Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 329 The Ultimate Game

Chapter 329 The Ultimate Game (14)
Xiao Ke handed Xiang Huayang's mobile phone to him. Xiang Huayang was arrested last night and was taken back to the criminal police team for interrogation overnight. After the interrogation, he was sent to Hedong Detention Center for detention. They held a meeting this morning and decided to use Luo Jian was lured out by Xiang Huayang, so Xiang Huayang's mobile phone was only turned off for one night, and there was no incoming call reminder after turning it on. Luo Jian should not know that Xiang Huayang was controlled by them.

A smart criminal police officer will work tirelessly to interrogate suspects and be good at seizing the golden hour. The farther away from the golden hour, the more difficult it is to solve the case. Most criminal police officers understand this truth, but some criminal police officers are too hard and tired because of fighting day and night. , if you don’t follow this rule, you will miss the golden time.

Xiang Huayang took the mobile phone, called up Luo Jian's number, and dialed out. The call was connected quickly: "Mr. Luo, what are you busy with?" Wu Jiang asked him to talk to Luo Jian as usual, and don't start the conversation at the beginning. Just mention the purchase.

"Well, I don't know what I'm busy with. There are so many things that I can't explain at the moment." Luo Jian replied.

"How are you feeling lately?"

"It's terrible. The pharmaceutical factory is facing a problem of insufficient funds. I have borrowed loans from private financial companies at high interest rates... Are your goods selling fast?"

"It's pretty fast, it's out of stock."

"No way, so fast? There was no such speed before."

"I was busy expanding the market some time ago and got good returns. Even in the provincial capital, people on the road asked me for goods."

"Fast sales are not necessarily a good thing. The market must be stable and safe in order for the water to flow smoothly. Have you returned to the Yangtze River?"

"Yes, I went home last night and prepared to buy another batch of goods. Mr. Luo, are there any goods left?"

"If the goods are available, I will work overtime to make them for you if there are no goods. You are my most trustworthy big customer, so of course you have to give priority. How much do you want?"

"As usual, 500 grams, it must be pure."

"Okay, where will the delivery be?"

"Old place: Hongqi Terminal. When will the delivery be delivered?"

"It will be 6 o'clock this evening. I will be there on time. Don't waste your time. The most precious thing to me now is time."

"Okay, definitely." After Xiang Huayang finished speaking, he hung up the phone and handed it to Xiao Ke.

The Hongqi Wharf is located in the lower reaches of the Qianjiang River. It is an old wharf that has been abandoned for many years. It is surrounded by reeds and weeds. Provincial Highway 103 passes through it. If you ambush in the reeds in advance, you can take advantage of them when trading with Huayang and Luo Jian. The land is controlled by Luo Jian.

Jiang Yiming arranged for Xiao Ke, Zhou Ting and Wu Jiang to set up an ambush in Luwei to capture Luo Jian.Jiang Yiming led the peripheral group to ambush on the roadside entering the dock.Once Luo Jian's car drove into the dock, the road was immediately blocked, leaving Luo Jian with nowhere to escape.

In order to prevent Luo Jian from resisting with a gun, Jiang Yiming asked the participating criminal police officers to go into battle with live ammunition. If Luo Jian fired back, he would be shot dead on the spot.After the task was arranged, Jiang Yiming took 14 criminal policemen, drove three civilian vehicles, and laid an ambush at the scene in plainclothes.

They brought Xiang Huayang to the Hongqi Pier an hour in advance. Wu Jiang, Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting lurked in the nearby reeds, forming a triangle surrounding Xiang Huayang to prevent him from escaping.If Xiang Huayang wanted to escape, he could only jump into the river and dive to escape, but Xiang Huayang couldn't swim and didn't dare to escape.Even if he escaped from the waterway, there was a Marine Police speedboat waiting in the distance. They also wanted to prevent Luo Jian from escaping from the water, so they arranged for Marine Police to guard him.

At the appointed time, Luo Jian did not come, and a moment later, he still did not come. Jiang Yiming felt something was strange, so he called Xiang Huayang and asked him to call Luo Jian and ask him where he was.So, Xiang Huayang called Luo Jian. The call went through, but no one answered. Xiang Huayang kept redialing. As a result, after half an hour, no one answered.

After Jiang Yiming learned about the situation, he called Lu Yingying and asked her to locate Luo Jian's phone. Lu Yingying turned on the computer and started locating. The location showed that Luo Jian's phone was in his pharmaceutical factory. The GPS positioning system in her computer was very advanced. It can be accurate to within 1 meter and found that Luo Jian's mobile phone was located in his office and was stationary.

She reported the positioning situation to Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming felt strange: Why did Luo Jian still stay in the office after the agreed time?Did he forget his agreement with Xiang Huayang?No, this is impossible. Luo Jian cannot make such a low-level mistake. So, the second possibility is who tipped Luo Jian off. However, except for the six members of the No. 1 Major Crime Team, no one knows about them. action.Xiang Huayang has always been under the surveillance of Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke, and he has no chance to inform Luo Jian.If Luo Jian knew they were trapping him, that would be trouble.

Jiang Yiming called Huang Hua, the surveillance team: "Are you on duty?"

"Yes, we are monitoring Luo Jian in the hotel 100 meters away from the pharmaceutical factory."

"It's past closing time. Is he still in the office?"

"The curtains in his office are closed, so we can't see what's going on inside." "Is his car still there?"

"I didn't see his car leaving the pharmaceutical factory. What's wrong, Captain Jiang?"

"I suspect he has absconded. Take someone to his office right away. If anyone wants to stop him, handcuff him directly and take him to the criminal police team." Jiang Yiming said in a stern tone. He felt that the situation was serious and there was no need to behave in an emergency. act.This is the principle of "if you are outside, you will not accept your orders".

After a while, Huang Hua called Jiang Yiming: "Captain Jiang, Luo Jian is not in the factory. I asked the security guards on duty. They all said they didn't see him leaving the gate. What should I do?"

"Where's Luo Jian's cell phone?"

"The phone is on the desk, there are more than 20 missed calls, but the person is missing."

"You guys stand guard at the gate of the pharmaceutical factory. We'll rush over immediately." Jiang Yiming asked the people from the peripheral team to take Xiang Huayang back to the criminal police team. He took the No. 1 crime team to the Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory.

They met with the surveillance team at the gate of the pharmaceutical factory. Jiang Yiming asked, "Have you noticed any suspicious vehicles driving out of the pharmaceutical factory?"

"Only two cars drove out of the gate. One car belonged to Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory; the other belonged to the owner of Ping An Pharmacy. However, there was no one else in the car except the driver. This is what we saw from the telescope. If Luo Jian was hiding in the back compartment, we might not be able to see him."

Jiang Yiming asked the surveillance team to guard the door of the pharmaceutical factory and not allow anyone to enter or exit. He took the crime team to the monitoring room to review the surveillance video.

The monitoring equipment of Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory is very good. There are 100 monitors in the factory area of ​​about 62 acres. 32 are installed in workshops, canteens, dormitories and office buildings, and the other 30 are installed in the open air to monitor all aspects. factory area.

From the surveillance, they discovered that Vice President Ye's car drove out of the garage and drove out of the factory. Because there was no surveillance camera in the garage, they could not see what was happening in the car.After the owner of Ping An Pharmacy drove his car into the factory, it parked outside the administration building. After the owner moved a small box from the building, he got in the car and drove away from the pharmaceutical factory in less than 5 minutes.

The only suspicious thing is Vice President Ye's car. Luo Jian probably hid in the trunk of his car and escaped.Jiang Yiming asked the office director of the pharmaceutical factory to call Vice President Ye and told him to return to the pharmaceutical factory immediately and tell him that the criminal police from the city bureau were looking for him.

After the call was connected, Vice President Ye promised to come back immediately.Jiang Yiming was afraid that he was playing tricks, so he asked Lu Yingying to locate his mobile phone. After a while, she told Jiang Yiming: Ye Dongqiang's mobile phone was in a mobile state and was moving from north to south on Jiangnan Avenue.Jiang Yiming felt relieved now. He might be on his way back to the pharmaceutical factory.

Sure enough, a moment later, Ye Dongqiang rushed to the factory sweating profusely. Jiang Yiming asked him: "Did Luo Jian lie in the trunk of your car and escape from the pharmaceutical factory?"

Ye Dongqiang, who is nearly sixty years old and bald, looks like a typical butler. He said: "Yes, Mr. Luo told me that enemies have been chasing him into the factory in the past two days. He must go out and hide for a while and asked me to take the trunk Open it, let him lie down in it, and take him to Qianjiang Pier 2. Don't let anyone know, otherwise he will be rude to me. I have experienced Mr. Luo's power, and I can only obey his words."

"Why is he going to Qianjiang Pier?"

"I didn't ask. I work for Mr. Luo. I don't have any shares. I have no right to ask about this."

"Where did he go after he got off the car?"

"He walked into the crowd as soon as he got off the car. I don't know where he went."

"If you lie, you will spend your next life in prison." Jiang Yiming was disgusted with him because he spoke ambiguously and seemed to intentionally conceal the truth.Jiang Yiming asked someone to take Ye Dongqiang back to the criminal police team for further interrogation. He may be involved in drug production and trafficking. Even if he is not involved in drug production and trafficking, he should be an insider. From the day Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory was established, he has been helping Luo Jian with marketing in the factory.

Jiang Yiming reported the situation to Fang Lihua and Xi Qiandu and requested a thorough search of the Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory. Fang Lihua said that he needed the consent of the Procuratorate to obtain a search warrant, and he would communicate with the leaders of the Procuratorate overnight.He asked Jiang Yiming to lead people to guard the Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory first, and no one was allowed to enter or move items. All employees and cadres must stay in the dormitory overnight.

Jiang Yiming transferred all 152 criminal police officers to Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory, divided them into two shifts, and took turns patrolling without any slack.

The next morning, Fang Lihua brought the search warrant to Jiangnan Pharmaceutical Factory. Jiang Yiming asked everyone to conduct a blanket search of the office building, factory building, canteen and employee dormitory, and also brought five drug-sniffing dogs.

They discovered that there was a secret passage in the basement of the office building. Xiao Ke used a demolition machine to break the coded access control and let the drug-detecting dogs act as the vanguard. The drug-detecting dogs ran forward quickly, and soon they heard their barking. Everyone knew that the drug-detecting dogs had found After getting the drugs, they all rushed in. Inside was a large air-raid shelter. The electric light illuminated the air-raid shelter like daylight. Many drug-making machines and raw materials were piled aside in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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