Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 358 The insulted old man

Chapter 358 The insulted old man (2)
"I haven't heard her say that, how could she have enemies? She is as kind as Guanyin Bodhisattva and will not make enemies with others."

"Does she have anything valuable at home?"

"No, I haven't heard her say that."

"Okay, that's all I'm asking today. Please make a thumbprint on it." Zhu Gang took out the ink pad and asked her to make a thumbprint. She didn't want to, but Wu Derong persuaded her to cooperate with the police, but she was very reluctant. He put his fingerprints on the record.

Zhu Gang came to Wang Lili's bedroom and saw Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying taking fingerprints. Xiao Ke saw Zhu Gang coming in and said: "Captain Zhu, the deceased's drawer locks and wardrobe locks have been pried off. A total of three locks were pried off. The deceased is unknown. There is something valuable hidden in drawers and wardrobes, this could be a murder case."

"Any fresh fingerprints?"

"It's being investigated, but nothing has been found yet."

Could the murderer be a thief?While he was stealing, he was discovered by Wang Lili who was coming home from outside. They had a dispute and strangled her to death?

If it was a thief, it would probably be an acquaintance who committed the crime. Only if he knew that she had something valuable in her home would he sneak into her bedroom to pick the lock and steal it while she was out.If that were the case, the case would be easier to solve.

Zhu Gang walked out of the door and walked around Wang Lili's house. Wang Lili's house is located at the bottom of Kaoshan Village. The only road passes through the middle of the village. Therefore, the village is called Shangcun and Subscript by the villagers.

Villagers like to build new houses high on the mountain. Wang Lili's house is surrounded by old adobe houses, and 10 of the 9 houses are empty. Because the terrain here is low-lying, the ground is damp and dark, so no one lives in it anymore. The murderer The possibility of being witnessed is extremely slim, not to mention that the crime occurred between 5 and 7 am.

In the evening, the sun set from the high Tailiang Mountain, and the scorching heat gradually receded. After more than 4 hours of investigation, all the work was completed. Everyone returned to the county bureau, exhausted, and Wang Lili's body was also taken to the county funeral parlor for storage. Preparing for the autopsy the next day.

Two days later, Zhu Gang called a meeting and officially named Wang Lili's murder as the 8 ​​case.Director Zeng also attended the meeting. Wang Lili's son Yang Xiong is a member of the Standing Committee of the County CPPCC and an outstanding entrepreneur in the county. He called Director Zeng directly and asked them to solve the case quickly and catch the murderer as soon as possible so that his mother could rest in peace as soon as possible.

Director Zeng is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. Of course, he will not take orders from a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The work must be carried out according to normal procedures and cannot be encouraged. However, solving the case as soon as possible is also what they must do.

Therefore, Director Zeng personally attended their meeting, because Director Zeng was once a criminal police officer, and had served as the captain of the criminal police and the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation. He was very expert in criminal investigation work.

The meeting was chaired by Zhu Gang. After he said a few polite words, he asked Director Zeng to speak. Director Zeng did not like politeness and asked Zheng Zuhua straight to the point: "Have the autopsy results come out?"

"Come out, Director Zeng. The deceased was strangled to death. The murderer stretched out his right hand and strangled her throat. The hand was long and powerful, and his strong thumb left an arc-shaped mark on the right side of the deceased's neck. The remaining four fingers left numerous and scattered fingerprints on the left side of the neck. The evil hand continued to push forward, and under the pressure, the blood vessels in the skin of the deceased burst, leaving bruises with the same shape as the murderer's fingers.

"The murderer's pressure continued to advance slowly. The blood vessels buried under the neck muscles could not withstand such great pressure and broke one after another, leaving large areas of bleeding between the muscles. The large horns of the hyoid bone also rattled under the gradually increasing pressure. It squeaked and finally broke suddenly.

"The blunt rounded end was carried deep into the muscles by the strong elasticity of the tough bone. Even the tracheal cartilage was obviously broken. The severed end punctured the trachea, causing bleeding to flow down the inner surface, leaving accumulated in the lungs.

"To withstand such tremendous violence, the deceased's head should have been supported by a hard object. The deceased's back pillow was bleeding under the skin due to the violent impact of the hard object. I think the deceased's pillow should have been pressed by the murderer on the washstand next to the patio. , slowly expired and died." Zheng Zuhua said in detail. He had not given such details in the past. Maybe he wanted to show off his skills in front of Director Zeng.

"Is there any cause of death such as poisoning?"

"No, strangulation was the only cause of death."

"Can you determine the murderer's height and weight based on his fingerprints?" Director Zeng asked very professionally.

"Yes, the murderer only left the fingerprints of his right hand on the neck of the deceased. There was no fingerprint of the left hand. The fingerprint of the murderer's middle finger was about 7.5 centimeters. Therefore, it can be judged that the height of the murderer was between 170 centimeters and 175 centimeters. As for the weight, there is no way Judgment, but this person must be very strong, maybe a porter or a farmer doing manual labor."

"Has the deceased been sexually assaulted?"

"No, there was no semen or lubricant in the deceased's vaginal swab." Zheng Zuhua wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare. How could Director Zeng ask such a ridiculous question?Who would be interested in a 78-year-old woman? Fortunately, he worked very carefully, otherwise he would have been left speechless by the question.

"Time of death?" "Between 8 and 23 o'clock in the morning on August 5."

Director Zeng nodded and expressed satisfaction with Zheng Zuhua's statement. He turned around and asked Wu Jiang, who was sitting next to him: "Officer Wu, what do you think of this case?"

"Judging from the on-site investigation, I judged it to be a murder. Unfortunately, the shoe prints and fingerprints extracted from the scene were too many, too messy, and almost worthless. There were a total of 21 kinds of shoe prints and 15 kinds of fingerprints, but it was very strange. There were no fingerprints on the drawer of the deceased's quilt, which indicates that the perpetrator may have been wearing gloves. Moreover, there were no fresh shoe prints in the deceased's bedroom, which indicates that the murderer cleaned up the shoe prints when he came out. The murderer is more serious than we thought. They are more cunning and may have a certain culture." Wu Jiang replied.

"What tool did the murderer use to break the three drawer locks?"

"I compared it, and the indentation is a straight-shaped medium-sized screwdriver."

"The day of the crime was August 8. The temperature during the day was as high as 23 degrees. The murderer should have been sweating when committing the crime. Was there any hair or body fluids found on the furniture in the bedroom or on the floor?"

"No, I have used multi-band light sources to illuminate it, and there is no suspicious physical evidence." Wu Jiang replied.Multi-band light sources can detect: biological stains and vague fingerprints at crime scenes, blood and other body fluids, scratches, bites, marks, models, hair, oil, grease and other suspicious documents with petrochemical contamination and other suspicious evidence, which is a must for site investigation Tools used.

"Two spousal detectives, why don't you two talk? Let's talk." Director Zeng said with a smile to Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying.

"Okay, let me just say a few words. I think it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. He may be from the village where he lives, a male, young or middle-aged. He has a history of stealing, or has hatred for the deceased, and may have been in prison, because He has certain counter-investigation capabilities. I want to reduce the conditions of the murderer so small. As long as we go all out to investigate, the murderer will be caught sooner or later. I hope the result will not be as tragic as Bao Yeju and Li Xiang."

Although these two cases were not difficult to detect, they left a lingering shadow in the hearts of Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying.

"Whether the outcome is tragic or not, we cannot be sure. All we can do is to bring the murderer to justice and give justice to the deceased." Director Zeng is in his fifties and has seen countless human tragedies and is no longer sentimental.

Everyone spoke one after another and expressed their thoughts. After an hour, the meeting ended.They were about to go to Kaoshan Village to investigate, when Yang Xiong came.

Zhu Gang wanted to ask him, so he invited Yang Xiong into the office and poured him a glass of water. Zhu Gang knew Yang Xiong. He was the legal representative of Qiancheng Chemical Fiber Company and often met him at various meetings.

In mid-August last year, a group of gangsters went to his company to collect debts and started fighting with his company's employees. Yang Xiong quickly called Zhu Gang and asked him to go deal with it. As a result, all the gangsters who caused trouble were arrested by the people brought by Zhu Gang. Sent to a detention center for detention, so they are already very familiar with it.

Yang Xiong is of medium height and has a dark face. If you meet him in Africa, you will definitely think that he is African. His muscles are tight, probably the result of daily exercise. His whole body seems to be full of energy.

"Mr. Yang, how many times a year do you go home to visit your mother?" Zhu Gang is a filial son. He was a little disdainful of him leaving an old mother in the countryside, but he didn't show it in his tone. After all, he is a man of identity and status. Mutual respect is a kind of self-cultivation.

"Only five or six times. I'm really too busy. It's not easy to manage such a big company." He sighed.

"Does your mother have any enemies?"

"No, my mother has a bodhisattva heart and is kind to everyone. She cannot have enemies."

"Oh, we analyze that your mother may have been killed by a thief. Is there a large amount of cash and valuables hidden in your mother's house?"

"We don't have a lot of cash. It's not safe to keep too much cash at home. It shouldn't exceed 500 yuan. I tell all the grocery stores in the village that my mother will keep accounts when she goes shopping. I will return it to them when I get home. But there are two people at home. A gold ring, a gold necklace, a green jade bracelet, apart from these few things, there is nothing more valuable."

“Where do you usually keep gold jewelry and cash?”

"The gold jewelry is placed in the drawer on the right side of the wardrobe, and the cash is placed in the middle drawer of the desk. They are always locked."

"The locks in both places have been picked open. We suspect that an acquaintance was discovered by your mother during the theft and killed her. Do you have any suspects?"

(End of this chapter)

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