Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 287 The mystery of freezing to death

Chapter 287 The mystery of freezing to death (3)
"If this is the case, it will reduce our workload. This case is full of doubts. I decided to open the case for investigation. Yingying printed out the decision to file it so that it could be handed over to the family of the deceased. We divided the team into two groups to investigate Yeling Village as usual. Visit all villagers." After Jiang Yiming finished speaking, he arranged for them to go to work.

Because there are no surveillance cameras installed in Yeling Village, if you want to find a suspect in the village, you can only get results through visits and investigations.Half of the population in Yeling Village goes out to work or do business. Most of the remaining people in the village are children and middle-aged and elderly people. The number of middle-aged men will not exceed 400. However, if you want to investigate one by one, a lot of police force will be invested.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting investigated people wearing ANTA shoes; Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying interviewed people who entered the scene in the early morning of January 1.Because the villagers in Yeling Village have the habit of getting up early, the suspect may be witnessed.

In order to find the suspect faster, Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting asked the village party secretary to cooperate; Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying asked the village director to lead the way.

After investigation by Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting, there were 28 middle-aged people wearing Anta sports shoes in the village, which is quite a lot. It seems that the villagers like the national brand, maybe it is more suitable for rural people.

Among them, 41 people wear size 170 sneakers and are about 10 centimeters tall. In order to avoid omissions and errors, Wu Jiang set the height on people between 168 and 172 centimeters. One of these 10 people is only 28 years old. He was already beyond the middle-aged area, but Wu Jiang still included him as a suspect.

The village party secretary is Ye Xinfu. He is nearly sixty years old, with wrinkles on his face, simple clothes and a serious expression. He feels ashamed because there are unscrupulous villagers in his village.He is a provincial model worker and a district people's congress representative. He is highly respected in the village, has a good reputation and is trustworthy, so Wu Jiang asked for his opinion: "Secretary Ye, who do you think among these 10 people will take away Ye Liang's wallet and mobile phone?" ?" Wu Jiang originally wanted to say who would be the murderer, but felt it was inappropriate, so he changed his mind before saying it.

"This is a bit embarrassing. They usually perform well. They shouldn't ignore death, let alone make money from dead people. If this person is exposed, he will be looked down upon by the whole village for the rest of his life."

Maybe a kind person always thinks for the best, maybe he doesn't want to offend any villager. Wu Jiang thinks that the latter is more important. He can see his inner thoughts from Ye Xinfu's expression. Many people who are village cadres will develop a kind of The habit of protecting villagers, because whether it is the election of village party secretary or village director, votes must be solicited from village party members or villagers.

"Which one of them is more diligent? Or gets up earlier?" Wu Jiang asked in another way.

"They are all hard-working people who farm and cultivate mountains. They get up at dawn."

Wu Jiang knew that Ye Xinfu was perfunctory with him. How could he be sure that they all got up so early?Wu Jiang felt that he should use another method to find it.

He saw a printer in the village committee meeting room, and there were two packs of A4 printing paper next to it. He walked to the printing paper, took out a large stack of paper, gave half of it to Zhou Ting, and together they divided the printing paper into 10 rows. On the ground, each row is about four meters.

Wu Jiang asked 10 suspects to walk on 10 lines of white paper respectively. After each person walked, they left obvious shoe prints. After they finished walking, Wu Jiang squatted down and carefully checked their gaits, and saw that two of them Personally, I am an internal eight-character step.

Wu Jiang told them to stay and the others could go home.The people who stayed were a bit baffled.One of the two is named Ye Xinjia; the other is named Ye Xinguo. They are both cousins ​​of Ye Xinfu.

Ye Xin's family is relatively introverted and polite, and should be somewhat educated. He calmly sat in the conference room drinking tea and flipping through the newspapers.

Ye Xinguo was different. He was very impatient. His eyes looked at Wu Jiang for a while, then at Zhou Ting, and finally his eyes stayed on Ye Xinfu's face, as if sending a distress signal to him. However, Ye Xinfu did not respond and just picked up the tea cup to drink tea.Finally, Ye Xinguo couldn't help it anymore: "Two police officers, what kind of law have I broken that you want to detain us?" He said with a strong local accent.

"This is not a detention, it is asking you to stay and cooperate with our investigation."

"But everyone else has left and only me and my cousin are left. Isn't this fair?"

"Cooperating with the police investigation is the obligation of every citizen. It is very fair...Okay, since you are so anxious, let's get started. What time did you get up in the early morning of January 1?"

He scratched his scalp, thought for a while and said, "I should get up after dawn."

"Who can prove it?"

"My wife can prove it. I went up the mountain to cut moso bamboo the day before and was terribly tired. After watching the news broadcast, I took a shower and went to bed. I slept until dawn."

"Who else can prove it?"

"My neighbor Luo Ju saw me brushing my teeth and washing my face by the sink at the door. The sun had already risen over the top of the mountain. It was only three days, so she should remember it."

"Okay, we will go check it out. You go home first, we may still look for you, but you have to wait for us at home."

"But I still have to go up the mountain to cut moso bamboo, otherwise I will earn less than 200 yuan a day."

"We will be responsible for compensating you, of course, if you don't lie." Wu Jiang indicated that he could leave. He looked at Wu Jiang resentfully and turned away, as if Wu Jiang was bullying him.

Wu Jiang turned around and asked Ye Xinjia: "Excuse me, what time did you get up in the early morning of January 1th?" Ye Xinjia moved his eyes away from the newspaper, looked at Wu Jiang and said: "I didn't get up until very late, it should be around eight o'clock. .”

"Anyone prove it?"

"No, my wife and children have returned to their parents' home."

"It's more troublesome to have no one to certify. Think about it, it's best to think of a certifier."

"Do you need a witness to sleep 365 days a year? What kind of law is this?" Ye Xin's face was cold.

"Of course, we don't force you to find someone to prove it. We still have many ways to prove where you were at that time? Were you sleeping?" If the signal of Ye Xin's mobile phone is tracked, it will naturally be able to prove whether he was Sleeping at home, but this method is more complicated, and the suspect's location must be told from his mouth, and the coordinates can be used to locate him.

"I know that the police used many high-tech methods to trace my location at that time, but what I said is true and can stand the test. If you don't believe me, go and investigate." He said calmly.

Wu Jiang knew that this kind of person was more difficult to deal with, and he was the kind of person who remained calm despite being frightened. When Wu Jiang was about to continue questioning, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying walked into the conference room from the outside. Xiao Ke nodded to Wu Jiang and motioned for him to come out.Wu Jiang understood that Xiaoke might have gained something, so he got up and walked outside and asked, "Anything gained?"

"Yes, two villagers saw Ye Xintian riding a motorcycle out of the village before dawn that morning, but soon returned to the village. He was a pork vendor. He had been buying pigs in the village for many years, and then left the village after killing them. They are hawking along the way, and it usually takes a whole morning to sell out," Xiao Ke said.

"Let's go meet him." Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke walked out, and the village director stood there waiting. Because Xiao Ke already knew where Ye Xintian's family lived, he asked the village director to go home first, and they went to find Ye Xin by themselves. sky.

They came to Ye Xintian's house. Ye Xintian was having lunch at home. He invited Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke to eat together, but they refused.

Wu Jiang saw that Ye Xintian was almost full, so he sat there waiting for him. He also had his wife and a child beside him. He didn't want to push Ye Xinfu, lest he leave the impression of a bad father to the child.

Ye Xintian's height and weight are very consistent with the suspect. He may have worked hard for many years and suffered hardships. He looks to be in his 50s, but his actual age is only 42 years old. His child is only 11 years old. His wife is younger and wears more expensive clothes. It shows that he is a man who loves his wife and children. Pig killing is a relatively high-paying profession. He can earn tens of thousands a year. There is no problem in supporting his family. How could he steal Ye Liang's wallet and mobile phone for petty gains?

Wu Jiang walked to the door of Ye Xintian's bedroom and saw two pairs of sports shoes on the shoe rack, one of which was Anta. He picked up the shoes and observed the soles. The texture and degree of wear of the shoes were the same as the shoe prints extracted at the scene, and they were inner. Wu Jiang concluded that these shoes were the shoe prints left at the scene. Of course, unless someone wanted to blame him and put the shoes on his shoe rack, but this possibility was very small.

Wu Jiang called Ye Xintian to the village committee meeting room and asked straight to the point: "Ye Xintian, do you know what law you broke?"

"I...I don't know...I didn't break the law." Ye Xintian tried his best to avoid Wu Jiang's sharp gaze.

"Where were you before 6 o'clock in the morning on the day Ye Liang died?"

"I sell pork in the village." The way he looked strong on the outside made Wu Jiang want to laugh.

"No, you have been to the scene of Ye Liang's death. We suspect that you pushed the drunk Ye Liang into the paddy field and froze to death. You committed murder!" Wu Jiang said very harshly, for people like Ye Xintian must be Give him strong pressure and make him collapse instantly.

"No, no, no, I didn't kill Ye Liang. I have no enmity with him. Why should I kill him?" He opened a pair of frightened eyes, looking very innocent.

"You're lying! If you didn't kill Ye Liang, how come your shoe prints were left on Ye Liang's death scene?"

"...There is my responsibility field on the snail ridge. I often go there to work, and I will definitely leave my shoe prints." He was resisting tenaciously.

"When was the last time you went to Tianluo Ridge? Just tell me the approximate time." Wu Jiang was trying to trick Ye Xintian. This was an interrogation technique.

"It should have been half a month ago... yes, half a month ago."

Wu Jiang smiled: "In the three days from January 1th to 20nd, it rained heavily in Longtoushan for three consecutive days. Your shoe prints have been washed away by the heavy rain. How come there are still shoe prints? You lie without using your brain. , say! Why do you want to kill Ye Liang? "

(End of this chapter)

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