Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 284 Stampede

Chapter 284 Stampede (9)
"It seems that he works at the Future Flowers and Trees Company. Yes, it's this company. He sometimes brings flowers and bonsai home. If he can't put them at home, he will put them in our staff dormitory and give them to us. How can we have time to take care of them? Flowers and plants? All the flowers and plants he sent are dead."

"Does he have any family members at home?"

"Oh, yes, he has a wife who takes care of the children at home."

They were going to meet Liang Yongtang's wife, so they came to Room 501 and knocked on the door.The person who opened the door was a small and exquisite young woman. She could not be more than 160 centimeters tall. Her skin was sickly white, as if she had never been exposed to the sun. Her temperament was introverted and cowardly, like a guinea pig, holding a sleeping baby in her arms. It should be less than 6 months.

When she saw two police officers coming to her door, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and asked weakly: "Are you looking at the wrong door?"

"That's right. Is your husband's name Liang Yongtang?" Xiao Ke asked.

"Yes, what happened to him?" There was uneasiness in her eyes.

"Nothing, we just want to ask him about the situation. Where is he now?"

"I work in the company."

"Can you call him back to cooperate with our investigation? We are afraid that wearing a police uniform and going to the company to look for him will have a bad influence on him."

"Hmm...Okay, let me try to see if he has time to go home. He drives two cars, one is the boss's car and the other is a delivery pickup truck. He is quite busy." After that, she took it away. The Apple 5c phone placed on the coffee table makes a call.After hanging up the phone, she said to Xiao Ke: "My husband will go home soon. The company is very close to our home."

A moment later, Liang Yongtang appeared at the door of his home. He was not surprised to see two policemen at his home. He enthusiastically stepped forward to shake hands with them: "I didn't expect to see the elite of the No. 1 Crime Unit today. It's so great!" said I was so busy that I went to pour water for them.

After the two parties sat down, Lu Yingying took a serious look at Liang Yongtang and thought: Yes, it is the suspect Lao Yecun mentioned. Not only do he have similar facial features, but he also has the same figure.

"Excuse me, did you go to Qianjiang Park to watch the fireworks at midnight on New Year's Day?" Xiao Ke asked.

"No," he replied calmly.

"Where were you that day?"

"I was very busy that day. It was the New Year. Many customers bought our company's flowers, trees and bonsais. I delivered the goods until about one o'clock in the morning before finishing work and going home."

"Who can prove it?" Xiao Ke felt that he was lying, because it was so late and most people were already sleeping. Where could there be customers who wanted the company to deliver goods?
"After 12 o'clock on December 31, all the workers stopped working. I was the only one delivering goods. The boss was very kind to me and I had endless energy. Therefore, I completed the tasks assigned to me by the boss alone. No one else could prove."

"What car are you driving?"

"Isuzu pickup truck, license plate number is long A1066."

"Why did someone see you watching the fireworks in Qianjiang Park?"

"Who saw it?"

"I can't tell you this. You'd better tell the truth. If you conceal the truth, you will be held legally responsible. It may delay your future. Your wife is gentle and virtuous, your children are weak and cute, and you have a very happy and happy family. Don't let it happen then. It's too late to regret." Xiao Ke said seriously.

"Everything I say is true. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

At this point, there is no need to say any more. Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying said goodbye to Liang Yongtang and his wife. When leaving, Xiao Ke took a loving look at the sleeping baby and thought: This child may not see his father for a long time. A feeling of pity arose spontaneously from the bottom of Xiaoke's heart.

Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying walked out of Bishui Community and got into the police car. Xiao Ke started the car and asked: "Yingying, do you think Liang Yongtang lied?"

"I don't know. It doesn't look like he's lying."

"Isn't a woman's intuition very good? You may be out of control this time." "It's too easy to prove whether he lied. Just check his driving record." Lu Yingying seemed a little angry. Xiao Ke didn't know where she had offended her. .In fact, she didn't like Xiao Ke saying that she was a woman, but should say girl, because a woman has the flavor of getting married and having children. Of course, Xiao Ke was not that sensitive, and he didn't know the subtleties.

They came to Liang Yongtang's company, found his boss Dong Qinghuan, and asked him about Liang Yongtang's whereabouts that night.Dong Qinghuan said: "All the employees in our company finished work before ten o'clock, and Liang Yongtang was not arranged to deliver the goods at all. Flowers, trees and bonsai are not midnight snacks. How can there be any customers asking for delivery after ten o'clock? Liang Yongtang is simply talking nonsense!"

"When did Liang Yongtang return the pickup truck to the company?"

"It should have been driven back to the company when I was at work on January 2016, 1. I'll call and ask." After that, he picked up the landline and made a call. The call was connected quickly. After he said a few words to the other party, Put down the phone and told them, "Liang Yongtang sent the car back to the company at 4 a.m. on the 4th."

"Mr. Dong, is there a driving recorder installed on the pickup truck?"

"Of course there is, firstly, for fear of being stolen; secondly, it is convenient for insurance companies to settle claims after an accident."

Lu Yingying asked Dong Qinghuan to turn on the computer and check the whereabouts of the pickup truck.The driving recorder shows that the car parked in the parking lot next to Qianjiang Park at 2015:12 on December 31, 10, and did not drive away until 59:2016 on January 1, 1. The car drove forward along Binjiang Road. He stopped in front of the Linjiang Hotel and didn't leave until the next morning. He drove forward along Jiangnan Avenue, then drove into the Bishui Community, and stayed there ever since.

Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying checked the video at Linjiang Hotel and saw Liang Yongtang walking into Linjiang Hotel, taking the elevator directly to room 809 and knocking on the door. The door opened from the inside. Liang Yongtang walked in with a smile and did not come out until the next morning.

Who could be in the room?Could it be his boss behind the scenes?Lu Yingying retrieved the customer registration records. It turned out that the person who paid for the room was a woman named Du Chenhong, 41 years old, who lived at No. 98 Qianshuiwan Road. Qianshuiwan Road was a villa area where rich people lived. He was the only one who paid for the room. How could the driver be related to these rich ladies?

The hotel attendant said that Du Chenhong was a frequent visitor to their place. She rented room 809 for many years. Room 809 was a suite. Du Chenhong used it to receive guests and rest. She was the vice president of Inspur Media Company and a divorced strong woman. .

They felt there was no need to alarm Du Chenhong because she was not at the scene at the time. She entered room 31 at 11 o'clock on the 809st.Why did she stay in room 809 with Liang Yongtang for the night?If it is not a relationship between men, it is an extraordinary relationship.For example, it is a huge community of interests.

They decided to ask Liang Yongtang again.In order not to frighten Liang Yongtang's wife, Xiao Ke called Liang Yongtang and asked him to come to the Criminal Police Team for questioning.

After a while, Liang Yongtang arrived at the criminal police team conference room. Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying sat opposite him, looking at Liang Yongtang with a sullen face.

"Liang Yongtang, why did you lie to us?" Xiao Ke asked sharply.

"I didn't lie!" He seemed not to shed tears even after seeing the coffin.

"We checked your driving recorder and found that your car was parked in the parking lot of Qianjiang Park and did not drive away until 2016:1 on January 1, 00. You drove the car to Linjiang Hotel and passed the car in room 39. After spending the whole night and sharing a room with Du Chenhong, what do you have to say? Do you want us to play you the video from the parking lot and the video from Linjiang Hotel? "

"I'm sorry, I lied. I take responsibility for my actions."

"Why are you lying?"

"When you asked me at my home, I didn't want to tell the truth and hurt my wife, because Du Chenhong and I are in a male-female relationship. Although she is several years older than me, half of my family is supported by her. I can't offend her; secondly, I heard that two people were trampled to death that night, and I'm afraid of being held accountable by the police, so I have to lie to you." He lowered his head deeply, looking extremely regretful.

"We suspect that you trampled Jiang Shuiming to death because your shoes have similar numbers to the shoe prints left on Jiang Shuiming's body. They are also size 33. You must be responsible for this!"

"No, no, no, you can't accuse me based on this! I may have stepped on the deceased, but it was unintentional. I believe I am not the only one who has stepped on the deceased. If guilty, everyone who stepped on them is guilty!" Liang Yong and Tang Biao were very excited and seemed to be more unjust than Dou E.

In fact, Xiao Ke understood: Even if Liang Yongtang was the first to step on Jiang Shuiming's body, he could not be sure that he deliberately kicked Jiang Shuiming down. Unless someone proves it, and there must be at least two people for it to be valid, otherwise, even if the case is If it is handed over to the procuratorate, it will be returned and the No. 1 Serious Case Team will be asked to supplement the investigation because a complete chain of evidence has not been formed.

Xiao Ke asked Jiang Yiming how to deal with Liang Yongtang.Jiang Yiming said that he should go home first and continue to search for witnesses on the Internet. If no one comes forward to prove that Liang Yongtang deliberately kicked Jiang Shuiming down, the case can only be closed as an accidental death of the deceased. Or it cannot be said to be a case, it can only be said to be a case. an event.

Crime Squad No. 1 has been waiting for a miracle: hoping that witnesses will come forward and accuse Liang Yongtang of the crime.However, the miracle did not happen, but they did not give up. They then invested a lot of time, interviewed hundreds of people, and the reward for finding witnesses continued to increase, but there was still no clue.

(End of this chapter)

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