Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 290 The mystery of freezing to death

Chapter 290 The mystery of freezing to death (6)
At this time, the high-ranking official who supported her was dismissed. She felt that the danger was coming and decided to take advantage of the situation. So she came to Yeling Village with Ye Liang and lived in Ye Liang for nearly a month. The two gradually began to fall in love. A few months later, Xie Wan and Ye Liang got married.She is only 21 years old this year, and Ye Liang is 10 years old. Because they are not of marriage age, Ye Liang obtained a marriage certificate from her through a relationship.But there's one thing that's unsatisfactory: they've been married for almost two years and haven't had a baby yet.

Now that Ye Liang abandoned her at a young age, her only regret besides being sad was that she didn't give Ye Liang a child.I don’t know whether it’s because Xie Wan, a young girl, doesn’t know what it’s like to be sad, or because she thinks that because of her beauty and youth, she can marry a better man in the future. Therefore, she is not as heartbroken as the widow who just died of her husband, crying until her face is dark and her eyes are dark. Blackened, hoarse voice.The sadness on her face was faint, like the shallow crescent moon in the sky on the fifth day of the lunar month.

This made Xiao Ke not understand. Of course, everyone has different depths of sadness for the passing of their loved ones. Some people have it written on their faces, while some people have it engraved in their bones. Not everyone can see it.

"Miss Xie, does Ye Liang have any enemies?" Xiao Ke asked, looking at Xie Wan opposite.

"I don't know. I've only known my husband for a short time. I don't know his social connections. There are nearly 800 mobile phone numbers in my husband's mobile phone. Among these people, I only know at most 40 people." Her voice was pleasant, soft and melodious. It has a hint of sweetness.

"Who has he dated recently?"

"Just with the employees in the store. I don't like the noisy environment in the store. I would rather stay in Yeling Village, grow vegetables and raise chickens. I am a farmer in the suburbs of Chengdu. I have been influenced by my parents since I was a child. I like to engage in simple and easy labor. I like the peaceful environment of Yeling, so my husband hired two female clerks and didn't let me look after the store. My husband is so kind to me, but it's a pity that he can't stay with me for the rest of his life. It's all because of my miserable life..." Xie Wan's eyes He blushed and said nothing.

"Has Ye Liang told you that he has offended anyone?"

"No, never. My husband treats me like a princess and will never say anything that scares me." She lowered her head and said.

Xiao Ke didn't know what to ask, and both sides fell into silence. The heat of the sun gradually increased, the wind blew slowly, and a pair of lovebirds flew down in the small bamboo bushes, letting out a sweet cry. Time seemed to have stopped passing, and they lived in It is indeed a kind of enjoyment to be in such a village, but it is a pity that the unhappy male owner left prematurely...

At this time, Xie Wan stood up from the wooden chair and walked outside the pavilion. A hen ran out of the chicken coop and went to peck at the cabbage leaves in the garden. Xie Wan ran to catch it.

Xiao Ke sat on a short stool and looked at Xie Wan from his perspective. He felt that she was very tall, at least 170 centimeters. Her figure did not match that of Ye Liang, who was less than 170 centimeters. In addition, Ye Liang was 10 years older than her. Will the relationship be harmonious?Could it be that she killed Ye Liang?
While Xiao Ke was deep in thought, his cell phone rang. It was Wu Jiang.What did Xiao Ke ask him?Wu Jiang asked him to go to the village committee meeting room. He wanted to communicate the preliminary investigation results with Xiao Ke.Xiao Ke said he would be there soon.

When Xiao Ke was walking out, he remembered that Lu Yingying was still looking at the computer in Ye Liang's study. He was afraid that it would be unsafe to leave Lu Yingying here, so he walked in and said, "Yingying, Brother Ang called us to go to the village committee. ."

"Did you call me?" he asked, rubbing his dry eyes.

"No, but I'm not worried about leaving you here alone."

"What are you talking about? In broad daylight, does anyone dare to bully me? I am also a policeman who has learned a few tricks, so don't worry." She thought Xiao Ke's idea was ridiculous, but she was touched that he was so worried about her.Maybe being too careful about a person will always lead to unrealistic thoughts.When Lu Yingying saw Xiao Ke still standing there, she waved her hand and told him to leave quickly. She still had to work, so Xiao Ke had to walk out.

The investigation of Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting has made progress. Chi Fangfang, Xie Wan's neighbor, said: The relationship between Xie Wan and Ye Liang is actually not very good, mainly because Xie Wan has not given birth to a child yet. Recently, they often quarreled, just to make a living. Regarding the child, Xie Wan said it was not because she was incompetent because she had been pregnant twice.

Ye Liangze insisted that it was Xie Wan's problem, saying that he had made his previous girlfriend pregnant.In this way, the two quarreled with each other, and finally went to the provincial hospital for a check-up. The result was that Ye Liang's sperm was of poor quality and it was difficult for his wife to get pregnant.After Ye Liang scolded his ex-girlfriend, he was very kind to Xie Wan. Xie Wan encouraged Ye Liang to take it easy, drink less, smoke less, work less, and recharge her batteries. If she still can't get pregnant after she turns 40, Go to the hospital to buy sperm again.

However, Ye Liang really wanted a child. Maybe he had a premonition that he might not live long, so he was still anxious to have a child. He wanted to ask Xie Wan to go to the sperm bank to buy sperm early. Xie Wan used the reason that she was still very young. Ye Liang's unreasonable request was rejected.

Chi Fangfang is not only Xie Wan's neighbor, but also her best friend. Xie Wan will confide in her when she is worried or happy, and treats her as a big sister. Therefore, she understands the relationship between Ye Liang and Xie Wan better.

This shows that the relationship between Xie Wan and Ye Liang is not unbreakable.Therefore, Xiao Ke is right to think that Xie Wan and Ye Liang are not compatible. Xie Wan has the motive of murdering her husband.

The fortress is easiest to break through from the inside. If Xie Wan wants to murder Ye Liang, it will be easy.She knew that Ye Liang was going home, so she told Ye Liang that she would drive to Sankesong Bay to pick him up. After arriving at the scene, she pushed Ye Liang, who was so drunk and weak, from the road to the paddy field and froze to death. Ye Liang couldn't prevent it.However, after the incident, many people came to watch, so the shoe prints on the road were completely destroyed. It was impossible to find Xie Wan's shoe prints. Therefore, it was impossible to know whether she had been to the scene.Having said that, even if Xie Wan's shoe prints were extracted at the scene, it can be said that she rushed to the scene after receiving the death notice of Ye Liang, so she left shoe prints at the scene.

It would be nice if there were witnesses who saw Xie Wan at the scene, but if this was a well-planned murder, Xie Wan could not be easily witnessed.

What's next?
Yeling Village is a small village hidden deep in the mountains. It is surrounded by endless pine and bamboo forests. It is full of green as far as the eye can see. The wind blows and the sound of pine waves and bamboo waves is heard, which is refreshing.

Xiao Ke and Wu Jiang strolled forward casually along the flood control embankment facing the creek. After walking for nearly half a mile, they crossed a small bridge. This small bridge was called Jiaoxi Bridge. Dongxi and Xixi started from Yeling respectively. It passes through the village and then merges into a river at the end of the village, so it is called Jiaoxi Bridge. There is a newly built park next to the bridge called Jiaoxi Park. The two of them sat down on a stone bench and discussed: "Angkor, I think Xie Wan had the motive to kill because her relationship with Ye Liang was not very good."

"Oh? If Xie Wan wanted to kill Ye Liang, how do you think she did it?" Wu Jiang believes that there is currently no evidence that Xie Wan has a motive for murder. Xie Wan will not let go of her good life and risk her life to murder Ye Liang. good.

"It should be like this: Xie Wan's family has a car, and she knew that Ye Liang was drunk and was on his way home, so she pretended to please Ye Liang, drove to Sankeshue Bay to pick him up, and then pushed Ye Liang into the paddy field to freeze to death. . Otherwise, who could let Ye Liang get off the bus in the cold night? This is unjustifiable." Xiao Ke said while looking at the fields in the distance.

"What you said is wrong. First, Xie Wan does not have a driver's license and cannot drive. Second, if Ye Liang is able to get up after being pushed down, wouldn't she show her fierce look? This will lead to Xie Wan being beaten up by Ye Liang. Even beaten to death, or divorced. Xie Wan is even less sure that Ye Liang will freeze to death in the paddy field. Of course, unless she has an accomplice, she cannot take such a risk. Women are not as adventurous as men. Case statistics show that 75% Murders are all committed by men. The biggest pursuit of a woman in life is security, so finding a reliable man to marry is the best choice for a smart woman." At this time, hundreds of egrets sang songs from the two of them. Flying leisurely overhead, Wujiang likes this pastoral scenery of "egrets flying in front of Xisai Mountain" very much.

"Yes, if it was Xie Wan who did it, she must have an accomplice."

"Since we have doubts, we must conduct an in-depth investigation into Xie Wan's social relationships. But where should we start?"

"We can find a breakthrough from Chi Fangfang."

"Okay, let's go find Chi Fangfang..." As soon as Wu Jiang finished speaking, a villager in his 30s came towards them. He looked around as he walked, as if he was afraid of being seen.He walked up to them and asked, "Are you the police sent by the provincial government? My name is Ye Xiaoxin."

"We are from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau. What problem do you have?" Standing in front of Wu Jiang was a tall and thin villager. He was wearing a black down jacket and brown trousers. He did not look like a farmer doing farm work.

"Oh, no problem, I'm Chi Fangfang's husband..." He began to look around uneasily again.

"There is no one else here. If you have any information, you can tell us. We will reward those who provide clues and will keep it secret."

"I...I, oh, his grandma, I risked my life...I found out that Xie Wan might have a crush..."

"How did you know?"

"That was around 11 o'clock that night when Brother Ye Liang froze to death. I passed by Xie Wan's window and heard Xie Wan calling someone... It must have been her sweetheart..."

"Did you hear what Xie Wan said?"

"I didn't hear it clearly because she was standing in the bedroom on the second floor making a phone call. I was listening downstairs. I only heard words like 'Ah Shou, death, drunkenness, driving...' and... coquettish words. ..." He was as smug as a voyeur, and his lust was palpable.

(End of this chapter)

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