Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 313 Extraordinary Means

Chapter 313 Extraordinary Means (9)
"Impossible! I checked. Zhu Lingling is a seat girl in a nightclub. There are many customers who order her to sit at the table. Her monthly income is tens of thousands. She is very particular about what she wears and eats. She doesn't eat leftovers. Li Pengfei relies on her to support her. Of course, he will not pack the leftovers for her to eat. Even if Zhu Lingling knows how to eat the leftovers, Li Pengfei will pack them separately in lunch boxes, and it is impossible to mix them." Wu Jiang is confident that his judgment is correct.

"Why on earth did Li Pengfei do this?"

"It's too late now. Let's call it a day and go home. Tomorrow we will call everyone together to analyze. Three stooges are better than Zhuge Liang." Wu Jiang told Zhou Ting to pay the bill and leave.

Six team members were sitting in a small conference room. When Wu Jiang was having dinner at Mingji Restaurant, he discovered that Li Pengfei had ordered the same dish as Wang Li late on April 4. He explained to everyone and asked everyone to help analyze why Li Pengfei did this?
"Perhaps he didn't know what to order, so he asked the waiter what the person in front of him ordered, and he also ordered what he ordered, right?" Xiao Ke said.

"The problem is that there are two customers behind Wang Li ordering, and Li Pengfei orders the same dishes as Wang Li across the two people. This doesn't make sense. The most important thing is that Li Pengfei can't eat so many dishes, so he asked the waiter to pour the leftovers on We packed up and left together," Wu Jiang said.

"Oh, this is so strange. Could it be that he was using it to interfere with Wang Li's death time?" Jiang Yiming said thoughtfully for a while.

"How to interfere with the law?" Luo Jin asked.

"For example, Wang Li did not die between 15 pm and 7 pm on the 8th, but after 10 pm, because the autopsy determines the time of death mainly based on the degree of digestion of the stomach contents. This can explain why Li Pengfei I wasn’t there from 7 to 8 that night.”

"How to operate?" Xiao Ke asked.

"If Li Pengfei rushed to Jade Community to kill Wang Li after singing in Qingcheng, then sucked out the contents of his stomach, poured the food he packed from Mingji Restaurant into Wang Li's stomach, this would interfere with the forensic medicine. Determine Wang Li's time of death," Jiang Yiming said.Everyone was shocked. Is there such a clever murderer in the world?
"Captain Jiang, that's not right. The stomach contents are not the only condition for judging the time of death. There are also mortem spots and rigor mortis, etc. The mortem spots and rigor mortis indicate that Wang Li died between 7 and 8 pm. Li Pengfei is How to delay the formation of corpse spots and rigor mortis?" Luo Jin asked doubtfully.

"We all know that the formation of corpse spots and rigor mortis takes time, and is closely related to the temperature. If it is buried in the soil or under low-temperature and dry conditions, it will be delayed, and it will be accelerated under high-temperature and humid conditions. If Wang Li's bedroom is The air conditioner inside is turned on for cooling and dehumidification, which can delay the formation of cadaver spots and rigor mortis."

"But when we went to inspect the scene, the air conditioner was not turned on in Wang Li's bedroom." Lu Yingying said.

"Isn't this easy? Just set the air conditioner to run at a scheduled time. When we enter the site, the air conditioner will automatically turn off." Jiang Yiming said.

"There is another question: How did Li Pengfei enter the scene? Yingying and I, together with colleagues from the peripheral team, reviewed all the surveillance of Building 18 within a month, and found no entry or exit of Li Pengfei," Xiaoke said.

"We have to wait until Li Pengfei is caught. I can't guess." Jiang Yiming said with a smile, as if he believed that Li Pengfei was the murderer.

"But how can we arrest him without evidence?" Xiao Ke was still worried.

"So, we have to look for it. Rocca's law says: 'Any time two objects come into contact, there will be a transformation of physical evidence. Some things will be taken away and some things will be left behind.' Unless he is the devil, he will definitely be able to find evidence. . Xiaoke and Yingying went to check the traffic video to see where Li Pengfei went after coming out of Qingcheng KTV? Lao Wu and Zhou Ting went to inspect the wall of Jade Community to see if they could find traces of climbing. I suspected that Li Pengfei came from the wall. Climbing into the community. The workload of surveying the fence is huge, so I asked the outside team to cooperate with you two. Old Wu, what do you think?" Jiang Yiming asked. He saw that Wu Jiang rarely spoke and was always deep in thought.

"Oh, I'm thinking: If Li Pengfei killed Wang Li and poured the packed food into Wang Li's stomach, would Li Pengfei's saliva remain in the food after eating it? If it could be obtained from Li Pengfei's DNA was extracted from Wang Li's stomach contents, which is irrefutable evidence," Wu Jiang said.

"Brother Angkor, your idea is great. As long as Li Pengfei did it, his saliva will definitely remain in Wang Li's stomach contents. When he eats vegetables, his chopsticks will bring his saliva to it, although it is difficult to extract. It is relatively large and will take a long time, but it should be solved. If it cannot be extracted, send Wang Li's stomach contents to the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security to request support." Luo Jin said.

"Luo Jin, if it was Li Pengfei who poured the food into Wang Li's stomach, then there must be no gastric juice, just vegetable soup, right?" Wu Jiang asked.

"No, what's left in the stomach is not vegetable soup, but viscous gastric juice." Luo Jin replied.

"This is strange. Gastric juice is not produced after death, so where does the 50 ml of gastric juice in the deceased's stomach come from?" Wu Jiang asked. "Could it be that Li Pengfei has been collecting Wang Li's saliva?" Zhou Ting said.

"No way? This is too time-consuming, and the technical content is too high, and it is difficult to operate, unless Wang Li loves to spit, and then Wang Li's cleaning staff collects his spit and sells it to Li Pengfei." Jiang Yiming said.

"Anyway, if I do a DNA test on the gastric juice, I will know if it is Wang Li's." Luo Jin said.

After everyone ended the meeting, they started to act separately.

Lu Yingying entered the traffic monitoring center and checked Li Pengfei's walking route after coming out of Qingcheng KTV. The video showed that after Li Pengfei said goodbye to Liu Yangyang, Luo Shaomin and Jin Hai at 4:15 on April 22, he called a motorcycle, put on his helmet, and went to Drive towards Feicui Community and get off at Fenghuang Road outside the wall of Feicui Community.

Both sides of Fenghuang Road are lined with tall plane trees. The dense leaves are intertwined and block most of the sidewalk, so it is impossible to see where Li Pengfei went after getting off the car.Lu Yingying didn't give up and kept checking along the road, but still couldn't see Li Pengfei's whereabouts.

After three days of investigation, Wu Jiang and his party discovered that there were three shoe prints of different sizes on the fence of Jade Community. One of the shoe prints was from a size 43 sneaker, which was the same size as Li Pengfei's. It was very fresh and very special. suspicious.

Wu Jiang extracted the shoe prints. The shoe prints were both inside and outside the fence. If these shoe prints belonged to Li Pengfei, then he must have entered the community from then on and came out from here after killing people.

Behind Unit 18 of Building 1 is a surveillance blind spot. Li Pengfei may have climbed onto the rooftop from the back wall of the house, and then entered 204 to kill. However, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying had already inspected the outer wall and found no trace of anyone climbing.Could it be that they were not careful enough in their investigation and ignored the traces?People are not gods, there are always times when they are negligent. As the saying goes: Tigers also have times when they take a nap.

So, Wu Jiang and others took four ladders and magnifying glasses, and divided into groups to conduct another inspection of the 18 exterior walls. After a day of inspection, they found nothing.Wu Jiang was a little disappointed.At this time, Jiang Yiming called Wu Jiang and told them to close the team. Luo Jin had found irrefutable evidence of Li Pengfei.

After they returned to the team, Jiang Yiming told them: "Luo Jin extracted gastric juice DNA samples from Wang Li's stomach contents. After comparing the DNA of Li Pengfei's blood samples, the similarity rate between the two was 99.9%."

"Luo Jin, you are so powerful. How did you extract it? Didn't you say you want to send it to the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security?" Wu Jiang asked.

"The gastric juice is not Wang Li's, it is all Li Pengfei's. The 50 ml of gastric juice came out of Li Pengfei's mouth. No matter how cunning the murderer is, he concluded that we will not detect the DNA of the gastric juice. He is too much. He is confident. If he patiently collects Wang Li's gastric juices and then murders Wang Li, maybe we really can't do anything to him," Luo Jin said.

Jiang Yiming called everyone to a meeting to plan an operation to arrest Li Pengfei. Li Pengfei was an elite member of the armed police and must be very thoughtful. What if he resisted arrest and resisted?In terms of martial arts, he is no match for Zhou Ting and Xiao Ke. What scares him most is that he has a gun. However, under normal circumstances, even if he has a gun, he will not use it casually because he is confident that the crime team can't do anything to him.

Jiang Yiming asked everyone to bring their pistols and load them with bullets. If Li Pengfei fired back, he would be killed on the spot.Jiang Yiming decided to let Wang Dalei knock on the door and wait until he opened the door before arresting him. Li Pengfei had already been secretly monitored by the surveillance team and did not abscond.Jiang Yiming called on the peripheral team to cooperate with the No. 1 Crime Team to arrest Li Pengfei.

The time is set at 2 p.m. Under normal circumstances, Li Pengfei wakes up at this time to have breakfast and go out to hang out in the evening.Jiang Yiming led 18 plainclothes police officers to Li Pengfei's downstairs. Jiang Yiming, Zhou Ting, Xiao Ke and Wang Dalei went to arrest him. The others, commanded by Wu Jiang, lurked downstairs to prevent him from escaping.

The distance between the houses in Fangcun was very wide. Li Pengfei could not jump from the rooftop to the rooftop of another house. The only escape path was to jump from the third floor to the ground. Therefore, Jiang Yiming arranged 15 people downstairs.

Wang Dalei went up to knock on the door, and it was Zhu Lingling who opened the door. She was wearing transparent pajamas and blocking the door, not wanting them to go in. Xiao Ke pulled her away, and she shouted: "Help, the police are beating someone..." "

It's not that Zhu Lingling was exaggerating, but she deliberately called the police to Li Pengfei in the room. Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting realized that Li Pengfei might be running away and rushed into the bedroom quickly, but the bedroom door was locked. They looked at each other and raised their feet at the same time. After kicking the door lock, there was a loud "bang" sound, and the door cracked. Xiao Ke kicked it again and the door was completely opened, but the room was empty, and the small escape door on the security window was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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