Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 300 Special Shoe Print

Chapter 300 Special Shoe Print (6)
"Officer, don't scare me, I'm not scared." He said frivolously. He might have a big backer, otherwise most people wouldn't talk to the detective like this.

"Fang Mingqiang, you really don't shed tears until you see the coffin! Yingying, open the video and let him see it." Xiao Ke tilted his head towards Lu Yingying and said.

Lu Yingying took out her laptop, started it, entered the desktop, clicked on the video playback, then pulled the progress bar to the time when Fang Mingqiang entered Xianghe Community, and then turned the screen to Fang Mingqiang. When Fang Mingqiang took a look, his face turned from white to green, feeling tremendous pressure , but he did not give up: "The video footage is very blurry. How can I prove that the person is me?"

"It's definitely you! Because you were also wearing a black suit at that time, but your shoes were sneakers. Also, the taxi driver proved that you got off in Xianghe Community in his car. If you still don't admit it, I can take a photo of you and compare it with face recognition software. This is currently the most scientific method of identification and no one can deny it. The evidence is ironclad, so hurry up and admit it. The judge will definitely accept our evidence." Lu Yingying Patiently persuade, not as tough as Xiao Ke. Sometimes when interrogating a suspect, there should be one bad person and one good person.

Fang Mingqiang fell into anxiety and conflict: Should he tell or not?If you say it, your future may be ruined, but if you don't say it, you can't deny it. Moreover, you are facing the criminal police of the city bureau, and you will never be fooled easily...

"You are involved in a murder case. The Liu family in Room 14 of Building 302 was killed. We suspect that you are the murderer. We must solve the murder case. It is impossible for you to deny it. Regardless of whether you admit it or not, you will be sentenced to death. Come on soon Frankly, it will be good for your sentencing." Xiao Ke further pressured him.

"No, no, no, I didn't kill anyone. I went to Xianghe Community to meet friends that day." He said frustratedly.

"Which building does your friend live in? What's the room number? What's its name?"

"This..." Fang Mingqiang couldn't continue.

"You're lying! You must have entered Building 14 and 302 to kill Liu Jiahe."

"No, I didn't! Okay, I'll risk it all... My friend's name is Zhu Xinya... She lives in Room 15, Building 502... Actually, we are lovers... Please keep our secret, otherwise the sky will fall. , we only have a dead end." He lowered his head in frustration.

"As long as you tell the truth, we promise to keep it confidential. What does Zhu Xinya do? Where is she from? How old is she?"

"She is 38 years old this year and is the second wife of our chairman. She rented the peaceful house where I dated. She is the vice president and financial officer of our company... I swore to her: I will never betray anyone. People reveal our relationship, because once it reaches the chairman, it will be fatal to me and her, please..." He begged them, fear flashing in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we have iron discipline and will never leak secrets, otherwise we will be laid off, and in serious cases, we can be sentenced." Lu Yingying felt that he was very pitiful. An unmarried man, in order to seek a small leadership position or small benefits, How can you have any personality or self-esteem if you become a lonely woman's doll?

You can't listen to Fang Mingqiang's one-sided words. Fang Mingqiang knows very well what is more important between the murder case and the affair. Maybe he evaded the important and chose to lie?It must be confirmed by Zhu Xinya.

Lu Yingying asked Fang Mingqiang to give her Zhu Xinya's phone number. Fang Mingqiang did not dare to neglect and reported the phone number to her. She asked Zhu Xinya out in front of Fang Mingqiang. Zhu Xinya agreed to meet them at the Shangdao Cafe, which was away from Huayun Company. Not far.

The two of them walked into Shangdao Cafe, and the welcoming lady came forward to greet them and asked them if they were Zhu Xinya's guests?Lu Yingying said yes, and she led them into a private room, saying it was the room Zhu Xinya had just called to book. It seemed that Zhu Xinya was a frequent visitor to the cafe.

After a while, Zhu Xinya knocked on the door and came in, shook hands with them enthusiastically and exchanged greetings. After sitting down, she ordered three cups of civet coffee, four plates of nuts, and a fruit bowl. Although it was their first time to meet, Zhu Xinya treated the two of them as distinguished guests. Three cups of coffee cost 900 yuan.

"I have admired the names of these two police officers for a long time. When I saw them today, one was indeed handsome and handsome; the other was as beautiful as a flower." Zhu Xinya is also a beauty. Although she is nearly forty years old, she looks less than 30 years old. Her pair of vivid red and phoenix eyes make her look forward to them. During this time, she showed the unique charm of a mature woman, and her figure was not out of shape. She was still flexible and slender. Lu Yingying lamented in her heart that the Creator was unfair.

"Mr. Zhu, thank you. We want to ask you to verify something. Please cooperate." Lu Yingying said.

"Definitely, definitely." She opened her red lips lightly and nodded with a smile.

"Fang Mingqiang said: I will visit you in Xianghe Community from the evening of the 4th to 5:01 on the 30th of this month. Is this true?" Lu Yingying did not say harsh words. She was worried that Zhu Xinya would breed resentment. "No, who is Fang Mingqiang? Who has the right to visit me? Besides, my home is not in Xianghe, but in the Gold Coast villa area." She said disdainfully.

"Mr. Zhu, we are not private detectives, and we will never inquire about other people's personal affairs. We are criminal policemen of the No. 1 Major Crime Team, and we investigate murder cases. Fang Mingqiang has admitted what happened between you and him. We have coffee from Huayun Company. On the way to the hotel, we have called the manager of the property company and found out that you rented Room 15, Building 402, Xianghe Community. You should tell the truth and not interfere with our investigation work. We will keep everything between you absolutely confidential. Don't worry. If you don't tell the truth, we can investigate and find out that there are electronic eyes everywhere in Xianghe Community." Lu Yingying looked at her sincerely.

Zhu Xinya's face turned red with embarrassment. She lowered her head, wishing she could turn into an ant and crawl into the cracks in the ground. After a long time, she raised her head and nodded and said, "Yes, Fang Mingqiang went to Xianghe Community to visit me that night. We talked until 5 a.m. on the 1th. Ducai left because I was afraid that my husband would call the landline at home to check on me, so I had to rush home. After going downstairs, I went out to the north gate of the community and he came out to the south gate." She picked up the coffee and drank it in one gulp, as if she wanted to feel aggrieved. Just like drinking it.It seems that marrying into a wealthy family and becoming a wealthy wife may not necessarily lead to happiness.

Wu Jiang screened out five suspects from the surveillance at the east gate of Xianghe Community and interviewed the suspects respectively. However, they all had alibis. Among them were a pair of twin brothers with the same build. He and Zhou Ting spent a lot of time investigating them. It took the longest time because, apart from having different voices, the two brothers had the same height, clothes, and shoes. Wu Jiang was afraid that they would hide the truth and exchange identities to kill people, but it turned out that neither of them was at the scene.

Jiang Yiming and the peripheral team screened out 6 suspects. After careful investigation, they were all rejected and the case reached a deadlock.Deputy Director Xi came to the Crime Unit to cheer them up and put pressure on them, but he just didn't say it out loud. We are all smart people and naturally understand each other, so there is no need to say more.

Jiang Yiming combined serious crime groups 1, 2, and 3, invested hundreds of police personnel, and conducted blanket visits within 10 square kilometers of Xianghe Community. All suspects who matched the height and shoe prints were checked, and those who were not at home were recorded. , additional investigation.

I visited like this for 10 days but found nothing.Many cases are solved through protracted visits, questioning, recording, and watching videos. When the human wave tactic does not work, the only option is to return to the starting point or return to the scene.

Although the case is at a deadlock, Jiang Yiming is very calm. Patience and persistence are strategic issues in investigation work, while interviews and investigations are tactical issues. As long as the strategic direction is right, temporary failure of tactics is normal. Although the crime team has a great reputation, it is not a god or a god. Every case can be solved quickly.

Li Changyu is a Chinese-American criminal identification expert. In 1998, he served as the honorary chairman of the Connecticut Scientific Advisory Center. He has handled several major global cases, such as the murder of President Kennedy. He said: "About 18000 homicides occur in the United States every year. It is difficult to solve the case." The success rate is 64.8%.”

Is this true in the United States, which has high-end criminal investigation science and technology and think tank teams, let alone the criminal police in the second-tier city of Yangtze River in China?Unsolved murders are inevitable.Therefore, every criminal police officer must have perseverance and iron will.

The crime team returned to the scene several times, but found nothing new. Jiang Yiming felt strange: Why did the murderer leave obvious shoe prints but not fingerprints?Could it be that Wujiang made a mistake in extracting and analyzing shoe prints?Wu Jiang should be called here to question him in detail.

After receiving Jiang Yiming's call, Wu Jiang came to Jiang Yiming's office and asked, "Captain Jiang, what are your instructions?"

"Old Wu, will we have a problem with the shoe prints and drag us into a dead end?"

"No, there is only one size 43 suspect's shoe print at the scene. The clues are very clean and perfect."

"It's because the murderer's shoe prints were so perfect that I suspected there was something wrong. Could it be that a villain wore big shoes to commit the crime?"

"Absolutely impossible! The shoe print left behind by a villain wearing big shoes will not be complete. If a kid wears big shoes, there will be no pressure around the edges of his shoes, and it is impossible to clearly print the lines of the shoes on the ground."

"What if the murderer put steel insoles in his shoes?"

"It's impossible. If steel insoles are placed, the shoe prints left will be uniform, but the shoe prints left on the scene have different focus points on the front, back, left, and right. Therefore, these are shoe prints left by normal shoes." Wu Jiang told I am very confident in my judgment.Jiang Yiming said nothing more and began to think about the flaws in the case again. Wu Jiang walked out of the office silently for fear of disturbing his train of thought.

(End of this chapter)

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