Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 366 The insulted old man

Chapter 366 The insulted old man (10)
"We know that you were bullied by other men. If you don't tell us, let us arrest him in time. More sisters in the village will be bullied by him. He even bullies old people like Wang Lili. He is simply a beast. ! Your two sisters are married to the mountain village. He may bully your sisters next time." Wu Jiang followed the temptation.

"I... I was indeed bullied by him. He was the pig killer Luo Bingguang... He not only raped me, but also beat me... He was as scary as a devil when he beat me... I was afraid of being beaten to death by him, so I I gave in to him, and I was very angry after that. I called Secretary Wu and then my husband, saying that I was sorry for him and that I should explain the matter clearly to my husband. As a result, my husband told me not to tell anyone, otherwise I would be blamed for the rest of my life. I can’t stand up as a human being...but it’s not my fault..."

She choked up and couldn't speak anymore, covering her face with her hands, tears falling from her fingers.

Wu Jiang walked out of the door and asked Wu Derong about Luo Bingguang's situation. Wu Derong said: Luo Bingguang is 45 years old. He made a living by slaughtering pigs and selling meat when he was young. Until now.

"Does he have a wife and children?"

"My wife ran away with someone. I heard that he was too tossing and had sex several times a night. His wife couldn't stand it. After they eloped with someone, he had a daughter who was already in college. He didn't remarry later. He earned Most of the money is spent on prostitutes.”

"Oh, where is he now?"

"I heard that he went to the city to sell pork, and the business in the city is better. I have his mobile phone number, how about I call him?"

"Don't alert him yet. Are his parents still alive?"

"My mother has been dead for many years, and there is only an old, half-blind father at home."

"Let's go to his house and have a look."

Wu Derong took them to Luo Bingguang's home again. His father was almost 90 years old, his eyesight was hard to use, and his ears were deaf. When Wu Jiang asked him, he either didn't hear or said he didn't know.

Wu Jiang saw a pair of old Adidas shoes placed at the door of the bedroom. He asked Luo Bingguang's father if the shoes belonged to his son, and he said yes.Wu Jiang put the shoes into the evidence bag because Luo Bingguang's DNA could be extracted from them. Once the comparison was successful, the murderer could target Luo Bingguang.

Wu Jiang told Wu Derong that he must not leak the news to prevent Luo Bingguang from escaping.Wu Jiang believed that the murderer was most likely Luo Bingguang.

Because lard was extracted from Wang Lili's clothes, Luo Bingguang should have accidentally rubbed the lard on her pants onto her clothes. Wang Lili never uses lard for cooking, she always uses peanut oil.

Zheng Zuhua extracted a DNA sample from Luo Bingguang's sneakers, sent it to the city's forensic laboratory for testing, and then compared it with the semen from Wang Lili's mouth. The results showed that the DNA of the two was exactly the same, and it was certain that the murderer was Luo Bingguang.Zheng Zuhua brought the results back to the county bureau and announced to everyone that Zhu Gang ordered to arrest Luo Bingguang.

Wu Derong said that Luo Bingguang was extremely powerful. Although he was above average in stature, his legs were extremely short and his upper body and lower body were very uncoordinated. He was just like Wang Ying in "Water Margin". He was called the "dwarf-legged tiger" by the villagers. He could use one hand to He can lift 100 kilograms of objects, carry 300 kilograms on his shoulders, and can walk a mile without resting. This is because he has practiced it for many years by grabbing and slaughtering pigs with both hands.

Because Luo Bingguang sells meat, he carries a machete and a butcher's knife with him. When they arrest him, he may resist with a knife. Therefore, Zhu Gang and the others have formulated a foolproof arrest plan to wait until he gets off work or is sleeping. .

Because Xiao Ke is the Sanda champion of the police academy, and Che Xiaolin is also the sprint and pole climbing champion of the police academy, and they are very agile.Zhu Gang arranged for them to follow Luo Bingguang in plain clothes and seize the opportunity to arrest him.

Xiao Ke has the experience of successfully arresting criminals many times. He is very confident that if Luo Bingguang does not have a weapon, he will not be afraid even if his hands can lift a thousand kilograms, because it is brute force after all.

In order to trap Luo Bingguang, Zhu Gang asked Wu Derong to call him and ask him where he lived. He was in the city for a meeting and wanted to sit at Luo Bingguang's rented place in the evening.Luo Bingguang was unprepared and said he lived on the second floor of No. 125 Guangming Road, Shuiba Village.Zhu Gang asked Wu Derong to go to the city immediately, and went to Luo Bingguang's house to call the door in the evening.Wu Derong agreed.

Songyin County is a county with a large population of nearly 50, and there are nearly 10 residents in the county. Shuiba Village is located 1.3 kilometers south of the county. It is home to men and women who come to the city from the countryside to work, do small businesses, and accompany their children to study. The floating population is high. Wan is a place with relatively poor security conditions.

The alleys in the village twist left and right, criss-crossing and are very complicated. No. 125 Guangming Road is at the intersection of three alleys, which is not an ideal place for arrest. However, Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin are very confident. They said that as long as Luo Bingguang In the house, he could not escape.

In order to observe the terrain and the structure of the house, Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin took Luo Bingguang to the vegetable market to sell meat and came to No. 125 Guangming Road to observe the terrain.

This is an old-style brick-concrete structure house with only three floors. All windows and doors are equipped with anti-theft nets. As long as the door is guarded, Luo Bingguang cannot escape. The landlord lives in a new house next to it. Che Xiaolin actually knows the landlord Chen Qiming. , he used to drive at the Xiaoyang Township Police Station, but later resigned and went into business and made a lot of money.

Chen Qiming, who is also half a policeman, told Che Xiaolin that Luo Bingguang did live on the second floor.Che Xiaolin asked Chen Qiming to open the door of the old house and let them have a look. Chen Qiming was naturally happy, so he opened the door and let them in.They saw the third floor from the first floor and thought it was okay because the door to the rooftop on the third floor was locked.

At 9 o'clock in the evening on September 11, Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin followed Wu Derong from a distance in plain clothes. Wu Derong came to the downstairs of No. 8 and called Luo Bingguang.Luo Bingguang stuck his head out of the window and saw Wu Derong calling the door downstairs. There was no one around. He told Wu Derong to come down and open the door immediately.

Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin immediately hid on both sides of the door, waiting for Luo Bingguang to open the door. Zhu Gang led 9 criminal policemen to block all three roads, just in case Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin could not control him and let him escape. .

Luo Bingguang opened the door, and Xiao Ke and Che Xiaolin rushed in quickly and pushed Luo Bingguang to the ground. Luo Bingguang was like a frightened bird and suddenly pushed Che Xiaolin away with his right hand. Che Xiaolin stumbled backwards under the force. He staggered two steps and hit the door with his back.

Xiao Ke originally didn't want to hurt Luo Bingguang, but when he saw how hard he resisted, he didn't care so much. He directly exerted force and pressed his knee hard on Luo Bingguang's chest. There was only a dull sound and Luo Bingguang's ribs were broken. At the same time, he twisted Luo Bingguang's left hand 360 degrees, and there was another soft sound. Luo Bingguang's shoulder joint was dislocated, and the pain made him scream for mercy.

Che Xiaolin was very angry. He arrested criminals more than 20 times, and he was never pushed down by criminals once. He stepped on the back of Luo Bingguang's hand and rubbed it hard. The pain made Luo Bingguang scream for mercy again.Che Xiaolin took out the handcuffs and cuffed his hands.

At this time, Zhu Gang's men also rushed in and pinned Luo Bingguang to the ground unable to move. If they arrested Luo Bingguang while he had a murder weapon, they would have to sacrifice one or two people.

Luo Bingguang was put into a police car and sent directly to the interrogation room. Xiao Ke pressed him on the interrogation chair and blocked him with a wooden block so that he could not stand up. Che Xiaolin went even further and used shackles to cuff his feet. .

Zhu Gang decided to interrogate Luo Bingguang overnight.

Wu Jiang said that he should be sent to an orthopedic hospital first. He was worried that his broken ribs would puncture his liver and his life would be in danger.Zhu Gang disagreed. He said that when he was young, he arrested criminals. During the fight, both of them broke several ribs and did not see a doctor until the third day.

He also said that he was responsible for the accident.Zhu Gang's reason is that Luo Bingguang has no fighting spirit at this time and may confess the crime soon.Wu Jiang came to Songyin County Bureau to help them solve the case, so it was hard to say anything else.

Zhu Gang, Wu Jiang and Che Xiaolin walked into the interrogation room and saw Luo Bingguang sitting on a chair with his head hanging down like a deflated rubber ball. His hands were shaking slightly, whether from pain or despair.

"Luo Bingguang, do you want to go to the hospital to see a doctor early? If you want, you must confess your crime early, otherwise I will let you sit here and suffer, making your life worse than death!" Zhu Gang stared hard He said.Zhu Gang's eyes were like a gleaming knife, one look at it would make the timid person shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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