he will He followed people obediently. He was a person who would rather pay his debt with his life. I think it was homicide." Chen Li said.

Lu Yingying also agreed with Chen Li. From a psychological point of view, Guo Linsong was a very traditional person. Like most old people, he was affected by traditional culture. Only by burying his bones on the land of his hometown can he feel at ease after death. People buried in foreign lands are called wandering ghosts and will never have peace.

(End of this chapter)

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