Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 340 Cold Family Love

Chapter 340 Cold Family Love (7)
"Oh, don't mention it. It's such a coward. All the income and expenditure of my chicken farm are in the hands of my wife. She is the financial director of our chicken farm."

Zhu Gang still felt that he was pretending. Even the most powerful financial director of a chicken farm with an annual turnover of several million yuan would not be able to find out if he kept tens of thousands of yuan a year. Zhu Gang did not want to say more to him: "In July Where were you from 7pm on the 30th to 6am on July 7st?"

"Captain Zhu, what does this mean?" he asked in surprise.

"Your mother Bao Yeju died during this time period, which is proved by the forensic autopsy results."

"Do you suspect that I murdered my mother? How ridiculous! How could I do that?"

"Since you can't do this, then use your alibi."

"Okay, let me think about it...where was I at that time?" He said to himself, "I should be in the chicken farm those days, yes, I was in the chicken farm!"

"Who can prove it?"

"No one can prove that my bedroom is nearly 30 meters away from the staff dormitory. When I returned to the site that day, all the staff were already sleeping."

"What time will you return to the chicken farm?"

"About 10 o'clock."

"Where did you come back to the chicken farm?"

"After dinner, I sang with a few friends at Blue Sky Nightclub. After that, I went back here."

"Do you have a monitor here?"

"No, there is nothing valuable here. I mostly ask the other party to transfer money to my account through online banking, or transfer money using WeChat. There is no cash in the factory, and even wages are paid online. So, don't worry about anything valuable. Stuff was stolen.”

"You will be legally responsible for concealing the truth from the police." Zhu Gang said seriously.

"I know that, we have legal counsel."

Zhu Gang ended the inquiry and drove to Dongjian City with everyone to find a small restaurant for dinner. Zhu Gang said, "Think about it, how can we prove that Huang Erqiang spent the night in the chicken farm that night?"

"Check the surveillance video of Blue Sky Nightclub to see if he is singing." Che Xiaolin said.

"It's useless. What if he drives to Guping Village to kill people after singing?" Xiao Ke said.

"Go to the mobile company to locate Huang Erqiang's mobile phone signal." Che Xiaolin added.

"No, what if he puts his mobile phone in the bedroom? The best way is to go to Xiaoyang Township Police Station to check the road surveillance video. It is the only road leading in and out of Guping Village, and there are very few vehicles, so it is easy to investigate." Xiao K said.

"Okay, let's do what Officer Ke said, go back home, and go to Xiaoyang Police Station tomorrow to watch the surveillance."

Zhu Gang drove to Hongqiang Chicken Farm with Xiao Ke, Chen Li, and Che Xiaolin with the copied surveillance video. When Huang Erqiang saw them coming again, his face turned as pale as snow.

"Huang Erqiang, why did you lie to us?" Zhu Gang stood opposite him, his face so gloomy that it could make you drink water.

"I...I didn't lie..."

"You really don't shed tears until you see the coffin. Just take a look at the video we brought."

Che Xiaolin opened his laptop and clicked on the player to play the surveillance video. Huang Erqiang's car and people clearly appeared in the video. After watching the video, Huang Erqiang felt as if a big stone was weighing on his heart and his breathing became heavier...

"Tell me, why do you want to kill your mother?"

"I didn't kill my mother! I...well, I risked my life. That day, my first love Yang Meitian asked me to go to her house for a tryst. Her husband went traveling with his children, so we could have fun.

"I was worried that her husband would come home suddenly and ask her to come to Songyin County to open a hotel. She said that her husband and son had already called her from the landline of a hotel in other provinces, and he would never go home because she had to guard the house and she couldn't go into the city. , asked me to go directly to her house.

"So, after I finished singing at the Blue Sky Nightclub, I went back to the mountain in the factory to catch eight native chickens and put them in the trunk to give to her. In order not to let the villagers find out, I didn't set off until 10:31 pm. On the 12st at [-] am I didn't arrive at her house until half past three.

"The village in front of Guping Village where she married was called Xiangzhang Village. Just like that, I spent the night at her house and left her house just after dawn the next day because I was afraid that my wife would come again. If the chicken farm finds out that I'm not here, they will question me. Therefore, you must rush back to the chicken farm before going to work. If you don't believe me, you can go to Yangmeitian..." "What's the use of asking her? She is your best friend, you can collude. !”

"Don't you have some kind of... lie detector? If you test her, you will know whether we have colluded in confession. Also, if you think I am guilty, you can take me to court. I am willing to accept any punishment, even being shot!" Huang Erqiang said softly but firmly, completely different from his respectful attitude yesterday.

Zhu Gang didn't want to talk to him anymore: "Even if the investigation results prove that you did not commit matricide, you will still have to go to jail because you concealed the truth from us and misled the police investigation work!" After saying that, he walked out of Huang Erqiang's office.

After the investigation of Yang Meitian, her confession was completely consistent with what Huang Erqiang said. Various evidences corroborated each other, and Huang Erqiang was finally ruled out as a suspect.

Huang Xiaoqiang’s family lives in the south of Guping Village. Although it is not connected with Guping Village, it is still under the jurisdiction of Guping Village Administrative Village. It has a nickname called Hangdi. There are many villages with the same name in China. Because of their different geographical locations, A village has several place names, and Guping Village is divided into Xiacun, Kengdi, Ximenxia, ​​Dashuxia, Shuiquantou, etc.

There are only 12 households in the bottom of the pit. Because it is located at the bottom of Lingshan Mountain, it is called the bottom of the pit. Although the bottom of the pit has a narrow meaning, it is more than enough to accommodate 12 households. Therefore, the gaps between the houses are very large. There is plenty of light, and each house has a small yard, making it very comfortable for residents.

In front of the bottom of the pit is a field, and beyond that is a stream about ten meters wide, and then there is the field again, across the bank from the death scene of Bao Yeju in the west of the village. The straight-line distance cannot exceed 800 meters. Such a close distance is actually I didn’t know that my mother had been dead for a week, so I had to lament.

Huang Xiaoqiang lives in a new house with a brick-concrete structure. The exterior walls are painted with light green paint. It has three floors, each floor is 150 square meters. There are piles of flue-cured tobacco in the living room of his house. His wife and young daughter are sorting the flue-cured tobacco. When I saw Xiaoke and the others coming to visit, I quickly put down the flue-cured cigarette in my hand and stood up. I didn’t know where to put my hands. The apron that finally stopped at my organs kept rubbing, as if I had never seen the police.

Zhu Gang asked: "Are you Huang Xiaoqiang's wife?"

"Yeah." She nodded. She was only 40 years old this year, but she looked like she was in her 50s. Her face was full of wrinkles, dry skin, uncoordinated facial features, and she looked bitter and resentful. You could tell at a glance that she was here. He has no status in the family and is timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

"Where's Huang Xiaoqiang?"

"He...he went up the mountain to cut moso bamboo." She stuttered a little, whether she was afraid or just a natural stutterer.

"When did he go up the mountain?"

"We went up the mountain early in the morning."

"Call him home. We have something important to ask him." Zhu Gang knew that Huang Xiaoqiang had a mobile phone. Now villagers bring mobile phones to work in the mountains so that they can contact him in time in case of injury or emergency at home.

"This...I...he won't listen to my words."

"Give me his phone number and I'll make a call." Because Guan Qiang and the village party secretary were in town for a meeting, they came directly to Huang Xiaoqiang's home.

She took out a cheap old man's mobile phone from her pajama pants bag, opened it, found the number in the address book in the mobile phone, and showed it to Zhu Gang. Zhu Gang took the mobile phone, entered the number into his mobile phone, and then dialed it. , the call was quickly connected, and Zhu Gang asked: "Are you Huang Xiaoqiang?"

"Who are you? What's the matter with me?"

"I am Zhu Gang from the county criminal police team. We have something important to ask you. Please go home immediately. I will wait for you at your home."

"Interpol team? I didn't break the law. I still have to cut moso bamboo. Can you pay me for lost work time?" The other party's tone was tough and impatient.

"We suspect that you murdered Bao Yeju. You must go home immediately and cooperate with the investigation, otherwise you will go to jail!" After hearing the other party's tone, Zhu Gang felt a little unhappy, and his tone was even tougher than Huang Xiaoqiang's.

"Okay, I'll go home."

"What time will you get home?" Huang Xiaoqiang must have been timid, so he compromised.

"It's 9 a.m. now, I should be home at 9:[-]."

Half an hour later, the sound of a motorcycle came from far away. He rode to the door, put the motorcycle in place, walked into the main room, took off the bamboo hat on his head, took off the hatchet tied to his waist, and hung it together on the door. on the back wall.

He raised the big teapot on the desk, took a few sips of tea, wiped the sweat from his forehead, reluctantly looked at Zhu Gang and the others and asked, "Mr. Police, I didn't break the law. What's your call?" If you call me back from the mountain, I will lose at least 200 yuan." It is rare to hear someone call "Mr. Police", which is more commonly used in Western countries, so Zhu Gang sounds a bit harsh.

"How big a deal can 200 yuan be? Your house costs at least 30 yuan, right?"

"Almost, but I still owe 10 to my relatives and friends, so I can't bear to waste a day." Huang Xiaoqiang has dark and reddish skin, eyes as small as mouse eyes, regular features, medium stature, and slightly rickety. He is a manual worker. All unique performances.

(End of this chapter)

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