Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 311 Extraordinary Means

Chapter 311 Extraordinary Means (7)
Wu Jiang felt that he should call the police officer in charge of Fangcun. What if he knocked on the door and entered, and he escaped or resisted with a gun?Zhou Ting knew film police officer Wang Dalei and called him.After receiving the call, Wang Dalei said he would come immediately.

Wang Dalei came, and he said that the structures of the houses here were all similar. Anti-theft nets were installed on the second floor and above, so the suspect could not escape.Wang Dalei asked the informant to open the door and let them go up. The informant knew Wang Dalei and obediently took out the key and opened the door.

The three of them went to the third floor and knocked on the door. The male voice inside said: "Who is it?"

"I am Wang Dalei, the police officer here. Please open the door."

"Okay, I'll be right away." The door opened, and a tall young man stood in the door and said, "Please come in."

This is exactly who they are looking for.Zhou Ting and Wu Jiang walked into the living room one after another.The living room is spacious and bright. There are several cute dolls on the sofa. Photos of celebrities and various cartoons are hung on the wall. It looks like a place where a girl lives.

Wu Jiang, Zhou Ting and Wang Dalei sat opposite the suspect. Wu Jiang asked: "What's your name?"

"My name is Li Pengfei, what do you want from me?" he asked calmly.

"Did you buy a SIM card at the super cool mobile phone store on Jintian Road?"

"Yes, do you have any questions?" He likes to take the initiative to ask questions. Criminal psychology says that this kind of person is very powerful.

"Why can't we call you?" Wu Jiang looked at him, hoping to see some flaws in his expression, but he was very calm.

"Oh, forget it. I went to Donghai Park last weekend and my phone was stolen by a thief while sitting on the bus. The thief must have thrown away the phone card." He said regretfully.

"Do you know Wang Li?"

"We know him. Wasn't he killed? Oh, is this why you are here?"

"Yes, when did you meet Wang Li?"

"We just met less than a month ago. I am a released prisoner. I was sentenced to three years for collecting debts for my boss and illegally detaining others. However, I have changed my mind and will never do anything illegal again."

"Please take out your ID card and show it to us." Wu Jiang said.

Li Pengfei took out a black wallet with a lot of cash in it. He took out his ID card from the card slot and handed it to Wu Jiang. It turned out that he was from Xiyan City and lived at No. 189 Jinfeng Avenue. His ID card was genuine and not fake. .

"You are one of the suspects in the murder of Wang Li. We are now conducting a routine investigation on you because your height and age meet the conditions of a suspect. You must tell us the truth, otherwise it will be detrimental to you..."

"Officer, are you mistaken? This is a serious crime of beheading. How could I kill someone? Did I spend three years in prison in vain?" He was angry and aggrieved.

"Which murderer would voluntarily admit to murder? Where were you from 4 to 15 pm on April 6th? What were you doing?" Wu Jiang did not accept his tactics.

"Let me think about it..." He lowered his head in contemplation, "Oh, I remember, that day must be Friday, right? A few brothers and I sang at Qingcheng KTV. Yes, we sang and drank there. After dinner, I asked them to go there. We got there around 7 o'clock, and we finished singing and went home around 10 o'clock."

"Who can prove it?"

"The waiters at Qingcheng KTV can prove it, as well as several of my brothers."

"What are their names?"

"There are four of us going to sing. Their names are Da Liu, Luo Shaomin, and Jin Hai. We are in Room 4, and we have four stage ladies. If you don't believe me, you can go and investigate."

"Give me a copy of their phone number and we'll verify it."

Li Pengfei opened the drawer under the coffee table, took out a signature pen, tore off a piece of note, wrote down the names and phone numbers of three people, and handed it to Wu Jiang.Wu Jiang said to him: "Until your suspicion is eliminated, you cannot leave this city and must cooperate with our investigation at any time."

"Okay, okay, definitely!" Li Pengfei nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, who do you live with? What kind of job do you do?" Zhou Ting smelled the smell of powder.

"I'm temporarily unemployed and living with my girlfriend Zhu Lingling. She supports me. I can't help it. The employer thinks I've been in jail." He said apologetically. "Where does your girlfriend work?"

“Working as a public relations manager at a classic nightclub.”

After Zhou Ting finished speaking, she and Wu Jiang walked out. After walking downstairs, Zhou Ting asked: "Brother Ang, do you think Li Pengfei told the truth?"

"We can't tell he is lying yet. Let's go to Qingcheng KTV to investigate."

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting came to Qingcheng KTV and asked the waiters to inquire about Li Pengfei's situation that night. All three waiters confirmed that Li Pengfei was right.

Wu Jiang was afraid that several waiters would perjure themselves for Li Pengfei, so he checked the surveillance video of that night. The video showed that Li Pengfei and three other young men walked into Room 4 at 15:19:02 on April 21, and walked out of Room 204 at 22:01:09. After paying the bill and leaving, the surveillance video was taken of Room 204. Room 204 only has a door and no other exits. Therefore, it is impossible for Li Pengfei to go to the Jade Community 204 kilometers away to kill people.Therefore, Li Pengfei's suspicion was eliminated.

The case once again reached a deadlock. In order to speed up the investigation, Jiang Yiming transferred personnel from the No. 2 and 3 Serious Case Teams. In this way, there were three teams, plus the logistics and peripheral teams, a total of 180 police personnel were invested. Among them, the front-line personnel were 100 people, working in pairs, were divided into 50 groups to investigate more than 700 related people in Wang Li's address book. However, so many people visited for a week and checked everyone, but there were no clues.

Their work is done very well. They are all led by criminal police officers with rich experience in criminal investigation. The interviews must be recorded and the subjects can provide alibi.If someone goes abroad or on a business trip, it is necessary to record it, wait until they come back, and then continue to visit. After all the work is done, there is still no trace.

"Captain Jiang, is it possible that the suspect is not in Wang Li's address book?" Liu Xiaowei asked, he is the deputy captain and leader of the No. 2 Serious Crime Team.

"This possibility is very small, because the murderer is an acquaintance of Wang Li and called the door to get in. Unless Wang Li has another mobile phone specifically used to contact the murderer, however, we have checked the systems of the three major communication operators, and there is no It was discovered that Wang Li had a second mobile phone number," Jiang Yiming said.

"If Wang Li was engaged in illegal business, he must have used other mobile phones to communicate with his customers, but we didn't find out."

"However, we visited all the relevant persons, and no one said that Wang Li had engaged in illegal activities. They all said that he was a legitimate businessman."

"Think carefully, everyone, who among the interviewees is the most suspect?" Jiang Yiming said to nearly a hundred criminal police officers sitting in the large conference room.

Everyone was silent, and the air seemed as heavy as lead. Although it was late spring, some people were so hot that they were sweating.

"Among the people Zhou Ting and I visited, Li Pengfei is the most suspected, because his height, weight and criminal record all meet the conditions of a murderer. Also, he has served as an armed policeman, which also meets the conditions of a suspect. We have already investigated After Li Pengfei, he was very hard-working when he was an armed policeman. He was among the best in shooting, fighting, running, climbing and other skills. He was an elite of the armed police force. However, in the year he was about to retire, he was expelled from the army because of drinking and fighting. "Wu Jiang said.

"But he has perfect alibi. Even if he is suspected, it is just our wishful thinking." Xiao Ke said.

"If Li Pengfei is the murderer, then how did he separate himself to kill people?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Will he have a twin brother?" Liu Xiaowei asked.

"No, Zhou Ting and I have gone to Xiyan City to check his background thoroughly. He is an only child." Wu Jiang said to Liu Xiaowei.

At this time, Xi Qiandu walked into the office. Everyone stood up and applauded. Xi Qiandu walked to Jiang Yiming's side and pressed his palms down: "Everyone, please sit down. I'm not here to cheer you up. You are experienced people." Soldiers on the battlefield don't need encouragement, just like mature scientists, they don't need to read inspirational books. They struggle consciously from the heart... This is how it is. The traffic police team of the city bureau called me and said that there was a car accident on the outskirts of the city. , the deceased was crushed to death three times. Family members and traffic police suspected that it was a murder case. The No. 1 serious crime team continued to investigate the murder of Wang Li; the No. 2 serious crime team returned to the team and was responsible for investigating the car accident case; the No. 3 serious crime team was also withdrawn Go, I have other tasks to arrange. That’s all I’m saying, and this decision has been approved by the Bureau.”

People from Serious Crime Team No. 2 and 3 got up and left one after another. There was a sound of chairs shaking in the conference room. After they left, Xi Qiandu and Jiang Yiming chatted for a while and then left.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting continued to investigate Li Pengfei. If Li Pengfei found someone who looked the same as him to go drink at Qingcheng KTV on his behalf, then as long as Li Pengfei's associates perjured themselves, the waiters would not be able to tell whether Li Pengfei was real or fake.

Jiang Yiming asked Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying to expand the time to check the monitoring of Jade Community. It is best to watch all the videos within a month. The peripheral team will cooperate with them to watch them in sections, so that there will be six people and they can check it out faster.

Jiang Yiming thinks so: What if the murderer hid in a certain room in Building 18 half a month ago, waiting for the opportunity to murder Wang Li, and after killing Wang Li, what if he hid there for more than ten days?Then, no matter how hard they try, they can't find the murderer.

"This possibility is very small. We visited 18 households in 1 unit of 16 buildings, and there was no omission. If the murderer is hiding in a resident's home, the residents who are visited will definitely panic, and most people who lie can be caught. We can see it," Xiao Ke said.

"What if the murderer is hiding in a certain room or storage room, and even the owner doesn't know it?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"But the murderer wanted to eat, sleep, and defecate. How could he not let the owner know?" Lu Yingying found Jiang Yiming's idea unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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