Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 377 The Death of the Most Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 377 The Death of the Most Beautiful Teacher (10)
"Yes, it's possible. Then we won't be able to find the murderer."

Zhu Gang asked Xie Tianliang who discovered Du Xiaohong's body?A village cadre named Wang Zhenjia said that when he was passing by the river embankment, he saw a red thing half floating in the water. He stopped and looked at it. When he took a closer look, he found that it was a little girl. He quickly dropped the thing in his hand. Hoe, ran to the river to save people, only to find that she had been dead for a long time, and even her stomach was bloated.

Wu Jiang found Du Xiaohong's shoe prints when she entered the water on the east side of the river beach. There was a beach on the east bank of the water. Du Xiaohong's shoe prints were clearly printed on it. There were no footprints except her shoe prints. This further proved Zheng Zuhua's judgment. Yes.

Zhu Gang asked someone to take Du Xiaohong to the funeral home to prepare for the autopsy.


Why Du Xiaohong committed suicide has become the focus of controversy. Zhu Gang believes that it may be Du Xiaohong's relatives, such as her father who forced her to commit suicide because she knew that her father was a murderer. Of course, it may also be her direct relatives.

Xiao Ke believes that it is impossible for a father to force his daughter to commit suicide. This is not in line with human ethics. Maybe she committed suicide because she knew that her father was a murderer.If both theories point to the fact that the murderer is Du Xiaohong's direct relative, especially her father, then everyone has a unified view.

However, Wu Jiang felt that things would not be that simple. First, Du Xiaohong's father would not force her to commit suicide. After his wife ran away, he did not remarry. Du Xiaohong was his only apple; second, according to Tian Lili, Du Xiaohong hated Fang Mindong the most, so She would not commit suicide because she felt guilty about Fang Mindong's death.

If Du Xiaohong's father was really the murderer, she could only guess. Her father would never let her know that he killed Fang Mindong.

"Anyway, Du Xiaohong's father, Du Caiwang, has returned home from Nanjing to take care of his funeral affairs. We asked him to provide a DNA sample and compare it with the DNA of the body fluids on the blood suit. We will soon be able to prove whether he is the murderer."

"I suggest not to force Du Caiwang to provide a DNA sample, because he has lost his only daughter and is heartbroken. If he knows that we suspect him of killing Fang Mindong, he may despair. Everyone still remembers the Yang Gailan case a few days ago, right? , she killed her four children and then committed suicide. Her husband Li Keying drank pesticide and committed suicide after handling the funeral. This tragic case shocked the country. If the local government would care about Li Keying and ask experts for psychological counseling in time, he might not Suicide, so we can't put pressure on Du Caiwang, even one more straw will break the camel's back." Wu Jiang told everyone.

"Korean Angkor is still thoughtful. I admire this kind of compassionate Bodhisattva!" Zhu Gang gave a thumbs up to Wu Jiang.

The next day, Du Caiwang came to the criminal police team and asked to see Du Xiaohong's body. Wu Jiang received him. He was short in stature, with an unshaven face, sunken eyes, lifeless eyes, dry and peeling lips, extremely sad and haggard, and his voice was hoarse. It is very difficult to say a word. This is a man overwhelmed by suffering.

Wu Jiang kept comforting him, saying that he was still young, hardworking and willing to work hard. He would be able to marry and have children in the future, just like comforting his biological brother. In order to secretly extract his DNA sample, Wu Jiang kept giving him cigarettes to smoke. He smoked one cigarette after another, and even smoked a pack of cigarettes in more than an hour. The ashtray was filled with Du Caiwang's smoked cigarette butts.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Wu Jiang asked Che Xiaolin and Zheng Zuhua to take him to the funeral home to visit Du Xiaohong. Wu Jiang did not want to see Du Caiwang see his daughter lying in the cold cabinet.

Zheng Zuhua extracted Du Caiwang's DNA sample from the cigarette butt he smoked and sent it to the municipal bureau's forensic laboratory for DNA comparison. The result did not match the DNA of the body fluid on the blood suit, which could rule out Du Caiwang as the murderer.

But who is the real murderer?Where is it?
Zhu Gang took Che Xiaolin and Chen Li to Shanghai, Dongguan, Zhongshan and Xiamen because the fathers of the remaining four girls raped by Fang Mindong were working in these four cities, and they planned to find them personally to extract their fathers' DNA. sample, because the DMA on the blood coat is male, there is no need to extract a DNA sample from their mother.

In order to take care of Wu Jiang, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying, Zhu Gang asked them to go to Du Xiaohong's house to investigate to see if Du Xiaohong had left a suicide note. He also brought some supplements to visit Du Caiwang and his mother.

The three of them came to Du Caiwang's house. He lived in a new house with two and a half floors. The villagers in Gaogang Village had a tacit understanding: Villagers with sons would build three-and-a-half-story houses, while those with daughters but no sons would only build two-and-a-half floors. , with few exceptions, unless the family is very rich, they will build an extra layer.

Du Caiwang was lying on the bed. He was sick, probably caused by excessive sadness.

Wu Jiang asked him if he had found Du Xiaohong’s suicide note?He said no.Wu Jiang asked Du Xiaohong's grandmother again, but she also said no.Wu Jiang said that in order to quickly find out the reason for Du Xiaohong's suicide, they would search his home for any suicide notes that Du Xiaohong might have left.Du Caiwang agreed and handed over the keys to all the rooms to Wu Jiang.The first floor of Du Caiwang's house is only over 80 square meters. There is a hall, a living room, and a bedroom on the first floor. The bedroom is where Du Xiaohong's grandmother sleeps.There is a living room and two bedrooms on the second floor. The bedroom on the left is where Du Caiwang sleeps, and the bedroom on the right is where Du Xiaohong sleeps.Half of the third floor is a rooftop, and the other half is an empty room without partitions, about 40 square meters, with only some sundries piled up.

Du Xiaohong's bedroom was equipped with a spring lock. Wu Jiang used the key to open Du Xiaohong's bedroom. The room was filled with the unique smell of a little girl's sweat. The furniture inside was very simple, including a large bed, a desk, two folding chairs, and a bedside table.The desk is nearly two meters wide and about one meter wide. Fairy tales and fantasy novels occupy half of the desk. There are about a hundred books.

The table has three drawers, none of which are locked. Xiao Ke checks the books on the table. Maybe Du Xiaohong’s suicide note will be hidden inside.

Wu Jiang checked the drawer, and Lu Yingying checked the schoolbag and bed, because there were many comic books placed against the wall beside the bed. Lu Yingying patiently flipped through them one by one, but found nothing. After reading the schoolbag and books, Lu Yingying opened the bamboo mat. There was nothing down there but dust.

Lu Yingying was a little disappointed. It stands to reason that a 10-year-old girl would write a diary to record her joys, sorrows, joys, and even little secrets, but she was not found to have a diary. This surprised Lu Yingying, because she started after finishing first grade. When writing a diary, if you don’t understand the words, use pinyin instead.

They checked all the places in the bedroom where the suicide note might be hidden, but found nothing. Considering that Du Xiaohong might put the suicide note in her grandma or father's bedroom, they went to Du Caiwang's bedroom to check.

Du Caiwang's bedroom has the same furniture as Du Xiaohong's bedroom, except for an extra wardrobe.But Du Caiwang had no books, only clothes, so the inspection was faster. He looked through every corner in less than an hour, but still found nothing.

Finally, they went to Grandma Du Xiaohong's bedroom to search. After another hour, they still couldn't find the possible suicide note.

Lu Yingying asked Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke to go to other rooms and look for them again. She wanted to chat with Du Xiaohong's grandma.

Du Xiaohong's grandma's name is Xiang Yangmei. Her eyes are dark, the wrinkles on her face are as rough as tree bark, and she has many age spots. Her head is full of white hair, as dry as straw in autumn. Her body is thin and haggard, slightly stooped, as if The reed poles quivering in the autumn wind are the unique image of an old man who has been crushed by years of suffering.

"Grandma Xiang, did you have anything to say to you on the day Du Xiaohong left?" Lu Yingying asked.

"Didn't say... didn't say anything, just left... My dear, grandma can't see you anymore, why are you so cruel to abandon grandma and dad..." She choked, her body trembling, turbid Tears overflowed from his eyes.

"Grandma Xiang, please don't break your health from crying. We will definitely find out the cause of your granddaughter's death..."

"It's me who should die. At that time, Xiaohong told me that Principal Fang bullied her, but I didn't pay attention. I even blamed her for making a mistake and being punished by the principal. Xiaohong cried and said that she didn't make a mistake, and it was the principal who bullied her on purpose. Little did I know that Principal Fang would do something worse than a beast... If I had understood Xiaohong's pain earlier and reported it to the village director, that beast must have been in jail long ago... Xiaohong must have done it because the whole village knew that she was being raped. The principal bullied me and I was so ashamed that I jumped into the river..."

"Grandma Xiang, only we know about those girls who were bullied by the principal. No one else knows. Xiaohong definitely didn't go to a dead end because of shame, but because of..." Lu Yingying suddenly realized that she couldn't say that to her. It's clear, shut up now.

"There is no airtight wall. Doctors know it and village cadres know it. How can we guarantee that they will not leak it out? Alas, it is useless to say this now. It is all my fault for not protecting my beloved, the lifeblood of our Du family... ..." She said while wiping her tears, feeling extremely regretful and sad.

"The dead cannot be resurrected. You have to take care of yourself. Your son is hardworking and frugal. He is not too old. He still has the opportunity to marry and have children..." Lu Yingying felt that these words were insignificant to her, and no matter how much she said, they might just be overheard. The rumor asked, "Does Xiaohong usually keep a diary? Teacher Tian Lili said that she has instructed students to keep diaries."

(End of this chapter)

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