Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 316 The Ultimate Game

Chapter 316 The Ultimate Game (1)
After 4 was uncovered, Director Fang Lihua gave the No. 15 Crime Squad two days off. They had not taken a vacation for 1 days in a row. They were working overtime even during the three-day Labor Day holiday. Being a criminal police officer is a particularly hard job. , and it is a high-risk profession. It is common for them to work overtime all night in order to solve the case as soon as possible. Therefore, once a major case is solved, the leader will let them make up for their time off. Of course, it is impossible to make up for all the time off.

Although they had two days of compensatory rest, Fang Lihua explained that they could not travel far in case they had to appear on site, so they had no choice but to wander around. Traveling far away was just a luxury dream.

On the first day of vacation, Lu Yingying slept until noon. When she woke up, she stretched and looked at her watch. It was already 11:30. Wow, she slept so soundly. She hadn't had such a good sleep in a long time. ?She couldn't remember.

She got up, washed her face and brushed her teeth, and inadvertently looked out the window. The sunlight shone softly on the treetops of the community, passed through the lush leaves, and sprinkled on the paths, forming dots. Although it was noon, the sunshine in early May was not Scorching, like the lingering words of love between lovers, it makes people feel warm, oh, a beautiful day has begun.

Lu Yingying walked into the kitchen. Her mother Guan Lin was concentrating on cooking braised fish. Lu Yingying suddenly saw a strand of white hair growing on the back of Guan Lin's head. She was startled. She hadn't looked at her mother for a long time. Unexpectedly, her 48-year-old mother started She was getting old, and she felt sad and almost shed tears. She quietly walked forward, hugged her mother from behind, put her face against her mother's back, and said movedly: "Mom, you have worked hard."

"What's wrong with your child? You're acting like a spoiled child at such an old age. I'm not working hard. I'm happy to be able to cook for you. Your father can't count on you. Alas..." Guan Lin sighed. Lu Yingying's father Lu Da Bu is the leader of the National Security Bureau, a backbone elite. He is very busy. He often travels for a month or two without home. Sometimes he goes deep into the northwest military scientific research center of the motherland and is not seen for several months.

In Lu Yingying's heart, her father is just a passer-by, and her home is her father's hotel.Therefore, she grew up dependent on her mother. Although her father was a hero, due to the influence of her mother who often complained about her father, Lu Yingying felt that her father was not as close as her mother.

Guan Lin asked her to let go and go to have lunch. Lu Yingying kissed her sweetly on the cheek, smiled and put the fish that Guan Lin shoveled onto the plate and brought it to the table. There were also boiled shrimps, braised pork with dried bamboo shoots and oysters on the table. Soup, these are Lu Yingying's favorite dishes. Her mother is very considerate. They say that her daughter is her mother's little cotton-padded jacket, but Lu Yingying feels that her mother is her down jacket, which is extremely warm.

While she was eating, Lu Yingying's cell phone rang. It was Xiao Ke. She just finished her meal, so she took her cell phone and walked to the balcony to answer the call: "Yingying, let's go out to play in the afternoon. I heard that Laishan The tung flowers are in full bloom, shall we go to enjoy the flowers?"

"This is a good idea, but I have to think about it..." She deliberately teased him.

"What are you thinking about? We have been busy solving cases throughout the spring this year, and we have failed to live up to too many beautiful things. It is just in time to make up for this shortcoming. I brought a SLR camera, and I really want to freeze your beautiful figure and appreciate it. You can Poems recited under the tung blossoms as a counterpoint - 'The tung blossoms are thousands of miles away on the Danshan Road, the young phoenix is ​​clearer than the old phoenix's voice...'"

"Okay, I was moved by Li Shangyin." Lu Yingying was actually moved by Xiao Ke. He knew that she liked classical poetry and he deliberately recited poems to please her. It was a well-intentioned move. She had never heard Xiao Ke recite poetry before. Even if it's just a short sentence.

The murder of Zhou Chaohua once occurred in Laishan Villa. Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying have been to Laishan more than ten times and are very familiar with Laishan. Laishan is located in the west of the city, about 30 kilometers away from the city. The south of Laishan is full of tung trees, with a radius of several kilometers. One hundred acres.

The tung flower blooms in early spring and blooms in early summer. The flowers are as white as snow with a little crimson in the middle. They are also called "May snow".Every year in early May, when the tung flowers are in full bloom all over the mountains and plains, small pure white flowers hang on the branches, from top to bottom, complex and lively. At a glance, they are as majestic and majestic as the ocean of snow, creating an extremely Stunning visual effects.

Therefore, there are many people who go up the mountain to enjoy flowers, especially on holidays, and there are even more people coming and going, bustling, and it seems that Laishan is going to break a gap. The only regret is that Laishan is relatively steep and has few gentle areas, which is not conducive to the elderly and people. Children enjoy flower viewing.

Xiaoke drove to Lu Yingying's house to pick her up downstairs. Xiaoke was wearing a white sportswear and a pair of sunglasses. The beard on his lips was cleanly shaved, and he looked very energetic.Lu Yingying also wore a white dress and pink flat shoes, and seemed to have a similar connection with Xiaoke.

The roads in Laishan are only built to the middle of the mountain, and then there are dirt and sand roads. The main reason is that the higher you go up, the steeper the mountain becomes, and there are not abundant resources on the mountain, so the cost of road construction is very high.

Xiao Ke drove the car to the end and stopped, and he and Lu Yingying walked up. They wanted to find a place with no people to take pictures, so they had to climb up. The higher they reached the top of the mountain, the less people there were. Fortunately, today was not the weekend, otherwise there would be no people. Too much will interfere with the enjoyment of flower appreciators.

The two of them walked into the tung tree forest. There were very few tourists here. Bees were busy collecting nectar among the tung flowers. Lovebirds jumped around on the branches and sang happily. Their voices were as clear and sweet as sweet springs. A breeze When it blows, the branches make a "rustling" sound, and countless tung flowers fall down like a dream. The ground is instantly covered with snow-white flowers, decorating the ground as beautifully as a painting...

Lu Yingying looked up at the tung flowers on the branches. The sunlight passed through the petals, making the petals as clear as amber. When the wind blew, the flowers waved to her one after another. A few petals fell on Lu Yingying's fair face, and stopped. .

Xiao Ke quickly pressed the shutter button continuously to freeze the picture of beauty and flowers. Lu Yingying saw Xiao Ke taking pictures and looked back with a smile. Her expression and bright eyes were even more fascinating. Xiao Ke had never found her so beautiful. : "Yingying, you are so beautiful! This tree full of tung flowers pales in front of you, just like what Li Bai wrote, 'Looking back, a smile is full of beauty, the pink and white of the three palaces are colorless'. I will definitely have insomnia tonight." " What a mouthful! I don’t want to be as short-lived as Concubine Yang, and I don’t want the pink and white of the Three Palaces to be colorless." Lu Yingying said as she walked away, she walked carefully for fear of stepping on the flowers on the ground.

Xiao Ke took a few photos of her back. There were tung flowers on the ground on both sides of the road. Her white dress blended with the colors of the flowers. It was almost impossible to tell whether it was the tung flowers or the dress. The wind lifted the hem of her skirt. , her legs are slender and sexy, like two mallets gently knocking on Xiao Ke's heart...

Xiao Ke followed, wanting to hold Lu Yingying's hand, but he didn't have the courage, so the two of them walked among the flowers. The fragrance of flowers was floating in the forest, the sun was jumping among the flowers, and the lovebirds were talking to each other. Walking away from your beloved girl...what could be more beautiful than this?
"Brother Xiaoke, why don't you speak?" she asked with a sideways look.

"It's beautiful even if you don't speak."

"Hehe, I seem to have heard this line somewhere."

"I never memorize my lines when I talk to you. Just tell me, you like poetry, why don't you write a poem for me to educate you, maybe you can educate me."

"I can't write poetry. Writing poetry requires inspiration and talent. Taiwan is rich in tung trees, found in almost every mountain. One day in May, Xi Murong took a train from Taipei through the Miaoli Mountains. The train kept coming in and out of the caves. She accidentally looked up the mountain and saw a tung tree full of white flowers on the hillside. She almost screamed, how could there be a tree so carefully full of flowers but no green leaves? But Just when she wanted to take a closer look, the train disappeared as soon as it turned. This made her never forget it. She felt that the tung flowers were blooming so brightly and lively, and no one stopped to watch them! After she came back, she He wrote "A Blossoming Tree", which became an immortal love poem and also established Xi Murong's poetry status. Among all Xi Murong's poems, this one is my favorite."

"When I was in the police academy, I also heard a female classmate recite this poem, but I don't have the spirituality of poetry. She sang it with great emotion, but I was indifferent. Haha, I still like the iron horse. Yingying, please remember me. Come on, let me enlighten you, maybe you will be moved." Xiao Ke said very sincerely.

Lu Yingying looked at the tung flowers all over the ground and thought that this situation was the most suitable for reading this poem. She adjusted her mood and tone and sang it gently and affectionately——

How to make you meet me

At my most beautiful moment

For this
I have prayed to the Buddha for 500 years
Beg it to make us a bond

Buddha turned me into a tree
Grow by the road you must pass by
Full of flowers under the sun cautiously

Blossoming is the hope of my past life
When you approach
Please listen carefully
Trembling leaves are my passion for waiting

And you finally passed by ignoring

Falling all over the place behind you
Friends, those are not petals
is my withered heart
After Lu Yingying finished chanting, she closed her eyes. Crystal tears overflowed from her eyes and slowly slid down her face. Xiao Ke's heart was moved by her angelic tears. He couldn't help but quietly approached her and put his lips to hers. on her cheek, kissing her tears away... Lu Yingying was trembling all over, she couldn't help but stretched out her hands to hug Xiaoke tightly, put her head on his chest, and murmured: I don't want to be a zero-adjusted flower petal, I want to be a golden branch and jade leaf, forever growing in your arms...

Xiaoke didn't say anything, he just held her tightly, as if he wanted to crush her into pieces, suck her into his heart, and make her become a part of him...

The two of them had dinner at the Laishan Hotel in the Laishan Villa area.Lu Yingying chose to sit in a dimly lit corner and ordered five dishes. The two of them sat in the lobby. Because all the private rooms had been booked, the lobby was relatively deserted. This suited them both. They could eat slowly and chat slowly without any noise. .

(End of this chapter)

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