Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 304 Special Shoe Print

Chapter 304 Special Shoe Print (10)
"When I was 10 years old, my mother met Liu Jiahe. He was doing business in Beishi and he often asked my mother out to eat, drink and have fun. My father was an honest man. He couldn't control my mother, and he didn't dare to be angry with Liu Jiahe. It was up to my mother to do whatever she wanted. Later, my mother actually wanted to divorce my father and stay with the Liu Jiahe. My father firmly disagreed, but the Liu Jiahe hired people to come to the house and beat my dad several times, forcing him to divorce. My dad had no choice but to sign the book. Of course, I didn’t know this until later because I was in school when it happened.

"The judge sentenced me to my mother for custody. The judge believed that my mother was more capable of raising me because my mother had a deposit of 5 yuan in her account. My father was unable to fight against the powerful gang and the judge, so he could only separate from me in tears. Of course. , I have despised my father's weakness since I was a child, and I like my mother's love for me. My mother will buy me whatever I want. Naturally, I am willing to live with my mother. My mother spent 4 yuan to buy it in the suburbs of Beishi City. A second-hand house, simply decorate it and live in it together.

"I thought a good life would begin from now on, but unexpectedly it would be the beginning of my nightmare. My mother followed the Liu family and got involved in drug abuse. In order to control my mother, the Liu family designed her to take drugs. From now on, my mother will not If he cared about me again, he would never go to school for parent-teacher meetings. I was scolded by my classmates as a bastard who has no parents. I couldn't bear the shame and fought hard with my classmates. I beat every classmate down fiercely and bit him on the face if I couldn't beat him. Heshou, I would rather be punched 100 times, and I would bite him to bleed. Later, no classmates dared to fight with me. I know that only with strong fists can I not be bullied.

"My mother's only thought was how to make money. At first, my mother helped the Liu family in a nightclub and sold bulk white powder, earning a small amount of money to buy drugs. Later, my mother's drug addiction became worse day by day, and the money she earned was basically Not taking drugs enough, my mother had to sit on the stage and go out to book a room with guests. She was too busy almost every day, and I became a burden to him. She treated me like a beggar and only gave me 10 yuan a week for living expenses. I could only live every day. Eating low-quality instant noodles made me vomit often. I wanted to go to my dad, but my dad ignored me because I listened to my mom and once threw the pocket money my dad gave me on the ground and ran into the room to hide. , I broke my father’s heart by not letting him come to see me.

"Later, some sixth-grade students came to beat me and called me a son of a bitch. I was extremely angry. Even if they were three or four years older than me, I would still rush up to them, identify them, and bite them. Because of this incident, I was expelled from the school. Many parents strongly demanded that the school expel me. The principal did not dare to offend the public and had no choice but to expel me. I have no regrets. Anyway, studying is as uncomfortable as going to jail.

"One day, a policeman uncle came to my house and told me that my mother committed suicide by jumping off the building... I suddenly felt that the sky was falling, so I rushed downstairs to the Star Nightclub to see. My mother was covered with a white cloth, and the scene was guarded by police. The thread was sealed, so I rushed in desperately, lifted the white cloth, and saw my mother's skull cracked, her big scary eyes open, her eyes protruding from her sockets, her face pale, her skinny body soaked in a pool of blood, and her hand bones broken. I was not afraid at all. I hugged my mother tightly and cried bitterly...

"My mother's funeral was funded by the neighbors. My father may have been heartbroken and never came to see my mother. I hate my father's ruthlessness, and I hate the Liu Jiahe even more. He is responsible for all this, but he has already He ran away without a trace. After holding my mother's funeral, I vowed to kill the Liu family. Even if he hid in the ends of the earth, I would find him. The blood debt must be repaid with blood. Police in Bei City It is said that my mother climbed to the rooftop of the 8th floor and jumped off to commit suicide due to hallucinations due to drug overdose. This was an accident.

"But my sister who was sitting on the stage with my mother said that after my mother took drugs, the Liu family took her to the rooftop and wanted several men to take turns to have sex with her. My mother refused, so she jumped off the building. This is even more serious. In order to express my hatred for Liu Jiahe, he kept saying how much he loved my mother and that he would only divorce my father if he married her. In fact, he was taking advantage of his kind and vain mother to make money.

"In order to take revenge, I fooled around with my older brother on the street. My older brother told me to beat people and kill people. I rushed forward without hesitation, wielding a stick and knife. My older brother said I was too young and the judge couldn't do anything to me. I stayed around until I was 16 years old. I felt My own strength was too small, so I went to a martial arts school to learn martial arts. I learned while working and used the money I earned from working to pay for tuition. I studied in the martial arts school for five years. After graduation, I came to the provincial capital. I learned from the side Liu Jiahe is from the Yangtze River. I searched for him while working. It took me three years to finally find out that Liu Jiahe lived in Xianghe Community. After many tracking visits, I found out that he lived in Room 14, Building 302.

"However, I can't kill openly. That is the behavior of a mentally retarded person. Although I wanted to stab him to death the first time I saw him, I tried my best to restrain myself. A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. He must take the long term and plan carefully. , I have to be good at waiting for the opportunity, give him a fatal blow, and save my own life. After a year of thinking and planning, I found that I have a pair of big feet that no police would have thought of, so I decided to kill him within the past two months. Kill him.

"Because I knew Yang Ming before he went to prison and had his QQ account. After he was released from prison, I chatted with him on QQ. I knew that he often committed crimes in Xianghe Community. Maybe he would go to Liu's home to steal, so I He hired someone from a computer store to invade his private diary. As expected, God had a vision. He planned to steal at 3 a.m. on March 5. Yang Ming is a very strict person and would never steal in advance or delay. So, I While he was not at home, I unlocked the door and went in. I took pictures of the soles of his only sneakers and took molds of the soles. He only wore sneakers when he stole and usually wore leather shoes. I bought the same brand and same shoes as him. In order to wear shoes of the same size and pattern as his, I ran more than 1 kilometers every day and used sandpaper to remove the areas that should be worn to the same level as the soles of his shoes.

"After I killed Liu Jiahe, I took away his watch, mobile phone, and wallet in his room, pretending to be a financial murder. When I came out, I saw his big scary eyes. I felt extremely happy because when my mother died, He looked similar to him. I was afraid that he would call for help, so I checked on the Internet which part of a person should be stabbed so that he would not call for help. Someone on the Internet told me that the person's lungs must be punctured to make no sound. After I closed the door, I hummed. When the ditty came out, I hid in the dark and waited to see if Yang Ming would come. Unexpectedly, he did come. I laughed, God helped me, a scapegoat came!"

At this point, Xiao Ke stopped, with a victorious smile on his face. "What weapon did you use to kill Liu Jiahe?" Wu Jiang was afraid that he would take the blame for others.

"Swiss spring dagger."

"What did you use to open the door?"

"Master key bought online."

"Where are the shoes, clothes, master key and dagger hidden?"

"I threw him under the Qianjiang Bridge."

They took Xiao Ke to identify the place where the dagger was thrown. After the salvage team salvaged it, the dagger was found, but the shoes, clothes and master key were not found. The shoes and clothes must have been washed away by the river. The key was so small that if it sank in the mud It was impossible to salvage it for a while, so a highly sensitive metal detector was needed, but the salvage team did not have this equipment.

They took Xiao Ke to identify the scene. Xiao Ke came to Liu Jiahe's rental house and said that Liu Jiahe was sleeping on the sofa at that time. After he opened the door and entered, he turned on the wall lamp. Liu Jiahe woke up and he just stood up. When he was about to fall, he stabbed him severely and then slowly fell down. In order to prevent him from making any noise when he fell on the coffee table, he caught Liu Jiahe and put him gently on the ground.

The case was finally closed, and it was no problem to make it a solid case. But behind the story, people were endlessly lamenting that a good family and three lives were ruined by drug abuse.

(End of this chapter)

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