Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 346 The destroyed little flower

Chapter 346 The destroyed little flower (2)
"This is absolutely impossible! I can guarantee it with my life!" Men Deqing was very shocked. He didn't expect Wu Jiang to make such a guess.

"Why not?"

"Li Tongtian is recognized by the villagers as a good man. He has never taken a piece of garlic or a grain of rice from others in his life. Although he does not have a strong ability to make money, no matter who is sick, he will buy dozens of yuan of supplements to visit them. , no matter which family has trouble, he will try his best to help, and there is absolutely no way he can kill his own granddaughter."

Men Deqing had not yet answered whether the deceased Wu Jiang had closed the door. He felt that Men Deqing might not know, so he went to Li Tongtian's bedroom, which was next to the kitchen and separated from Li Xiang's bedroom by a hall, about five meters.

Li Tongtian described himself as sad and haggard. His thin body was curled up in the quilt. When he saw Wu Jiang and the others coming in, he quickly sat up from the bed. Wu Jiang pushed him back on the bed: "Uncle Li, you don't have to get up. We want to ask you some questions."

But Li Tongtian didn't respond. He asked, "What are you talking about?"

Men Deqing said to Wu Jiang: "Officer Wu, please speak louder, he is a bit deaf."

So Wu Jiang asked loudly: "What time did you go to bed last night?"

"About 10 o'clock." He finally heard.

"Did you sleep with the door bolted?"

"It's bolted, the front door and the back door are bolted."

"What time does your granddaughter go to bed?"

"I don't know. When I went to bed, I saw her doing homework. I told her to go to bed early, and she said she would go to bed soon."

The doors of old houses in rural areas are in vain. Most of them are made of wooden boards, and the door latch is also a simple rectangular block of wood. It is easy to be opened from the outside, just like the door of Bao Yeju's house.

Wu Jiang left Li Tongtian's bedroom and came to the door. He leaned down and checked the door latch. He found that there were many knife marks on the upper and lower door latch. This showed that the door had been standing on the wall for 50 years and there had been many illegal intruders.

Zhu Gang and the others walked out of the central site and told Wu Jiang that the survey was completed and they could go back home.Wu Jiang nodded and walked out of Li Tongtian's home.

The funeral home's car is parked outside, and the body collector is carrying Li Xiang's body into the car. Li Xiang's body is very light, probably less than 25 kilograms, and less than 140 centimeters tall. Is it caused by lack of nutrition or mental stress?Wu Jiang watched the corpse collector place Li Xiang's body easily. He suddenly thought of his daughter and felt sad.

It was a scorching day with a clear sky and cloudless sky. The dazzling sunshine splashed onto the earth like water. The temperature outside the window was as high as 42 degrees. It has been more than ten days since the beginning of autumn and it is still so hot. This is what the locals call "Autumn Tiger". ".

Everyone was sitting in the Songyin County Criminal Police Team conference room for a case analysis meeting. Three members of the No. 1 Serious Crime Team and four members of the Criminal Police Team, a total of seven people, formed the task force for the Li Xiang case. Zhu Gang was the team leader, and Wu Jiang He served as deputy team leader and was called the 8 case. Cases are generally named after the time of the incident.

Because the members of the No. 1 Serious Crime Team did not participate in the investigation of the scene, and Luo Jin had returned to the provincial capital and did not participate in the autopsy, Zhu Gang first introduced the situation of the scene investigation: "The crime scene is a relatively smooth cement floor. We Six kinds of fresh shoe prints were extracted from the ground. After preliminary investigation, one of the shoe prints belonged to the deceased's grandfather Li Tongtian, and the other shoe print belonged to the village director Men Deqing. We can temporarily rule out their suspicions.

"I don't know who owns the other four shoe prints. Therefore, we must find out the owners of these four shoe prints. The murderer should be one or two of these four people. We found them on the bed frame, pen box, and mirror of the deceased. 19 different fingerprints were extracted from the superior place. Because these 19 fingerprints are all clear, it is impossible to determine which fingerprint is fresh or valuable.

"It's a lot of work to check based on fingerprints. I think we should focus on checking shoe prints and start with checking fingerprints. Angkor, what do you think?"

Zhu Gang stood in front of the Sony projector and pointed a laser pointer at the photos of shoe prints and fingerprints on the screen.

"Captain Zhu's idea is very good. We must first determine the direction of the investigation so that we can put our efforts to good use. But the most important thing is to find out who has the motive to kill Li Xiang, and then use shoe prints and fingerprints as evidence to bring the murderer to court. ...Forensic Doctor Zheng, please tell me the autopsy results." Wu Jiang turned to ask Zheng Zuhua.

"The autopsy results and the preliminary examination concluded that death was due to mechanical asphyxia. We know that there are several main ways of mechanical asphyxiation: strangulation, hanging, drowning, suffocation, choking, suffocation, strangulation, and chest Abdominal compression and orthostatic asphyxia.

"According to the scene and investigation, death by drowning, suffocation, choking, thoracoabdominal compression, and positional asphyxia are not met, so there are only four possibilities left: strangulation, hanging, smothering, and strangulation. Because the corpse The internal characteristics are: dark red flowing blood; congestion in the right heart, liver, kidneys, etc., and punctate bleeding in the serosa and submucosal membranes of internal organs. I judge that the deceased was suffocated or suffocated. There are no scars on the neck and there is no strangulation. Possibility of death, hanging, choking and strangulation.”

"If it was suffocation, the murderer should have used something like a quilt or pillow as the murder weapon. Is there any fiber or silk cotton on the mouth and nose of the deceased?"

"I've checked and it's not there, so I guess it's because I muffled it to death."

"If the deceased was covered to death, there should be skin flakes from the murderer left on the deceased's mouth and nose, right?" "Not necessarily. If the deceased was unable to open his mouth and bite the murderer's hand, there would be no skin flakes left on the deceased's mouth and nose. There were no fingerprints of the murderer, so I think the murderer is very cunning, and this case is not as simple as we thought." Zheng Zuhua answered solemnly.

"Has the deceased been sexually assaulted?"

"The deceased had been sexually assaulted, perhaps raped before death, or raped after death. The deceased's hymen was ruptured and it was an old injury. I extracted swabs from the deceased's vagina. After testing, the main ingredients were pure water, polyethylene glycol, Sodium acrylate, black ginger, etc. are the lubricants used on condoms, which indicates that the deceased was raped or gang-raped, but unfortunately no condoms and semen were left, otherwise it would be easier to find the murderer."

"Why did the deceased's hymen show an old rupture?"

"It's not clear. Maybe the deceased broke her hymen during strenuous exercise, or the deceased broke her hymen while masturbating. It's also possible that the deceased was sexually assaulted as a child. In short, there are many reasons and it's impossible to make a specific judgment."

"The deceased would definitely have resisted when her mouth and nose were covered. It was a sweltering summer when the crime occurred, and the murderer probably wouldn't have been wearing long sleeves. When she resisted, she would have definitely scratched the murderer's hands and arms. Her fingernails should be Are there traces of the murderer’s blood or skin flakes?”

"No, I have checked it carefully. Angkor can rest assured on this." Zheng Zuhua said confidently.

"This is strange. Could it be that the murderer is Iron Man?" Wu Jiang was puzzled.

"Yes, it's very strange. Therefore, I feel that our opponent is no ordinary person. I have been working as a forensic scientist for 20 years and have never encountered such a situation."

"When is the specific time of death?"

"The contents of the deceased's stomach were basically emptied, leaving only a small amount of chyme. Judging from rigor mortis, body temperature, and body spots, the deceased's time of death was between 2016:15 and 0:1 in the morning on the [-]th, [-]."

"Most of the people in Shuimen Village are the elderly and children. During this time period, they have already gone to bed, so the possibility of the murderer being witnessed is almost zero," Zhu Gang said.

"Don't worry, Rocca's theorem says: 'Any time two objects come into contact, physical evidence will be converted, some things will be taken away, and some things will be left behind.' It is only a matter of time before the murderer is caught." Wu Jiang encouraged everyone.

"Everyone must be brave enough to express your opinions. Three cobblers become one Zhuge Liang." Zhu Gang's eyes passed over everyone's faces one by one, but no one spoke.Only the air conditioner in the conference room made a faint sound.

At this time, a policeman came in and told Zhu Gang that the father of the deceased had come to the criminal police team to look for him and asked Zhu Gang to go out. Zhu Gang told everyone to continue the discussion and he would come back as soon as he went.

Zhu Gang walked out of the conference room and saw a man in his late forties sitting on a chair in the corridor. He was wearing a black T-shirt and gray jeans. His face was dark, his expression was dull, his eyes were staring at the ground, and puffs of smoke were blowing out from his mouth. It was as if he wanted to spit out all the troubles in his heart.

When he heard someone approaching, he quickly sat up from his chair, rushed to Zhu Gang and asked, "Are you Captain Zhu?"

"Yes, I am Zhu Gang from the criminal police team." Zhu Gang is 180 centimeters tall. He is a head shorter than Zhu Gang, about 165 centimeters. He looks petty, but his eyes are bright and gleaming with cunning.

"I am Li Zhengfei, Li Xiang's father." He stretched out his hands and held Zhu Gang's right hand tightly. His hands were covered with sweat.

"Oh, when did you come home?"

"I just arrived. My luggage was still stored at the bus station, so I rushed here. Can I take a look at my daughter?" He looked at Zhu Gang with pleading eyes.

"No problem, you have to be mentally prepared and don't cause any trouble for us."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely listen to you!" He nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Gang called Zheng Zuhua out of the conference room. Zhu Gang drove and took Li Zhengfei to the funeral parlor. When they arrived at the autopsy room of the funeral parlor, Zheng Zuhua pulled Li Xiang's body out of the freezer. The cold air came into contact with the hot air, creating a white mist. Floating into the air.

Li Zhengfei stepped forward and took a look, was stunned for a while, and said to Zheng Zuhua: "Shut it up. This child has no fate or blessings for me. Maybe he will in the next life?" He did not shed tears, nor was he sad, only indifferent and kind. Numb, this was completely beyond Zhu Gang's expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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